4A the examiner Friday April 13 1919 monday tv+ WervLs The wedding scene from The Deer Hunter Left to right John Cazole Chuck Aspergren Robert DeNlro John Savage Rutanya Aldo Christopher Walken and Meryl Streep Epic Deer Hunter hits hard By STEPHEN Mllllt if The EVainiiici thrccliour cpic drama about war friciidship and ritual The Door Iluntcr Iopcning tomorrrm at tho liltylllltl Mall lincma It is film that vxhausts you Wllll tho pomr ol its imagcs it carriis thc lirutc torcc ol an oniotioiial slcllgchanimcr Tho tilm dcscrwdl won Oscars Monda night for best dircction thy Mirhaul imiiioi and tor hIst picturc of thc your The ccntral charactcrs in lllt Iiliii ari lhrvc youngl mun who ll in small industrial li in ltllllhlttlltit Michall Robcrt DcNIrol is thIIlHr llllllltl lJIlllI day llIiiiinLNay hero who dctincs xccllcncv as lllt kllllllLl of dIIr itli ottt shot Nicky Ithristophvi Walkciii is llll sinsitiw naturo lowr whos ll1l ii to hunting hwausv hr lows to look at rocs and Stcphcn John Savant is the oak mamas lon IIhosc joyful lkrainian WtllllllLI tKtUIlll thv tirst hour ol thctilm Stcphcns nodding on the WP ot the thim mIns iiipar urI tor thc lilltlltll of Vietnam is happy ritual illlHl Iith dancmg and llllllklllL It plans the lllltt mIii and hiIr lricnds and laiiiilics in tho Iinotioilal liIaitlanrl ot mcrica lhc war is not llliï¬lliillttl thIiIs no gtIILLllttIl ho mcn Wlll tw anything hut lllltns lltlt thIy ItllIIlI Ihi stillllil thc lmotions arc timclvss Michall and his frivnds not drunk and play pranks Just as thIir tathirs and grand iithcrs did licforr lcavmg tor Viitnam thI llltll IllllIIIl1 tic bonds of malc fricndsliip Viith final door hunt llITNAM JINGLHS lhc film lhcn shilts abruptly to thc jungles of irtnam out for two hours wc SH lllt horror ot war aiidhou it allotls hc livcs 0f thrcc mcn Wc sec at Itlllll niicrmosin at torn tying war whln Michacl Nicky and Stcphcn arc capturin hy lii intmy and ioiccd to play Russian ioiilittc Wllllt thcir Victiiamcsu captors bet on tho outcomi ot an unlxarably crucl gamc Later the film tightcns its locus on Michall ll rcturns to Pcnnsylvannia and the tragedy of thc vai ac conipanics him llc lcarns that htvnhcn has lwtll ciipplcd and Nick has fallen Victim to tho Saigon undrrworld Iithacl returns to SJIILJ iii dcstxratc attImpt to san Vicky but llt tails and his friciid divs llii lttl lluntcr is damning indictment of tho sunscliss horror of war an obyious lissoii that mankind has ItINJIlltll llllISHl to llarn lhc tilm iiilwts analysis ilitll are no spurchins iondcmiiinu Aimruns lllltllllllll III Victiiaiii and no llllLlll iiilo lllt ruasoiis lor thI tiaLlid Vu soc thr Iiar as lllltl IIHII sa it in intimati ipisodos ol iollmi and War so paiiiliil want to Hill Itt Russian llilllllll thv liliiis iiiitaphor tor ll iiiIaiiiiiLlliss lltltllll dictatvd by Ihaiiic and tin most ptnulllll sIiiiis lhi ltl lluntci llt this mvtapiior to shim us lIlI iiiiirlal lllt Illtplllxt to makc ai rIall llllll llltlx ot un lllt maii him or inan lll lhi lllllIlt alistiid iIlI so is at lhc Itwi lluntcr alw tIlls us soiiiilhinu about lllt pitutl it tiIiiiilshiti ho it llt lIllIl ltlLJllltl in Iltl Ill in war mil lion iiiIlIstrultiw Il bonds arc llllllllllp iinaiis itlll lllllllllll and toi lltllltll iik and tipliin that titllllltll Illllll contittiits ltll ittvi lllllll lilll lll lhI llllll also links ritual to thc Ia IlItII chamLI it tho lhllttllltltl ol tlhllltllllll aliiIs and lllllll Vhiii lithaIl Itllllllfs troiii iItiiim lll finds llI can no loiittli shoot tlltl lllt iitiial has limn sliattiiid and Hit old rIsiioiisis dont Uilk am llltill llii lttl llllllltl has tho tlllltllftllill and dramatic iiiiuht of an lplt poiiii or noitl lls stiplilil lltllltllilplllll ttllltll and aItcd The trio of DPNIFI Walkiii and Hayaizc Lch txt lorinaiiiIs that got llnlltl your skin in thats almost lllfllllllllllfl lhi Slipptilllllfl cast particularly MIiyl Striva as Linda tlic honiitown inmthoait is liist iatc lliisv ac tors iiiaki lhc Dccr lluntvr dillicult and disturbing film to watch you tIIl lHl minutc ol its very long thrcr hour lciiuth but thcy also Iimand attciition And attcntion must paid to thc lcssons of war taught by this lilm UNCLAIMEI FREIGHT Specid Consideration will be ï¬ven to Senior Citizens Mother Allowice EVENING 600 NEws HOLLYwOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND =RIENDs ID POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws ll MARY TYLER MOORE SHow ces NEwS Aac NEws news to PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 855 wRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME FANTASYISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow Tic TAc DOUGH BILLY Arthur out an application tor computer dating service but Billy tells him he must slrelch the Iruth little il he wants to act the gorgeouaoirls i5 NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GONG snow PRICE is RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR snow HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs CARTER COUNTRY cm mm when Sgt Baker Irustrsted because he Isnt allowed to pertorm the duties he was hired to pariorm quits the Clinton Corners police SHA NA NA Guest Bobby Rydell MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEwHART snow 800 LITTLE HOUSE on THE PRAIRIE LauraIngatlsinnocentioke abouts lat man leads to hurt tastings and neartragic results when the leilow turns out to be her best lather 80mm STANLEY CUP HOCKEY In the Quarter Finals hrs NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CHEERLEADING CHAMPION SHIPS Fora collegiate cheerlending squads will demonstrate their abilities in the areas at musiccheerleaainganagymnasticswhilecom petingtorlhenslionaltitlaand scholarshipmon ins Hosts Suzanne Somme Joe Namath Guest stars Lola Fatima Donny and Marie Os mono Ricardo Montalhan and Herve Ville 90mm SALVAGE1 SPEAKING OUT Compatiliiin In rta Winning the Only thing CANADA JAM PART II limpiugest viii oncmt mar hold in Cannon tram Mosport iark Iirilaria nluling The 07an Mountain aruflavrls Thti Doolim Fritlhars Attilan that Quitnon and ihe Village Poona OVIE MUSICALBIOGRAPHICAL lnierrugtgg Melody 1955 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES p1llt1f0ll3lflt nd Amriue t9 iit irlrnrm Attitu Han trill HOW THE WEST WAS WON IimMiir Romrimnontrontrirtmthinsularan tlitiflmwllitllhllmnIUVflnllfl tilllbflnlltlm twins grit writs Ilplrd vIlusns to art opt tmr ilanitimulï¬ mm min mo tamIy Iiuoni sa we Luke ma MOVIE UNANNOUNCED THE ODYSSEY Telamachua in SearchalHisttherEpieodelllUlysseslinelly reveals hlI Identity to King Alclnoua and tells him ol the adventures in the land OI the lotus eaters In Ithaca lonely Penelope resolves to plhe euflors at Day TABITHA 930 MASH Father Mulcahy takes being passed over tor promotion philosophically until he hears ol the rapid advancement made by 0i helicopter pilot SECOND CITY 1000 Lou GRANTLouhastolindoutwhyhis triendandbossCharlieHumabehavesuration ally when theTribune runsan expose at political ure 80 mins ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE New DirectionsPquram I3 IntallrMlkeOldleld Manlred Mann Jack Bruce and other experts talkabouttuiuradirectionemusicsndmusICIans mighttaketoenhanceaprotitebteindustryand still preserve its vulnerable mdivtdual ators aLIzzARD SOCCER SPECIAL This special lealutes the Blizzard Cheer dancers and interviews with Peter Lorimer and Budd NEWS 1100 000 NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws IE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Rhapsody 1954 20 NEWS TITLE 127 news 1130 THE TONIGHT snow cu Martn Mull Guests SamLevensonGeorge el 90 mms CBSLATEMOVIETHEROCKFORD FILES NowLileDthraaonsAvietnameaeoirl hires Rocklorc to lind her musing brother MCMILLAN AND WIFE The Easy Sunday derCase MOVIE MYSTERY Drag mt Ioee STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 1145 THE BODY in DUESTION Shaping the Future look at some otthe tradi lionaltheones Olconceplion suchnstheaston Ishinu idea that each sperm carried miniature man and how congenital errors can arise 60 mins 1150 MOVIE SPECTACULAR Davld and Golleih 1960 1200 in MEDICAL CENTER MOViESUSPENSEiu Fast Kill I913 1210 QMOVlEDRAMAPTheFamI ly Kovack1974 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD 130 NEws as PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY TROUBLE wiTH TRACY 145 89 MOVIE $USPENSE is TheHostage19G7 ll llill lilill€l IT ll All Japan IIIIlIllHI ol iolilIss in 150 hit postuai IIttilll till it tIiIl inttauc oi IIoooo Ctnl LIIHIIIIIltIIl siiivc says lhl lIIItlltltlU niInt IItlt inciIascd limit or pii cunt titl tho titwyioiis yoar Iith sharp MW in llll iiiinibIi ot iohlisx iii llll ill it auc catcuoi thc tIpotl sa lIii Illlï¬l llllhlIV Sl liii gt Non lualandvr ol lioliirt llioitn ltilllll was appointcd conimandci oi thI Royal llll iili iary SIiyicts tol lhoipv ltllllltll cw anIandsdiicctoi oi dctciicc XIillllllls training and coordination Stltl Illl lllzlll soldicrs during tlic Malayian campaign from 1934 to lltStI llll has troops serving with the lmtcd Nations lorccs iii lichanoii Senior Citizens To make shopping easy In the Golden Years Senior Citizens savings Are listed for you here designed just GOLDEN omens ewe Ellectivv isbruary 1979 II oure tift ears or better heres special nonchequing savings account lor you Interest calculated and paid monthly SpeCIal Calculated and Paid Monthly Per Annum céalrJyVILI withdrawal privileges at any Municipal Branch And no charges IorTravellers Specraiiljng In Pensioners Emmi ur Golden Circle WW0 Ilsenlgfgï¬rrgnsgztdays Disability Pensioners etc Clfle 83 sight find our stall 5Â¥g¢¢ithe ITIUIIiCiDaI Closed wednesccys of tow CUSTOMERS triendty and thllng help MC loan Iiii3tiratIUiI 32 mm M23F 7264133 2321 DepOSIt Insurance Corporation