Souve announces $50M program tTl ItlI SSIHIIII lion program to help make the anadian electronic industry more Wiltllklllth both at home and abroad was announced lnesday InmmtniicaIIons IInIsterleanneSauve the same time the minister said another $2 million will be spent In help anadian manu facturers to Improve the coun tr capabilIt to build Its on communIcatIons satellItes The minister made the an nouncements at what she called new Ileelopment polic tor the anadlan electrnnIcs III dusIr at news conference She denied suggestion II was llitgtlll put together tor the la 22 federal elect Ion campaign She said the pnlic was the result ot recent report ot stud onelectrnnics The SSH million Is In be spent during three eat period and lll go to coIIIpaIIIIs which need little tIlttltltiltlttlltltl tronI gmerninent In ilIIelnp new products and to epanit saId IlIenIInIster The program was not to prop up teak enInpanIIs that could not exist without government funds but for winners III the Industry Mrs Same said that despite growth III the tanadIan III dIIstry it as not sulfIcIent In meet the tanadlan demand She noted that report by consultative committee ap pnlnted by her had said the do mestic Inarket for electronic products increased II III per cent in the last Ill ears but shipments anadian tIrIns Increased by nIIl III per cent The atherse trade balance III electronic products grew In SI 3037 liIllIon In ltthi and now Is approaclnng billion llll the tllllllllllltl The federal gnernlnent IIterIng $3 nIIllIoII In lelesat anada III connectIon uh bid by Spar Mlthlliltl ltd nI ln ronlo In lltllltl Io ennInIn nlcattons satellites needed In 1983 The Inone tIlIllI conr IIII Ilusls llltlllltll Spar In Qllll the lIlLlllll mpacl needed In IIIIIIII the two Iltllll tltll would result In too new InlIs II Spar said Irs Same Ed declines descentL SSIII It lid létnailbent Islted potash IIInIe here Tuesday but ltf tlltlll LIIIIIIIRI ltlldll ll Joe tlarks htdnig down there the lll leziilIt lllllllieil Ilc Illltï¬ to gel nu III the debate Brnarlbent was reterinIg In the Itogressne lnnsIIMIIIII leallels retusal to take pal II llltlllilsitl IelMIsIoII IIIbat that would lllIllliIt IIrnarllwnt lark IIId lIIIIIe lIIIIsIeI lruiteatt lalk no he would flIlIll lttliliatt but not IIIImIlIIIt aIIdtlIIp under Mystery mon tlllt IslLUII II III III Istlnsthcpresslius young IIIaI Isketl at one nI ltk Ilallvv ltl illlllltllLIl IIIIstsltlesda IIII letstkll II jves and the young Iflitll wearing patk nII hIs batk llllIllitIl aboard III the IIInIIa arta Nobody paid an attention He got oil at this cnnIIIIuIIII about 123 kilometers later sat on the curb and wath its lllt has let nbiva knows ho he was Eyeopener Iltlltl lr It happening on all lllt chartered llltl lets being used by part spenang plans leaders III the Ma 11 tellelal elmlioncampaign ltnf IIIIIIIIII It lIIIe IIclI when the Illgllt trew brought around champagne IIIIlnIaIige Inice optnew ItlllllL the lll Leader lIl liroaillients flight IiISLIskIIInnII tronilIttaszlIIisda In past campaigns when the lll used sIniIllir plnpellel tllltll planes there tltlilllt anxtlnng lint lHII scented tl It Specnol order tlll tl lIzIIIe llf lster lrnrliau and in lliltllllllflllIIl sliltlllIIILoI $1 Thnfuifmnn II gnIIIInimin ll partlnents and agencies lllltltl II special order because lII lit Inent was rlIssnlxevl In IIIotIIII before It ciltllfl Ilial IIlIIIIv aItlI the SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Feel St From nonpolitical source PC tax break glomor plonk under attack By THE NII PRESS The glamor plank of the Pro gressive Conservative election campaign plan to give homeowners tax breaks came under attack lucsday from nonpolit ical source Prime Minister Trudeau said he doesnt want to answer ques tions before election day about his cabinels knowledge of RIIl wrongdoing Ed llrnadbents New Demo crats were criticized by on servative who told Qualicum Beach Leader Joe Tlark IH audience vote for the NIH May 22 will be vote for lnideans Liberals lark said those who want change of government should Proposes TV debates SSKIL Sask Itll Progressive onservative Leader Ioe lark should be given an opportunity on live televIsion to resolve all his di lemmas by having debate with himself NIH leader Ed Broadbent said luesday IIIght Broadbent proposed two on MENS RUGGED CANADIANMADE NOIRON WORK SHIRTS PANTS tIonallytelevised political de bates Une between himself and Prime Minister Trudeau and one ith lark alone lark has rejected proposal by the major television net works for live debate between leaders of the Liberals Inries and NDI Illoadbenl told about 1000 NII supporters at social event the real reason lark reA fused the three way debate was that he would have to state in public debate the many posi tions he has taken on most of the major Issues before the country PolyesterflCoIIon Tail bottom IIIIIIIIy Aitlll colours MENS LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRT 14217 piece collar pm ket Woven vote for him III Saskatooanroadbent de clined an invitation to go down potash mine shaft saying Jnelarks hiding downthere Hes trying to get out of the de hate The Conservative proposal to make mortgage interest and property tax payments deduev Iible from personal taxable in come came under fire from the Ilowe Research Institute privatelyfinanced nonpoliti cal agency in Montreal An institute study published Tuesday said the onservative proposal would inflate housing prices and interest rates in crease federal deficits and dis tort the economy by pulling in vestment froh energy and man ufacturing projects It would also broaden the tax advantage home buyers enjoyed over ren ters Clark aware of the study didnt refer to it directly but drew cheers in five Vancouver Island communities whenever he mentioned the plan He said his party would include it in the first budget paper after being elected because we want an ada to be nation of home owners It would cost $400 million in tax deductions in the first year he said but this would be re duced to $100 million in real costs to government as jobs were created and unemploy MENS LONG SLEEVE SWEATSHIRTS SXL Hooded wnh draw string Acrylic Rib coils and waist Zip lront Asstd colours IIaI FloIpaa xi er our Special Pure 73 Each ment insurance and similar payments were reduced Trudeau at an Ottawa news conference promised $185 mil lion in aid to hightechnology industries including $50 million for telecommunications and electronics ad $20 million for development of com munications satellites If you describe this as an telectionl goodie wouldnt say youve seen the last of it Trudeau said NOT IN ELECTION He appeared impatient with repeated questions about gov ernment knowledge of RCMP wrongdoing He said he doesnt want to get into such questions duringthecampaign marI Irirei kfferlive Iill Salurday April III While Quantities Last We reserve the ï¬ght In limr Quantities 711 BUY NOW MENS STURDY BLACK VINYL WORK BOOTS OII resustant sole Pullon tab Ap prox high Low priced comforta ble footwear Sizes mart SpeCIal price Trudeau then campaigned through Social Credit country in Quebecs Eastern Town ships Broadbent got warm wel come as he toured Saskatche wanowned potash mine near Saskatoon Later he said Trudeau has reneged on pledge to increase Canadian ownership of such resources as potash And he said Saskatchewan takes 10 times the mining royal ties that ntario under Con servative government does He then campaigned in Sas katoon department store with NDP candidate Bob Ogle who is trying to upset Transport Ministcrttolang 22 Pair Work clothes are 50 Fortrel Polyester50°12 Cotton Scotchguard treated for durability Is HIIII II Iye WIIII Iiiive sub Iiw ref lltgtlllfltllII thipIrirltnittore and lutel pockets NIIJ Navy IIV II Slimm flllfllll lwi Ill SIIIIII ltltlll It linili II SIns XI rt 53 Igl In If MEN DOUBLE KNIT Shams POLYESTER SPORT CAP 59 it tilml ITIYIII NI InmnIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIs Ati ORGANIC RAZOR RAZOR 8x Indrfww fill VIII Each For normal dry or only hair 450 mL mart Sale Pin 33 Each RIDAY April201h Patkage ot blades You net lazol and blades to pat HIIII Sale Pin Pack Choice marl Sale Im 77 Pack LOOK FOR AND SAVE WITH THESE ONEDAY SPECIALS April 19th NO RAINCHECKS LIMITED QUANTITIES April 20th NO RAINCHECKS LIMITED QUANTITIES April 21$t NO RAINCHECKS LIMITED QUANTITIES NO RAINCHECKS LIMITED QUANTITIES SerVIce Electrohorne thats us Well repair your whether It color or black and white no matter what rna or brand it Is Fix your stereos too Our traIneEl techrIIcIans really know their stutt Best of all theres just one number to remember WmfluAwfllmflm you SERVICE ELECTROHOME Telephone 705 7265982 49 Morrow Road Unit Barrie Ont l4N 3V7 Stock up on fl roll park It toilot IIH tIMll fl It LIJSIIOMI It 180 napkins per pack HdlllhOW of colours LIMIT PACKS PER CUE TOMIR Dish washing liquid super low price 32 01 LlMtl PL CUSTOME lOO ml llavours LIMI Retulai orWIntertiesh PER CUSTOMER 53 VM rnart Sale Price mart Sale Price 4AAA4 WWW A4444A44 444 44 wu