The Examiner is member oi the Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Pressc and local news stories published in ThL xaminer ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALES Bert Stevens Peggy Kavanagh Wayne Hay Aden Smith Steve Skinner BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Brenda Woods NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor Ian Mutgrewcity editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Litestyle editor RE PORTERS Stephen Nlcholls COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kcrney torcntan Glonn Kwan asst lawman Don Saunders Lorne Wasi Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EKLY by carrier will Cadogan 903 Stan Wray YEARLYby carrier Bill Raynor $4600 The Examiner claims copyrighton altoriginalnews and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspapcr juosdayApfll 10 1979 servrng borne and Simcoe county CIRCULATION Conwiqht registration number 7038i5 register at Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bioce Rowland ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIICUlATION 7266539 publisher CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Credit due to students The strikc by scltool support staff in Simcoc County is over Both tiic Canadian Union of Public Employees and the county school board actcd responsibly to bring about settle tticnt insidc oncwccks timc lint thcrcs anothcr groitp that acted responsibly during the strikc That the studcnts thetttsclvcs Sltools across the county wcrc extremely pleased at itow studcnts conductcd thcmsclvcs during the strike Surc fcw individuals may have taken advantage of the situation to try to mess things up iiiit thcy were very vcry fcw itt ttutnbcr instcad 99 plus pcr coat of thc students did what they ltad to do to kccp tiic schools functioning ttortttally ihcy sitttply uscd sclfdisciplinc attd common scitsc to kccp tiic schools as clcan as possible For obvious rcasmts thc studcttts didnt want to scc the Schools cioscd They also knew they couldnt get involvcd iii any cleanup operations that could bc tntcrprctcd as strtkc breaking So thc studcnts did tltcir part They dcspositcd thcir gar bagc itt bins thcy rcspcctcd thc nccd for clcanliitcss aitd ordc r1 ncss In short tltcy took pride in thcir school how it looked aitd how it opctatcd That kittd of school spirit gocs oit ycattouttd in county schools But it sltowcd itsclf loud attd clcar during the strikc The schools of coursc now wclcomc back thc support staff Their abscncc sitowcd thc importance of the work tltcy do As thcy return to work this wcck thcyll fittd tiic schixils itt estclient shapc Mitch of thc ctcdit for tltat gocs to thc students thctttsclvcs Dear Sir Is thc Simcoc ounty School Board rcspccting thc tttattdatc sci down iii Articic 20 by tiic tFnitcd Na tions do not think so cspcciaily regarding tiic Human Rciations coursc bcing tricd out on our childrctt this ycar What is Ilumau Rclations is it not communicating with otiicrs aitd rcspccting thc valuc of othcrs rcgardlcss ol scx agc racc crccd and occupation How would you tcach communica tions would think tiic bcst way is through actions Actions spcak louder than words lhc schools and school board havc faich to cont municatc to tho parcnts so how can they teach communication to thc studcnts charding valucs whos vaiucs arc taught Again say actions spcak ioudcr than words Ihc tcachcrs valucs comc through or if thc studcnts arc teaching each other thcn pccr pressure would prcdominatc Is thc school board practising what tiicy preachgt Arc tcachcrs bcing givcn chancc to spcak out publicly about education in this arca Wc have in this lluman Rclations Queen Park By DON OIIIIARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson Ncws Servicc TORONTO Ircmicr Dams has said that he intcnds to go fullrout for Joc lark and his colicagucs in thc fcdiral clcction You might say so what Shouldnt hc go fullout for his onscrvativc brothcrs Icrhaps ltc should at lcast on tiic surfaci But thc fact is that thc Ontario pltlllltl is booting quitc bit of tradition if iic throws himscif into fcdcral campaign FROST RORARIS Ontario prcmicrs in tiic long pcriod of Tory rule since thc war havc vtry cartfully staycd away from any ntixing into lciliral politics Gcorgc Drcw might haw bcin an cx ccption But in thc only fcdcral clcction III which Drcw could havc playod part whilc prcmicr MacKcnzic King cut ltiiii oil by calling his cicctiori at thc samc timc as pro vinciai votc we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your teephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to tin Editor The Exotnhar Post Ofï¬ce Box 370 IAIIIE 0M NM 476 letters to the editor program sonic vcty cxtrcmcly dclicatc subjects attd we will ncvcr comc to common agrccmcnt about if thcy should bc taught wliin titcy should bc taught how thcy should bc taught and by wltom they should bc taught What is good for you and your childrcit may itot bc good for mc and minc objcct to all thcsc topics bcing undcr such big umbrclia which covcr too mucii ground scc as tho only solution lltirstly put forth information about this coursc to all studcnts and parcnts secondly ntakc titcnt fully awarc of who will bc tcaching this tttlISt aitd how thirdly tiicu if parents wish thcir childrcn to bc taugltt this coursc thcy sign up for it Since tiic School lioard is so sun that this prograttimc is what tltc studcnts of Simcoc ounty nccd and thcy think it is such good coursc tltcn thcy should havc tto worrics iï¬vcryonc will bc signing up for it it all boils down to thc parcnts right to thc kind of cducation thcy wish for thcir childrcn Ilcasc rcspcct oitr rigltt Yours truly onccruid larcnt Can Bill Davis help Joe Clark Lislic Frost was ibsolittily hands off llc in tact wouldnt makc spccch outsido Ontario it any lllltt lit alonc at iliction tutus lohn Itobarts was also adamantly sidc lltltl John liifinbakcr still holds burning grudgc against him for allcgidly Ictting llllll down in thc 1002 and limit fcdcral votcs lhcsc liadcrs kncw thcir hotnc ground lhcy rccognizcd thiy probably could only Iosc by stopping out ol it and that tltiy might do ntorc harm than good cvcn if thcy did Ill Haws thinks dittcrintly On his bchalf it can ll said that fidcral provtncial rciations havc bccomc morc Ill tciisi and conttoycrsial siiicc lll has ltttll III oflicc llc has morc rctison to want to gct Into thcfight Looking at thc rcaliticsjusl what has hc or tiic Tonscrvativc party to win or Iosc il hc mixcs in Ho probably wont win tltc party votc outsidc Ontario and could Iosc it quitc fcw lhc prcmicr cant sicin to got it out of his mind that hc is sonic kind of licro figurc in thc rcst of Canada llc isnt and cant bc Ilc has tiic Ontario stigma lacl of lifc which Frost and Robarts botlt apprcciatcd wcll This means any bcncficial influcncc hi can wicld will bc in Ontario Ilcrc again tltcrc is qurst ion Docs Bill Davis rcally carry much pcrsonal influcncc with tiic voters of Ontario Ihcrc is thc contcntion that Davis has had what succcss iic has had bccausc hc has bccn tltc bcst of thc choiccs availablc and has not strong pcrsonal powcr at tltc polls liy fighting strongly in fcdcral clcction hc is going to turnofl somc votcs Ilc is bound to oltcnd thosc who back llltll provincially btit tiic libcrals tcdcrally This is anothir point to which Frost and Robarts wcrc alcrt So why does lic do it good many reasons probably onc of thcm propricty Anothcr wcll might bc that hc still has that fcdcral icadcrship hungcr and thinks of making himsclf national figurc BUSINESS 7266537 Dennis Lanthter Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Terry Fields Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armer camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer Barb Boulton CLASSIFIE Freda Stunner chuy Ctiapcll Janicc Morton Parliament Hill By SIICWARI lacIIIOI Olawa Rurcati Ihotiison Ncyss Scrv icc That illtintcd rcmark by lrimc Ministcr lritdcau about grumbling tarmcrs ri mark that is likcly to haunt him throughout thc citttrc clcction campaign will bring back sonic unhappy mcinorics to many vctcran politicians whosc tongiiis madi smularsadshps Battling through two month iIcctioti campaign whili cvcry word and gistiiri is bcmg studiid by battalion of journalists has to bc out of illt countrys most undcr ratcd achicvcmcnts And any politician who makis it without cxtxricncing sonic cnor moits cmbarrassmint ilcscrvcs lll lll rcward Actually sonic politicians managcd it IIIIIIR PEARSON Try to rctnctnhcr Your business Ry INIINI EGAN Ilusincss and onsiimcr Affairs Analyst Ihomson Ncws Scrvicc rgatiizcd crimc to most of its tobably ntcans thc kind of violcnt yct shade crworld inhabitid by unpicastint chiiractas iii tltc iiiovics and on tclcvision liut it moans somcthing ctitircly dif crcnt to policctttati Iikc Staff Scrgcant harlcs Ii pcr mcmbcr of tlic Royal anadian Mountcd Ioliccs coninicrcial crimc scction itt Toronto Io ltiitt organiHl crimc can cxist whcncvcr two or morc pcoplc with particular cxpcrtisc cotitc togcthcr for tiic common purposcof committing complicatcd critiic It can rcfcr to lawycr an accountant ntoncy man conspiring to sonicltow or othcr bcat tltc systcnt attd providc vcry lucratch financial rcwards hc told tltc annual con fcrciicc of thc Ontario Morlgagc lirokcrs Association on April Icoplc iii busincss oftcit cotiiplain about thc numbcr of regulations that govcrntticnts inr posc on thcir activitics with sonic Justification since in many cases thosc regulations mean substantial additional cost of doing business Piper says however that if any group of Ruth Blots suporvsor Dana tiomcwooti iiclh Bill Halkos manager Steve White asslstant manaucr Andy Haughton Alva LaPlante Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Chnryl Aiken EdAllinhy Janii Hanwt Susan Kitchen Ran Glider Barbara Striul PR SSROOM Don Ncar torcinan Frid Prince asst lorcnian Harris Blanchard Brian Marr to gcl thctt rcwards itcspitc thosi cnorttious cniltarrassniciits Wc alrcady IIltllltl to that ttiiiioiis ltlltillk by llowc wltcn hi askid Whats nut lioii iit thirc llitt lttlll many similar itiiscttis that havi iiict titatli tiic rctutd books Sonic of ll ill iiici ttirgct that night back in loot ilicn ltltl liarson stood lltlliil hugi crowd lll Burnaby it and said how absolittcly dclightcd ltt was to bc thcrc to spctikon bcltalf ot My goodlriciid And thats whcrc lll scntcticc illilt to dcvastating halt lot llll lllt of llllll hc couldnt ltllllllilitl thi naini ot thc libcril illltlltlillt And thc whispitcd priitttpttng from thc trout iow did nothing to saliagc tiic ivcning IOIIN IIIIIIIIIiIIIR What namc pcoplc iii bitstncss waiit to opcratc with minimal or no rcgulalions tiicit tltcy itavc to bchavc in itianncr acccptablc to tiic public at largc With thc propcr application of itiorahty and cthics lic addcd industry could govcrn itsclf IIO ITS DONIC can assurc you that at thc prcscnt tinic your systcm is bcing abuscd criminally tiic RtMi officcr told tiic iiioitgagc brokcrs Ilc oftcrcd this illustration Siiicc cntral Mortgagc and Housing orp will normally lctid 90 pcr ccttt of projcct funding on itiortgagc propcrty dcvclopcr has to obtain only l0 pcr cciit funding by otlicr intans lhc propclly dcvclopcr buys propctty for $200000 today rolls it ovcr bctwccn coitt panics or individuals and six months latcr buys it front himscll for $l000000 in tiic proccss lic ctcalcs papcr mortgagcs covcring tiic additional $000000 which on tiic final purchasc arc disclinrgul and shown as cash rcccivcd Ilc crcatcs $fiiXi000 mortgagc on propcrty ostcnsihly worth til IltllllOl and that niortgagc forms tiic basis of $4600000 tttortgagc loan froiti MII Ihc first $500000 drawn from thc fMllt mortgagc is uscd to dischargc thc existing $500000 mort gagc Ihc nct rcsuit is that thc chclopcr has BY MAILBarrle 30 National advertising attices AS Quttfl at toronto 864 HR 640 Cathcart St Montrcat SIMCOE COUNTV $3900 MOTOR THROW OFF $0506 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA utooayear The advertiser agrees that thc publishcr shall not be liable tar damages arts dig out of errors in advertisements bryond the amount paid tor the space at tually ocrupicd by that portion at advertisement in which the error ac curred whether such error IS doc to the negligence at its servants or other Wise and Ich shall be no liability tor non insertion at any advcrtiscment beyond the amount paid tor such ndvcrhscmcnt Those famous election gaffes Pearson Dief had their share Aftcr that mcmbcrs of Icarsoits staff compostd song which thcy sang to thcir liadcr bcforc cach campaign stop Try to rcmcnibcr tiic namc of your tncmbcr OTHERS IORUOI lcarson wasnt tltc only lcadcr to suflcr nitmory lapsc III that 1903 campaign lohtt lhcfcnhakcr was spcaking in llttltllllttll whcrc hc urgcd thc throng to yoti for his good frtcnd hcstcr Mclatrc cht to lillll sat tiic lory candtdatc thcstct Macliac obviously wondciing whcthcr tiic cxcrcisc was wur tltwhilc This particular shp was partially justilnd by thc fact that thcrc uscd to ho hcstcr Mclatrc in thc ontmons ilut that didnt hpr MaiRaw ttnc of thc morc famous casts of mistakcn idcntity occurrul back III 1037 whcn primc ministcr Louis St Laurcnt tlll into thc Ontario riding of lirucc lit valiant attcmpt to iiclp tiic Libiral candidatc And thtcc limcs dttrtng lllt coursc of his spccch llt askcd suppoitcrs to votc for my dcar tricnd Mt litowti iic was ciosc But it was thc wrong color lhccandtdatcwas Mr Iiiuc Nccdicss to say Iticfcnbakcr was lull brictcd on this whcn hc vicnt into lirucc to spcak oii hchalt of tiic lory candidatc know our candidatcs namc hc dcciarcd illllltl chccrs Iicfcnbakcr still has tcw cqiiais whcn ll conics to rctticmbcring tltillll bitt cycu hc has cxpcricnccd thosc cmbarrassing momcnts littriitg thc 1003 campaign iit Rcd ilcci hc variticd itp his audicncc by saying it was Just about tititc that tiic libcrals did sontcthing about building dam on thi Thc namc of thc rtvcr cscapcd lutii com plctcly Tltc Rcd lcct candidatc ycs said tltc Tory lcadcr Again tiic dam had burst Spcaking about John Diclcnbakcr oii thc campaign trail thcrc was dclightful lll cidcitt back iit ltifiil whcn hc flcw into Ncw lasgow NS for rally llc was tiic lonc ixisscngcr on Maritimc cntral Airways planc and was obviously unfamiliar to tlic stcwardcss ihtspcrcd thc local Mortgages criminally abused RCMP officer says its so icccivcd $500000 for his $200000 iitytstiiiiznt and still owns thc ltilttl l4 INITaYIIII Illlt 11 Of coursc tiic propcrty has to bc appralscd to Mlits satisfaction bcforc it will put tip tlic stamina It is possililc Iipcr cxplaiiicd to obtain falsc appraisals or inflatcd appraisals as mcansofobtaining financing It is vcry difficult for an indcpcndcnt appraiscr front Mllt to rcalistically disputc valucs piaccd by projcct apprais wlto arc rctaincd anti paid by tlic dcclopct lipcr citcd casc in which dcyclopcr told all appraiscr that ho wantcdan appraisal to bc bctwccn $2 iitiiiioit and $3 tuillioti And thc lcttcr of appraisal of ttlllsc camc back at $31 million Pipcr said Oddly cnough thcrc was siibstaiitial bro and thc projcct hurncd down In thc final analysis tiic RCMP officcr said it is thc consuiiicr who pays All thc highcr costs arc passcil oit to him itt tiic fortn of highcr icnts highct taxcs pos sibly substandard building matcrials and substandard construct ion It is tiic consumcr who pays for tiic ad ditional profits or tiic sccrct profits thc sccrct commissions takcn out tax Inc to pay off crcatcd ntortgagc that no onc cvcr tclis titc taxman cxistcd Putannexaï¬on before public If ALEX MANJLRIS This could dymanic period for the city of Barrie period which will set the stage for future prospcrity or disparity It is like jigsaw puzzlc all the pieces have to fit But they will not fit if thcy arc not plac cd in thcir propcr placc and pcrspcct ivc Anncxation is thc missing link the link which will opcn thc door to ncw era of growth and prospcrity TANTAIJZIZS It is likc an illusion which appcars and tan talizcs biit just whcn it sccms to bc matcrializing it vanishcs Anncxation secms to bc an clusch thing In its wakc it is crcating many problems powcr struggics alicnating fricnds and pinpointing tiic spccial groups involvcd At thc samc timc it is also sctting many prcccdcnts and sctting tiic stagc for what may inflUcncc thc outcomc of thc ncxt municipal clcction havc personally spokcn with mayor Ross Archcr Rccvc Iiill iibbcns and onc 0f the councillors from Vcspra about annexation Ihcy all have cxprcsscd thcir fcclings about thc subjcct and its cffccts on cach of their rcspcctivc municipaht ics KIIIT FROM IlISII Ihcsc officials arc wcll informcd and know what is going on But lot of thc pcrtincttt facts arc bcing kcpt from tiic public My conlcntion is that thc public has right toknow Othcrs havc bccn pushing for static kind of public forum good old fashioncd Pow Wow on anncxation would fathcr that allot thc facts wcrc laid out bcforc tiic public so thc public can draw its own conclusions it would appcar that ccrtaitt prcssurcs rathcr than common scnsc on tiic part of our city officials ltavc dictatcd thc rcal ncccssity for such public lorimi lhank llcavcn our mayor has finally takcn itp tltc cltallcngc but hc has not clarificd who would makc up tiic pancl of spcakcrs ommon scnsc would dictatc that thcrc Should bc rcprcscntation front Iiarric Innisfil and Vcspra Othcrwisc it would bc oncsidcd affair just anothcr uscicss cffort Surcly wc can split thc diffcrcncc on thosc 1000 acrcs which arc tltc stumbling block to scttlcttictit of thc tittttcxtittott lll With bit of horsctradutg titcrc must bc tradcoft somcwhcrc Interpreting the news Carter warning on energy dud My LENSSOMICRVIIJJI WXSllllO itli ircsidcnl tartcr ltas nianagcd todisplcascjust about cvcryonc with iiiw proposals for driving cncrgy priccs sharply highcr to forcc conscrvation whilc taxuig away rcsuiting windfall profits froiti oil compatucs On tapitoi lllll libcral lcgisiators arc lining tip with consuntcr groups to condcntn thc proposals as honana for oil contpanics and ripoff of consumcrs Oil company intcrcsts wcllrcprcscntcd iii ongrcss say taxmg away cxpcctcd big profit incrcascs wont lcavc tiic companics moncy for ncii cxploration IRHICS III RISIC tartcr has thc authority to start ticon trolling domcstic oil priccs on Juno lctting tiicm risc to world lcycis by tittil This moans tiic pricc of most old oil frotn wells drillcd hcforc lii7 riscs from thc citrrcitt $6 85 barrcl to $l1l harrcl Latcr it will go to world lcvcls of $15 or more barrci liut thc prcsidint has to havc congrcssionai approval fora windfall profits tax arid it will bc cxtrcmcly hard to gct tartcr has alrcady tricd and tailcd to gct similar mcasurc IXISStd Ill 1077 Whilc tiicsc wcrc tiic ccntrcpiccc of ar tcrs national broadcast Thursday tiicy wcrc only part of complicatcd packagc Ihcrc was ltllt cd appcai for contpanics to switch to natural gas front oil as fucl That might mcan strongcr markcts for cxccss natural gas anada has for cxport but tltc administration singlcd ottt Mcxico as tho country with which it wants to coticludc dcai for more natural gas PIPELINE BOOST artcr rcpcatcd his support for thc proposcd sillltllllOli natural gas pipciinc to carry gas front Alaska south through Canada to thc lowcr lit statcs And hc intcnds to tttakc dccision bcforc tiic ycar cud on contpctittg proposals for pipclinc to movc Alaskan ciudc oil to markct IIcascil no onc