Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1979, p. 6

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atho oxamlnor Monday April 191a day disabled recall pitcher Ron Davis from Columbus of Mk SUNDAY the International League Minnesota lI Toronto Toronto Blue Jays agree to an PI II New York Fort Lauderdale ermilb with designated hitter II LemIII To hr Tu III wane aya ro to era irsl aseman Bob Robertson It RobIIIoIII MII WIIIIIIIIe QuebecI II IIIIIII YMII Los Angeles ItMessersmith Rochester Washington National League Innequ Apr 15 Binghamton at New Haven IN Philadelphia LIereh Mr California Edmonton Houston Astroa place pitcher QuarterFinals Bossy NYI Winnipeg at Quebec pm necessary AMERICAN LEAGUE Montreal ti 015 St Louis VuckoVich IO at SATURDAY Tom Dixon on the 21day dis tBeatoISeven Series McKechnie Tor Friday April Seriea East Chicago 500 Atlanta lNiekro in Detroit Atlanta shied list acquired the contract II All Times EST Polvin NYI Quebec at Winnipeg to pin Wwr wtletiitl St Louis 462 22 Tuesday Games Tampa Bay Philadelphia of pitcher Rick Williams from SERIES Barber Pha Sunday April Mnint Boston 692 New York it 333 San Diego at Montreal Houston Memphis Charleston of the International I3 WllA Maloney Tor Quebec at Winnipeg 930 Nova Scolia it New York 600 Pittsburgh to 206 Houston at Chicago Tulsa DallAs lmaitue NY Ialanders 014 SUNnAy pm Sunday Result Detroit ti 545 West St Louis at Atlanta Seattle 104Angeles FOOTBALL Chlfllo l4 Montreal at Toronto Tuesday May Maine Nova Scotio Baltimore it 500 Houston t2 150 Los Angeles at Philadlphiu San 01910 San Jost CPL Sunday Result MontrealRobinson Mon Winnipeg at Quebec pm if Tuuday Apr 14 Milwaukee it 467 Clmlnnflll 563 San Francisco at New York Vancouver Portland Winnipeg Blue Bombers slgn LI NIY IslalIndIeIIIsgIa Chicago do LmbertI Huh Tm necessary Nova Scone at Main Toronto 357 42 gun DFIIBEDCISCD 9II 8954ng Pittsburgh at Cincinnati defensive end Boby Molden II Reault on tom¢x¢hnI Thursday May Friday ril 27 Cleveland 308 HOCKEY II NY Islanders Chicago saganluk sltuer Mfloney Quebec ll WinanIiL 10 Pm Maine at Nova IScotia West L05 ADSEIIS 471 42 NHL SERIES 30 Plburh ll necessary Saturday April 2ll California 12 750 Atlanta to 333 62 BASEBALI Philadelphia Plyera return de wrA nonmhduune ScumIII Saturday May Maine at Nova Scotia Texas ti 667 51 Fun American 19mm hnuumun Norm Barn to Montreal 01910 Manon pIIIIbIIIIIIIsIIIIIIII Winnipeg tit Quebec ti pm II Sunday April 29 Minnesota 643 New York Philadelphia SUNDAY New York itllnkees plau Muini of the American Hockey Toronto 4l019 pmumpmn at NY Rangers 055 Nova Scotia at Maine if nec Chicago 500 rhlwso Monlrtal NBA pitcher Rich lossago on the 2i Loam sundy Hull NY RnprgMudoch world Hockey Association essary Kansas City it 355 Atlanta Ill SanII Diego I7I San Antonio Philadelphia Montreal Toronto JohnsIone RI shoehanI EIIIIOIIIIOI mayo scorInII nude an Wednesday May Seattle it 313 St Louis Iiminnati tiI2 snunhy Run NY IIIII II II IIIo Sunday gamIII Maine Nova Scamp if Oakland 33 Houston Pittsburgh then AIntonio leads bestoIseveii Montreal Toronto my MnoyI we essary Sunday Results 1405 Anilllls 53 Francsc 50 IJI SERIES fall Potvin ChicagoWalton Ftorek in Ffldly Ml DNW TOWN washnmon 20 Atlanta WllA SATURDAY Hislnp cm Nova Scotia at Maine if no Baltimore 07 Milwaukee am 53W Hill wasmnfllon leads bestofseven Boston on MIIIIIIHI II TOIIIIIIO II IIIIEIIII CI II pssnry Boston Kansas my hictigo Montreal series 3H Pittsburgh I6 MnnIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Rog NE II New york Texas I705 Angelis San Francisco Seattle Los Angeles its 5d Robinson Connor Toronto3 Miller NF Clwcland Chmg soan leads be Drs0 Boston PIIIsbIIIgh II 2I McDonIIIIII Mark IIowlc NIII Allan upI Minnesota 5mm San Diego Atlanta series Illl Saturday Result Mum IIIIIIIIIIII SIOIIIIIIIOII Im PPIIOIIBI to St Johns Oakland iamomm Philadelphia II New IYork Phoenix ltlti Kansas City till 3081011 Pittsburgh nouonMIddlflonI Mrs In In lPFlIlOlla lends biSlOLYWE Saturday Nuns Cincinnati St Loms Phoenix leads best 0lStVln SERIES ii PittsburghMcAdam Aninnovich RES Sztclinbach T°r°m° mm Gum Pmsburgh 5m fig garghers VIIJIZII Thomas isInlINIIHII selliilIiluClI lends hestofiive agglozuwlo IIIITIILVleIlth ta is It Texas New it NY RPSIIIIdII ReuIII IIInuliiiIilII2I In IilticlnaIi an htIIntIeInnilillsmltrup Chicago II 1307 an ers Furlday Nihxififflph ll lergrrlh owo Amomwwhl new Guelph leads bos° ill Stgzilttlliiiid IN NY Rangers Philadelphm Im it I°r Millsn semifinal 2ll Todays Probable Pitchers New IIIIIII II AIIIIITIIirIuIIr CST Thomas Marsh Quebec Major TOIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII I72 III TIMI It you dont have your Golf Cord now ask your friends they AND Ny Rangers III phIIIIdIIIIIIIIII II SATURDAY TroisIRivieres Sherbrooke Akxflndor 00 probably haveI ti pm IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIt II II lIiIirinIiiIati It Itll INew England TrotsRIVieres leads eight Chicago Worthnm lll III Thursday April 26 In ughuu 90 hm Kansas tit littorffl flgohiladflphifa NY anfltrs hfll Resultl 38sz lHlartrltilnttuInIi11tarrsk Tursaayp an Sarto pm necessary nI unfunny Minnesota til Cleveland SunniIII AIIIIII or sundIII intlilgtyhrdaliturfiugIlrnd Stoughton MIIWIIIIIIIII Grand RIIIIIds Dun Milwaukee tee Off April Milwaukee lead bestofscven TOFOMU Texas triads fiil world cup tiltW °°ur3°s Canada and mmg necessary CIIICIIIIIIIII III NM EIIIIIIIIIII Allan up more at nlorma National Hockey Lea ue lav 730 in World Tournament Johns Pelrol New York klund off scoring leaders alttgr Sufidii SemiFinal iroup 510mm 4I Trail 050 Mam games IBIIIIIILSIIIII SHIN IIITHFHA iesiern NATIONAL iit SERIES ii Sowi 25 IPIlgIIlIIflInIdIIdI ILJthEIIIdmI efhbrm PMI II III IIIE GOIFCAIIDGIVESYOU Es OSI Swmm SitrlermTorh Winnipeg if Czech 02 in roundrobin seriesl Philnduphia 56 ZfraaISno ggoaniaaaiIlglhIolocerIiinIdW ABOVE REGULARNUMBERSWNN ANVORDER at one on ovary couraa ltWv Ar Don Malone Mir Quebet Canada IIIIIIIII II men ARE now oven 500 OF COURSES THAI HONOR THE IiInIfIIII OVER 400 ram IN onraaionone rh PRIZES WINNERS PRIZE VALUE III III gIonl of tho Canadian division of tho GOLF INIIIIII II III ARI is to have on additional 40 to 50 undm flu Ontario courIIaa iolntha program by June CANMNAN DWISION Out ofe It Finland in VW 00 A3012 IE HONOED 100 Simonsion Boulevard IISI Germany II IIIIIIIIKI All courses or ay orno mom to IIIIIIIIIIIIII OIIIIIIIIII samrdl n5 207 diacounlotHartaMlACor Ml Suiden Canada mbmIIIIIonIoooII mIIflMWIIIIIII out of plus bonus smile Umon fnivhusmvnk Thar are no restrictions howvar you ma iit wt in rAAW 7M III III II ITItIidaItIl entire required to call 24 hours In advonco for too gIIiIIIIniIOfl IIhI Ian times just on you would at any oursa Sout 06 nRrLIIiIIZImIthtIiIInIII CANADIAN courses no 01 aromas was LA THAT YOU SHARE ACART though thiala tho Poland vs US case at moo coutu ln tho US West Germany vs Finland out Of rdIfldaIlIyIAWIII 15 M609 onlkunctommbonmp we rmevnmw ellem wet on vs zec os oval in Nor cnytwoiomlly mambari FIRSTCDN PACE MiLEssoo REPLICASPENCER 200 250 SW IIIEIISIIVIINII xxfgjfft3°°f1W Sgt10mg IRISHENDEAVOR 1470 540 330 MOORELANDSDING 350 PoIIIIIII II FIIIIIIIII The opportunity to TORONADOJOHN 400 300 TIMEIZIIH Wm IIIIQIIIIIIIII II Us make TV III in Ne NEVER BRUSHED 350 Also QUICK STORY GOODNUiF IdII III com w°3° Y°° TIME22093 FER ME OZARK HONEY GOOD WWI vs IIIIIIICIP marchJs do 1diffmmunwlnlmarmmla TOTAL Also CAPrAiN BYRD WEE RIGHTWANDAJOHNSTON is mmroaootuwarontmManet$137 CHELLEI MR GRA BELI MIKE MAX EXAgToflgagul 10 we ma magoz 19 for only $49 plul ollothor coursaslntha Golf NTfl BRET NINTH LM PACE MILE 3x00 Cmdproarom SCRATCHED LUCKY REJECT 35 60 II 20 fOShlon modelling Coinuln your area now NOEXACrOR DOVERCLHI 45 510 SeniiFinals be the 5T0 Of SECONDCLMTROTMILEM BELLESVKWR 610 HesittISeen smm coltsum cc out rd SHOTONGOAL 1140 390 270 MEzzriii new career full or gt °I to GREATJOHNA 370 ALSO COLOR BRETI TRIGGER Barracc Iorro nt Ln 0le Mu MAKE you SCIENCESTUDENT 250 JOHNSTON COUNTESS JIIAARO III POWTme NWah CC °v° mugogfufit gIIfIWfIYS f2sz TIME2II1 ROCKYCASHIER DNFMINIKIN Inghamun We only offer this 9m rouno Monevsaves ion camorm 503 DONS BOMBER MATASTAR TRACTORW34L55w Friday Result 9°°YCC 5°Y°Y° corms corr ALL season PICK CORNED BEEF caasrwooo TENTH CLM PACE MILE 3450 WWW New course once year Nm°°°ll Club MD owaoa AND DOWN soum in me POPPY DEACWORTHY WRRO GRATTAN 090 60 50 ToniuhIl Im LoisSt GoorgaGlCC Orilllc Ont wmrur DAILYDOUBLE74$iT74o DARRENALMAHURST 390 320 nmhammfl In so act NOW For WoaogaGolflCountryCIubElmvuloCt EXACIOR 47 $4350 BUMPY WAVE 350 IIIIIMIIMI MI 25 funher informafion Orr tall Golf Club Elmyulo0ni can Hiewane on use THIS THIRDCLMPMEMILEM TlMEr2=132 New Haven ar arnghamton BrooklooGJCfi Midland0nl CONVENIENTCOUPON TOMMYMACK 2510 860 340 M501 SCAMPEK CAMPER HWY Friday April 27 7264723 SouthMusliokaClGCIracobrldg¢Onl BBROYAL 630 520 OSCAR FLEETWOOD RUSTYr iiinghamtnn at New Haven if mu EASY PENN so SHAMILAR IRON YANKEE we 1151133222094 EXACTOR 13322 sundaI Apr 39 A150 DONT CRY STEPHEN BAR ATTENDANCE L408 New HtD at llinghrimlon if DEEN LAND SABANERO HANOVER HANDLE 396877 nl rry KENNY REYNOLDS TRIACIOR 2Il 820260 FOURTH CLM PACE MILE 3450 LADYCLEVER 590 300 310 JIMMY YORK 480 620 MOORELANDS FRANK 30 TIME 2l3l ALSO ADIOS KAREN ENCOUNTER MERRYWOOD BLAZE JM JESTER AGAIN INKYcICIgUNSIZL EXA R38$48tll FIFTH CLM PACE MILE 3500 $53 011er JP 75m 440 260 up amncnt 13201319 ALSO SPUNKY ZIP REPLICA MAC Learn about Our systems that cure yet MiglIYSZIIIEIIyIIIHALER ACTIVF KVIGHT offices III balding appearance with our natural look gfigigfigzsczém KiTCHENEr MBglh the NATURE SCALP and the 3450 TORONTO ROSURGERY are describedin our BOPEE PAGEsfigIlIEE Cmp 194° 23 OTTAWA colorbbooIklet Send for it it tells all SOKYBABY 420 no iga ion TIMI12102 ALSO ARAMAC IVY FIGHTIN FREE LASSiEs BOB MISSTREE QUEEN 1230 Yonge St GAMECOCKS GOIN EXACTOR 86 $152 SEVENTH CDN PACE MILE 8700 Toronto0nt As drivortvshi on TV M41 1w2 NOBLEMAXIE 750 330 270 1169255596 SIGNOSPRING 550 320 ARMSTEAD KELLY 30 TIMI322109 rItI A150 REAPERS ROCKET ROMANAC TRU RAY SCOTTIE MYSTIC TRICK EXACTOR 43 $5520 EIGHTH CLM PACE MILE 00 DEZMIGO ii 30 The Minister of Veterans Affairs Daniel MacDonald announces the opening of new DISTRICT OFFICE 37 George Street North Brampton Ontario L6X 1R5 Telephone 416 4514630 to provide services for the convenience of veterans and their dependants Commencing April 23 1979 The New Veterans Services Program merges the former Treatment Services with the Veterans Services Program to make the Federal Servrce more readily available and responsive to the needs of veterans and their dependants Veterans Affairs Program and Services booklet is available upon request The BRAMPTON DlSTRlCT oiiice will serve those veterans and dependants living within the geographical boundaries outlined below The Counties of Grey Dullerin Simcoe the part of the County Bruce that lies North oi Hwy 21 the County of Wellington less that portion of Puslinch Township South oi Hwy 401 the County oi Halton N0rth of Hwy 401 and the County oi Peel North of Hwy 401 The Canadian Pension Commission offices will remain in their present locations at Wing Sunnybrook Medical Centre 2075 Bayview Ave Toronto Ont MAN 3M5 and 777 Baseline Road East London Ont The Bureau of Pensions Advocates and the Veterans Land Administration ottice will re main at 5th Floor 4900 Yonge Street Willowdale Ont M2N 682 and 7th Floor 451 Talbot Street London Ont The new Brampton Office will be otlicially opened at 12 noon on Monday April 23 Veterans and the general public are cordially invited to briel reception atterwards at Royal Canadian Legion Branch No 15 40 Elizabeth Street South Brampton at 1230 pm ifitv°fléwmfiw¢w Rightlength Right taste Right mildnessl Veterans Aftaires des Affairs anciens combattants Daniel MacDonald Minister Ministre Warning Health and Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked avoid inhaling Average per cigaretteRegular Tar 14 mg Nic 09 mg King Size Tar 12 mg NIC 09 mg

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