the examlner Tuesday Aprll17 1919 Two scuba divers dove into the icy waters of Kempenfelt Bay not to retrieve sunken treasure but to resurrect the Ysmens IceOut car Since l973 the Ysmen YMCA affiliated service club towed car onto the ice of Kempenfelt Bay and held raffle to see who could predict the time the car fell through the ice This year the car equipped with clock that stops when it submerges was towed out March l5 This years winner William Phil Steingard of 360 Authorities claim No problem with illegals By LORI OIIEN Of The Examiner Simcoe County is no place for illegal immigrants Theres just no place for them to go Charles Brooks chief immigraton officer at the Canada immigration Centre in Orillia says They havent got chance to hide in the smaller coni munities he said Theyre tooobvious The largest number of illegal immigrants caught in the area in recent years is about 10 and Brooks says that represents almost all there are The jobs are becoming in creasingly harder to find for Canadian citizens doesnt make an illegal immigrants quest for work any easier Accordng to Brooks an ilv legal who has found an employer wont last long in his job because of pressure from coworkers who snitch on him by approaching the employer ir calling the llli migration officer Brooks says it is not worth companys izsk to hire an 11 legal immigrai because it eventually needs answers to important questions iNTRtllEli iBiZR if employers could once claim they wre unsure about workers cmmigration status new Social insurance Number called the ti number was in troduced in 1976 to eliminate this problem All person other than ana lian citizens and landed im migrants are issued number and those eligible to work must also have permit valid for certain employer Hiring person without pro per identification would mean an employer knowlingly hired an illegal an offense under the Canada immigration Act and Regulations wuh penalties from $50 to $1000 or imprisonment ORDEREIHHT Once an illegal immigrant is found by the immigration of fice deportation is eminent foreigner in Canada who overstays his visit would be given departure notice ordcrr ing him to leave the country with the right to return says Brooks Brooks says he will not arrest anyone unless he is sure without reasonable doubt that he is either an illegal im migrant or working without authorization Youve got to make sure he said Brooks wont even go to home or place of work unless hes sure of what hell find ilc cannot enter where he is un wanted he must be invited in home and have reasons for entering business Once an ll legal immigrant is actually confronted by the immigration officer the hard part is over The guy will eventually tell you hes got no documents Brooks said illegal im migrants know theyll get caught but theyve got nothing to lose because there is nothing for them back home MADE SAD Brooks says it makes him sad to report an illegal immigrant but does not feel their treat ment is harsh Theyre not penalized that much just sent home he said He does not consider unauthorized persons in Canada to be criminals and says they shouldnt be treated as such Although he can arrest an illegal no criminal record is given While most immigrants waiting for an inquiry are kept in detention quarters in motel close to Toronto international Airport there is an increasing trend to leting them out on bond until the hearing We arent locking up as many theyre not dangerous people he said The majority of illegal llil migrants in the area are bet ween 30 and 23 years of age single and looking for work as general laborers About half are of European origin generally from small villages and the rest are on thc run from the tnited States There are also domestic Vespra man charged l9 yearold Vcspra lowiiship man was charged with assaulting policc officer about in Friday morning onstable lim Sellers said hc was struck til the chest licn investigating car accident outsidc Hit Bcrcy St hargcd is Richard loliii litiikcr of Vespra lowuslnp on cessionl luikcr will appcar in Barric provincial court May it Fire under investigation Vespra lownship housc fire Monday night is under it vcstigation by the Ontario lllt Marshals office the ll and township firc department said Bob Byers Vespra fire chief About $120000 damage was done to tonccssioii to home owned by William Kelly of Mississauga hicl Byers said Kelly was tti move into tlic newly built $200000 home May Firefighters Wcrc called to the scene about it in and had the fire under control by midnight said the chief Police arrest Barrie men lwo Barrie residents were arrested early today attcr policeman spotted two men inside tlarks Home For nishings 2N Bayficld St Charged with break and ciitcr with iiitcnt to commit an Ill dictable offence are Edward lokarz lit and Micliacl Thompson 17 The two were arrested by onstablcs iary Sommers and Bernard ilunt about 131 in after the first ofticcr noticed prowlers inside the building while he was walking the downtown police beat Tokan and Thompson appear in court April 24 They are in custody said police Blake St Barrie will receive $550 for holding the ticket with the time Sun day April l5 i2pm William Skielmose chairman of the iceOut l979 said he hopes the contest nets SL800 which will fund roof repairs over the swimming pool at the YMCA Our expenses are small because the divers Gerry Heels of Gerrys Air Station and his partner Wayne McGillvray of Service Towing Co gave their time voluntarily Skielmose said Because of problems towing the car out of the water last year the Ysmen decided to float the car with two inner tubes The divers placed the trucksized inner tubes inside the submerged cor inflating them with com pressed air As the divers splashed into the icy water 25 onlookers awaited the emerging car But difficulties with an inner tube valve prolonged the wait and hours later four numb people watched the iceOut car rise out of the water City Editor lan Mulgrew7266537 Local builders house adds class to Toronto home show substantially imwr mogul 1m lllt tillW till Witll liltllt lorc than quarter million tookstowii Iltltlliil is diaw migrants in than built tor thc Notional lloiiic people will pass through mg ctirdtorthis wcck sshow bop Hmmmmlm laws on Show In liiioiito is it Flu louch ot tlass 73 iiiodcl lhchouictits its description lghwlwdmmm lookiiigiilacc hoiw constructed by tlic tooo square tcct ot luxury All clcmciits of thc litiltlt arc designed around sunken ll ing room providing an opcii at iiiosphcrc llllt insuring priacy iii cach oi lllt bedrooms lhc hoiiic includcs lllillt litcplatc swiiiiiiiiiig pool two linthrooiiis and gciiirotissicwiiidowsallocr tiirric says the liomc itsclt worth about Swaiimo or Stooooo including the landscaping and furnishings llc says although tllc liiitisc lltll iti llic titiic raugc ol the axcragc tilltit lllt lloiiic Show tlllll liit ot lrcc idcus to iiiikc icidi hoiiicsinorcattiactnc turric was giycn the op portiinity to build tlic lititlll by trcgitivc ltisplay itltlllllt1 workers from the arihbcan who leave the employer they are permitted to work for to work elsewhere According to Brooks this type of illegal doesnt get too for because wcre looking for them Brooks says thcic arc HUMAN Wk Hum with quick dissasscmlily in tittii tool to haul thc tilttis littlitl douti to iiii toliwiim ii mi turric 1112 has been hootho iioiid Exhibition carpcntcr since age 19 lie was lttti the home as iiitrixiuced to the skill by his iii in ii iiiml illtlll hours shop teacher at Banting Secon ltiiiidimi loucli oi tlgiss 79 lary School in Alliston He did xtrt challenging iirrii lll apprenticeship in Toronto sax hotJua ot the odd iiiipt and now operates indewndent oi thi ioot and oil lllt angim from his XikSlOWli home the tiiiiltllt done with He will build anything out of nos kind oi iit imdo 1mm woodincluding houses and fur piiiiod point with water mum and does lot of quit on unit in replacing mi remixlclling urrie does do tutti iiitllltliiti iptiti thingyg bit ol designing himself but en itLillliil shinsic ltll ippro tinsthcphysicalwork best lllltltl sit lttl to ioot square The actual fabrication whit lllt iiii tilts lll about thats what like doing the Nlt opini too best hcsaid liathci than hiring firm to dismantlc llic home which would cost about 310000 church organization is doing the work tor tree it makes ur ric sad to think that the house imoymt ill hoiisc iiii iiiiii siid tlt lttlil to tiii tiiiic lliliil and likctlic piissiiic llt tlll llii lltlllt its liltlll lli iUttll tttltltltlillltlil ltllll toolstowii liuildci itlr industries turn titlt dttlIHiW iii AM uitl pcciai Illt lllltlli paid to which he has become fond of tractcd the Toronto lltlillt lltll litib ltr llillllit in Ilooi ilill1 lttttilt thi willhctoriidown Hiltltlttsssiitmtitn to 11 Tim ciii lllititi houi would be required to it will he the first time upplaiis torthc houic lbbt ti iit thi Nikii no liliili ttillll hun thi Iiiytliiiigiwc built won tstill be ipii and lo iii itl lLl housi was tlii built blltlltllltfl Ill2lttl jotiincyiiian carpenter ttiiric oiicc voikml tor thc loroiito tillllitlll llc did thc building iii north Toronto the adoptable CouncH holding special meeting special iiicctuig ol city council has been scheduled tonight at ity llall concerning the Bayclub coiidoiiiiiiitiiii ccn trcontollicht touncil will says tll clcrk Bcn Straughan ask tlic ministry of housing to delay rcgistciitig lhc dcvclopmcnt until the city is satisfied thc Buycluli has nict all its obligii tioiis lhc council meeting will be followed by regular meeting of general committcc of council held over from Monday because of tlic liastcr holiday omuiittcc is cxpccted to recommend council tcndcr tor the citys transit system con tract for ltittti ttittl and ltltt llelltlIlUNIILUT lhc current contract bctwccn the city and lravclwiiys pucs cccmticr tt ttiiti Also included on tlic agcnda are adimnistrativc rccomiucn dations concerning the citys fire prevention bylaw stoop and scoop bylaw for pct Sx hurt In occldent owners and advertising in tlic citysbtiscs tommittcc will also act on seven subcommittee reports including thc rcsults of two tcudcr openings tnc concerns thc contract for thc concession Jaycees sell first Casino Night ticket One of the first people to buy ticket for the Bar rie Jaycees Casino Night is Michelle Ethier l979 Winter Carnival Queen Ethier is flanked by Al Eyers of the Midway Variety and Coffee Shop left and Dave Macklem of the Jaycees right The clubs biggest fundraising event Casino Night is Saturday at the Barrie Armoury Prizes in clude trip for two to Las Vegas Examiner Photo town country No president until Fall llic Studcnts Ailiiunistrativc ouncil at ticoigian ollcgc will wait until Scptcmbci to till tlic presidents chair No one ran as president in thc tcccut student elections though tlic other posit ions on the council were filled Monday bAt appointcd last years prcsidcnt Bob ltcid iii tcrim head of the council pending an clcctioii whcu school rcsunicsduring Scptcmhcr SAt handles number of lunctious on bcliill ot tlic col lcgcs day students and works with it budget glcaiicd lltllll studcut activity fccs Six pcrsons were hurt after van struck tree licsidc otinty ltoad It and rolch into Nottawasaga Bay about it am Saturday The van driven by Terry Yulc 24 ot St athurincs had $1300 damage Treated for minor injuries were Karen Yule tit and Keith Arbour 20 of icnctanguishenc Bradley Shuman tit and Travis Hunter 10 of Midland and Judy booth at Johnson and tciitcii Sicwartitt of Toronto nial Beaches The other material and equipment ren Regents visiting Barrie tails lhe ouncil ol ltcgcnts thc body under the Ministry ol Correction ollcgc and Universities that ovcrsccs the operation of til tarios 22 community colleges Will be at icorgian tollcgc Barric this week Wayne unninghuuL principal of tlic Barric campus says The village of lIdgar is about thccouucilhiisa policyofconductingrcgiilar mcctingsat km distant from the Edgar Adult ttccupational tcntrc story in lhursdays Examiner failed to make the distinction the collcgcs They will also talk with us about our goals and objectives hctwccii thc centre and the village two separate areas When you ask for selection the Ontario Humane Society on Patterson Road has it if you want black male poodle or if you may want white one take your pick Poodles say shelter officials go quickly and both will have their distemper shots before adoption Examiner Photo and it gives them an opportunity to meet with students and facility unningham says