Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1979, p. 12

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mu 12 the oxamlner Monday Aprll10 1010 MONDAY EVENING VIEWING EVENING NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND nos POLKA nor noon 630 use news MARY TYLER MOORE snow ces NEWS Aec NEWS naws PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 055 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND ENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH BILLY Arthur 1111 out an applicaan for computer dating service but Billy tella him he muat atretch the truth little II he wanta to REWWEWSAME DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 8100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CARTER COUNTRY Chaoa erupta when Sgt Baker truatrated becauae he lanl allowed to perform the dutiea he waa hlred to periorm quite the Clinton Cornera police SNA NA NA Guest Bobby Rydell MAGIC SHADOWS eon NEWHART snow 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Laura lngalla innocentloke abouta lat man leada to hurt feelings and neartragic reaulla when the fellow turns out to be her beat lather so mine STANLEY CU HOCKEYFim istorically speaking In the Quarter Finale tin NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHEERLEADING CHAMPION SHIPS FlYe collegiate cheerleadlng aquada will demonstrate their abilities In the arena of mueiecheerleading andgyrnnaatlcawhilecom petlnglorthe nationallltleand achelarahlpmon iea Hoate Suzanne Samara Joe Namath Oneal alara Lola Falana Denny and Marie Oa mend Ricardo Montalban and Herve Ville 00 min SALVAGE1 SPEAKING OUT Competltion In no la Winnlng the Only Thia CANADA JAM PAR ITha blggeal rockconcert ever held In Canada from Moapon ParkOntariofeaturingTheOzarkMountaln Daradevlla The Dooble Srothara Atlanta mm Section and The Vlllage PaofleovE MUSICALBIOGRAPHICAL Interruatag Melody 1055 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE NOVIES Prleoner 01 Second Avenue t976 rank Lemmon Anne Bancrotl HOW THE WEST WAS won The Macahana are contronted with adeaperale problem whenthelmmigrantlather olaheautilul Chlnaae glrl who waa raped relueee to accept herlllegltlmete chlld Into the lamily Gueat aler Luke hra MOVIE TTLE NANNOUNCED THE ODYSSEY Telemachun in SearcholHiaFatherEplaodalllulyeaeallnally reveals hla identity to King Alclnoua and lella him of hla adventures In the land of the lotus eatera In Ithaca lonely Penelope resolves to the aultora at bay TABITHA 930 NASH Father Mulcahy takea being peeled over for promotion philoaophically until he hears ol the rapid advancement made by mole helicopter pilot SECOND CITY 000 LOU GRANT Lou haltoilnd out why his friendandboaaCharlieHumebehaveairralion ally when the Tribune runa anexpoee of political me 1260 mlna ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE New Directlona Program 13 arllata Mike Oldfield Manfred Mann Jack Bruce and other experta talk about Iuluredirectione muaic and mualciane might take to enhance profllabie industry and still preserve Ila vulnerable individual alora BLIZZARD SOCCER SPECIAL Thia apaclal features the alluard Cheer dancera and lnterviawa with Peter Lorlmer and Budd NEWS 100 03 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Rhapeo1d1y 6054 NEWS NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Oneal hoat Martin Mull Gueata Sun Leveneon George 1127 0100 mine CBSLATE MOVIE an ROCKFORD FILESNaleleOldDragonaAVlelnameaegIrl hlreu Rockford to find her mleaing brother MCMILLAN AND WIFE The Eaay Sunday der Caae MOVIE MYSTERY Drag Ices STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 THE BODY IN QUESTION Shaplng the Future look at some olthe tradi tlonaltheorieaolconceplion auchaalheaaton lahlng idea that each aperm carried miniature man and how congenital error can arlae 60 150 MOVIE SPECTACULAR Davld and Grigagti ioeo MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE SUSPENSE Fast Kill 101 1210 MOVIEDRAMAr TheFamI ly Kovack 11m 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY 110 130 NEWS ED PTL CLUBTALK AND VAnIETY 140 TROUBLE WITH TRACY 145 89 MOVIE SUSPENSE is The Hoatage 1001 today in histog April 16 1979 Bonnie Prince Charlies at tempt to seize the throne of his Stuart grandfather was crush ed at the Battle of Culloden 233 years ago today in 1716 About 9000 Hanoverian soldiers commanded by George lls son the Duke of Cumerland faced 5000 Highlanders on moor in in vemess Under fire from 18 cannons the Scots attacked and were cut to pieces by the bayonets of the welldrilled Hanoverians Charlie escaped but about 1000 Scots were kill ed and 1000 more capturetu against Cumberlands 50 kille and 200 wounded The Dukes later measures to suppress the Stuart cause in Scotland earned him the nickname Butcher 1521 Martin Luther arrived at the Diet of Worms 1862 Napoleon lll of France declared war against Juarcx of Mexico 1867 Aviation Wilbur Wright was born pioneer 1900 The Pacific cable was completed between the and China 1968 The Royal Canadian Legion approved use of the Maple Leaf flag as the national flag of Canada barries stag April 16 1935 Although no definite action was tkaen on the matter Bar rie Board of Education at its April meeting carried on limited discussion of the pro posal to establish Provincial Board of Reference for Ontario to adjudicate disputes between teachers and school boards The Battle of Vimy Ridge an epic struggle of the Great War in which the Canadian Forces took part was commemorated by veterans of Barrie and district in special church parade to Trinity Anglican Church Albert Sarjeant was re elected president of Barrie Liberal Association for the en suing year at the annual meeting in the Police Court Chamber Mrs Turnbull was elected by acclamation to the presidency of Barrie Womens Canadian Club for the 193536 season at the annual meeting in the Public Library Hall This was Mrs Turnbulls second term as president as she serv ed in that capacity in 192829 Barrie Town Council at its regular meeting received no less than eight separate peti tions containing in all total of 596 names protesting against the recent dismissal by the Barrie Water Light and Gas Commission of Su perintendent John flare which was to take effect at the end of the month Barrie Lions Club members of the Town Council fathers of the hockey players and representative supporters of the team payed tribute to the Barrie Colts hockey team 0HA Junior champions for 1935 and winners of Ban ries first HA title at bari quet in the American Hotel April 10 11162 Dealers and collectors from as far away as Toronto and Owen Sound attended public display banquet and auction held by the liuronia Numismatic Association Tax bills for Barrie home owners were to go up by an average of $1034 that year has ed on an assessment of $3000 Barrics budget for 1902 canadas stogy ats Straw and flay Railway Bought Canadian Locomotive The first railway locomotive to be built in Canada appeared in Toronto on April 10 1853 It was product of James Goods Foundry on Queen Street and it had to be moved to the Ontario Simcoc and lluron Railway often called Oats Straw and Hay Railway tracks on Front Street This took five days The locomotive moved on temporary wooden rails on Yonge Street and thousands of people lined the sidewalks to watch it did not make its first regular trip until May 10 when it hauled train to Aurora The passengers included church ministers who travelled at halffare It was felt that they might provide measure of spiritual safety because railway car had rolled down an embankment on trial run The first locomotive appeared in Upper Canada in 1852 but it was built by company in Portland Maine and brought to Toronto by ship It was christened Lady Simcoe and was demonstrated on the Front Street tracks The wood fire was kindled and when enough steam had been raised the warning bell rang Then the locomotive began to move and the crowd shouted she stirs There was great excitement as the Lady Simcoe picked up speed and the engineer began blowing the steam whistle which made echoes across the bay There is good deal of argument about which was the first railway in Canada and the answer depends on the definition It seems clear that the first railway to carry passengers was the Champlain and St Lawrence which provided service in Quebec in 1836 between Laprairie on the St Lawrence and St Johns on the Richelieu River run of 16 miles There were early railways about the same time at Quebec City and Sydney NS but they carried freight OTHER EVENTS ON APRIL 16 1542 Roberval sailed for Canada with three ships and 200 settlers 1739 La Verendrye sent sons to explore rivers flowing Into Lake Winnipeg 1833 British residents of Quebec protested proceedings in Assembly 1856 Parliament voted that Quebec be capital of Cana da after 1859 1856 Governor Douglas of British Columbia announced discovery of gold and reserved licences for the Crown 1874 Louis Riel was expelled from House of Commons Ottawa 1874 Guelph Ontario Agricultural College estab llshed 1887 Rebuilt Welland Canal opened for operation 1891 New Brunswick abolished Legislative Council 1903 Canada and Germany Involved in tariff war l935Mlne explosion at Stellarton NS killed seven men 1941 Trans Canada Airlines now Air Canada extend ed service to Halifax would amount to $297503828 just short of the three million dollar forecast Almost $40000 had been cori tributed towards furnishings and equipment for the Royal Victoria Hospital hilt anothcr $15000 was needed Ernest Bell chairman of the funiishing committee reported that response from industry service clubs fraternal organizations and Irirlividuals had been excellent Cpl James Jacques was decorated with the Queens commendation for brave con duct by Maj Gen ii iicr natchcz vicechief of the general staff pl Jacques yelled warn ing to others in the area when grenade slipped out of the hand of recruit and with only four seconds before it exploded pulled the man out of the way and threw hiinclf on top of the young recruit as the hand bomb exploded behind them Harrie Skating lub became one of growing list of finali cial supporters of the ollcgiatc Bands trip to Scuttle Worlds Fair the following August The cheque was in appreciar tioii of the bands assistance at the skating carnival Although the clubs usual donation was $100 it wished to contribute the additional $100 for the fund to lnkc llll hand to Seattle Rarric Bantams became the llMllA liantani Champions with 541 victory at Sarnia lhc twogame score for the cham pionship was Barrie 17 and Sar nia Rose paternity suit dismissed CINCINNATI AP lawsuit filed by Florida woman asking child support payments from baseball player Pete Rose was dismissed Friday in Hamilton County juvenile court Judge David Grossmann dismissed the suit at the re qucst of Ed Benson lawyer for lerryl Rubio of Tampa Fla Rubio 25 said in lawsuits filed here and in Florida that Rose was the father of her oneyearold daughter Morgan Benson said the Florida suit would be pursued and that he had been instructed by Itubios lawyer there to ask the Ohio court to drop the case The suit was filed first here because of Florida law that bars married woman from lodging paternity claim against man other than her husband However lawyers say re cent Florida Supreme Court ruling wood the way for fil ing sue claim for child support in Florida The Doctor Says Hemongiomos mostly benign By PAUI RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Please ex lain the difference between lood tumor and birthmark How serious is blood tumor and should it be removed im mediately Mrs EE There are many types of birthmarks but most are hemangiomas those blood vessel tumors to which you refer The word tumor scares many laymen who think it refers only to cancer Most tumors and hemangiomas are quite benign 0f the hemangiomas the strawberry mark is the most common These occur most frequently on the head neck and trunk and you may find from one to four on any child They are various shades of red and may be visible at birth or shortly after They tend to increase in size the first six months then get smaller over the next six to 12 months Between 75 and 95 per cent of them disappear in the first year of life Patient waiting for the natu ral disappearance is better than premature tinkering Ilut it is during this waiting period that some parents get into disputes with their doctors The question is what to do about the few hemangiomas that dont disappear and pose cosmetic problems After age 11 it is unlikely for one to dis appear without treatment It is best to let the doctor prefera bly plastic surgeon judgc matters and tell you whether removal would result in scarr ing worse than the original mark You can expect some scarring dimpling of the skin or wrinkling in the area after any kind of treatment Treatment consists of closing 9wald Jacqby Stayman not always valid NORTH 86511 ii Si ll it EAST 10 105 fl ti soizril ii oAQlll okoi Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South lNl 139 Paris lnss 114 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Dbl Opening lead swnlrl Hero is an cxr ample of cruel and Iiiluiiiiaii punishment for mon mtsdcriicarior Alan The Stayiiinn conv vention 111 response to nor trump openings is glIurnlly so effective that some pliv ers use ll Iutoiiinticnlly any time llltll partner optus lli daily crossword ACROSS iillliillliljrilii lllyillllllt roll leer li rrjmnmtion ri Chilly ii pltilrlfrtglflil SitIlii INN i2 upon 59 innitm lfl DtIllUl not WdHn 14 Whamde 41 Former Litim 15 Luau qroup lahhr 16 SM 42 Confections 17 Ummm if Filltlliltfl 8111 110131 hhortenm EDGE 49 Body of water 50 Ill lioiliriq 19 Mosanc piece 51 Old erplelive 21 AdenoSine ill 52 phosphate mm 53 glolninq prion 2212rge1rncks 54 Imh dd 24 L5 55 Ship of Noah Sb Hora so 26 Master Sp 28 Thick Soup DOWN 29 Female saint 30 Salim Green mineral panish qold pl CY HilllllllaltES surprise Came in be 32 Powerful Female sheep exploswe Billboard abhr Weeds 11 BRIDGE and Alan Sontag Csour Birthday off the little blood vessels ca pillaries that caused the tu mor Dry ice cortisone laser beam cryosurgery and Xrays have been used successfully The possible side effects of cor tisone or Xray make those less popular among doctois There have been reports of some suc cess by using bandages and ap plying pressure to the area Sometimes further plastic sur gery or local treatment after removal is necessary Dear rRuble have been going to the doctor for 10 months for an irritation on my vulva The doctor calls it acute atrophic vaginitis At first had slight discharge but that has stopped Just the burning re mains Tests show have an in fection but only on the Outer portion of the vulva Mrs MJ Your letter may help me clear up bit of confusion about hormones and complaints about the vagina have men tioned from time to time that hormones such as those in birth control pills may cause changes in the vaginal mem brast Obviously you are not using birth control pills but perhaps you should be taking some hormones Some doctors do prescribe this for older women whose hormone level is so low as to cause such vaginal dryness April 17 1979 Although lhev may appear to be little slow in coming at lirsi rewards due to you for past ellods Will be there This Will be profitable year ARIES March 21Apr1119 Avoid negativism and stick to the goals youve set for yourself This could be very productive day if you dont let doubts stop you TAURUS April 20May 20 So INinthrep WHAT BREED 16 CHI If you have repeated in fcctions which from your lete tcr seems to be the case that rnighl justify hormone use But some individuals should not use hormones no matter what and yourdoctor can advise on this lllllllllint suppositories are available just for problems like yours AstraGraph cral Situations oar tor dignified behavior today Be especially on guard that youre not care less In your speech or youll make the wrong impression GEMINI May 21June 30 Fam IIy matters should be handled with firm hand today or one whose motives are wee bit selfish could cost you some money CANCER June 21July 22 Stick to taking care of all the small details today and the big picture will come into locus Dont be awed by the size of your task LEO July 23Aug 22 Today will be materially rewarding it you dont look for others to help you out even if they WELJTHERE5 LOT0F FOLICE DOG oumnn In n99 us 91011 A150 MUMBLE THRUMP GNAFFLE notrump and they have any fourcard major suit holding swald better practisi is to leave the coil Vtlllloli alone when your dis trihiition is iZlelIl your fourcard suit is bad one and you have honors in the otlltt thrrc suits Alan With this in muirl North should simply have lookcd at his clcven high card points and raised South to lllltfl notruiiip Oswald The punishment ftSlIlltll whin spades broke 41 against South at the four spade contract that resulted from Norths use of Stay mnn However suits 12 only 611 percent of thc Illllt Alan The cruel and Iii hunizin feature came when West was not only able to double but scored 100 points for honors lll addition to the penalty for onetrick sot Ask the Experts Florida Itlitltl asks if it is over proper to pass when your partner has made forcing hid lhc answer is that there llt turns when such pass turns out to hc profitable hut wc abhor the practice iiiirthcrmorc cvcn If your pass works your partner is lflll going to lw iiind itilswm lo Vimions Pillll Noel 34 Open SCUM 36 Nastinr 37 Prick BMW Shoe 38 Floor covering 11 Cracks 19 Temperature 40 L00 he 43 Largest 70 Contests continent 23 87le 44 Hogans father 25 Cavern 45181110 hasui 48 Insecticulo 50 Genetic 27 Back and 28 Cooking utensils 33 Act of material dragging nbhr Beck Mepk THE TwoPARTY SiSIEM IS VITAL 10 OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT NSL 7313860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St promised you they would Rely on yourself VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont back out of fun thing youve planned because of some mi nor problems that pop up They will take care of themselves LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Family issues may take priority over projects you had planned to do today Take care ol what needs to be attended to Your tasks will wait SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Youll do lot better dealing with large group today than you could on onetoone basrs especrally socnally Dont show favoritism SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 To succeed today youll Bernice Bede Osol have to keep your mind on your objectives and strive persis lenlly Small distractions will quickly take you off course CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You may have tendency today to hide your real reasons for domg things This could cause problem Be discriminating but be hOnest AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You may have to come to the aid ol one who now needs your help but dont expect your expenses to be covered Write ll oil as donation PISCES Feb20March 20 Its not the day to try to lake the lead it youre involved in group venture Be cooperative Let others take the bows lHAT EXPLAIN5 WHY IM 6002AZY IT ALON6 HOLD lT cignnyuu Inc in Reg US 9111014 1i rr KEEPS OUR POLITI onus COUSFWLH 00 THE Move ALIUAYS bombs 012032 00mm 10ml STATUS 000 THE IbP Announcements Headquarters at We provide loanout service COULDNT UNVEFZ5TANI7 WHAT YOU 5AM BETWEEN 71044 6MA6K AND 5¢RATGH ED can Ecr WIIH THE LEFT FRONT FENDER LIKE THE SAV1HE GRAN ALWAYS GREEIUER OM ll1E OF THE MV14 Null Ilium ta THAVhs Ir

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