Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1979, p. 1

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Is for sports Soviets cruise to title MOSCOW tCPl The big red Soviet Union machine made the remaining week of the world hockey championships anti climatic Saturday when it destroyed Czechoslovakia lIt Meanwhile Sweden dissolved anadas chances of medal at this global gathering by beating the lacklustre anadians by scoring tour second period goals en route to 54 win But the absolute surprise of the tourney to date was the ease with which the Russians maiitiandled tough fastskating tIechoslovakiaii national team that was rated heading into the game Rose plucks Jays DETROIT ilt No one scattered rose petals at Dave Roxeiiias feet when he was finished Sunday with Toronto Blue Jays but it might not have lieeii bad idea The Rose was the king of the hill Sunday baffling the Blue Jays with petalsoft pitr ches that wouldnt have shattered glass and finessing his way to threerhit 41 Detroit Tigers victory Peace plans for Ireland LllNllllN WI Speculation that President arter plans peace initiative in Northern Ireland mounted today after Vice President alter Mondale disclosed con cern at the highest liels of government about the decade old sectai ian conflict Britons angry over trimism by House of lfttttistlliilIH Speakei Thomas Tip tiNeill ot their handling of the blood shed became even aiigiiii when New York iov Hugh airy proposed on Sunday that trade sanctions lie orderwl against Britain if it does not pull its troops from Northern Ireland Gbarani shot to death Tlllll itli lien Mohammad ali iharam former chief oi staff of the lia nian armed torwes died in hospital today after being shot by unknown assailants ltt Tehran Doctors at chr Hospital said the general who was appointed chiefofstafl by religious revolutionary leader Ayatollah Rubollali Khomeini two days after the February revolution and tired on March 27 was shot in the chest eaiiiei in thoday Reactor still closed liiil lil lttll ttttl tl Stall at Bruce fiitlit ating Station 107le Sunday to try and sele the iiiyJiry ut the ttilSSlIiL nucleai llltl bundle Incl channel llt one ol Itittl ieactors at the statioi has been lllllii problems since last Rtel llllfllld ot an illtlitilt ilv titlttl llllllli The reai tor shut down toi repairs lhttisdm and lion vhite lllllalltt lldio LttlllltttitliH ielaioir oliii il said ll ma be Tuesday liiloieflir unit It in it Troops take Naghadeh llIllll ll llililli troops have moved into the iioilzfla tern town ot Nagliadeli wlieie iincontiiivmd iepoit tittl 25 person died It lItltt lax oi limit Residents of neaite toxin aid apoiadii shootingwascontinnniciorlax The government not Minday iiwlit that Iranian army unit JIi ii tiltllttl oi Naghadeb in iestei lllitllitli pi nice The mined in Sunda atei ceasetiie between waiiiiii Kurds and eihaijani negotiated by goveiiiinviit eiioys and local religious leaders failed to hold ltlltttiit Minister Ahmad Sadr Hai Seved Jaadi said shooting had lilisltltfl tut resideiitsof Mahabad to kiloiiaties iilllll of Naghadeh said firing was oiitinniiig to day The official news agency lais quoted an uncoiiliiiiied iepoit ot lttii persons killed Nagliadeli on Sunday An olticial delegation ot religions ltatlits and goei ltllltlll enxous who negotiated he ceaselne returned to Hit pio inclal capital ol liiiiniyeli Itlltlilll lltitltll today and told iepoitei the situation In Naghzideh Illltttli mi come home to The Examiner c9 7266539 for home donuty monday Clothes horse puzzled Genevieve Habszy stores in disbelief at tree on vacant lot next to her Wentworth Street North home in Hamilton Ont She has no idea who did it or where the clothes came from CP Photo Janet Belcourt and Ken Cascanette of Penetanguishene Secondary School await the return of serve during match in the I979 Georgian Bay Secondary Schools Athletic Association badminton championships Saturday at Base Borden Collegiate institute For details see page Fine for dumping waste LONDON Ont lClt Residents who dump garbage unlawfully during the city workers strike will be charged and liable to fines of up toSIoti provincial police say An OPP spokesman said some city residents have been diiving to neighboring communities at night WIIII uncollected rel use and dumping it on rural roads and in ditches Hydro in rewiring suit IfRl0 ifli The Aluminum Wiring Home Owners Action is suing ltntario Hydro and the anadian Standards Associa tion for $1573 million on behalf of iiitario residents owning homes that have alum inum wiring Toronto lawyer Vernon Balabaii said writ starting the lawsuit by the Ottawa based group has been filwl in ntario Supreme ourt The group says Hydro and the standards association should pay $17m to rewire each house in the province that has aluminum wiring The total cost would be $1573 million for about 250000 homes Locals among Rat Race Bruce Murdiicks Murdock Steel entry and Larry littersills American Hotel craft were aiming tio participants in the an nual Beaver River Rat Race held Sunday on the Beaver River near lhornburv An estimated 115000 people crowded the river banks between Heatheote and tlarksburg to witness the annual trek of homemade craft along the lit km course Ron howling ol Meaford and lteii llik kaboom of Watcrdow ii were first across the finish line in their boat The Rats broken arm and broken leg were the oiin serious iiiiuiies in the race which en tailed running the trick whirlpools and currents of the flood swollen tict Czechs win playoffs Mi iSt tW ifli scored tour goals to lead Czechoslovakia iii lot win over tanada in world hockey championship play today The loss lelt anada Illl without point in championship round play and with little chance of gaining medal The aiiadians would need vins oct ilie defending chain pion Soviet lnion on kednesday and Sweden on Friday to gain broiie medal Two goals by Ebermann and one each by Vladimir Martiiiec and Ivan llliiika gave the tuiclioslovakiaiis it lead in the first period Trevor lohaiiseii rookie Itvan Walter and Steve layne scored for aiiada weather Mainly sunny Tuesday becoming mainly cloudy Highs both days l5 to i8 but cooler near the lakeshores Lows onight to Bohuslav IIbeimaiin Retaliation after raid Israelis shell Palestinian camp TEL AVIV AP Israeli gunboats shelled Palestinian camp on the northern Lebanese coast after four Israelis including father and his two young daughters were killed in guerrilla raid on town eight kilometres south of the Lebanese frontier One of the four Palestinian guerrillas was killed by neighbor of the guerrillas victim and an army patrol killed another one and wounded and captured the other two The Israeli military said the target of Sun days naval attack was training camp for Marxist guerrillas of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine at Nahr EIBcrd between the northern Lebanese town of Tripoli and the Syrian border Palestinian spokesmen in Beirut said refugee camp was shelled and that three persons were killed An Israeli spokesman said the shelling was not in retaliation for the terrorist attack early Sunday on the the northern Israeli town of Nahariya But Interior Minister Yosef Burg told Radio Israel the government will con tinue hitting Palestinian bases in response to raids 115th your No 96 Monday Aprll 23 1979 15° Per Copy Meanwhile Yasser Arafat put the guer rillas of his Palestine Liberation Organiza tion PLO in Lebanon on maximum alert in expectation of retaliatory strike An Iraqibacked branch of the PLO claimed responsiblity for the Nahariya attack It was the seventh guerrilla strike or attempted strike across the border this year and the most costly in civilian casualties in more than year The four guerrillas landed in rubber boat and raided threcrstorey apartment house 300 metres away firing and throwing grenades The Israelis killed were Daniel Heran 28 the manager of textile factory his daughters Einat and Yael and police Sgt Eliahu Shahar 24 who was killed when he arrived on the scene Four other Israelis were slightly wounded An army spokesman said the guorrillas killed Herans younger daughter in the apart ment but neighbors said the childs mother suffocated her accidentally while trying to keep her quiet as they hid from the attackers Carrier Home Delivery 90 Weekly the examiner Manitoba rivers swollen serving barrie and simcoe county Thousands of sandbags used to stem flooding WINNIPEG CPI Flood fighters equip ped with fresh supply of sandbags are con tinuing efforts to protect homes and com munities from inundation by swollen rivers and streams The Emergency Measures Organization said several hundred thousand sandbags have been distributed and more have been obtain ed by special arrangement with United States authorities Southern Manitoba flood watchers especial ly watching arman town of about 2400 where water from the Boyne River ran knee deep on the main street However there were indications that the peak of the Boyne may have passed ther communities battling With flood waters include Arborg Sandy Bay Gladstone and MacGrcgor About 400 residents were evacuated from the Peguis Indian Reserve Many were removed by boat because of as much as 15 metres of water surrounding their homes In Winnipeg which is protected by flood way Premier Sterling Lyon conferred with municipal and rovincial government of ficials on the fl fighting effort Lyon said residents of some communities in the Red River valley should be alerted to the possibiliton evacuation if there is more rain fall But he stressed he was not recommeir dnig that anyone leave yet The Red River swollen by heavy rainfall last week in the linited States is expected to reach peak next Sunday and Monday along the valley in southern Manitoba Highway travel from Manitoba to North Dakota was not recomiiiendwl Police were looking for the body of six yearrold Winnipeg boy believed drowned Saturday after he apparently fell into creek Meanwhile residents of communities in southeastern Saskatchewan were kept in suspense during the weekend as water in the swollen Souris river system ebbed and flowed with the changing temperature Weyburn and Estevan have been hardest hit so far with the Souris reaching its high water mark late Saturday Flooding forced evacuation of several homes and motel in Weyburn To the north Regina and Moose Jaw on the AhtAppellr lshxl alt aic awaiting flood crests expected early this week Observers eye ballots in Rhodesian election SALISBURY lAfi Willi foreign observers and journalists watching about 80 election offiCials today began counting almost two million votes cast last week in Rhodesias first blackmajority election Military commanders said they are prepar ing for an increase in attacks by the black na tionalist guerrillas who failed to fulfill their vow to wreck the elections First results from the fiveday election the first in which Rhodesias black majority voted are expected Tuesday Wllh the winn ing party to be known by Wednesday Bishop Abel Muzorewas party the United African National founcil is expected to win US heading for WASHINGTON MP The l7nited States IS heading for serious recession unless swift action including mandatory wage and price controls if necessary is taken to con trol inflation the president of the AFLIU building and construction trades department said today In remarks prepared for the opening ses sion of the departments annual legislative conference Robert tieorgine tiltlplilltlttl that labor is liciiig asked to bear the brimt il economic problems He claimed nly swilt elfective action Cuban officers advising troops from Cambodia BANGKOK iAl Thai military officials say Soviet and uban officers are advising the Vietnamese and prirllillltil ambodian government troops that ipparcntly have ousted lieiiiier lol lots army on the run About iiiiioo taiiibodiaiis crossed nine kilometre stretch of border into Thailand in mass weekend exodus Among them were thousands of lots Khmer Rouge troops and thousands of civilians including liun dreds of women and children Thai border officials said the ambmlians headed south along the frontier inside Thailand apparently planning to seek refuge in the rugged mountains of southwestern ambodia The exodus indicated Vietnamese troops and soldiers of President lleng Samrins pro Vietnamese government in Pinion lcnh are inflicting heavy blow to the remnants of the pro hincsc Pol Pot forces in western am bodia along the Thai border Vietnam eager to end the costly conflict it initiated with hristiiias Itay invasion of ambodia began major offensive last month to wipe out the guerrillas in western ainbodia before the rainy season starts Senior Thai officers in Bangkok and at the border said both Soviet and Cuban military experts are ailvising the Vietnamese and amodiaii government forces Western analyst said there is extensive circumstair tial evidence of the Soviet presence and possibly of uban involvement too most of the 72 National Assembly seats reserved for blacks That would make the Methodist minister the first black prime minister and the first leader of the govern ment of ZimbabweRhodesia as the country will be called Muzorewa has vowed to persuade the guer rillas who have fought sixyear war against white rule to lay down their arms and return home once blackrcontrolled parliament has taken office But military officials who mobilized force of notion army regulars and reserves to protect the elections said they are preparing for an increase in guerrilla at tacks recession AFLCIO to control inflation without increasing already high unemployment can prevent deep recession tieorgine cited downward turn in housing and said it Will soon affect other segments of the economy unless action is taken arter administration officials have disagreed with various private economists predicting recession itmg the administrations seven percent annual wage guideline despite an inflation rate of to per cent or more tieorgiiie said President arters program will not hold down inflation because it does not have coinpreliensiblc effective enforceable system ol controlling prices $0va My dear cha how can she win She oesnt even own bowler hat inside today lifestyle entertainment sports 58 cornlcstv gulde 10 classified 1113 upplemont Sears 20 pages Concert for the blind Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones plays guitar during benefit concert for the blind in Oshawa about 40 kilometres east of Toronto Sunday evening Richards who had been convicted of heroin possession was ordered to play benefit concert for the Canadian National institute for the Blind as part of his sentence CP Photo Concert makes money lttlttiNlti dl The Rolling Stones con certs for the liliiid made money and the pro tits will go to the aiiadian itllilthil Institute lot the Blind itlttv spokesman tor the concert ptoniotcis said today Michael tohl picsident ot oiieeii lroduc lions International said ll will be late this week or early next week betorc all billsaie iii and the iolit tiom the two cont ttls Sunday iii ltsliawa tint is tabulated But we are not even closi to losiiii money he idilisl ohl said in an intiiiiew that it was the first time he had liittt asked about profits and losses and that he did not understand how rumors that the concerts lost money got started till letiyinal illltlilll managing diiec ioi ol the ll said today that 1ioo ol tlic loom people who attended the two concerts were blind The NIB dlSllIIilIIttl Lilith free tickets to the blind and their escorts Six months ago after Stones guitarist Keith Richards was convicted in Toronto of posses sion of heroin Judge Lloyd irabnrn put Rn bards on one year of probation and ordered him to play benefit concert for the blind letrymak said the court order indicated that any profits from the concerts in to the tNIB But Ietryiiiak said that If the concerts lost money it was not up to the NIB to pick up the tab have no idea whether the concerts lost money or not we have nothing liaisoi er to dowith that he said Our role was assuring that the llliltl got their tickets Tanzanian forces take town dam llNJA lgaiida rlr The lanxaniaii drive to secure eastei and northern lganda for the new giiviiiiiiieiit in Kampala took its first objecine Sunday the town of llIijil and the wen halls hydroelectric dam Most of deposed dictator ldi Aimns troops fled altei Iwoweek orgy of murder and looting There was no sign oi Illllt whi made his headquarters in lllljit alter an invasion force laiianiaii troops and lgaiidan tlliS clos ed on Kampala his capital to the west Provisional Iresideiit iissufu Liites government feared that Amins men would make bloody last stand at Jinja But two 3o minute artillery barrages knocked out too mm antitank gun at the Nile Itiver bridge and several thousand Tanzanian and itillr Aiiiiii lgaiidan soldiers marched into the city in columns few of Amins soldiers still in the city were captured Part of the force moved out to the SH mene hiin liven Falls dam to the northwest oi the city which supplies all of Ugandas clictt ty and 15 per cent of neighboring Kenya resistance was reported there Residciils of Jinja said Amins troops shot hundreds of people there in the two weekS since Kampala fell to the invaders

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