38 tha examiner Wednaadv April to 1979 mw AUCTION FORD 6000 Commander 75 hp diesel tractor power steering PTO point hitch Goodshape INTERNATIONAL l8 run seed drill FORD ll cultivator FORD furrow plow section drag horraws new tractor I4 foot disc rubber tired wagon rock to be sold by auction on Tuesday night April 24 at the COOKSTOWN SALES BARN at 600 prn before our regular livestock sale Machinery can be seen at sales barn anytime A20 67 Irurts vegetables APPLES ixpnlv cosslm Ora Sunday sales POT ATOE FOR LE No Sebaau lb boos Charles Ilsrtttri lulophorw 18 4986 MaclNTOSH APPCE quart hackers inls am Int Pratt tmkul 06000 tort St Bar htltlr amt Son on 25 ï¬rst or 35 low No PARAMEDIX HEALTH SERVICES Specialising in Home Care Nursitg raï¬starsd nurses raï¬stmd nursltg assistants available under your physicians supervision LOW HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY RATES homemakers housekeepers componlons Servitg OR of Sincoc County 7374659 0H0 lcgt ANOH OJ Mt rm on tow mstn it to wanwmr llm sums Call att EAR ROLNL EZNTE iflNv at lrwlcw Rama mitt pm ws Tun pawn minus aucs mm mm Ca we bis AUTOS TO BE Dk 9V tor 1l ALSO AIB 309x OJ New tut 7t help wanted 4t abouts and esters $700 HOUR If you can qualify Telephone IPMRS solicitor parttime work from AND SUPPLIES your home Mu be perienced Previous sales TOLLENDAL MARINA experience an asset Please 1264950 BAR write with phone number to PO Del 96 IerrIo Ontario AIBI9 CLASS MECHANICTECHNICIANS Sellstarters needed Service Dept sales were up in the Ist quarter Jan Feb Mar by whopping 371 over last year Excellent employee benefits including purchase discounts profit sharing lockers shower lunch room facilities It you have high integrity are skilled preferably in front end and want to be identified with progressive organilation apply to Dan Craddock Service Mgr CANADIAN TIRE BARRIE mayor automotive parts manufacturer requires experienced product engineers manufacturing process engineers industrial engineers production material buyers and tool designers for the new Barrie Ont plant which will manufacture axle housing This is an opportunity to grow wtth an expanding company Comprehensive Benefit Program fully paid for by the Company Opportunity for advancement Send your resume to Hayes Dona Limited Corporate Office PO Box 3029 St Catharines Ont L2R 7K9 Attn McLaughlin A20 PRODUCTION MANAGER Experienced applicant must be familiar wrth automotive production scheduling inventory control and materials pur chasing Please submit complete written resurneto 71hob nanted NELDERS Construction company requires welders for shop and field work Must be ex perienced on fabrication and pipe welding Good working conditions Please send name and telephone number to la AIS The Iarrlo Esaalhar PO Dal 370 Dorrie Ontario MM 4T6 All replies confidential Al9 EARN IIG MONEY OVERSEASIII You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the same or similar type of job by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of iob skilled tradesmen or an unskilled laborer regardless of your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large sell addressed stamped envelope to FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES In 710 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MSC A24 GENERAL INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY Person required for new general insurance agency Must be cordial knowlegeable in auto and homeowners insurance Salary open Reply in writing to PO IOX Ibl IARRIE ONTARIO LAM ATZ II FIRE 1t Reb edited BABVSITTER wanted weekends hospital area Must be reliable Telephone 737 rats alter rrl BARTENDER Male or Female day shill It to some experience preterred Contact Mr Warrin use 9595 or 435 5501 TAXI DRIVERS WANTED experience not necessary over 25 clean driving record Some shilt work Telephone 474 97 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull lime sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens otticr supplies etc Our 27th Year New catalogue available Alto Box 3772 Ottawa SALES REPRESENTATIVE for attrac live territory in Barrie and area ex cellent commission aogressrvc out going personality required with reliable car Telephone Mr Klemrml 737 1909 76employmentwanted EXPERIENCED LADY Will do house cleaning S4 per hour No pets please Telephone 778 9827 evenings pr NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS In the Estate of PHYLLIS JQA GORRY deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of PHYLLIS JOAN GORRY late of the Village of Angus in the County of Simcoe Widow who died on or about the 19th day of February I979 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May I979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims at which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose clolm they shall not than have notice DATED at Barrie this 41h day of April I979 FRANCIS WILLIAM GORRY Administrator by his solicitors HOGBEN MAYHEW 39 Owen Street Barrie Ontario L4M4T7 A41Il8 NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ARTHUR TRIEND 1s tendon 1smtlm VILLAGE or TOYYENIIAM rrunrrs tori TOTYENIIAM rnrrlc SIGNALS comm NO mu Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by Mr Fleck Clerk Village of Tottenham PO Box 310 Tottenharn Ontario until 1200 am Local Time on Wednesday Mav9 I979 The Contract is for the complete Installation of traffic signals at the Intersection of Queen Street and MIIlStraet In the Village of Tottenham The work consists of the supply and placing of all materials including poles controllers signal heads wiring and all necessary incidentals Contract documents may be obtained at the office of the Clerk 18 Queen Street North Tottenham at Ainley and Associates Limited Consulting Engineers and Planners 52 Morrow anl Barrie Ontario for the sum of SI500 which will not be refunded Each tender must be accompanied by tender deposit in the lorm of certified cheque payable to the Village of Tottenham in the amount of per cent of the total tender price Tenders are subject to formal contract being prepared and executed The Owner reserves the right to reiect any or all tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM Fleck Clerk PO Box 3IO Tottenharn Ontario LOG IWO AINLEY AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers and Planners Morrow Road Barrie Ontario UN 3V8 Tenders Will be received by the undersigned for the operation of the Innisftl Park Concession Booth Tender forms which must be used and pertinent information are available at the Municipal Offices Tenders will be received by the undersigned untilWednesrloy May I979at wprn Not necessarily the highest or any tender accepted A1825 TOWNSHIP OI NOTTAWASAGA TENDER FOR ONE I979 it TON TRUCK AIB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 74M 79wction solos AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL I979 at II ani tor RRIAN DIANNE MAURICE with Inclusions One tnlle south from lend Head on Hwy No 27 Sale at home furnishings appliances Tappan Gurney stove GE Refrigerator good condition Westinghouse dryer Karn Piano Canadian Antique furniture Edwardian SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks S600 minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births InMemorlamnaverse Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events 3343 per column Inch xMflfliWW II catIII events CF KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS EVERY THURSDAY EM EARLY IMDS 730 IARRIE LEGION HALL ST VHCENT AND CUNDLES ROAD DOHS SPECIAL STARTS AT SI rum ON All mum GAMES ISdeatbs PADDISON James Harvey At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Mon day AprI la I979 James Harvey Paddi arm in his 87th year Beloved husband at the late Ethel May Ransor Dear lather of Duns and son in law Joe Pratt at LOOK GIANT ELEA MARKET Struud Grandfather of Brian at Craqhurst Dale at Barrie Margot JMrs Dunn ol Coldwatpr and live VOHWU 0km great grandchildren Brother at Lottie Alt common AUCTIONS °°°° rtends may call at Steckle Funeral Reserve 10 Ithlt HUMP 30 WorslrI St Barre alter pm Wednesday Comolete servtce tn WHM the chapel on Thursday Aprll l9 at Interment Barrie Union Cemeteu It so desired memorial donations may be mean to Camden Cancer SocQty MWFA3O 87 in memoriams HODGE Kerry Don In Memory ol Verry Don Hugo who died Aprtl18l97l We live In deeds not years in thoughts nolbreaths In leelrrtgs not in lugures on dial We should count ttme by heart throbs He Ilves most who thinks most Ieels Ihl nookst acts the pest Author unknown Mother and Father Annual Meeting lARRIE rlcuRt SKATING cwrl MONDAY APRIL 30 PM no BLUE rum ROOM of CONsurters GAS Oossrlted advertisements and notices for tltesa pages must be received by prn day preceding publication with the exception of Omsilied Display advertisements which must be by pm two days prior to A18 deacons puHIcaIion Ergo lTD deCeOSGd Sealed tenders wrll be received desk oak Vtctorian sideboard BIRTH Notlccsaoo INDUSTRIAL ROAD Applicationsthbereceivedbt mm mg by de59m 00 W°°9°°d°p FORCE atti22iï¬téom Ti TOTTENHAM ONtARlO eundmignedun OP Imut °9 °° BINGO °° °° Hotsn Monday April 30 1979 for the FREND Wmlo lHURSDAY MA 979 sideboard pine table ho Addmonolwovdmm pvword Tossorontlo in the County of am Httuur LOG TWO for one T979 tTon Truck wnh odd heirs mm or THANKS to words saoo Addi positlon ol FIRE CHIEF for the vest picture EVERY THURSDAY Township oflnnisfll 309 Who ded ghoul I97 OMC zTon Model as frames etc Ariens roto tiller consensualdrink Isï¬xgzlauczoszEzmdN Hormone as dunes and the lsll dot OI MOLD trodeln Sears Craftsman I0 radial arm IIGULAIGANISIPJ WM Wm gaitrczhrw responmbilmes may be ob heebt Olled 53 90 For tender forms specifications saw on stand Table saw on $200 lm Askymoyreehome szoosooWE turned from the undersigned ugulsreglonsgznspguo and bid sheets contact the stand Rotary lawnmower wure Hwy902SIIOIOMI mccgrriiyï¬mjh demonstrattontoday MAL durtngregularolfice hours do 1979 my wuch t0wnsltp clerk cages Motor vehicle Old WESTof CONTINENTAL INN etude Salary commensurate with Lowest or any tender not smoblle Delta 88 455 cu inlLD Eglfï¬glilgi 21 and Present yourself the Good health experience and QUOIIIICOIIOHS dam me Bull be necessarily accepted motor reburlt transmissron pOtd wtthlrt days Oneuor M02333 7283392 professional way with one of Neataclean Excellent fringe benefit dsmbued Wm 79 ROBERT CAMPBELL completely power operated Olt patwptdtnumon thtncomocuttvem our indivldually prepared Car required program in affect me lorr IT Clark Treosulrir selling as is These are only 33033gzxorxzgcdzgl resumes Freelromtng Write or telephone 7057436 37I0 dosgw Dumvoon Onlano fewollhemony uselul nems mu total 312 Multiple inm notice and fl lllldrlstquced wrll 703 45 099 tlom may be ordered subject to cancellation when saltslartory results obtained Method Ht Nomvestrnent for an applicatton forrn whtch Terms Cash cheques vtllh ID vows COME IN and see us for fast ljlll ml not be habit to any ptld of reasonable and profesSlonol No small children must be completed and Whose 1mm my than Hm Hm A18 Nothing to be removed until olcwnmg fewer than wotdl count as 24 Mt service If you can qualify phone me returned on or before 430 settledfor woris Each mmol Obbllvtaflon dsat of AND EDIT Pl VEltO Kt Ana HOHL til at afrt on etc countas separate war new tttl The Secretarial BUYBOU 737 GROH DATED at Balm Iltl lath lUy SIDE 141135 705 458 Azegumu Vtv ERRORSANDCORRECTIONS Fr WWHT it DUPLICATING AND of III I979 VVhllu every endeavor will be PM CPld WA Hand for return coll plea leave ClerkAdmtnlstrator Al2l8 vv CDHNBIHOHCO lo the advertisers Therefore AVE psychlr was DAM my plug smvrcgs Your name odd Yownship Imus Albert Edward trend Extcuter mode to forward replies to boy tt tm Cluwhed Advmm Dwanmm sjtvn lost hr g9 DUNlop IIm phone numbér 55 on SIROUD om LOL 2M0 by his SOIIIIOI numbers of the advertiser as soon If 67 Qutres ad odvtrflsals to kindly ra check their vat ivt HOGBEN MAYHLW as possbk we 0Cepy no lobmyy by luv advertisement immediater after but inser 311 13 yr All l870 Iron order that any error or omission may BQTH courier wow ON Am VAN LANCE III mspmt of loss donOgt batopored belare9am inordarthatsama My Oplr 7mm TJtlly Hwy 390wen Sliml Olledged to arise through 01th may be IIlt9d lor the following day rvrte mummt tn blli Th Qt ht Baum OTIYOIIU failurt or delay in forwarding Apr 2OTH OJ offflmLUIVTHLigzzfï¬giilfï¬ NM LAMA such replies however other Campers boays mom odmttrsementand than only to the extent at COMMUIERS RVKES wm to IIN nlA LIJ Hilltlty 35 M3 WW New moor blkes GOOI kl rhr portion at ad that tnvolvos the rntsprint Er til ll tors which do not lessen the value ol the want to beat tntlottongt Want Acywe othce requires an on no no wlwt IN nit litnu WHO VGhICIes 4x45 tent dvertlsorttartl at not llglbl to mm you up Noun ll Htylrl Amt 78 do 78hnden allows accessory tlortsby make goods TheExamtnerrasarvas to keep your 900 em n5de salesperson to hondle sec an VON lr wl ltltr ll vr 15 thought to clautly revise or rerec arty wont PIOYmer 0d 590 resdence large volume of construction vwml all Ilrlt VILLAGE of NYENHAM m0 5L Pahsniclr ads wilhoUI POYng high 05 OI and industrial related ac epesen we on mm lel 767 PHON7797 comma mum Knowledge we Henble hows let you sell 12 rt TENDERS rOR QUEEN srnm RECONSTRUCTION warn durin the hours that suit co Le help Y°° nd 95 W°Uld be best gFor details call 7289Z52 t71lv 73 comma No on mm EXAMINER examlner swe however we would be willing or win Box 85 BARRIE mt mix Him Sealed tenders rlcarly marked as to antiills Will bi received HAMAMMHS WANy ADS 7299778 to train the right condldote Om LM by Mr fleck Clrrk Village ol Tottenharn Box 3l0 AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7283414 IRlfhmï¬o Salary Will be commensurate OPEN TIERRTORES F0 Tottenharn Ontario until rt Ill LU al Tlnm on Wednesday MT INC withth obiguï¬on A2 Wyh experience ll IItlll ltll rtl lnrllir lllrtr outlaw May 1979 vehc SDOCOIISS Wrwflmdm NOW AVAILABLE IN pt nnumt 20 Call for interview at BARME trim limp tt munmu My The Contract is for the contplotv IOLOISTIIKIIOIY ol Queen Street 79 IUCTIOT ak my CO VT Trl 7370120 WWI in the Village oi Tottonhmn from tltt south Villuqc Limit to the WT pr amp gt and surrounding townships fltll mu mum tm nntt rtt Huang sun Sign gm rtotllt thloge Ittml won CENTRECOLTD HMl Tho work LOIISISIH In pull UT tllr litllUthlllg approximate quart lrinlpd luup It 9farndoe Dr IIIIIS enm onmno Ealtll Lxcrivrtliorl 27 900 CY Granular 76 gt80 Ions Falm Esate HLA Asphalt 400 Tons onsr nment ucttons HL Asphalt 270 Ions Storm SOVHI 460 Ll Sanitary Siwcr 500 LT Wotmlttmlt 77IOLF Socl 0430 SY Contract documents may UblultltHl at the office of the Clerk I8 Queen Street North Tollisnllctrn or it Alrtley and Associates Lllnlled Consulting llglrliters and Planners Morrow Rood Barrio OIIIOIU lor tho urn Cl 530 00 which will not be refun ded Each IUIlLlUI must ltt llrrornpunmrl by lender deposit ln tho SATURDAY APRIL 21 I919 AM SHARP FOR IEACOCR ANTIQUES USED FURNITURE Yong Street ntlo sovtlt of Barrie City hits on Hwy LUNCH AVAILABLE EVERYTNIHG MUST BE SOLDIII AS PROPERTY BUSINESS HAVE BEEN SOLD Hoosier Cupboard washstonds wicker love seat wicker table hall mirror oak desk large buffets mirrors plus others bookcase desk ice chest old wooden occasional chairs double bed Burl walnut double bed mahogany llOllS claw foot cherry dresser small tables small kitchen hutch lt7lt zéjtispr rum rtt lorrn ul cl irrrllllorl LITOqUI puyublr to tho Village of Tottenhotn In the amount of pvt rent of tho total trndor pt Tenders uro sublct to lorntul contract being prepared arld executed Tho nwnor roservris the light to reject arty or all tenilols and tho luwosl lrrldrr Will not neceser ily be accepted VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM Fleck Clerk THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA requrres parlllme person to assume the responsibilities at interior maintenance at the Townshtp no 80310 plant tables book shelves porlor tables small display case Municipal Ofllces Mldhurst Iotlenllant Ontario wall phones National cash register Iworking drop leat Ontario LOGIWO table double pine woshstond Windsor chair wardrobe cupboard scale stoves Enterprise cook stove pot belly stove Circulator renickeled AI cond large walnut chest copper tub wringer washer wooden doors pr of French doors Ontario double door wood stove table tops church pew pedestal sink brass taps large quantity of spoons set All supplies and equipment to be prowded by the Township Interested persons are mvtted to contact the undersigned for further information AlNLLY AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Consulting Engineers and Planners Morrow Rood Barrie Ontario YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY DENNISA WILSON LAN 3V8 ol pearl handled knives forks assortmint of wooden TOWNSHIP CLERK A18 chairs many pieces of furniture parts legs handles etc 784784 USED EURNfTURE plus all small items too numerous to list Al8l970 AW IIAIIIMINIOI INDIAN AHAle ANIt NORIItLRN ur vnowml TENDIH dV IRUIH no lJllt olHlORJ 79 Hill MM lOpublc HOYSCOIV 7VWM lo tottslmit tum wutm illsltlltllfllflt systuitl to prumlit mum curlrtucllutli lu lltrt grim twttuullmrltttltlumltmlmnnusttmnu lo luiularl 51mm RePOIng 0W PTOdUWO THERESA AMELIA ETC 501mi Istllihtlslttuthotdcn turonlmll mHiawathayttlul itrlilinssodli pit monager this IS EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA ctrtlrncts Adtttllttsllulol ta challenging floor supervtsory DRURY LN WELUNGTON ST AREA DIDOIIrrtgrllollniltrnAllultsurlrl Nutl mm Dav upttmnl °°° pdl 9°W9 TIFFlNFERNDALE lawn OWIOCUmQ Compant Phone ELMVALE tom rm MAlJlu On May l7 I979 Mayor Ross Archer Will be hosting no flaws Applim mu have several LAPPERTON QT Mmttrmy lttu Willllnsduy Man lwy the First Mayors Conference on Growth which is years previous supervtsory All mutt ttiusllntlnl tl inltlplrilst triclyltllln lttrlirnturl ii rim it ilixurtlttlh experience with proven 0ng WELLINGTON AREA rmtmmttttttmttltlymuutmtatxttt unit lelded 9mm lUUre Heed OI CITY CI keyhole necillne and flare bI Muililuy tmta inclusive on traps of 50 no tltu trn Ot trump Barrie Iollowmg annexation Sleeves above sollened slender It in raining organizing AGNES LOUNT STS BANhUlEQUI payaltletollm Rmmwtommtull ntlutln tin 955 spring the season when and motivating others Salary open Apply to BOX AM THE EXAMINER Control ls Arlrntnlslrulur Dapurlrrlonl nI lnilton Allntrs and Northern Davelopnlent 55 St lair Avonult Lust 5th Iluilr Toronto nlurm MIT RP The Mayor is extending an invitation to those groups interested in participating in the conference It you wish to take part in the conference please contact Andrew Hill at 7264242 extension 293 or 294 for MULCASTER ST you reallze your prettlesl poten ital lor lelsey crepe Prtnted Pattern 4860 Mlsses Sizes IO I2 14 16 1820 Sl1812bust34tak85258 qul rolundoblit upim litturn oI rIIuwings uttil spuittquions in good condition wt one in ormotlon and re lstratlon Yes would like more information about on Examiner Carrier yards 60 Inch labrlc °l dU The Mayor Conference Will be held at Geor tan 777 George Street Pelarbornugli OIIqulO Barrie Honullor Oshawa and Toronto OI eaLh palletrrcash cheque or money Order Add 35¢ Construction Assoc lotion 0le es College and will conclude with banquet The guest CHILD CARE worknr wanted tor Wm AGE To considered each mutt mm ultuiillud on rt tum supplied by the 90 each pattern Ior lustclass mall endworicd i2 dltiifgtllrlon flopnslltrlll ll ViTVIï¬‚ï¬ TT AT4 Department and must be ocrutltputtled by the security sporiltod tn the tgiuiut Dovd Retenberg and handling lumen pre erre tor do or lemon ssr ADDRESS PHONE wm l°£an dmnmlmmmuiv va Ho Thomas wellsv Id 119 sales tax Pllnl plainly EXPERlENCED OMPEIENI NAIURE MmlSler Ol TIGOSUFY Economics and In Sue Style Number yourllame 59reary proï¬cient in bookkitptlri lt rrvmr WWIQlph°M ASV°lb96°blw GLQOVGIHnenOI Aflors Send to Anne Adam typing and all OHM Droulm Cortqualgood PEng small manutacturino cornpan ltirl Clip and send TO The Examiner BOX Barrie LAM 4T6 DirlotLrtgtnutmgund Atihttuclum The success Firs PITTGIII DODL resumeIo BOX 883 Benin Indian lnuilAIlalrs Oyor on eIence epen The HAIR onessmo asstsldnt mith OrttutioRa ion on ur concerns or must be experienced Tfltuflullt 13 Yo BC Uture growth no 7655 A20 SIS