Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1979, p. 12

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msn mmm wufm mWW sh no wa¢rmv 3xa wenWI athooxemlnoeM onmm television guide MONDAY IVININO VIEWING 01 an IIIWom am°miimii mums HOLLYWOOD 000M bank money tales deadly turn when an alien CAROL IURNITT AND saniirinssvaiuaiawingtiasionrannwa NEW IINDI inbdiunt news °° °°° amino sub iiilaiom enemas AND itmos PART 1120 nun Moons snow mo NW NIADLINI woman new ulw RIAL NEW 127 3233 ma Aiiiiivansaav or me 1130 45 $05419mowiehnnymiaonvzlliimrk le neaoatono ititino mgyms°0¥5r7mit irisns out In millingdollar east he finds arm WRIT ON aaitainbiolladinlha hlaoliinariiailng otOdsnlaI ANIraamvaielawound It lrllreaailtu Repeat MOMILLANANDWIFE Ngw °°°P°°°077 The Deadly lnholilaneo sim aocii Hudson Nawiia swaniaioh in it ii 100 oilioaiyia more analiis Toiibhysr bgit margbvazfiépun fitgggfifi myiitiiilliv NIGHT roor TALKNG nozm New England Patriots vs Green Bay THE TWO RONNIES HAPPY DAVI g=g53g$on flittingrationalism Mac news aeronr hi it Iga°wr8 PART the inflows United States oiPopeoJiJlgin P12 Anny IUD Tonight is the premiere of this new MOVIE COMIDY Under 00 produced livepail series based on Emily mo 0100000 NAM THAT TUNI NEWLYWID 0AM TH LAIT II0IT When Duanas poimoesaislaeodoeadaoivmblyoiualsadsio Gails culinary connection as the possible II JOKIII WILD NIADLiNI HUNTER OCIANO ALIVI MAGIC IHADOWO IOI NIWHART ONOW MAIN 0100 LITTLI House on ma IMIII The lngalls are shocked and sad danad when they go to oourl to legally adopt Albertand see him returned lo the ousioiiy of Mill Widens snaoow Coach Raavss is angry but helpless when an ambitious rival ooaon oonvlnooa siai guard MIL ion Roses to leave the Carver basketball team my play for him 00 mlna Iiontasnovai Mitooiiwoodihsnawianan1oi Threshoioaa Orange is caught in storm and loco Wuhwntilhflinfl Heights 030 WKRPINCINCINNATIJmIm tailsIniovawiiliapoolbulhandsomaiapaliman TfiwAsznifiraiIIaila Intovawiihapoorbuthandsomorspalrmanand sthi It If ssarybaw ary cos wawsMaoazme LOUGIANTAttaiseiseinaiobaoussi speakeral Rosslslownaiismolsss Lou learns his aludanls are tough state prison Inmsias angered by the shutdown of their newspaper min sitlino TNI siiiato oLoaAI news ueoars 1001 FAMILY 10130 II rile warson naeonrnw Baliioii Waiaon MIHV GRIFFIN NIWS 1215 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING MOVIE BIOORAPHY Knuta RockneAil American MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1100 III MEDICAL CENTER 130 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Chuck Jones veteran animator 80 GONG SHOW 200 Mowe DOCUMENTAHY Cougar Countzryisri news Tree isss historically speaking today in history TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Oct Hill Colonel TE Lawrence bet ter known as Lawrence of Arabia Occupied Damascus 61 years today in 1016 eadlng nsurgent Arab forces during the fighting against Tur key in the First World War Us ing Arab recruits Lawrence scored remarkable successes in the desert fl hting including disruption of rkish rail com munications in Sinai 1832 Galileo ltallan physi cist and astronomer was sum moned to Home by the In quisition on charges of heresy 1614 Francois de Montmo rencyLaval was named first figman Catholic bishop of Que 1908 Henry Ford in troduced his first ModelT Ford 1938 The German partition of Czechoslovakia took effect 1908 Marcel Duchamp French artist died barries story October 1974 conceptual plan for Sun nidale Park was unveiled at the Sunnidale Community Cen tre The plan which was ex pected to take 10 years to com canadas story Banks Were WellOff During Depression On October 1032 Canada was in the worst stage of the depression years Prime Minister RB Bennett ordered the RCMP to sto men from riding on freight trains It is not known ow many were lookin for work but it is estimated that there were about 400 Canada at that time The total in the 08 was sat unemplo ed in to be 4000000 but may have been as hi as 12000000 Riding the frei hts was the on way men could find obs They went rom city to city and were driven out ause most communities did not have enough relief for their own unempio Then they were ed alien off the freight trains but there was no place for them to stay Many youn men learned that the only be for obs was to go to ritaln and join the Royal Air orce ich was beginning 1039 about onequarter of to recruit When World War ll began in the Royal Air Force was comprised of oung Canadians Older men week Women were worse off ad no chance if even they could some heads of families earned as little as six at Jobs ollars Some of them working In Montreal factories were paid $100 for 75hour week Those who did needlework at home earned 50 cents day Toronto was better off than most cities as families on relief there received food vouchers worth seven dollars week Saskatchewan was worse off with drought as well as depression family of five received 010 month plus pound bag of flour They were not allowed to buy fruit or any vegetables except potatoes and dried beans Per capita income in Saskatchewan in 1033 was 8135 yearl Yet while all this was Bennett pointed out There olng on Prime Minister as never been time in recent ears in Canada when there was so much money availahe in banks and financial institutions He was prepared to brin about some monetary reform but was defeated before could do so OTHER EVENTS ON OCTOBER 1535 Cartier reached Hochelaga Montreal 1074 Pope Clement made Laval the first Bishop of Quebec VIMProclamation of 1703 established civil rule in lace of military 1853 oronto Globe was issued as daily newspaper 1070 First wheat was exported from Manitoba lessCanada House in New York was opened offi clally alllston by Jean Hand mm Job and Lila Small Lloyd and Margaret Small attended the funeral of the late Mrs Martha Alexi Forrest Friday afternoon Mrs Forrest passed away in hospital at St Catherines She leaves daughter Lois Mrs Mocten Stevenhouae 8t Catherinsn and two sons Ron of Toronto and Fred of Weston who is soninlaw of Job and Lila 8mall Burial as in Alliston Union Cemetery Rev Peter Moffai was miniser at the aveside Friends met at the ome of Lloyd and Margaret Small for dinner Jack Um hereon has return ed from roe week camping trip He visited friends in Kingston and Perth and spent few days camping by site named after the amiiy He some time in this district where he lived as child it brought back man memories He then traveled on to Almonte Ampior and Pam broke district and camped neaI Barrys Bay where he visited with more friends The 0th Annual Fall Festival of Arts and Crafts Saturday eptamber 22nd from 10am toi piete stated that development of the park would be based on the need to retain it for passive use More emphasis was to be placed on providing pen space that would allow people to do their own thing place to walk think love and dream The park was purchased from the Barrie Country Club in 1968 and has since been maintained as open space The sizeable growth in population in Barrie and the surrounding area was cause for concern in regard to hospital facilities at Royal Victoria Hospital Donald Cameron administrator of the hospital said that the hospital was workin at 90 per cent capacity an could easily ac commodate 5000 to 10000 population growth before squeeze would occur Jack Forster chairman of the board cited the reduccd average length of stay of days as an aid in reducing tin strain in hospital services it was announced thiit fathers would now be allowed in the delivery room at tho Royal Victoria Hospital iii thi discretion of the thltlf in charge and providing lili ttili pie had completed an up rov ed prenatal program wlI Iii struction in labor and fiflivtly room experience The tilliiil was approved on Ii sixmonth trialbasls Power lines were damaged by an early snowfall cousin hydro crews to work al through the night to reiitorc wer in many cottage areas it Slmcoe Hydro crews from Barrie were among those call ed upon to hel restore service to an est mated 10000 customers Jean Bissonncttc ii representative from the cxplo sion division of the ministry of energy mines and resources held demonstraion on the proper way to set up fireworks display for the benefit of liar ries Fire Prevention Officer The course is being presented across Canada by the Canada Safety Council pm at Roseont Hall There was home baking snack bar and demonstratons took place The Cider Festival was at the back of the Globe Hotel Rose mont Many relaive and friends gathered at the Legion Hall lliston Saturda evenin to be with Harold an Jean omp son and family The Thomp sons were celebrating their tOth wedding anniversary Sunday September Zird Stan and Dorothy Breedon celebrated their 40th wedding anniverary at their home RR No 1Rosemoni from pm to pm Our best wishes go ou to these two couples Often hiccups week at time By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue My dad is 58 and is in excellent condition except for excessive hiccups They come and for no ap rent reason sometimes lccups for week at time day and night without relief Doctors do not seem to be very concerned but it is exhausting for him and very embarrassing in his business Could it be his diet or his nerves We have tried all sorts of remedies and nothing seems to work SS Hiccups are caused by con tractions of the muscles that help bring air into the iun The chief muscle is Sic diaphragm the large one that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity Hiccups sometimes result from irritation of the nerve that stimulates these muscles Such conditions as gastritis stomach irritation pleurisy irritation of the lung covering and pericar ditis inflammation of the heart covering may be involved Rarely hiccups may be symptom of kidney disease in severe case which your dad seems to have such possibilities should be in vestigated Treatment of chronic case is always difficult Chlor promazine has been used Doc tors have also tried Novocaine like dru to block the large nerve phrenic that con trols the dia hragm muscle it is dif icult condition that can interfere with normal life There are many manoeuvres to use for sudden attack of hic cups taking deep breaths breathholding drinking cold Blaster or breathing into paper BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Extra chance play pays lOlA ES EAST 10732 VK1084 K1087 QQJ943 SOUTH 0K5 VJ2 04109752 652 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer West OAQQ V965 063 0A West North East South 10 Dbl Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OK Oswald Most declarch would wind up one trick short at the fivediamond contract At some stage of the play they would lose the heart finesse East would shoot back spade and West would takc his ace and quccn Alan really alcrt dcclarcr would givc himself an extra cliancc At trick twii daily crossword ACROSS 49 Belori Answei to Prewous Puzzle deductions Stitch 50 Chinese Pack In philosophy pflltllilm Toy 12 In excess 54 Dino at home 13 Upon wdsl l4 Oliiiiginous 58 Billdilll 15 United 60 African land 16 SHlifi tliioliy 62 Esnus wdo l7 Atop 63 PHLU lfl Analylis on 64 Maine weight 10 iatliotii 55 Mountain inoiiiiiiiiin mill Coiiiiiiisu 86 Joint itlll NU WWW SpinnInq 36 Large cat VHW tlvtll Wllv motion 39 Canal system iiliiiahiwi 19 Aura 5ltB WUIW DOWN 21 Astronauts 3233 77 Itiiis um 41 leeny NOT lllllllllil mini llilllil icon wd 44 pecan MM 01105 24 Prop school Ii 46 School oigani 34 luv EIIIIIinH England anon abbi 35 it At 26 Egypt iabbil 48 Diamonds sl Nothing laiicin 27 Mom 50 Watch sound 38 illllllllillish iiisieiiiil hunhe 51 By and by 40 Name if Aliiiitiiiii 28 Without 53 Singer Hams 47 Audi Uiiiiiiy isliind purpose 55 Makes lace 43 Clothing Clivuiiiil with 29 Cookie 56 Fetish lalIIii volvoty growth 30 Mideast 57 Not one gt 45 Siilnniiiiin Cole sound suapoil 59 Female saint wiiiipon Biiiii 32 llnInniei part abbr 47 Pint of ilny lU tiovoiilges 33 Domini 61 Caliph name In Ask IIIC EXDCMI the hand warrants an opening twodiamond bid Lvihar AstraEra Bornloo enamel mummbm hummingIlse wasyuan you is tastingum thmlm° ismiii nanIn molars oith soliitions ammoniumid is less nunsum mm IonaDee Calming very Dear Dr Donahue Three Involve yourself tod with daviop loryouioday years ago my son was dis nos October 17 who are and good oilioss of ed as having Mar ans Tm coming year you will copy W132 7° to syndrome There doesnt seem IN 00 to be much known about this among 100 Wt °° mm Can you give me some informa tactsJou make will prove outta WMMMUJ my Tm em 33 if was no in Financial unifies 32 benefit oi in doubtl iii cans organs mym duos Tht doctor has Nplaced his ability at 203 talents as uationt main heart valve How long wdl WI profitable possibilities They rams Apr Ila this valve last MHP mu no surprlsodnfl tpopup Today is an exponent day to no Marfans syndrome is an in mmumum All Jan after some of the fittings herited disease that affects Oct solemn New The 1° three systems the eye the skeleton and the heart In the eye the lens can become dislocated In the skeleton the tubular bones are excessively IM HERE lN MY WHY WWle loaf producing elongated arms NNER 5Ali VOICE iegs and spidery fingers gymi555 aouND so in the heart the main vessel FUNNY leading from it the aorta has wall weakness and becomes enlarged This affects the effi ciency of the heart valve leading to the aorta The valve cannot close adequately and becomes leaky Replace ment of this valve which was done for your son has good success record Such replaced valves have remained fully functioning for more than 20 years since the operations were first done in the 19505 For readers to have an image of what erson with Marfans syndome ooks like it is said almmneaux Vlaquan You Ivor WANT Hm GIEE Hes THE EUNT that Abraham Lincoln had it Not all People with Marfans OF THE HTTEE THE LITTER syndrome have all its symp KING OF toms THE LITTER Dear Dr Donahue Can P3 sinus infection cause nosebleeds Mrs 18 Not usually If the nasal passage itself is infected then nosebleed can occur M4 YOU 5AMer WEKE rockingi area NEW LEAF UNFOKTUNATELYTHEEE Me auras musarei he would cash dumm ace of hearts Then he wou lead low heart East would be almost certain to duck whereupon South would score WWW his jack and wind up with his Short Ribs contract Oswald This swindle is good example or the exlra yoqu chance dplay Suppose that igrONINEinLs West hol the king of hearts He will score sur rise trick with it but wont able to get two spade tricks South will get to discard one spade on the queen of hearts and 77 is lose just one spade trick Alan The play would have cost South an overtrick in the event that East held the ace of ufil spades or West the king of hearts but whats an over trick when comparcd with making game contract You hold 1014 arolirii render asks if The answer is Yes CWTENTMENTS GOT ONE BiG ADVANTAGE ECANY NOR HRN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373800 Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide correct service

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