Compromise best solution Dear Ann Lenders What do you think of man who gets furious when he wakes up and finds his wife has gotten out of bedqbefore him and is therefore not available for instant sex try to be cooperative to keep peace but some days must get up earlier than does and frankly there are mornings when beat him out of bed on purpose because dont want to face the ritual When that happens he retaliates with verbal abuse and petty punishment You cant use the car today is 42 and cant get much going at night but hes rarin to go in the morning sometimes as early as 400am After which cant get back to sleep He claims am selfish and incomiderate when refuse him and quotes doctors as saying Repressed sexual drives are unhealthy He also insists something must be wrong with me because have to force myself to go along with what comes so naturally to him used to believe we could work this problem out if each of us gave in little but the man wont compromise Can you help Pooped In California Dear Pooped Sex can be weapon punishment for displaced anger It can also be withheld for variety of rea sons Im not attempting to analyze your problem but per haps these insights might be helpful You dont say what is required of you in terms of time and energy If its only few minutes you should agree ti aclt commodate in exchange for his promise to leave you alone before the alarm clock goes off Dear Ann Landers received letter this morning from my grandson age It It was full of mispelled words and grammatical errors Should ta correct his mistakes and send the letter back to him bl say something to his parents about the kind of education he is getting tci ignore the mis takes Too bad our young people today are growing up with so little grounding in the basic skills they will need to get them through life await your decision Ann exed In Lexigton Dear Vexed Please dont return your grandsons letter with corrections or bi tell his parents about the errors Both would be unforgivable Be happy that the boy wrote to you hear from dozens of grannies who would be thrilled to get any kind of letter from their grandchildren Incidentally dear you misspelled misspelled iTherc are two 5s in it Should return your letter or write to your parents Dear Ann Landers know you are against young married couples livingwith iiilaws or next door cvcn but my husbands folks are so terrific we decided we could beat the odds Actually the problem isnt them its my husbands kid brother Tom is 16 loudmouthed spoiled brat who runs in and out of our place whenever he feels like it Hes always in the fridge and constantly borrows my husbands clothes without permission My husband doesnt like this setup any more than do but we are both intimidated by the boys terrible temper What do you suggest Ashamed To Sign Dear Ashamed Medical science has made it possible to transplant hearts kidneys corneas teeth and hair but so far nothing on backbones Together you must sit the boy down and recite the new rules No more running in and out ome only when invited Fridge and clothes closets are out of bounds If he opens up with the mouth tell him to close it or leave PoIIys Pointers Offers recipe using almonds DEAR POLLY Our three almond trees produce about 50 pounds of almonds would like to use them to make macaroons or marzipan cookies but do not know how to make the almond paste and wonder if someone could tell me how to do this we ELLEN DEAR ELLEN have not been able to obtain recipe for making almond paste at home but thought you might like the following recipe for cookies using almonds Work together two cups sifted flour one cup unsalted butter threefourths cup confectioners sugar two teaspoons vanilla and one and half cups ground blanched almonds Shape by hand and bake on greased and floured cookie sheet in 375 degree oven for 13 or 14 minutes When cool dip in powdered sugar POLLY DEAR FULLY to the outside of luggage prevents mistake when Colored plastic adhesive tape applied traveling there are often identical suitcases at the baggage claim area You can then identify your own distinctive design from distance even if someone aCCidentally retrieves it PAT DEAR POLLY My husband is the worst one for taking pills now use two spoons to crush his pills and then put them into his cereal or in sandwmh No more problems The rails on hospital bed are hard and he kept getting bruises so sewed that sticky fabric that holds garments together onto blanket rolled the blanket around the bottom rail and secured it With more of the sticky stripping MRS IM Program changed views teens had of alcoholics CENTER CITY Minn AP To the 12 high school students from schools in Minnesota and California alcoholism was something they had heard about They pitied alcoholics but they didnt know any The teenagers found their from San Diegos Morse High School Iiis classmate Monte Montesanto 17 said he looked for something like stone prison But they found intelligent people at liazelden people who as one student put it could make the deans list in college Medicine law nolonger best paid TORONTO CP Studying medicine or law is no longer the surefire ticket to large in come it once was comparison shows incomes from these professions have lagged behind those of more modest trades and occupations in the last decade In some in stances there may be more money at the end of COIIlllltl nity college course in aviation or an apprenticeship at the wheel of delivery truck Although the average general practitioner earns about 550000 year he works 50to lithour week for that income and has neither health or pension bene fits vacation pay or paid time off for sickness truck driver on the other hand earns about $834 an hour and longhaul drivers also get mileage payment of 2244 cents on top of the basic rate John Cowan general man ager of the Motor Iransixnt III dustrial Relations Bureau says the average longhaul driver puts in about four hours week overtime On that basis his basic earnings would be about $30000 year And theres no minimum age requirement for the work Dr Rick Mackenzie young general practitioner in Ioronio says that when his longer work week is taken into account and the fact that he gets no fringe benefits the drivers pay vastly exceeds his HAVENT KEPT ll To anyone who looks at the comparisons it should be ob vioUs that the doctors have not kept up and this is precisely what weve been trying to tell the government through the Ontario Medical Association Lawyers also say the can sec the nonprofessioual oc cupations creeping up on them To become lawyer III tlntaiio takcs minimum of five years in university and law school plus one year of articliiig and SIXIIIOIIIII bar admission course The latest iigiirc from ltcii mic anada shows the averagi income for scltrciiiploycd lawyer is 540000 For sclfcruploycd chartered accountants whose basic train ing is three years in school and three years with an accounting firm the average salary is $41000 But top airline pilot fly mg Boeing 747 for cxaniplc earns basic salary of $00 000 year on average plus bcii cfits Pay for pilots is iilatwl basically to the ycight and speed of thc aircraft with Hit 747 tit Illt top of the anziilian pay laildci The average wage of Illt 1000 pilots represented by tlic ana than Air llflt lilots titl ation is 342000 Tlicre are no llXttl ctluui tional requirements and many of the pilots trained ill the nadian Forces But growing number are starting with iol lcgc aviation courses The average irIiil Lakcs merchant ship captain cziiur oyci $30000 for ciglit uiontlis work but some go as high as SSSJXKL Marine pilots thc men whosc main job is to guide foreign ships through scaw ay channcls can roam$40000 SINtllTSlllNllSOII Sunshine energy falling on the in single day tilillll four times thc ciicigy Ill tlic amount of oil Americans ttst lll an iiitiriyiai WEDDINGS BANDUETS DANCES MEETINGS Paved Parking Gliddcns BEST Flat latex Wall Paint Elegant flat finish Scrubs clean stays coloriast Easy water cleanup SAVE 4°° the oxamlner Wednesday Aprll18 1m 99 Gallon Rog 1399 Plus Gliddens BEST Latex SemiGloss Enamel Resists grease dirt maisture Applies easrly dries aurckly Matches Spred Satin colors Easy soapy water cleanup SAVE 40° BARBIE PAINT WALLPAPER BARBIE SHOPPING PLAZA 165 WELLINGTON ST BARRIEhQNT Vlti WM YEARS100 AFTER EASTER SPRING CLEARANCE OF CHILDRENS WEAR I3X46X Selected Styles in AFTER EASTER SPRING CLEARANCE OF GIRLS WEAR 7tol4 Selected Styles in Girls iriswin wuvq ii ahl my new muls AFTER EASTER SPRING CLEARANCE JUNIOR MISSES LADIES WEAR OF Childrens Wear of Hooded Sweatcoats Dresses Childrens Toddlers Pc Suits Sleepwear Sweaters Shirts UP TO 50 on views changed radically after living for time in the alcholics world 30 The young people spent week earlier this year atllazel den drug and alcohol treatment centre The livein was sponsored by Operation Cork of San Diego and the Ila zelden Foundation of Centre City 24 Dunlop St The object was to expose high Downtown Banh school leaders to treatment program as participantobseiv vers in hopes they would be able to communicate what they learned to others expected to meet street bums says Emmett Shaffer 16yearold class president unwmflo iiAiii Geno Forovovl Wear of Denim Jeans Spring Coats Spring Jackets Sweaters Blouses UPTO 50 on Our Woolworth Reg Prices Selected Styles for After Easter Clearance of Blouses Skirts Dresses Pc Suits Cardigans UPTO 50 on Our Woolworth Reg Prices Jeans 2Kl9éimr NEW ARRIVALS STOREWIDE THURS FRI SAT APRIL I9 20 Our Woolworth Reg Prices MrsDasGoodmabcrolow herapiSi NO CHARGE OPEN EVERY NIGHT lam 322018 all 39de mpmur mm UNDERGROUND UNTll 900 PM 32me Maxim 5676 BAYFIELD ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE SATURDAY 600 Hi SAN SOUCIE applied BERNARD WAN entrance off Maple Avenue an GSI AIGEi OMAN cumc wumv Gog2631 eoiuioNs or PHILADELPHIA eTliese Cardsm Woolworth Stores Across Canada Monti oIOni and Amman gt brooks Ionamm