Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1979, p. 10

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10 th oxrnlnor Monday Apfll 23 1919 television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 80 NEWS HOLLYWOOD souAnes CAROL BURNETT AND ENos eOLItAooTooon 530 NBC NEWS may TYLER MOORE snow cos NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 ll READALONG 655 WRITE 0N1 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH BILLY Billy meets the girl of his dreams when hie data at the Monician Ball wine ticket to Hollywood and he imaginea sharing in the Guest eter Suzanne Semen NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME THE SEAWAY MOTION OF GREATNESS Warren DaVia narralae this documentary marking the 20th anniversary of HOLLYWOOD UARES CARTER COUNTRY When Cnioi Roy learna that several other middleaged Chiels have lost their ioba to younger men he becomea cormnced that Sgt Baker wants me gggHA NA NA Gueet Chubby Checker SL Lawrence Seaway stern MAGIC SHADOWS aoa NEWIIART SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Ray Bolder guest stars as Dum blinqoldrnanwhoinadvertentlyhelpsthelngalls family make the daemon to move back to their term in Walnut Grove Pt OI twopart OD WBTHE WHITE SHADOW II DOROTHY HAMILLs CORNER OF THE SKY Olympic and World Figure Skatino ChaIanon Dorothy Hamill provaayoucanqohonia apambytrevelmoback toLatIaPIaCIdNewYorkwhevaaheatudledand trained tor the Olympica Gueat aiare Gary Frank SaltyKellerman Henry Gihaon Avery Schrelbar and Profeaaor Irwin Corey 60 uA DIFFERENT UNDERSTAND INC The Invisible Handicap probing tooli at theproblemalacedbyalpaneandreaenchera ndealln withleernin dieDilute HOT ITY DISCO MOVIE ADVENTURE Operation Snalgs ion In 6000 DAY CARE 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES SanctuaryOfFaei 107981 has Ka Lent MAYSH Charlea aeaumea her0ic proportiona after rewiring dying patient with heart Inaaaa HOW THE WEST WAS WON ZOOMICIhInIIIYCISIOMIIICOIOIIRGIHODCIU tiIul daughter OI an old friend and uncover slavery ring that aalla young women throughout the world Gueat etar Fernando Lamaa THE ODYSSEY Epiaode Utyaeee ounte Hie Adventurea THE JEFFERSONS 930 wxnp iN CINCINNATI Countryendrwestern einoarHoyt Axtonaueet atara aa Jennifers childhood sweetheart from West Virginia who ahowe up in Cincinnati to her kae her onetime vow to than him it with IN CINCINNATI Countryandwealorn alnoarHoyt Alton guest atara ea Jannifeta childhood awealhaart Irom West Virginia who ahowa up in Cincmnati to her kee haI onetime vow to marry him SECO DCITY 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANT Unable to face the Iact that hie methane critically ill Art Donovan pull strain on the City room that leads Lou to give Billie an unueualauionment Guesttar Geral eFItz erald R60Inina Tll JESUS TRIAL PART Who Killed Josue Christ Christopher Plummer aa the narrator introduces Biblical and con temporary aapecu oI thia question and ear lm llCIIIOnD Com IHIWOID NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA III NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS MOVIE ADVENTURE Secret Invaalon In 1120 no NEWS II NEws 130 127 THE TONIGHT snow Gualt host 8111 Colby Oueeta George Hamilton Laatia will Ser lo Mandel too mute ces LXTE MOVIE was ROCKFORD FILES Return To The 36th Paratlel Ned Beatty aueat atara aa Rockforde oId Army buddy who convinceahim totaka onacllentwhoauppoeed ly Ia looking tor her Inieaino aiateI MCMIL LAN AND WIFE Buried Alive Stare Rock Hud Siiean Saint Janiea MOVIE SPEC ACULAR vi Odom and Gomorrah Ion STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 THE BODY IN QUESTION Hoot Jonathan Miller arpuea that throughout hlatory there have been basically three different typaa of OIIIIAOIIICII healers whoae powera work so of the office they hold charismatic who heat by Virtue of their personali tlae ndaiipertheelerawhoeeabllltytohealia baled on knowledge and akill 60 mm 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA The Elevator 1914 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEHORROR NextVlc tlm Ion 1210 MOVIE DRAMAr Ewaen 1077 100 TOMORROW Hoat Tom Snyder Gueat TomPalmeIapokeamanforatudentefor benarian eocwt 80 mine MARCUS ELBY MD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY NEWS 145 MOVIE Honnon Night mare In Wax tees 210 TROUBLE WITH TRACY 130 historically speaking barries stag April 221 1932 Following meeting of the unemployed workers of the municipality deputation of canadas stog Ilenday Treated Indians to Sttieorges Day Dinner ne of these stories recently about the great Canadian explorer Pierre de la Verendrye mentioned that two of his sons may have been the first people apart from Indians to see the Rockies Historians say there is possibility that they saw the Big Horn range in the distance in 1713 However there is Iio doubt about Anthony Ilendiiy the other claimant to the distinction lie was in the vicinity of Red Deer Alberta in the autumn of 1731 and spent the winter in the foothills of the Rockies Ilenday was former smuggler from the Isle of Wight who joined the Hudsons Bay Company and was sent to York Factory Aggressive traders from Montreal like erendryei were operating farther and farther into the west cutting off the supply of furs to Hudson Bay Ilenday volunteered to go as far west as he could and see what mihgt be done to persuade the Indians to resume trade with the Hudsons Bay Company He arried at the Red Deer River in October 1751 anti had conferences with the Blackfoot Indians lie was amaled to learn that they rode horses and no longer aseti canoes There was no way for them to take furs to Hudson Bay Ilenday spent the winter in Alberta possibly in the Thickwood Ilills where he met Indians who still used canoes April 23 1755 he entertained his new friends to St Georges Day dinner where he displayed the banner of England and spoke to them about the patron saint who slew dragons not buffalo it must have been great sales talk because he was able to organize flotilla of 60 canoes laden with furs for the return trip to Hudson Bay OTHER EVENTS ON APRIL 23 1715 British naval squadron arrived at Canso to 01 Americans in attack on Louisburg 1827 Gait and Goderich were founded in Upper Canar da 1851 First Canadian postage stamps were issued 1879 Guelph Ontario was incorporated as city 1887 McMaster University received charter 1907 Famous Indian runner Tom Longboat was hon ored in Toronto 1928 Sir William Clark was first British High Commis sioner to Canada 1952 Vancouver waterfront suffered $5 million damage by fire baxter by Mn Norrie Cochrano 4346637 Mr and Mrs Gary Ioehrane Bryan and Mark attended the Base Borden Minor Hockey Associaton supper on Monday evening along with many other Angus and Bordenarea parents and boys The Rainbow Motel novice mammeived trophies for be ing first place in the playoffs and also as top league winners The novice team placed second in the playoffs and the tykes placed third The presentation of trophies and crests brought the hockey seaon to close for the year Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Ferguson of Orillia wo celebrated their 70th wed ding anniversary on Saturday April 14 Open House was held for them from2until4pm Mr and Mrs Ferguson lived at Baxter for many ears He was CPR Section Foreman here until he retired and left Baxter They moved to War minister and lived there until they could no longer keep house on their own They later moved in with their daughter and son iniaw Mr and Mrs Jack Simpson of Orillia where they areat present Both are in fair neighborly news health On Sunday morning Commu nion Service was held in llaxter Presbyterian Thurch Sunday School was held at the usual hour The Ladies Aid aritl WMS met at the home of Mrs Florence Denney on Wlfillfsr day April 11 Devotions were led by Mrs Leona Miskey with the theme centred on Easter Mrs Bruce Edgar president welcomed all visitors anti the 13 members present Rollcall was answered with the word Sacrifice from verse in the Bible Mrs Leona Miskey Mrs Doris Ityckman and Mrs Mary Davie sang The ld Rugged Cross The meeting closed in the usual manner anti Mrs Bruce Egar and Mrs Goddard served delicious lunch Congratulations to Mr anti Mrs Brian Sheridan who were married on Saturday April in West Hill Guests from here at ltended along with his own fami Easter guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Jim Shory were Mr and Mrs Elgin Lough and family from Ottawa their daughter Cindy and Neill Con nelly from Toronto Mr and Mrs Bill Gauley and men met with the Town Council and demanded it take emergen cy measure in the hopes of get ting spring work on the streets underway As result no less than 50 unemployed men were on the job very soon after Residents in the southern part of Simcoe County were making an insistent demand on the Ontario Government for the construction of new provin cialhighway in that section They felt that the southern porv tion had been neglected for some time to the benefit of the central and northern sectitms They wanted first class arteries both east anti west and north and south as relief for already heavily trafficked highways The monthly bill for meals served in the town lockup to unemployed transients on their way through town reached the point where the Town Council felt the matter should be in vestigated In March it amounted to $120 representing 480 meals at 25 cents each statement made at the meeting of the Town Council by one of the deputation of unemployed left the impression that those in need were being supplied with only $200 worth of groceries week The chairman of the relief Committee stated that double this amount had been paid where it was required but in some cases where men had been getting occasional days work only $200 worth of sup plies had been given Wrestling went over with bang in Barrie at the big Lions Club show in the Armoury About 700 fans cheered themselvss hoarse and were kept in high state of excite ment all through the four bouts It was the first time in many years that wrestling boats were offered to Barrie sporting en thusiasts Bobby and Mr and Mrs Bruce Gauley and family were Easter guests if Mr anti Mrs Mit chell and faiiiiiy of Betton Mr anti Mrs Brian Snowdcn anti family from Respeler spent the weekend with her parents Mr anti Mrs Hill Gauley and Bobby The Euchre games held at Baxters Orange Hall every Tuesday evening are well at tended Mr anti Mrs Norris ochrane called on Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennett at St Pauls on Wednesday April 11 Mrs Doris Gauley anti Mrs Norris Tochrane entertained with few selections at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home at Alliston Mrs Iochrant played the accordion and Mrs Gauley played the piano singalong of familiar pieces was enjoyed by those in the nura sing home Lunch was served by ladies in the Sunshine Club Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jim Shorey on their 27th wedding anniversary and Rap py Birthday greetings to June Mrs Florence Denney spent the Easter Holiday with her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Bob Reid and family in Ottawa the Hot flashes in men rare By PAUL RUBIE MI Dear Dr Ruble know you have written that theres no such thing as menopause in men So what do they mean when they talk about the male climacteric Isnt that male menopause The womans menopause and the mans climacteric are both medically recognized but the only similarity is that they tend to occur at about the same time of life middle age The difference is that the womans menopause stems from well known physical events chiefly the decline in female hormone production and the end of chil bearing years Efforts to link the male cli macteric with decline in male hormone production which does occur have led research ers up blind alleys There are exceptions There have been re ports of men having hot flashes when hormone produc tion decreased The flashes dis appeared when they were given testosterone tmale hormone supplements This although roughly equivalent of the womans menopause is rare psychiatrist discussing this recently noted It male climacteric appears to be an indefinite syndrome composed of several physical sexual and emotional symptoms In recent study it was found that the man most likely to handle his mcno ause best was one who coud find some new motivation Men develop problems at middle age because of various social pressures that seem to occur then lack of achievement fear of illness or actual illnesses that may come with age The man hardest to pull out of climacteric decline is the crusty old bachelor ac cording to the study recall my late colleague Dr George Thosteson com menting on similar question years ago He said Men dont have menopause it just seems that way to their wives That sums it up for most Dear Dr Ruble Ive been taking quarterteaspoon of epsom salts each day for 30 days skipping 15 days then going back on it for 30 days started this because heard it was good for your system My son says it is harmful to my body Would you please comment pro or con The small amount you are taking is not likely to harm you unless you have kidney disease Epsom salts magnesium sul fate is not easily absorbed in the system and therefore in creases the amount of fluid in the intestines For this reason it came to be used as laxative but is seldom prescribed today In patients with sluggish bowels or obstructions magnesium salts are more dangerous Too much magnesium causes mental depression and muscle weakness In serious poisoning there might be breathing para ysis Why do you take it Regu lation of bowels is best accom plished other ways You could develop laxative habit with excess use BRIDGE Bad breaks dictate plays Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pa ss Opening lead 09 Oswald How would you plan to play todays hand Alan If trumps break 22 you can just spread the hand Since you can draw trumps discard one of dummys dia monds on thh king of Clubs and ruff your two small diamonds suppose trumps will break 31 Oswald Jacoby and AlanSOntag Oswald They do and hearts fail to break 33 Alan would play three rounds of trumps in this event Then would play aceking and small heart and ruff heart in my hand go back to dummy with the ace of clubs lead and ruff fourth heart cash my ace king of diamonds and king of clubs for that diamond dis card ruff one diamond and discard the other on the fifth heart Oswald You have made the grand slam Your play would also have won in the event of 51 heart break if the diamonds had broken 33 since you would have been able to establish your fourth diamond Ask IIIQIXDCIII You hold OAKxxx Vxxx 0A OQxx The bidding is opened With one heart on your left Your partner passes and two hearts is bid on your right Michigan reader asks if we would biti two spades when vulnerable Yes we would taking chance IZiii We but are 0111 cant get anywhere waiting for sure things dain crossword ACROSS 19 Bill IlHllliiilitili Militant 41 Cornering lrlllllll Sparks iwtil n1 42 pans than 43 Frivest tintill iiiiiiiimir1 44 Caspian 32iei1s 15 Cilflll iysleivi IV in iirirthiariv 14 oriiim Pies Mit tiitidn lent riirl 47 Small lltllt li mm I19 Stiii =5 sutmi swimw imu 56 Yeti of 16 Mwllhw science Itill cottonwood WM firm Sldtitl RVllYWl Kinfl if magi bl possess MUHH to singing club 18 Posh mm BMHV li Beveiaqe 20 Pwsum UV Historii lllettllit ally 3R period Play without OURSm mu Bears tilitlliqiii 22 tulva 64 pIIIVIlVI if Siiiiieles iiiii HSWHNS phosphate 65 my NW UNA do out Illtdlpf 66 mil events llltlill Mil 67 tom iiiwm 19 OM ovum 49 Dku items 25 state lillHlf 5f Muesli intitsiivr DOWN 21 Shaped WIIII 5i BiirllltSt Iiititiii Uan 28 Salt1y agency Mastiames 23 false preliii 53 HORN alml abflfl 24 Lily 0n the PVHJ 30 19L5 Network lfllft 54 NMk and Blllt Inner lpuIl 35 Baseball Mk Alddsle lit tit four love 35 103 wtiieleli or 76 llessel how 55 09 Wm 36 CW ridge 27 Run of liqht 58 WWW5 IM Cooking fat 79 Sharpen 59 C9355 37 lBUIUEId Depression IIll 31 Charged 10 metalware tials U1 La IiifllflgtfS 60 lake meal so N1 ts cYour Birthday April 24 1979 Things that have proven unpro ductive In the past Wlll finally come to an end for y0u this coming year Look forward to making strides In several new beginnings TAURUS April zomy 20 Al though you Wlll wish to spend time on activities that dont include others today this might become difficult because of duties youve neglected GEMINI May 21June 20 Asso CIale With friends who are on Ninthrop ltd flo NORHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Mn Sodr16 HON COME YOUR Pads HAVE CHAIN 0N THEM DST EILE social 09 0060 WISH AD THE MONEY the go and doing things but be careful you dont try to impose your will Go along with the wtshes of the majority CANCER June 21July 22 Youll strive for high goals today and do good iob toward achievmg them However should you err in some man ner dont try to blame anyone else LEO July 23Aug 22 You could come up with clever and fresh approach to some thing but it might not be so easy to conVince others of your ideas Do your own thing VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be wary lest you be drawn into situation with strings attached You could end up haying to make good anothers obliga WELL PUFF WHAT is lT MR FRAMfgyté HERE 7555 YA 16 Vsiii VOLAUYS WHAT WOULD DO tion LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Its to your interests to listen to the suggestions of your mate or assoCIates today Dont push too hard to have your way SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 Both your physical and mental energies are at high point today and this sh0uld be very productive Know however when to stop SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 Youll be anXIous to do fun things today and yet large groups could unnerve you Share your time with few intimate friends with whom you feel comfortable CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 If it gives you engoyment to whip the house into shape It you CANT PARALLEL You wayr PARK BLUNDEQ WOMAN DQiVEQs TWENTY51X LETTERS KoY1F THE ALPHABET wagNT 1N ALPHABETIGAL ORDER DONT KNOW How zD EVER REMEMBER Itg IF ADTHE MON 10 PAV OFF ALL Gla Bernice Bede Osol today thats great but dont know the family just because they dont have the same enthusiasm AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 This is an excellent day to catch up on visning or corre spondence so long as you dont spill the beans about something not meant for anoth ers ears PISCES Feb 20March 20 Youll be gogetter in things that tend to benefit you materi ally or financially today In your eagerness you c0ud get taken so be careful ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Set your own pace today Work toward sewing your personal interests You wont be able to please others THANK YOU MACK SENNETT re v5 AliD fa HOLD SCHNoooLE CLIPS no we sn no iu° Tunes as SH OUTAN BUY BLE Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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