11thted LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATING AND MG SERVICES It ouritor emu 1289819 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA requires CANINE CONTROL OFFICER The Township of Essa invites applications for the position of Canine Control Officer This is fulltime position Applications in writing marked as to contents together with personal resume stating previous experience other pertinent information and salary expected must be submitted to the undersigned no later than pm Friday April 20th l979 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer Township of Essa Box to Angus Ont LOM lBO Al2l4lo EARN IIG MONEY OVERSEAS You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the some or similar type of job by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of job skilled tradesman or an unskilled laborer regardless of your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large self addressed stamped envelope to FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES lo 120 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MSC 213 A24 AVON SELLING CAN PUT SUNSHINE IN YOUR LIFE Bored by one gray day after the next Develop sunny new aspect of yourself as an AVON Representative Sell quality products earn good money and have flexible hours too For details call 7283652 or write PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont L4M4T7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships MTTF MANAGEMENT TRAINEES We are looking tor gum furi Chopin take over kcy mannurrnpn prisititfls Within 90 days No txpcriiincn necessary For inirrwew iai Mr Gar rick 726 7400 REQUIRED by PEEL EHCE cunt PANY in Barrie person tor orzitr ar ing assembling mailr itVi deliveries Must new ohmmi lCllI Telephone LES SHiNEQ Unitsi om ween l0 30a norm SHOP FOREMAN for small local manufacturing rompan DIaStIc rcaiJirnri Expnrmmi in machine maintenanri and nvynntriry control an asset wi oilyr uoori JUDYKHII conditions salary minus and nnmi Please Contact 778 9345i ior an arthritic merit URGENTLY NEEDED Rnlwiriic pm son to live in and rarc for tour srtori atir children in ITIOIllfYtSS tnriv NU mnyy housework mam concirn rrrinnrow care Cali A35 4075 TOP NOTCH saltsperson rfoUinU for active now horm subrtiy nion arm resales Top C0mrnt$5ifln for now my son Chance for aovamnrnmt al Gerry737 ltll quonaltycto WORM PICKERS wantvd no perience necessary are acceptinvi lull time applicants and students to weekend duties now in proparat on for full time surrirncr employment Apply lt person to Us Fcrndalr Pd barm om ween and This gm york by EXPERIENCED HAch salary plus commission Ippiy Hymgy oi Bellini Hayfield Man or rill no AMI or 776 any aiior NEED MONE Fiiitir brush anipmi provides ticribii hours lyclrr uppr1r Tri iSl top commsinn Camin mym 126 9725 FULL OP PART TIME iriiipwu or diwduals tor businch JI your nun Wholesalc retail 71 WM SECPETARY BOOKKF EFFP riiiiuirm for real estatc fflfi Good tyrmizi itirt telephone manners asstntiai iiiti timi DOSINOH Call Taurus Rm Esiati twat tor 737 3000 below LEGAL SECRETARY have real cstaty rrznvvyanvinu pcrience Excellent salary Contari Hogben Mayhrw and Van Lanqi liar ristcrs and soiiritnrs ownii tltt 726 37 LEGAL SECRE ill aan rcuphuru required Good typing and liortlluiii essential Salary rrirnmrnsoratv with til periencc Contact Honorn Miiytiiw and Van Langr Barrrstrrs and Suit tiara iy Owen Street 116 171 rvxciuirrti Mimi 72sales helpagents TOP COMMlSSION wll iriyntiirii part timefull tirm lllllflt altrum ad specialties printed iatuis tams but pens office supplies ctr Our 77th itr Newcataloriue availablc Alto Hot 57 Ottawa unemployment wanted BABYSITTING AVAILABLE yard toys good meals TWU yruir and over Monday to Friday lrtptltiiririr mother Allandalc arr1 Itllnllffllt 726 78 WANTED by Christian Inriy any sit ting assignments Person is it lfilllilltr with no social thUIIPIVItlII lrmrt children Talcphone 718 wris 11 NOTICE Deadline for classdied word ads pm day previous noon Saturday aA TStenden Ontario Government Tender MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Supply Maintenance and Service on Fire Hydrants in the CAR AUCTION SAT APRIL let 11 AM 254 Yonge St Painswick Hwy 11 south at Big Bay Point Rd OVER 40 CARS AND TRUCKS WILLIAM ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEERS it The Vehicle Specialists 7286241 19eectlon ealee st pauls by Mrs Pratt M1867 The Paulettes ACW held its April meeting in the Church SocialRoom President Mrs Peter Fill ingham chaired the meeting when over 40 members and visitors were present Lastminute plans were made for Spring Tea and Bazaar in St Pauls Church Social Room on April 28 from 130 pm until pm Bake table books etc will be featured Lunch was served by Mrs George Stunden Mrs Norman Smurthwaitc Mrs Fill inghzim and Mrs DcsBar rcs Mr and Mrs Dalton Kell of licd Dccr Alta are visiting Dziltons mother Mrs John Kcll brothers Ivan and Elvin and families and sister Mrs Amy Kinton and family Mr and Mrs Ross Kell Owen Sound joined the family reu nion on the weekend ongratulations to Miss Pam licamish of St Pauls who was runnerup at the Miss Teen Quccn contest at Stroud on Friday night MIRS LTD Albl820 78 tenders Georgian Bay Region for two year period OCODOO79l SEALED TENDERS will be received until 200 pm LOCAL TIME on Friday May I979 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 706 3257403 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDER FOR JTON TRUCK Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned for only new l979 nton truck until pm Friday April QOth l979 Specifications and tender forms are available at the Municipal Office Lowest or any tender not necessarin accepted ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer Township of Essa Box IO Angus Ont LOM lBO Al2l4l6 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks minimum 40 words additional words ll cents per word Births In Memoriom no verse Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events 85 deaths iviiWStil ttiirry iirirtiniy at Crill inuwoori on vrnrsltmy April ititi lytt in his 61rd yrar Bclovrrt husband if Grace Frrinir it pro dcrcasrd Ftittirr oi ark vi Einrrir Linda Mr Andy Dy mom it Whitby and Larry of Poslirrt British Columbia rtrzlllflfdlllff iii Jirky Susan Jarquoluw Robbie ttvvsn and Ruriarrt and arrat urandrtiild Tonya Dawn Resting at Chemroot and Loni innrai Home Collinuwmn riryrn in litt tiapnt on Monday April lhtll at it tritirrnont Midnurst Crunchr iiiMgiiY Murray Atttirvunyal Jir thrigi Hmpital Barrio on Friday April Inn 19 Murray Ramsay in his RIHl yiar Formerly oi strattiroy rwtuy vrl ttusbarid of lhr lzitiv Martiant nrainr Munnus Dear tattiir oi Rubirt oi tviitiriy and John OI Uiirrw liroltuir oi iran Nintioitt oi Brannon Doualamt itrnii minis and lllly hoita pru rim wastrt Frirnrts may all at iticiny tiiiivrar Hriiiii it Norsliy si fiarric itfl in Sunday Compton Sftrvlft in Ilt lfthl on Monday April Hilti it l0 piii inturmrnt lltr it trithrriy tir Jyltl irlin James At Marys Hospital IOTTUDVT on Friday April litti lyly Mi and in hiï¬iiflh yrrar itivlovrd husband If the lain Mary ornistx and Ella Builtr uviriu filllllr of Marion Mr Ifflliljll n4 Montreal Btlly Mr iiiirriiir iI ruiiiori Bill if Lftlt don lyaltiir at tliniy Jrtit try iii Jl7ylllil Fltiti 4MP Miliirhi if iinmpim iiarv Mrs arrtoot oi ff amt Hill of Pi inlrny riir irtwirttytir wt 11 tiranttttiilririiri inri llilllf 11dl liraririrliilrtron Hosting at my ioniinti liflfrrll Honir 15 Bradford iii liiirrw llildllifll from Monday at in mintry ifl itii itiapol on Tulsday fiiril Win at rt lntrrrncnt Barri llllirllirlrtifll VUALH Mzirlaiiinii Aririi At thr iuiyiil yii tuna Hospital fiarric on Good irirmy IdW llvlriviirt Niti Jf Harold vmiv ii on yivvrt by llyo Ifltqlilf Mrs Ifillll iii of Harrw and Mr wiltam fllllilfi nt Nimrtstm iv lllyiriti and by iiir iJriiiIli Jr if Slidbury Ontario lllfll Il rrariurn Albrrtzi in Wit and llfilltll in lyiristiniri and zilriiiry INIltVl lilr tattiir Dr MrMillan prm ti tlI tiltllif inc Stir in also survivcrt by lltr rlrirr Muirr Mrs tiitrlts fizlfili lltr brotticr Mr Miltzm tits both of VI toria ii as wvll flqlll ttcarly Itiiriniirt grand inilriryii privnir scrvur lnr lhr ini nildiali tarnin WIII bu tirIrl on Monday April Ititi Iyith intrrrmvnt tollnwrnu at taint Union Ciniitiry linwtr tirailiillyiiibrim hilrtiiyltl Harrilii Inrncs ii the Martin Grimrill Hospital on Sunday lipril Ii lylr Harrilrt JarriisMinnikiri in IN ill yiar brlovcd husband nl wri rtolyni volnan Ityir latbir of iisari Mrs liryiutit MNtlll WIntIy iMrs Alvin fllllfjlfl Patti John and tho lair with Minnikin Grandfattwr of Stianin ptlllllfl ind Ndllldtl litOthr of Laura Lrilll out Mary WIftlllll Shirlin Mrll iiiirtiarii MtlVll and thc iliinwii Minnilrin irisnus may all at ï¬lm viiy iiinirnl Homo iii Worslcy lllll Barrio atlrr prri lursitny llwalv luiriily SIFVHI in ttii rtiapvl on Intiririint Darrin Ntllltxflr pii lit lttiitll tillltllty Wants Ads 7282414 lati by Mrs Downing 72845614 Holly ommunity Ccntrc board hold its March mccting ill thc home of Florcncc Down mg Plants were finalized for the Spring Dance to bc held in thc hzill on April 20 Tickets are $5 pcr couple which includes lunch Plans were mzidc for further improvements to the hall WC 1111 still in need of rcfrigcrzitur If anyonc has one to scll zit rczisonziblc pricc plczisc contact us lhc annual mccting will bc hcld in the hall on May Vlc zirc pleased to rcport that Mr Bookc is rccupcrating zit homc aftcr undergoing surgcry Wcllcslcy Hospitzil Toronto Congratulations to Randy and lcbbic Phillips incc Huntcri on thc birth of thcir first child son Nicholas zit ltoyzil Victoria Hospital Don and Alison Trcw have had hcr parents as visitors whilc in rccupcrziting zind homc from hospitzil with baby ltyzin With Mr and Mrs Mcl Rodgch on rcccnt wcckcnd wcrc Lil and Wilson Dcvcuux and chm and Leonard ormicr of Toronto and nephew llddic MtNiil of irimsby They zit tcndcd zi housc wzirming zit thc ncw homc of icorgc Rodgers in lizirric lzit iuwcndyk was hostcss to iiiighbors zmd fricnds zit zi Tupe pcrwzirc pzirty ill hct homc on Thursday night ongrzitulzitions to Lco Ik5ilii who hzis for thc third timc won tlic Exccllcncc Award llziquc for Top Szilcs This award is givcn by lctrofiiizi czich yczir Lco zmd lticl will zittcrid zi cocktail party and dinncr on April it zit thc Four Sczisons Hotcl in Toronto when thcsc ziwzirds Will bc prcscntcd chp up thc good work folks Syiripzithy is cxprcsscd to Stcphcn izipp zi formcr Holly Al7 Ministry of Government Services BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be mode to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise TF NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday $600 risulcnt in tlic dczith of his wrfc Lottic $600 NEEDLEIUINT 5600 Holly 4H girls hzivc nczirly complctcd thcir unit on nccdlc point Wc hciird thzit thcy hzivc turncd out sonic rczilly riicc work Ihcy arc busy prcpziring SBA3 per column inch for Achicvcmcnt Day which 87 memormms will bc til hurchill at Tim on Hutu il tr trivanu mcnmry of iiiav May son and tirntticr Ctmrlii Ctiiirrh win Kity Kinri wzis prcscntid With gifts of silvcr from thc stuff upon hcr rctircmcnt from flit ric Wziyfzirc ILtSIiiUlilllI Surzimic Raymond mzidc thc prcscntution whcn tlic stuff gzithcrcd zit thc rcstziurzmt on passid away April IT IHl trim may iiiat trii tiroknn htiartiirt firm may maki thc wound lrss sori But it anan till ttir lnnuinq or tiir trwiri nni mini lfi7 Who shall sa III in tonymat Thounn sniitw iiirii itii tiqrs Mimririis ktip ttii wniinrt still VIKIVYI With the passing it yrars Sadly missnzt ntirt always renltnlljfftl by taliur VIC sistrr Indly iamii mmmi mm ii itirlfrinilirS rziith Missmnziry hurch complctcd thrcc cnjoyablc cvcnings of Missionary Tonvvn lion Mzirgzirct Brown zi nursc llziiti who rcturncd this your ziftcr two years in thc mission ficld told of hcr work more and showcrl slidcs Also zi fornicr missionary in Africa shc hzis bccn 1i gucst zit our church bcforc Shc is no strangcr to thc ilfit as her homc is in Stayncr in Friday night thc Young 88 coming events LOOK GIANT FLEA MARKET OPENING SOON Vendors Welcome couswumm mops icoplc Wcrc hosts to Nigcrizin we thy Sirppcr Over 50 pcoplc mm MM gzitlicrcd to cnjoy this mczil Art licifcl who is mis cu 7269512 sionziry in Nigcrizi took MWFA30 ivcryonc on tour of that coun try with thc ziid of colorcd slidcs To round up thc convcntion Dick llostctlcr from Hziiti wzis gucst spczikcr zit thc morning scrvicc on Sunday in Sunday cvcning zi good crowd turned out to hcar lhc tzilcntcd Mzirzmzithu lrio from lizmcroft Good Friday morning thc mcn cooked brcakfast zit tlic church zit ti rm Dcvotions for iood Fridziy followcd lhc iadics are busy prepar ing for the WMS Convention which will bc held this your in Bzirric Bccziusc Faith Mis sionziry Church is too small Emmanuel liziptist Church in lizirric has been rented for the occasion which commenccs zit to am on April 24 Missionary sgxszikcrs will bc chincttc inw and Edna Brubachcr Wc zirc still in need of baby sittcrs from 930 am to 330 IARRIE DISTRICT BRANCH 0F CANADIAN RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING Frl Aprl 20th 630 pm St Andrews Presbyterian Churcii Owen St Guest Speaker MR DICK HILLIARD International Affairs Committee of Canadian Red Cross For information 7284l34 Lmu PEOPLES CENTRE FALL REGISTRATION Wednelday April il pm IrrecIIool 35 year old Iel Ewart Ontario 45639 pm for toddlcrs lf anyonc would likc to com bit of moncy that lily phonc in quirics lo Florcncc Downing 72856 in Thursday cvcning thc lzidics had their regular Ladies Fcllowship mccting zit lhc church It was gucst night and thc mcn wcrc invitcd as Wcll lIVcryonc cnjoycd zi Pot Luck Supper Andy row took dcvo BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF tions on talents and Karen Atkinson was in chargc of zi nport on Equador and praycr Vcrzi and Wilbur Lconzird tzivorcd us with duct and led in thc congrcgzitionzil Singing Fool Vaughn from Toronto was gucst spcakcr Leonard Pattcr son voiced apprcmation Thc lzidics put on their skit and song thzit they had done for Spotlight on lirczid Vcrzi Leonard Nelda lhan ninhour Joan Lilly lrcnc Slcssor Joy licynolds and chin Hrcnnzin attcndcd thc Sume mary Day for Spotlight on Brczid in thc bluc Flamc Room zit consumers izis For thcir shzirc of thc Program they sang an action song lirczid Brcad from thc ltangc which had bccn writtcn by Wilbur Iconzird 8an was wcll rcccivcd by thc ziudicncc Fridziy April it brought thc worst storm of thc year and zi holiday for thc schrxilchildrcn and mziny adults chirly all highways wcrc closcd part of lhcdziy hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 Mr and Mrs Kcn Stcwart spcnt zin cvcning with Mr and Mrs John itzinbury Itltl family rcccntly Thcy wcrc on thcir wziy homc to licllcvillc ziftcr spciidmg thc wintcr in Bur ntiby ll Quitc ii low of thc ladics who took thc ISILiitl oursc undcr tlic lczidcrsliip of Mrs Piilv lcndcn and Mrs ii lioughcn zittcndcd Summziry Day at tho trillizi Fair liiiilding on lucs ilziy April it liicxpcctcd tulcnt brought to light wrth skits songs poctry ind displays chidcrship badch wcrc prcsciitcd by Miss lnnc Sills homo cconomist At tlic lzist county mccting of thc coursc rs Puttcndcn and Mrs liouglicn wcrc prcscntcd with gifts from thc group Mcmbcrs of thc AW met for thc first timc this yczir of thc homc of Mrs Hart on Widncsdziy cvcning April it Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jzimcs Lcigh who wcrc mzirricd on Saturday April at Wcst llro iiuptist hurch itcccption followed at thc church lumcs is thc son of Mr and Mrs eriwford Lcigh of Willowdzilc md Robcrtzi is thc cldcst dutighlcr of Mr and Mrs ltziy Tuppzigc of Hziwkcstonc Mrs ltobcil lianbury rcturn cd homc on Saturday after zi stay in Soldicrs Mcmorial Hospital duo in painful kncc condition Host wishcs for quick cont plctc rccovcry Sunday School tczichcrs rind off iccrs mct on Monday cvcn iiig April at tho homc of Mrs Hart Plans were madc for the an nuril Family Day Service on May 13 and the financial report was givcn by tho secrctary Mr and Mrs phic Leigh have rcturncd homc aftcr spen ding lhc lzist thrcc months in in him Harbour Beach Florida Enumcrzitors havc bccn busy this wcck trying to gct cvcryonc who is cligiblc on thc votcrs list if you have bccn missed Rcvision Day is May from 10am until 10pm Communion Scrvicc was held at tho Unitcd Church on Sun dziy April it with licv John McDonald officiating lhc choir szing thc hymn Sons of God as an zinthcm Scrvicc is hold catch Sunday II 945 am with Sunday School all It am Mr and Mrs ilcn iilclirist WilS All wrapped up in chilly down small Afrlcan boy wraps hlmself in blanket recently to keep warm against chilly down at Toma village in Mall The huts of his village background are constructed of mud and thatch iust as rclurncd honic rcccnlly ittci zi monthlong vziczitioii tll zinzinizi in lhcy wcii zic conipzmicd by Mr and Mrs Doug PickcringolUroStzition Thc is holding it Xsscrt Party in thc Sunday School room of thc church on Saturday April from until ii dmission $1 Illlll If wclcorric Churchill by Mrs Saunter 7752470 Harry and Esthcr Sloan zit tcndcd thc opcning of ti Scmor litizcns honic for thc dczif on April Fi in Toronto lvcr Tim dczif pcoplc witncsscd Licutcnant iovcrnor luzilinc McGibbon pcrfnrni thc opcnmL neighborly news honors Mrs Gordon McQuarric has been at Bcllcvillc gctting to know her ncwcst grandziughtcr chithc Suzannc born March 19 to Mr and Mrs Al Painting Bziby licuthcr was born on her brothcr Shauns sccond birth dziv Thc Anglican hurch Womcn zihyc bccn busy quilting two childrcns quilts for solo hurchill United Church Womcn wcrc ill Gilford April 12 to scc slidcs on thc Holy Land shown by Huntcr Russcll of Midhurst lczin oiistziblc and Shtllil Sturgcon hziyc bccn rcccnt hostcsscs to tho Ludics hridgc club lszi ltcid Minzi Kclly and llvclccn Sitwart wcrc tlic prucwmricrs Mr and rs Robert lhcclir formcrly of thc Sixth 4y Peter Hegedus of Edmonton an Optician will Got shortsighted bird Linc have moved to Alliston BUNSPIEI tip of the hat to zi rink from the Churchill urling lub which won first prizc at the 2m nuzil Farmch Bonspicl at ookstown Winning the ElincsFrcnch trophy wcrc Frank Kcll skip John Bcll Gordon Todd and lordon Knccshuw liltltlllA ongratulzitions to Mr and Mrs Allan Farts iformcrly llcathcr onstablci who were married in thc Unitcd hurch on St Patricks Day Thc ricwlywcds hzivc rcturncd from thcir honeymoon spcnt in Florida Edgar and Lois Sturgcon and Agnes Knccshziw were at Tall iincs Daytonzi for 27 days thcrs in the party wcrc Allan and marion Todd of Stroud and they have been made for generations by the inhabitants of this remote community AP Photo Helen Lane of Toronto Keith and Cathy Hampshire and children Christian and Laura enjoyed two weeks in Florida taking in Disney World and attractions around Orlan do They enjoyed several days at Sarasota on the gulf side and especially liked the antics of the wild dolphins Get well wishes to the children who con tracted chicken pox on their return from the south Ron and Reta Allan have returned from months motor tour of Florida They were ac companied by Bit and Grace Constable of Toronto The travellers drove down along the ocean to The Keys and came back on the gulf side Activities included major league ball game at Fort Meyers the dog races and an airboat ride in the Everglades make glasses of any size and shape including for your bird CP Photo