SPECIAL NOTICE Death Notices Engagements Cards at Thanks MENTS CASH RATES $666 minimum 40 words additional words It cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse $600 $600 Verse per count line extra 235 cents Coming Events ts It blrtlis Monday Child is lair ot lace Tuesday sChiloistultot grace Wednesdays Child isluilol woe Thursday sChild hastartogo Fridays Child loving and giVing Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Istair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day ol the week was their birth date Keep this and other important intormation tor your child luture An Examiner Birth Announcement Will include the name at your child the day ol the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital inlorniatioii printed message can become pei nianent record in Babys Book or aniin Albums The rate tnr an Examiner Birth Notice is only ss so PHONE 728 7114 85 deaths MASON Dunc an Suddenly at his reSIGence on Sunday April WW Dun can Mason in his 69th year Beloved hus band ot Elizabeth Morrow ot Thornton loving lather of Harvey June Mrs Suttonl Dolly Mrs Sutton predeceased by Fred Dear grandtather 01 14 grandchildren and great grand children Dear brother 01 Michigan Charlie ot Barrie Fred ol Peterbomugti Marion at Toronto Frances ot Barrie Kattileeen it Weston and Florence cit Tovonto Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home l5 Bradlord SI Barrie VISiIRIOIT troni Tuesday at Servant and OITJVITlal complete in the chapel on Wednesday April ltth at Interment Barre Union Cemetery RATELLE Davd Lumen Suddenly as the result ot an 1ldtnl on Sunday April 8th twv David Lucien Ratelle in his 24th yea beloved husband at Isabel Scott dear tattwr oi Kenny Theresa and Trapr Dear son ot Henry and Florence Rateito ot Barrie Brother ol Jerry Rene Pat Theresa Lewis Bar bani Boakw and Rosv Friends may call at Steckicy Funeral Home 30 Worsler St Barrie attLr pm Tuesday Com plete service in the chapel on Wedncs day Apri lltti at in Interment later at BarrieLInonCinietcry CORSON Amen Joseph Aime Royai VlClUrla Hospital Barre on Monday April WW iltrpd JnSDpti Corsnn in his 67th year Beloved husoand 0t Vera Cleckner Dear lather ot vor Paul and Peter allot Barrie Grandlather at two grandchildren tends may call at Sléiklly FUVLHII Home 30 Worsloy Street Barre attw 7pm Tuesday SCerCt in the chapel on Wednesday John at April it at it 71 tollowed by Etcind lion NOTICE Deadline tor classmed word ads pm day previous noon Saturday help wanted MATURE PERSON waned to babysit part time in omo Tali Trees area Two ctrtlhfl years and TJ months Temporary inn Cal 725 lJQJatlet 59 72 sales help agents TOP COMMWSIONS parttmc lu time sideline Calendars ad spiraIrs printed labels tapes bait pens altar supplies etc Our 27th year New ratiiuiuvaya uthle Alco 8013772 Ottawa SALEK REP tor territory in Barrie area Nitti experience preferred but not FSSFti Telephone 519 579 2050 days 705 73 iriirnmnnqs 78hndors Sell an ywhere ROOFING CONTRACTORS ReRooling builtup the Hun MAPLE Ont NR66982 Headquarters in BARRIE Ont SG669l2 2Xpm local time on Thursday Office 24 James Street East 13V 6K7 7C5 3257403 Se Ontario Ontario Government Tender Centre at the Southern Research Station ReRooting builtwp at the OPP Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional NOTE For further information regarding the tenders please call Mr Mclsaoc at the above address Telephone No The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government $343 per column inch 85 loath LOF TUS Margaret Julia at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday April to W79 Margaret Julia Kelly beloved wite ot the late Frank Loltus in her 99th year Dear mother at Frances Mrs Garvey Bert Jamis Terrence Bernard predeceased by one son Am prose Survived also by grandchildren and is great grandchildren two sisters Mrs Edna Shanahan and Mrs Kath arine Toner and one brother DArcy Kel ty Resting at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter Wednesday Funeral arrangements to be completed later CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classitind advertisomonts and noticu Ior those pugs must be TOCOIVOd by at day procoding publication with tho oxccption oI Classilind Display udyortisomonts which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTtCES 40 words $600 Additional words it cts per word CARD 0F THANKS 40 words $6 00 Addi tionol words ts par word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No vrso 56 00 With vorso par count lino 23H cont par lino COMING EVENTS $3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING gt7 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply it paid within days On or two insortions I0 pot word insartlon Throo consecutive in unions IO cunts par word Insrtton total 96 64 Six consocutiyo insortions 9c por word par insertion total 31296 Multiple insr lions may b0 Ordoer subioct to cancellation whon satislactory rnults obtoinod Mathad oi counting lower than 24 words count as 74 words Each initial obbryiotion sat at hunters otc count as soparoto wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insortion ordors an accepted as wnvonioncl to tho udyorttsors Thorotoro th Clanitiod Advortising Dtportmont t0 quires dd advrtisors to kindly rovchock thoii odvortisomont immodiatoly char Iirst inset tion in order that arty otror or omission may be roportad bolero in ordor that sum may be roctiliod Ior tho Iollowing day publication Tho Elommor is rosponsiblo tor only on incorroctly printd insortion at any odvrtisomant and than only to tho oxtont oI portion at ad that involyos tho misprint Er rors which do not luun tho valuo oi the odvortiumont or not oligiblo to carroc tions by moko goods Thu Exammor rosarys the right to clotsin roviso or reject any want ads PHONE 72821 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect ct loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in Iorwarding such replies however other wise TF EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 72824 78tsndsrs ters Examination May 1979 Box 790 Orillia Ontario rvices A10 79 suction solos April 12th 79 auction solos pm AUCTION At The Embassy Hall 386 Blake St Air conditioners Frig stove mths old His Hers bedroom suite dressers dining set kitchen Putial listing set bar stools tools silverware new ap pliances antique gloss tables chairs etc 1800s baby carriage golf clubs and cart pictures old coins l800s l900s Items Auctioneer Bill too numerous to list ecord 728624 Preview 300 NO RESERVES to sale It public notices ime so pubic notices The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday April 10 I979 at pm the Council Chambers at City Hall to discuss the proposed site plan rezoning by Suburban Transport Ltd located at Mt Titlin west of Anne Street Street south of Tittin one lot The company is currently operating transport truck terminal and an automotive repair establishmen site plan rezoning to permit The applicant is soaking C4 ruck dealership on the some property The sole of automobiles is not permitted use within the present Industrial M3 zoning Interested persons are Invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions Jan 95 SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planni ng Board AIO Smiles Chuckles Almonds and Caramels Save me Save 60 Turtles Light 14 02 Boots Reg Price 379 Howntrees Black Magic Chocolates lb454 Boots Reg Price 379 319 Save 60 Moirs Almondillos in Milk Chocolate lb454 Boots Reg Price 379 Rowntre¢ with Smarties lelly Tots or Maple Buds 170 Boots Reg Price 249 191 Save 20 Smiles Chuckles Marshmallow Eggs oz12s Boots Reg Price 169 Fruit Nut oz Boots Reg Price 79 Prices effective until April 15th 1979 We reserve the tight to limit quantitites it ll til CHOCIHAHVI tutu III It II US Ml NI Ilrllrtltfl DUNLOP ST BARBIE TM of The Boots Company Limited 30 Moirs Pot of Gold Dark Chocolates 1b454 Boots Reg Price 379 Save 60 Smiles Chuckles soup mu snocnuu caocout Au uir nltu Save 33 Smiles Chuckles Solid Milk Chocolate 1h lAtniimli niriiiiiiim Winnie the Pooh 3321 or Donald Duck 200 Boots Reg Price 199 Save 30 Allans Ol McBunn Milk Choco ate 10 oz284 Boots Reg Price 329 299 CHOCOLAT AU LAIT Mini iziitiini 51201156q Save 30 Allans Galactic Bunny Milk Chocolate 172 02l56 Boots Reg Price 179 149 Save 20 Allans Milk Chocolate Easter Eggs 412 oz127 Boots Reg Price 149 129 Drug Stores Save 20 Boots Reg Price 179 Save 100 Save 30 Easter Sweets at Sweet Prices Allans Peter Rabbit 12 ozl84 159 Allans Ye Olde Candy Shoppe Boots Reg Price 499 399 Allans Treats Treasures 70 169 Allcm Allans Solid Bunny 400 Boots Reg Price 199 169 Mr Nhiskers or Bongo Bunny 10 12 oz298 2099 each Save 20 Flower Shop or Toy Shep 53 ozlSl Boots Reg Price 169 149 each Due to space limitations all items may not be available at all locations BAYFIELD MALL BARBIE