1o the examiner Wodmoday Oct 1979 alliston by Joan Hand 455378 Mary Lynn Halbert and Rit chie Donald Lee were married in Calvin Presbyterian Church Toronto on September 14th Mary Lynn is daughter of Mrs Ida Halbert Jones of Brampton and the late Russell Halbert The groom is son of Mrs Mary Lee and the late Donald Lee of Millbrook quiet wedding was solom nized September 27th at the Alliston Manse by the Rev Clements when he joined together Leonard Corbett and Irene Best of Beeton Their at tendants were Leonards sister Myrtle Corrigan and her hus band Willis of Barrie The cou ple will reside in Beeton Friday September 28th the Alliston Kinnettes Club held Business Mens and Ladies Luncheon from 1100 am to 200 pm at the Womens In stitute Hall in the Library Seventy members of the Golden Age Club left early last Monday morning for holiday to Scotts Oquaga Lake House Resort Deposit New York All sorts of sports and entertain ment was enjoyed by the group The Scott family go all out to give everyone good time We arrived home early Saturday morning tired but happy bunch Thanks to Margaret Stoltz for arranging the vaca tion Jack and Ruth Findley their two grandchilde Jocelyn and Alex Findley all of Uttersor were Saturday luncheon guests of Ruths sister lren McMaster All visited during the afternoon with Ruth anc lrenes mother Mrs Emma McMaster at the Gooc Samaritan Nursing Home Alliston Mrs McMaster hat celebrated her 95th birthday anniversary on Thursday September 27th The nursing home had beautiful decoratet cake for the occasion Emma received several bouquets of flowers An Installation service was held Friday evening at the Christian Reformed Church when the congregation welcom ed their new miniser and fami ly Rev George VanArragen his wife Freda and three children At the Sunday mom ing service Rev VanArragens sermon Speak for Your Ser vant Hears based on remarks from lst Samuel Chapter Weekend guests of the family was an uncle from the Netherlands and an organist from church in Wyoming whc played for the service ladies choir directed by Mrs Ann VanderZagg provided special music Knox Presbyterian Anniver sary Services were held Sun day Rev DR McKillican Dean of Education and Students services of Georgian College Barrie was guest speaker at the morning worship The Choir under the direction of Organist Ruth Cur rie provided special anthems Mr and Mrs Earle Magee con tributed the duet Hold Thou My Hand Rev Charles Townsley minister at Westminster Church Scarboro former minister in Alliston gave an inspiring message on the topic Loyal Invitation Rev Townsley also sang two solos during the service He Lifted Me and Dream of Calvary An organ and piano duet was rendered by Ruth Cur rie and Elaine McDowell both of Cookstown Rev Townsley was pleased to be back to meet old friends after being gone ten years Both services were well attended trousseau tea was held Sun day afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Dunn in honor of their daughter Margaret Jane an October bridetobe Many relative and friends attended Jean Skippen of Stayner daughter of Bill and Evelyn Thompson Alliston was install ed as Worthy Matron of Stayner Branch No 270 of the Eastern Star in the Masonic Lodge Stayner October lst Installa tion officer was Mrs Edith Robinson Alliston PDDBM of the local branch No 269 Those assisting from local branches was Anne Bulman PM and Albert Bulman PR of Beeton also Jeans mother Mrs Evelyn Thompson Saturday afternoon September 29th the Five Star Chapter 0128 held their an nual Bazaar in the Shilton Hall from pm toSpm Rev Fred Jackson co worker with Rev Peter Moffat delivered the message at St Johns United Sunday am on The Church Relevant special introduction service for Rev Jackson was conducted by Mrs Joan Bertram tClerk of Session and Rev Moffat Sunday evening Rev Peter Moffat was guest minister at New Lowell Anniversary ser vice St Johns choir and organist Kenneth lnkster assisted in the service All were invited to the basement for refreshments at the close of the worship hour munl lhut mil54 HI 33 lust nest of £7 tikiksTil Open days ween Fulty licensed 00 58 975i 3881 Sale starts today coastto coast with exceptional ues on mens fall fashions Come Save to $13 Dress Shirts I88 2323 Top Canadian label shirts Semi tapered and tapered fitting In selection of patterned yarndyed striped and toneontone All blended fabrics Blue Tan Grey and White Size 142 to 172 Reg S18 to $24 Save $50 Pee Suits s129 Regular 17950 JFs best suit value this season At saving of $50 for mainly Canadianmade vested suits small wonder Youll be selecting from JFs regular 17950 fall range Made up of plain stripe tweed and herringbone looks Both make and finish is excellent Save $5 Dress Pants Reg 1995 In machine washable texturized polyes ter With full top pockets back pockets one an envelope flap Colours are Navy Brown Camel Black and Grey Sized 30 to 42 Sport Shirts 188 2$23 Crisp yarn dyed plaids in JF own label The fabric 6535 polyester 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