the examiner Monday April 23 1919 Childrens Aid Society reports Expenses total $281000 for first two months of 79 Directors of the Sinicoe ouii ty thildreiis Aid Society also known as Family and Childrens Ser ices of the oun ty of Sinicoei will meet Tues day at in the societys oil ficcs at the county administra tion centre Midliurst At last months meeting ltill Straughan became the societys 197980 president succeeding Jean Gradwell past president Dr Alex liolechowsky reported he and Don Jackson the societys local director had met with Simcoe ountys finance committee to discuss increasing the societys 1979 budget Board members recommend ed no further action until coiiii ty council has responded to their request ccounts for the first two months of 19791 show net ex pcnditures of nearly $281000 being almost 330000 above the same period last year due to rollover costs and more children in care say the minutes of the directors March 27 meeting linances discussed at the meeting included requests fora total $1986 dental work needed by two foster children and one request for reimbursement of $183 to foster parent for Discipline helps both teen and foster parent says 13year veteran WINDSOR Ont iCPt Ev erybody wants baby Nobody wants teen You can cuddle and spoil baby treat it like your own if youre foster parent But teens need special dis cipline and lots of time Theyre set in their ways Teens just arent popular and some foster parents say it isnt worth the headaches and hassle for $12 day Hassle May lringle doesnt know the word Problems we have says the woman who has fostered ti boys in 13 years But every family has problems treat them like my own Like individuals who need trust and respect isnt that what parents are supposed to do There is no long hair no fel lows with earrings no smoking and no drinking in the Pringle household There is no com promise on these conditions You simply live that way or you leave Mrs Pringle never had any qualms about these rules the same rules she laid down for her own three children But she did wonder how boys from undisciplined situations would react to her stringent de mands And now Two of the six who live in her old converted hotel are over 18 free to leave if they want But they dont They stay in the house and follow the rules Foundry investigated 22 widows of workers may get $365 monthly TORONTO Pi The Workmens Compensation Board indicated Thursday that most widows of foundry workers who contracted lung cancer at Hamilton steel plant are expected to qualify for $365amonth pension The board has received claims from Dominion Found ries and Steel Ltd on behalf of 22 widows and five workers Most of the cancers were de tected about 10 years ago in workers whose exposure in the foundry began in the late 1930s and early 1940s in another development the Ontario labor ministry will grant 3120000 for threeyyear study to try to find possible causes of cancer at thefoundry The study will be led by Dr Dennis Mcalla himhemist at McMaster lniversity Two Dofasco employees applied for the grant WILL BE APPROVED The compensation board said lung cancer claims will be ap proved under the following cir Cumstances Ten years exposure in the Dofasco foundry before 1930 At least 20 years between the first exposure and diagnosis of primary lung cancer cancer which has not spread to the lungs from another part of the bodvi replacement of damaged fur iiislitiigs destroyed by disturb ed teenager in tat group home All three requests were ap proved by the board members New officers of the society in clude Marilyn llainiltoti first vice president and treasurer Alex Arthur second vice president and Hill Barnett secretary These officers including Bill Stratighaii president and Jean Gradwell past president recommend policies for the board to consider and are the responsible officials of the society Editor Claudia Krause7266537 Ontario Craft Council show in Barrie May to 18 The Ontario raft ouncils 1979 central region annual juried craft exhibition will be held May it to 18 at Georgian College Rarrie The event will include entries from Metro Toronto the municipalities of Durham and York and the counties of Simcoe llaliburton Northumberland leter borough and Victoria The competition is open to members submitting en tries of original design conr pleted in anada since July 1977 Several Georgian ollege faculty and staff members have submitted entries Many of the crafts in various mediums such as jewellery ceramics weaving and leather will be for sale Wayne llusch Georgian ol lege president will open the show at in May The event is open to the public from May to 10 excluding weekends The exhibition will run in conjunction with the Georgian Tollege annual stu dent show entitled llxprcssions May to it in the olleges business building Selected works by the students will be on display Judith Tinkl exhibition chairman says selection of the finest works from the Os six provincial regional competi tions will be presented in On tario Crafts 79 an exhibition to be held at three locations in Toronto from June 21 to Campaigning in the country Britains Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher struggles to hold calf born just twelve hours before during an election visit to Britains East Anglia district The Conservative leader was continuing her tour of Britain campaigning for Britains General Election on May 30 The calf of course is to be named Maggie AP Photo September 30 Mrs Tinkl is also coordinator of Ontario Trafts 79 The was formed in 1970 through the amalgamation ot the anadian Guild of rafts Ontario and the Ontario rafts Foundation its aim is to encourage the development marketing and presentation of crafts The council also acts as representative body for craft smeii to the public government and commerce people Er paces Roast beef dinner Trinity United hurch in Thornton announces its annual ladies roast beef dinner will be held on April 211 at 630 Theme for the evening will be international Year of the hild featuring panel discussion film and musical entertainr ment Tickets are $5 but children under 10 years old are admitted for $2 30 Slll OllitSl Barrie loastiiiistress lub is holding its ouncil ti Speech ontest on Saturday at the lloli day Inn llarric Dinner will be served at the contest begins at it otitestaiits representing 10 cltibs from North Ray to Oshawa will compete for the outicil it title ltarleiic Morgan will represent the liar rie club For more information call Shirley Metrone speech con test co ordiiiator at 7280174 Meeting today Barrie Nordic Ski tlub holds its annual meeting today at it at the Blue llamc Room of the onsumers Gas Budding on Ferris Lani Mike lIxtll of thc aliadiaii Ski Association will gne slide show talk on ski touring moiin taincering and inter camping Play for children Rillcrest Players will enter tain children on Saturday at the Barrie Public Librarys childrens annex beginning at 130 when they present the play Rector of Sims The play will be followed by disco dance workshop led by Russ rerar for children in Grade or older until about in Rummage sale There will be rummage sale at St iiles Anglican hurcb 93 ook St Rarric April 27 The sale will be held from to ttziit in As an added feature new clothing will be for sale lttOl1 is welcome to attend Spring fling held llarrie Boomerang ampiiig lub held Spring Fling Dance at the Lefroy oinplex on April About 100 persons attended Winner of spot dances were Keith and Dianne McIntosh John and Marilyn tripps lack Robson and Marilyn tripps Gil and laddy Ackcr Dot and John Webster Door prizes were won by Dianna McIntosh Sandi Wilkins Al troker Doug Ayer and Al lringle draw for glass turkey was won by Sharon ltrelim wedding album FletcherMcLaughlin Mr and Mrs Lloyd Fletcher announce the engage AnLLLQMeLs Lists advice to parents Dear Ann Somebody lifted my wallet didnt lose much money but did lose my favorite column which had carried for ears it was advice to parents from two teenage chit ren it started Keep cool Will you please reprint it Nl From NY Dear NL Here it is Thanks for asking Keep cool Dont lose your temper Keep the lid on when things go wrong Children are great imitators Dont get strung out from too much booze or too many pills We lose respect for parents who tell us to behave one way when they behave another Dont be afraid to dish out the discipline Show us whos We need to know we have strong supports when our judgment goes haywire Dont blow your class Keep the dignity of parenthood Stay on that pedestal We put you there because we need someone to look up to Dont try to dress dance or talk like us You embarrass us and you look ridiculous Show us the way Tell us God is not dead or sleeping or on vacation We need to believe in something bigger and stronger than ourselves Scare the hell out of us lfyou catch uslying stealing or being cruel get tough Let us know WHY what we did was wrong Call our bluff Dont compromise And dont be in timidated by our threats to drop out of school or leave home Stand firm if you collapse we will know we beat you down and we will not be happy about the victory Be honest with us Tell the truth the whole truth no matter what Lukewarm answers make us uneasy We can smell uncertainty mile away 10 Be generous with praise If you give us few com pliments once in while we accept criticisms more readily Tell it like it is Dear Ann Landch What do you think of 40yearold hus band who cant spell the name of the street we have lived on for three years who cant remember my mothers name Its Bernie and hes been calling her Bernice for 15 years which she hates He also doesnt know how to address an envelope and refuses to learn Our last name is rather unusual When someone mis pronounces it he becomes enraged and insults them even though he murders everyone elses name if it has more than two syllables Maybe these sound like petty complaints but they arejust few things that are getting my goat realize none of this is worth breaking up marriage for but he annoys the hell out of me Any suggestions all Me Judy Dear Judy The man is not going to change so if you in tend to keep living with him youd better build some defen ces against the small and large irritations Theres pos sibility that your husband may have some neurological problems Has he ever been tested If not recommend it ONHDENTML to Help Me See the Best Way to Go No doubt the dollar signs on your eyeballs have impaired your vision People who are moneyhungry and dont know which side of the bread to butter usually wind up choosing the wrong side and they deserve to Sorry no advice from here fit Erma Bombeck No more free extras My son came home from college on semester areak this week and asked me for road map of thestate went to our safety deposit box took out worn copy and ttlil10l1ttl Be careful with this its the only map we have lie handled it Will reverence as he placed it on the table Tell me how you got it again he asked Well said settling down to recite familiar story that had told and he had heard many times before Once upon time businessmen in the country used to court con sumers They wanted their business and to remind them of this they would give them presents Not big ones but little reminders you could use For example this road map was on rack in service stat ion and you could take as many as you liked Dry cleaners used to give out hangers and sewing kits banks gave out rain bonnets and candy and there wasnt year we didnt get hundreds of calendars free from in surance companies stores and garages used to have whole drawerfiil of keyrings and address books and fans the funeral homes always passed out fans Tell me again about the phone books he chided Well there was time when you got phone book for each of the phones in your house You didnt have to call or anything know youre too young to remember but you us ed to go into restaurant and not have to ask for water or toothpick Youre kidding he said asked fora toothpick the other night and the cashier asked llow many do you need hat did you tell lier asked told her had 28 teeth but lcoiild double up All that is new sighed Do you know that your father once bought pair of boots and they came with pcnknife in the sidc Aw onion he said Yes its goodbye loafeis with pennies in them good bye free catalogues from llllllltlltltl houses and so long cardlmards in shirts Were living in time of inflation Speaking of inflation Mom used our car and you owe nit$2 for gas heer up You can have the free balloon ment of their daughter Mary Jane to Edward James McLaughlin son of Mr and Mrs Gerrard McLaughlin of Fredericton NB The wedding is to take place May 26 at pm at Oro Central Presbyterian Church Pollys Pointers Butter lifts wood stains lillAlt 101 Please tell me how to remove the following stains from my maple dining table There is heat mark from hot dish or cup of coffee and water stain flOill water that seeped through the bottom of potted plant SANDRA DICAR SANDRA There are many remedies for such stains but my old standby and one that should remove both of yours is to make paste with cold cigarette ashes and butter or margarine and rub with the graiii of the wood Sometimes the rubbing must be yet hard but it never fails for me does not hurt the finish When wiped away it should leave gloss such as the table doubtless has elsewhere lll DIZAR lOlJ Some time ago Mrs JW wrote that she had trouble with bugs and humidity have no bugs but here in llOlll1 my cookies and cereals get soggy sol keep them in my oven It has pilot light DOLORES liliiAlt tOl Recently covered my kitcheti clipboard shelves with that pretty adhcsivebacked paper but had rough time pulling the paper off the backing after cut off the desired lengths Finally came up with good solution that would like to share ran bit of warm water on the corner of the paper just enough so could get fingernail under the top and then it came off beautifully Also when you want to make your own bread crumbs put the crusts in brown paper bag and when you have quite few that are very dry roll them out and put them back in the bag They will keep for weeks without getting moldy keep llltlll on hand to use in meat loaf and casseroles PatriquinWebb Coordinated blue woolen ensemble from the collection of Jean Fashions by Chloe and Castelbajac Paris Mr and Mrs Ed Patriquin and Muffin of Barrie an nounce the engagement of daughter Barbara Ann to Allan Michael Webb son of Mr and Mrs MRS DEAR lOl1Y My lointer is for elderly people crater collar centre with red and silver embroidery and leggings in black satin piped and buttoned in silver At right is Lagerfeld ol Chloes victorian dress in pearly grey silk embroidered with spangles and topped with fanshaped hat in grey puce velvet AP Photo especially those who live alone Trying to rub anything into the small of the back can be chore so just put little of the cream or whatever on the back of your fist and then rub It ill Charles de Castelbalac left shown recently in Paris features flowing roundtheneck cape and cuffed pants topped by Paul Revere hat Karl Lagerteld of Chloe showed black wool coat with Hilton Webb of Barrie The wedding is to take place May at pm at St Pauls Anglican Church Steingard Photo