Illapartments tor rent mm PLACE APAIYMINYS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apart ment central Barrie Available Oc tober 13 $200 monthly includes utilities Telephone Aurora 416 727 3830 alter ONE EEDROOMAPARTMENTI in cludes relrigerator stove heat and hydro $195 monthly Available November Located in Angus Telephone 4245845 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER one bedroom apartment est end on bus route parking tridge and stove no children relerences 5170 726 7855 I7houses to rent TOWNHOUSE bedroom no ap pIIances $292 monthly plus utilities First and last months rent 7289534 weekdays alter or all day Saturday AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Three bedroom detached backsplit in Allan dale Heights Asking rent $400 per month plus utilities Call Harry Magill Rep Lou Goedemondt 728 4067 726 3864 BAYFIELD MALL AREA bedrooms bathrooms stove relrigerator 149 Cundles Road East Backs on park on bus route No pets 5450 monthl 726 7734 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new name can go towards your down payment For InlormatIon call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 HOIJFiserlCE THREE BEDROOM Cundles Road East available November 5325 mm titty 726 1720 LARGE BEDROOM HOME on Baylleld St car garage Available end at October Telephone 7268528 alrter6pm7amto$pm7372600 TWO BEDROOM semi detached house Adults only no pets Available November Apply at 188 Napier Street INNISFIL Small bedroom lrarne house Fireplace garage $230 Open House Monday October 8th Irom to pm 8th Concession to 25th sideroad north to Park Rd east on Park to Mer rit north on Merrit to Florence east on Florence last house on right For more inlormation call 416 968 2877 laapts wanted to rent WORKING WIDOW requires small un Iurnished apartment within walking distance at Brookdale Inn prelerably heat and hydro included 726 7623 CLEAN FURNISHED three room apartment required immediately in Barrie aiea by steadily employed per son Reply to Box B70 The Examiner Barrie l9houseS wanted to rent THREEWFOUR BEDROOM house double car garage within city limits Phone alter6p 728 6407 20rooms to let CLEAN FURNISHED room downtown location kitchen lacilities Abstainers only Apply 77 Mary Street or Pappas Fire Pit Restaurant 101 Dunlop West CLEAN BRIGHT lurnished roorn kit Chen and parking facilities available central location 737 1238 ROOM FOR RENT 76 Worsley 51 near downtown 525 weekly Apply in person alter COMFORTABLE HOME gentleman Board optional Close to east end plaza room apartment 737 2888 LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room suit single person availble im mediately $150 monthly Heat and hydro included 728 0755 2140on and boa rd ROOM AND BOARD tor young gentleman abstainer only In new building Lunches packed lightwashing done Avaiable now Telephone 728 7568 tor parking also lurnished in quiet home 23oltices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple StAvaiable anytime 728 I743till pm 7386899 alter pm MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt 1000 SQUARE FEET airconditioned ollice space tor rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 so It Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleal 726 0231 OFFICE SPACE FOR Downtown Baylield 51 Parking and utilities included Telephone 7262772 days or 737 2349 evenings CENTRAL LOCATION available Oct 24 Maple Ave opp Bus Terminal Valley Rental16 Maple 726 6666 24space tor rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross tease everything included 5475 men thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 7211 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq tt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 It 18 It clear part OI large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 1500 50 FT STORAGE space tor lease truck entrance 178 Tillin St Telephone 7263400 Mr Angelo 9000 SQ FT M1 industrial space lor tease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 teet clear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 7051 726 2681 RETAIL WAREHOUSE tor lease 7200 so It right on Highway 11 near Orillia was Farmer Jacks Furniture Warehouse Call 416 742 4079 FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE SPACE 2100 sq ft $300 per month hydro included Apply 130 Vespra Street or 728 7421 business hours RENT 26accommodations to share GIRL non smoker to share bedroom new and modern apartment starting Nov 5140 per month Call Superintendent at 737 3820 SEPARATED PERSON is looking tor mature reliable individual to share house Must be able to cope with Children and dog Ideal for couple or single parent 728 7498 alter 32cars tor sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 95719 pm 1975 NOVA power steering and brakes radio excellent condition 45000 miles will certity new paint $3000 or best OI ter Call belore 726 9723 1975TOYOTA CORROLLA 1600 cc very good running condition 51500 or best oi Ier Must sell Telephone 726 5126 alter 630per 1978 28 loaded $7500 tirm 526 4003 SHOWROOM CONDITION 1979 Chevrolet Impala tour door V8 crUIse control heavy duty suspension Side moulding pin striping and more 14000 miles 562001Irm 726 3570 alter 1978 TOYOTA CELICA tirm otter ol $6500 6000 kilometres Telephone 726 7255 alter 5p 1975WVOVLKSWAGEN RABBIT tour speed radio new radial tires 38 miles per gallon cert1lied $2100 or best 01 ler 737 3234 73 FORD TORINO va automatic door gold power steering power brakes radio rear detogget excellent mechanically Will certily 63000 miles Asking st 500 728 6268 1974 door PONTIAC ASTRE recent body work and new paint iob Pertect running condition As is best otter 728 8850anytirne 1970VOLVO tor parts 820 engine with rebuilt transmission carburetors and distributor 5100 ALSO door Volvo bodyS25 726 0142 alters W77 DART 46000 miles excellent con Villain Certilied 32200 Telephone 4502927 19721311110 SQUIRE wagon new 11705 new brakes radio block heater ex cellent running condition 5950 Telephone 7269114 alter 530 or weekends I978 OLDS DELTA BB Royale tour door V8 automatic power steering power brakes vinyl root 12000 kilometres 424 1577 I971MERCURY MARQUIS dr runs good body needs work 5200 or best at ler as is uncertitied Phone 737 4457 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA tour door hardtop good shape Vitalized radial tires will consider trade Call 424 6463 32cars tor sale 1972 CHRYSLER door sedan blue certilied A1 shape Telephone Etmvale 322 2085 alter pm 1972 DODGE DEMON automatic slant SIX power steering radio rear window delroster snows $950 or best otter 7286002 1976 MONARCH V8 power steering power brakes radio tour door 36000 miles undercoated certilied $3500 or best otter Must be seen 737 I605 I971 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 power steerIng power brakes live new tires radio 318 engine tour door sedan good condition Not certilied 7260851 alter kilometres 1952119914 376 1971 anv Tean 51000 Food at ler Telephone 7284821 1974 mm ROYALE door hardtop loaded Excellent condition Certilied Telephone 4872965 many extras $4300 73 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 standard radials good motor rad transmission tires Body lair $250 or best otter Phone 737 1972 alter pm 1973 VOLVO 142 gold with matching Interior excellent condition Asking 51700 Telephone 726 4147 alter pm 1974 TOYOTA CELICA standard speed excellent condition No rust Spoiler heavy duty suspension 52500 with tires and rims $2000 without Will certily 835 2000 74 MONTEGO NIX Brougham power Steering brakes windows iactory air and tape Excellent condition Cer tï¬ied s24001361340 1969 DODGE MONACO Egood mechanical condItion Four door 318 V8 automatic power brakes $350 Telephone728v9925 1972 CADILLAC SEDAN de VILLE power steering brakes and windows live new Michelin steel belted radials AMFM stereo immaculate condition certilied 7260851 alter 530 pm 1975 ASTRE SJ model tape deck good condition 51400 7284430 1976 CUTLASS sedan excellent condi tion undercoated and ming glazed pwer steering power brakes posi traction radio 38000 miles certilied driven south in winter 7286263 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENITE rebuilt motor needs body work and brake iob uncertilied 5250 or bestoller 7370316 1973 FORD LTD Radidl tires with air door hardtop 900d condition $600 759959 392 EVELILQ 1974 ASTRA Must sell moving to England Hatchback automatic radio new Michelin tires 28000 miles Super PQEVCQEEENSQQLIEPEMWNEW 1972 TOYOTA SPORT Coupe Al runn he 59191mm 3275 Iejepnone 7289430 1975 PINTO AUTOMATIC doorfrTew paint rust prooled excellent condition s1975 Telephone 4365058 1977 HONDA CIVIC Black paint black interior trimmed in gold speed new radials immaculate condition Irom top to bottom Rust prooled $3475 or best otter 4365058 1977 HONDA CIVIChatEhank in inirii condition Will certily Asking $3095 Apply 25 Steel Street Barrie alter pm 197366DOE STATIONTWagOitfbest or Ier Contact Bank 01 Nova Scotia 7260692 my 1976 CORDOBA loaded power steer ing brakes seats windows trunk air conditioning cruise control rear win dow detogger excellent condition Call 42452135 I972 TORINO 302 4rbarrelheaders and magssgnrs lirm Call424 1670 72 VALIANT slant six engine recondi tioned with approximately 30000 miles New rad Asking $375 or best otter Phone 835 5835 MUST SELL 1977 CAMARO Rally Sport 350 V8 automatic power steering and brakes AMFM radio new paint $5100 or best otter certilied 7370006 alter 1971 PINTO Ford automatic radio 3595 Certilied good condition 7287267 1976 CAMARO six cylinder three speed standard 44000 miles radio power steering power brakes radials tinted glass excellent condition Asking 53850 726 6285 evenings CONVERTIBLE 1969 Buick Electra Body and recently painted New top rebuilt motor all power will certily Best otter over 52000 728 6481 33ca rs wantedto buy WANTED Cars for wrecking Cars for scrap ALL scrap materials Best price paid Tonnage price scales available SHANELLS Hwy No 11 Stroud 4363677 MWFOI7 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 sMWLJL COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone us 63229975994191491999 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 72687117 7777 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 7288111 gt TRACY WANTS caes and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 quartst 7266433 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any time 4362900 34trucks and trailers 1956 GMC ton Cylinder Fair shape $300 as is Telephone days 726 3869 Evenings 728 6010 1973 CREW CAB power steering power brakes aluminum cap will certify Phone 424 5595 VAN FOR all seasons lully customiz ed and much more 1978 Ford Econoline Alter 726 8295 1956 DODGE POWER wagon complete Iy rebuilt including motor equipped with snow plow and winch 33500 7284105 1974 FORD CARGO VAN cylinder power steering Also 1974 Ford Van with approximately 12 aluminum box Please telephone Mr Blow 7288500 9amt0430p 1977 CHEROKEE CHIEF AMFM air conditioning tour wheel drive $8000 or best oller Telephonel 800 461 4496 1966 alord econoline six cylinder slan dard carpeted with bed Make an at ler Telephone 436 5471 1974 GMC VAN 726 8528 BRAND NEW 79 International Scout II automatic wheel drive won In draw Retail 513500 Must sell Make an otter 5492519 days 549 7764 evenings 1969 CHEV truck model C40 with 13 loot insulated box Best otter Can be seen at Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud Telephone436 1811 1973 GMC PICKUP ton $650 or best otter In good running condition Will certin Telephone 7264014 alter 30p 1977 CHEROKEE low mileage power steering poer brakes ir condi tioning cruise excellent condition 726 3980 72 FORD E200 Window van 302 V8 automatic Certified 51400 or best oi ter Telephone737 4533 1977 FORD VAN made into camper sleeps standard sun root and vent 33000 miles excellent condition Ask ing 54700 Telephone 4241168 alter mount$195 1975 CB 360 Honda 7000 miles 5750 IIrm Telephone 7426 2485 1979 CAN AM MXS 250 cc excellent condition Many spares 726 4199 alter 1975 HONDA CBSOOT DO HC 10000 miles extras backrestcarrier wind shield rollerbar In good condition will certily Asking 31250 or bo Phone 726 64905 30p 700p DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM siding salfit tascio shutters doors windows awnings eavestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 D26 ELECTROLUX Canada ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 197253392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers Ireezers lrid es ranges micro ovens any make any ay 7371195 COLOR and TV stereo and molar ap pliance repair service all makes 4362429 4365414 CARPENTER experienced Renovations decks rec roams etc Free Bill Johnston 7268708 CERAMICS CERAMIC FLOOR and Wall Tiles and custom carpentry Call Juergen 7373895 ALLIET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 MWF RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Ills 7202073 In 4073072 CHIMNEY REPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING $111000 4304590 02 mm MANIERI PAVING PATIOS °SIDEWALKS STEPS OCURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanshlp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 CUSTOM BUILDING ISDRANDT BUILDER Quality custom building houses and additions For details phone7283649 DISC JOCKEY Seasonal rotes Book now Immediate openings now available Call Paul after prn 7260834 DRESSES FIT ii made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 eed 113119 Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will ossureyou oi the finest lob possible SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS reeling and roaling repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstralen New Lowell 4241956 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boati snowmobiles mything ï¬berglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmonship guaranteed 4245802 FIRSPLACES PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built lireploces patios homo lronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON lireploces and masonry For free estimates phone 7281599 JAKE KLARE 7283919 Brick or stone ï¬replace with or without chimney Free estimates FIREWOOD 100 on 114110 111000 SEASONED 16 PAC CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 FIREWOODeMixed hardwoodflb 55 card White birch 16 S40 cord Slabs S25 card Sunnidale Rd 7289867 SEASONED MAPLE wood lor sale Pickup or delivery Telephone 728I938 FIREWOOD Mixed hardwoods 48 lengths $80 per 4x4x8 cord 7286081 7269839 Delivery available WOOD SPLITTER lar rant Call Barrio RentalAll Bradford 51 7288585 Saturday til 5pm FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood S35 per lace cord 16 Also lengths S75bush cord Delivered 7262548 evenings or weekends GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in lroming trimming decks lencing rec rdoms qdditions etc 7374588 liters pm HAIRDRESSER IN YOUR HOME Hairdresser with 18 yrs experience For inlormation and appoint ments 4246132 FALL CLEANUP OStorm windows cleaned and installed Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and Cut 9Basement garages cleaned Trosh iunk removed OSmoll moving iobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 4367955 otter pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in terior work Rec rooms kitchens buth rooms panelling linish work 7269W2 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 cAlllit HANWELL GENERAL HOME REPAIRS and IMPROVEMENTS Specializing in family rooms Free estimates All work guaranteed 7372325 MWFOIO PLUMBING complete bathrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Call Charlie at 7287594 or 7264299 REICHEN lANDSCAPING lesidsntialCommerciellndustriel Serving 50 mile radius Specializing in OSODDING OFEIITILIIING lailvtuy tie retaining walls Evergreens eeeene LAWN CAN ROTOTllllNG PAINSWICN 7265666 MWFO26 COCHRANE soo FARMS growrs and sup plier lo hi hest quality turl gross For lost dilivSry ca 14241307 TOP SOIL Excellent Quality 48 Per Truck Lood 7t Yards PHONE 3221998 Afters pm 027 NO JOB TOO SMALL oll rSoalr work done For tree estimate call John 72Bl996 WEED SPRAYING lertilizihg results gumnteed THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick black and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 7054245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and POpular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 726I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months triol instru ment loaned Ior home practice Canadian Academy ol Music 121 Baylield728l799 PRGESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Coll Gary 7269098 PIANO LESSONS experienced teacher All as all stages Royal Conservatory or at ermethods7267986evanings rme music instructed by experienced teacher Call 7371468 ROXIE BlNNScTassical and plectrum guitar teacher Coll Angus 4240444 otter 1th SYLVIA KENT ARCT ORMT I70 Peel Piano theory including harrnon history comterpoint analysis piano pe agogyEx perienced teacher beginners linol diploma grade 7288362 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by prolessional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Prolessional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 7261W VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating lll terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satislaction guaranteed 726r68g77 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7368341 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior Relerences available Free reasonable ESII mates Telephone 7371087 PAVING ODRIVEWAYS OCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OmNCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARBIE 7370179 ENIERI PA VING LTD 0Dr11euvzys °Parking Lots Tennis ourts 00ncrele Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN UA RA NTEE 72641081 Serving Simcoc ounty Sin 961 TF ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Opurlling lots tannis courts uspllult Oseeling ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK PIE ESTIMATES 7201451 027 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom lraming of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 BUSINESS CARDS FROM $2195IM Personalized Xmas Cards For Home 81 Business Complete Wedding Stationery For All Your Printing Graphic Design Services Call Colour Graphics 4363220 Prompt Service Pickup Dcivery MWFOl2 BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE power saws lawn mower blades Re toothing and setting done Albert St Hillsdole 8352313 DWGS SNOWPLOWING Residentdl and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatched trucks 728B460 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes ortd models 4246181 hand or NOTICE Deadline lur ClaSSIlled word ads pm day previous noon Saturday itssnowmobiles dependable service Your headquarters for Kawasaki Selu Service Ports HiWAY MOTORS II No Shanty Bey PHONE 7285693 flkmis IN STOCK NOW 19804 GEMINIS It APOLLOS TXS GALAXYS IN THE CRATE SPECIAL During September Up to $300 value in clothing or accessories with each machine BARBIE POLARIS CENTRE 7261059 016 1977 PANTERA Arctic Cat 5000 lor sale $1500 Excellent condition Telephone 436 4890alter5 30pm 1979 YAMAHAS 300 and 250 with covers Only 600 miles on these machines Telephone 737 1024 Itoarticles tor sale BARRIE TENT AWNING CO ollers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zip pers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size sinch thickness 34 Baytield St next Clarks Home Fur nishings downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lor sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meal slicer ice cream lreezer catering equipment 936 2588 FREEZERS Woods chest and upright lully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one linal truck load lor the year Financing available Call or visit Simcoe Co Op 259 lnnislil 726 6531 HONEY pure natural as pound Whytes mile north ol Georgian Mall Telephone 7288522 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES $4 in stock 1980 Machines Accessories and Clothing on sale at preseeson prices Buy early and save Free linoncing until Jam80 Shulty Bay Rd Barrie 7261001 TF SIBsnowmobiles 40a rticlesloriale CLAIXS HOMI FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUS Now located at the rear of The Discount Store 40 Boyfield St entry through 40 Baytield St or Clarks Home Furnishings Main Store Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers spin washer and dryer black and white TVs Appliances guaranteed 30 days Baby cribs bed outfits headboards Chesterfield sets chairs kitchen sets rollaway beds 06 OIL FURNACES lor sale BTUs In excellent Telephone 72857406311 sp 110000 condition HARDWICKRANGE whiteiExéeiiéni condition Asking $300 Call 737 1588 sTTOVE AND DRAPES tor sale Telephone7373508alter330pm OVERHEAD DOOR lor sale 107 high 13 wide Asking 5200 Telephone 4501311 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $049 Order tonlte get tree 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting October79 KRAZY KELLYS newnext door to Meotrnon Highway 90 IFerndale7S7IIB2 TF Itoarticlesioir sale Itoart cles for sale REUPHOLSTERIN SPECIAL 92991 reupholeten cheetertleld and chelr Labour and Febrlc Included up to 15 yards at grade Tweed Fabric yr written guarantee on all workmanship For tree lnhome estimates call 7265721 10 Day Service STONES UPHOLSTERY MWFTF POOL COVERS ON SALE EXAMPLE 14x28 rectangular $12555 16x32 rectangular $14850 18x36 rectangular $18225 20x40 rectangular $21465 Complete with water bags This cover has full Fabren by overlap Duponi of Canada Year Unconditional Guarantee year Warranty SIMILAR SAVINGS ON All OTHER COVERS ANCHOR POOLS 7370791 022 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Aluminum Pools regular price 52190 now at our oil season special of 51355 Pools come with walkaround deck patio lencing pump motor and lilter Delivery arranged to your convenience For best selection and inlormation call toll tree 800 260 1944 COMMERCIAL AllCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7372412 TF SAE AMP 100 watts per channel also AMFM BSR console stereo 737 0987 alter6p RECONDITIONED TVs lully guar anteed Huge selection and and col or549and up 28 Essa Rd 737 25733 PORTABLE DISHWASHER avocado Westinghouse in good condition 5150 Telephone726 7910 STOVE Oven range lour elements Good condition Fully operable 728 7856 alter pm weekdays alter noon weekends Very good price Must sell USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Li quidalion Sale Merchandises lryers grills micro Bunomatic booths hotdog ice cream machines much more Best otters Call Ralph 728 8381 AKAI AC 3500 Stereo cassette receiver system Koss CM 1010 way speaker system year old 5800 Dutlerin St Iower9am 1pm SNOWCRUISER Tracks plough and narrows tor small tractor rototiller parts vertical and horizontal motors and cycle large supply hand scul tier lawnmowers and Triumph 500 motorcycle 728 4144 BARN FOR SALE Must be dismantled Wood in good condition Telephone 705 458 9431 $v Reupholstering DOLLARS Itocover it Yourself OWIde selection Ol discount fabrics OFoam cushions OTools both omotour prolessionol iNeedIes threads twines OButtans mode to order 0A complete line OI upholstery supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div 01 Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north ol Georgian Moll 7371510 TP ITOarticles tor sale lUXUllY GROUPING Brand new pc living room suite in 100 HerCulon In cludes highbdck choir ot tomon swivel rocker and sofa Brand new pc bedroom suite in walnut finish includes double dresser and mirror drawer chest bookcase headboard foofboord and rails Brand new pC kitchen suite 31x 48 table with leaf and chairs Complete Group $799 No Money Down Free Deivery In Store Financing BARRIE NEW USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop 1111 7374774 Closed Mondays Ol3591113 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at lers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Baylield St next to Clarks Home Furnishingsdowntown HONEY Pure Natural 05 pound Whytes mile north at Georgian Mall Telephone 7288522 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Must close out all 1979 models and sizes Huge savings on aboveground and inground pools 01 Steel and aluminum No monthly pay merits until 1980 Call toll tree 18002605970 SONY STEREO Sensational AMFM receiver custom turntable $343 Get tree speakers Under $5 wkly starting October79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meotmdn One hour delivery Highway WlFemdaleJBTIIM TF CHESTERFIELD SUITE excellent con dition one year Old tables and lamps to match also single chesterlields and 9x12 rug Telephone 7269114 alter 530pm Two PIECE veivétllvingroornsmie rust with beigebrown tloral One month old New cost 5780 asking $625 1234 1011111vo TIES FOR SALE Approx Long in Square DELIVERED 7281952 03 LADIES WINTER COAT size 1618 black cloth lined with grey mink collar and grey mink cap Almost new Ask ing $325 or best otter 424 5192 ELECTRIC stove apartment size heavy wiring good working order 550 487 2320 JofilRIFLEspoqsmode174240172iivV FIREWOOD for sale by cord $35 FACE CORD Phone now for winter delivery 4365990 Anytime 0356 SNOW TIRES lor sale pair GR 78x15 also GR 78x15 summer 726 4199 alter 5pm QUEEN SIZE BED lor sale King Koil mattress and box spring wooden bed and loot board Four piece Iivingroom set both excellentcondition 737 0981 ACCORDIAN 48 bass in elceilentcon dition FREEZER cubic tt West inghouse Like new Telephone 7371024 IENITH 10 POITABL COLOR IWe solid state only $598 Under 36 wkly Starting October79 Order tonite geld free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF SOFA AND CHAIRS sets $150 each excellent and good condition Telephone 424 5264 PAIR DOWNHILL skis 170 cm bin dings poles boots womens size 81 ex cellent condition S200 Phone 737 2258 ALUMA HOT TUBS buy direct Irom manulacturer and save Hydro iet massage caresses tired and aching limbs Enioy therapeutic relaxation and tun lor the entire tamin Call toll lree 800 268 5970 UTILITY OR SNOWMOBILETtrailer 1111 action Good condition 599 Telephone 728 7267 FIVE PIECE modern bedroom suite double size like new Asking 5150 Also childs crib with mattress 525 Telephone 737 1958 alterSpm CAMERA POLAROID Sx 70 and case excellent condition 8100 194599929 29193 REGAL Well known quality in Christmas cards gilt wrap novelty items and Crownware For catalogue and inlormation call Regal Represen tative Mary Urry at 726 2243 FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7203465 M26 SNOW TIRES BF Goodrich GR7llx14 new $85 pair F78xl4 $30 pair 650x13 53 62 Ford lender skirts baby moon hub caps 512 Iivingroom chairs 535 pair 726 3163 mTESFOR sale Tacks siie and 525 each Daoust size narrow heel S20 All like new 487 2412 GARAGE SALE Saturday October including Iurniture all household items 18 hp Evinrude ob motor and many more uselul items Highway 26 iust past Simcoe County Museum 40articles tor sale SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GXIOB £43493 endgetatrufl ICAXL1002tor1 Olly 400 wkly sterling October79 One hour delivery lmzt my Next door to Mm HIGHWAY 90 HINDI DUNLOP 7371101 QUANTITY OF GARAGE EQUIP MENT and parts pre 1965 including Alemite wheel balancer valve grinder set mechanics tools and many other tools Parts include plugs ignition parts tuel pumps brake shoes and many more parts Best otter over $1300 Phone 726 6102 PIANO Ennis upright solid oak Ex cellent condition Phone 728 2437 belore 4pm SMALL HOUSE carport and sing car garage Can arrange all moving Also doors windows stained and opaque glass hardwood Ilooring TV tower various sized lumber 726 6748 DININGROOM SUITE beige S250 also goalie hockey equipment Telephone 726 2990 LADYS JLENGTH pant coat oll white leather oppossum trimmed size 14 girls winter coat imitation leather rust color with lake lur collar size 12 girls 2piece yeIIOWbrown ski suit size 12 All in excellent condition 7261166 anytime illboats and motors GULL YACHT BASIN knotty cull Ina MAIIM miles north of Barrie on Lake Sirncoe between 51h 6th of Oro Book now for winter storage cmlllllt MECHANIC 0N DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Brokerage BoutslorSole 0014072122 14 it Crestliner Boat 50 hp Johnson Motor SPORT HAVEN MARINE BAIRIE stirin Bey Id 7261001 025 0041 mus AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARBIE TF STORAGE FOR BOATS and campers Iew miles north OI Barrie S40 lor season Phone 7282102 197416 FTSlLVERLINE 1974115 hp Mercury and Explorer trailer Converti ble top ski tripod paddles bumpers like new condition Telephone 3271111 5330991 32Jarticles wanted LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building the L995 F7°l°é 5991 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 1663 evenings726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery726 3162 urTWANTED APPLIANCES Picked up tree 01 charge Call alter pm 726 5139 CASH FOR OLDFURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 TV TOWER 40 or higher with or without rotor head not needed must be reasonable Phone 728 4409 WOODEN STORM WINDOWS rounded top or square Approximate sizes 36x73 31x65 20x73 Phone 72673874 evenings 68personals the examiner wodneeday Oct am 2e 44dogs and pets POODLE TRIMMING protesslonal grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISTr Best selectioiilit III 51195 It town Aquariums unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgehili Aquaria 10 Ar dagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODCE PARLOR Prat slonal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 7260061 BASSET PUPPY male months old tricolor champion slre and champ dam Innoculated and warmed Ready to go Collingwoad 7054452004 or 705445 10 DAFFO KE NELs Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 70503515223 BARRE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 FUREER ED 016274653 shape36 nine months old house trained loves children Telephone 728 2055 ENGLISH SPRINGER spa el pups males CKC regd shots black and white liver and white ready to leave 5125 Telephone 1519371 0787 evenings AMERICAN SPANIEL purebred male months reddish brown Housebroken accustomed to children Telephone 4240791 GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER puppies months old 575 Telephone 7262155 AgtVVlt HOUND PUPS months 4way cross Early starters good voice Price negotiable Phone 728 6360 ONE 50 GALLON and one 35 gallon aquarium tor sale complete with stand and all accessories small tank has assorted tropical lish large tank has lour lull grown healthy Piranhas 5500 or best otter 7374288 5097 arden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 7263928 or 7261117 55construction machinery NEW Triaxle lloat tor sale 18000 lb capacity electric brakes $2000 1168677416 56camping eq TRAILER STORAGE Outside ss mon thly inside s40 and up tor season Webbs Campground 726 9823 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1974 Glendale Motor home Sleeps slx Good condi tion lully equipped air conditioning Asking $10000 or trade tor same value 428 3919 57 vestock tor sale 14 GOOD HOLSTEIN STEERS average weight 1250 lbs Please telephone42875143r bur V7 10 WEANED YORKSHIRE pigs lor sale Telephone 728 Sitlivestock wanted WANTED GOOD SOWS or gilts Due Irom mid October to mid December Irom clean herds Contact Charles Jacobs Elmvale 705 3222649 59poultrychiCks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm lresh eggs Laying cages tor sale Craig HunterrPOultry Farms 436 1811 60ieedseedgrain CATTLE HAY lor sale $25 bale Telephone 436 128477 WANTED grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 4361811Stroud 64larm machinery 1936 model Allis Chalmers tractor completely restored ground up Also tractor 90 per cent complete tor parts or rebuild Both tor 51000 Phone 728 0120 alter pm 67lruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con classic1399 9lessd5909°v ONTARIO GRADE NO potatoes 5299 50 lbs Free delivery on 100 lbs or over 737 17195 68personals lOSI WEIGHT the better way without special diet foods starving eating lish Changing your lifestyle FIE MEETING MONDAY 730 pm HOWARD JDHNSONS Beyfteld St WEDNESDAY 730 p111 CONTINENTAL INN THURSDAY 930 em ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH Allendele THE WEIGHT CONTROL INSTITUTE Brenda Wood 4504003 MWFO26 OBERAMMERGAU Fashion Play Visit Amsterdam Nuremberg Salzberg Munich Reims Paris and many others July 122 1980 Bill and Joan Fritz hosts Wholesale Tours 7268312 RIDE WANTED Barrie area to Orillia mornings and evenings For October only Approximately 30 am to pm Will share expences 4362309 evenings or Dom 325 9587 days SUNDAY COMPANION who likes to drive Expenses paid congenial retired person Write Box B71 The Ex aminer Barrie Senior Citizens Monda OVENS Ask for free home demonstration today ELECT ROLUX 7203392 WTF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728658111 you drink thats your business It you wanttoquitthatsï¬ours Callany time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED lOr leagues lorm ing now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron to Driveaway Service 416 226 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430p and Thursday 30 930 pm737 4222726 9300Exl236 SHAKLEE has come to town For sup plies andor inlormation call Richard Sauerlender 436 5188 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnantand distresed Birlhright really cares 166 Baylield Street Barrie 737 3550 GOING WEST Edmonton reliable person to share driving and gas ex penses Leaving October Telephone 8352000 RIDE NEEDED Irom Guest Big Bay Point Roads area to arrive downtown Barrie at to leave Barrie at 726 1181 days 436 1338 evenings CALLING ALL talented persons Acts required tor tun talent night Singers musicians dancers what ever Come shar your talent on Saturday Telephone 728 4002 70lost andlound CAT Siamese Bluepoint one year old neutered male lost September 24th Reward altered Call 424 0402 71help wanted SERVICE CLUB requires secretary manager must be lLlly experienced Applications to be post marked no later than Wednesday October 1979 Please send complete resume to Box 868 The Examiner Barrie STOCK PERSON tor local retail building supply centre apply Cardinal Cash and Carry Keith Donaldson 7268132 4th ANNIVERSARY PERM SPECIAL FROM Oct 131 Oct 27th 20 off all Perms Streaks Tints 91214012 JéairJyiny Tuesday 32 TIFFIN AT £554 7263733 MWFO22 LITTLE EXTRAS COST LOT Earn extra money selling AVON Meet interesting people set your own hours beyour own boss OPEN TERRITORIES MIDHURST AREA LITTLE LAKE AREA 0R0 WEST OF HWY 11 GUTHRIE AREA BARRIE ANGUS WASAGA BEACH FLOS Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 WThTF DEVELOPMENT CORP LAGOON CITY IIICHIN roeuhs EXPERIENCED SURVEYOR lutltlme lob tor right person Salary negotiable Please call 7054845991 or send rdsumd OlOH