Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1979, p. 16

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Te the examiner Tuesday April 19 1970 television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 In as NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nsc NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 845 151 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS CI MARY TYLER MOORE SHow TIC TAc DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHow oasis udrs Barry EdWIn Starr ill PETER APPLEYARD 1E MAGIC SHADOWS 93 308 NEWHART SHOW 800 CLIFFHANGERS STANLEYCUPHOCKEVFIIsI emtheEtImnation Round Jim HERE COMES PETER COT TONTAIL Peter Cotiontail laces an embar rsssrng problem alter tailing to deIIver more Eastereggsthenthe evrllrontarl Narrators WHyKA eVIncentPrIce RGOmIns HAgPY DAYS The Fonz usesevolup tuous ture as barttocatchthe kissing bandit Ina desperatcettortlokeepRIchIelronIgorngtolail 85 LIVELY COUNTRY FAST FORWARD WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT EDMOVIE COMEDYIHA Lady L1oee 830 ea LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley and the educational system into tailspin when they seek sell Improvement by studying to become medical Istants KR TWO SCOMPANY THE REAL STORY James Gillies Progressive Conservative MP James Gilles dIscusses his career in the Tory caucus VYIth host Jim Laxer Gillies wIlI retire trom politics soon to enter private business 900 BIG EVENT MOVIE Legend or Golden Gun 1979 Stars HalHotbrook JoltOs age TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE DeadmansCurve 1975 Stars RichardHatch ce Daylaon THREES COMPANY Jack and Janet lace the danger ol losing Chrissy to lasttalking guru who dazzles her Into belrevmo place Is at his aide GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests Sheppard Bill Anderson Mary Lou Turner to Eastman WHEELS AllerErIca Trentonleavesher husbandAdemsndgoesawaywitharacrngcar driver Adam makes plans to marry blllltflfll edvertrsrng executive he met while they were developrng new car Stars Rock Hudson Lee 11 Pt It etatourpertsories2hrs VISTA Whats Wrong With the Sun Current solar research suggests some incon sIstency In the energy output from our ommpo tent celestial body Host Stanley Burke dis cusses Canadas fragile ClimaIlC balance with don MacKaéotEnvuonment Canada GONG HOW 930 TAXI Thelflll gang unites to support the dream of lellow cabbre who gets once InsIiletirne chance to get Into the ring with ld cham Ion 13 Felicm doesnt approvewhenhsi23 year nldnephewcomesto slaywrthherandendsuphsvrngsloveallairwiih her 38yearold best lrrandEarne 1000 THE ROPERS QUINCY Ourncy must battle bureau cracy to prevent an autistic child from berng doomedtos liteInanmstitunontortnarnonlally rdod Fl 60 mine ROLL CALL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 EB BARETTA 1030 13 OUEENS BLVD ram doesnt approvewhsnher23AyssI0Idnephewcomesto staywtthhersndendsuphavmgaIoveattsrrwith was earold best friend Elaine rHE TORONTO CONSORT Medieval and renaissance music is played by the Toronto Consort In perIod dress The mu srcal instruments used are authentic reproduc tionsandmnsIcrsngestrombswdystreelsongs to sacred liturgy 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CW NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Bareb bee 1062 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW swore aon Guests Tony Randall Marsha Mason na Theodore 90 mm CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES The Platinum ConnectionAIeweler engineerssplatinumthetltromhisowncompany so that he can claim the Insurance money Fl MADIGAN TheNspleaBeatStars RIchsrd markRosssno BrauI MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA VI Toni htWe Sin 1053 mSTREE TALK ti OUESTION PERIOD 145 WORLD AT WAR Mormng ple of France had been dominated by the Ger mans for tour years but the Invasron Oi the comment was athand 60 mms 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSE Live Again Die Again 1074 1200 in MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEDRAMA Fraulein Doktor 1969 1210 QMOVtEWESTERNDRAMA Ransom For Allce1077 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Elizabeth Freeman editor of Wei arms 60 nuns MARCUS WELBY MD 130 NEWS historically speaking today in history it lllll lll lIIlISS prit ltl IIITII lhc initcd Slatcs disclosid that It had suffcrcd its worst siIlIIIIarinc disastcr It ycars ago today in liltiil whcn ihc atomic sulmiarinc llIrcshIr failcd to surfacc aftcr making dccp ilt in thc North lanlic All 129 mcn on hoard dicd lszu William Itootti foundcr of thc Salvation Army as horn Itlit Paul on llindcnhiirg dcfcatcd Adult iiitlir III run off clcclion lol 11 icrman prIsidinc lint llaritonc Iaul ltolicson was dcnicd pcrimsslon to voter anada from thc lnItId Slatcs for conccrt tour hccausc of his lcll lllt political vicws IEISJ Japans crown princc AkIhIto marricd coIIIIIIoncI Michikoshtyta IEITI lsracII lrimc lInIgttir tiolda chr announccd hcr rIs Ignallon barries stag April It Itltis Mombcrs of Corinthian Masonic Lodgc honorcd iloward Fclt at Barric Masonic canadas story Bribery For Votes Changed New Brunswick Confederation of the British North American colonies seemed likely following the conferences at Charlottetown and Quebec in 1861 In fact the Canadian delegates made tour of Montreal Ottawa Toronto Hamilton and St Catharines celebrating the prospects The situation changed early in 1865 The legislature of Canada agreed to the proposals but there was gcncral election in New Brunswick on March and the Confcdcra tion party won only six of the 41 seats Every member of the government was defeated including Tilley Premier Tuppcr of Nova Scotia then stalled for time On April to he made motion in the legislature that there should be another attempt to negotiate Maritime Union Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland then voted against Confederation The tide turned almost exactly one year later The US refused to renew the reciprocal trade agreement that had been beneficial to the British North American colonies for 10 years Then the Fenians began their campaign to capture the Colonies and New Brunswick appeared to be their first Objective There Was another general election in New Brunswick and this time Tilley and his Confcdcration supportch won an overwhelming victory Only two antiConfedera tionists were elected The New Brunswick election result was influenced to great extent by large sums of money sent from Canada EVEn George Brown contributed $500 although he re signed from the coalition government The antiConfederationists in ported by railway promoters in thc US who wantcd sup the field for themselves New Brunswick wcrc There was great deal of bribery for votes on both sides Premier Tupper saw the tide turning and got thc Nova Scotia legislature to vote to continue negotiations for union with Canada although Joseph flowc was using all the influence he could to block it OTHER EVENTS ON APRIL IO 1684 Canadians were not allowed to emigrate to 11an fish colonies 1812 US called out militia for war against Cana da 1841 Halifax was made city 1912 Board of Grain commissioners was appointed 1937 Parliament passed act creating TransCanada Airlines Tcmpic with hanquct ciilog and prrscntation on his Itlth an nivcrsary as last MastIr lhc contract for fourrrmm addition to thc illiillit school was awardcd to ilasIl tSinIcoII Ltd for 581000 sccond cori tracl for an chhtroom school in East flro was awardcrl to Blair onstruction at $133351 fill lhc llarric Junior hamhcr of ornIIIircc had thrown its full support hchind Ilforts of thc local scnior chamhcr to cstahlish modcrn ncw com binatlon officc building and public washrooms III tlIc in layccc lrcsidcnt John Manol said that club mIInlwrs had votrIl to Indorsc thc principli of thc hUIldIIIg lic urgcd ililtlls to lcnd thcir backing to thcprojcct Ralph Sncigrovc told ncarly 1154 Kinsmcn that cvcry club and coIIIInunity organIation nccdcd Its sharc of non conformisls to kccp thc thcls of progrcss turning tic was addrcssing tlIc lun chcon hold at tho ontincntal lnn wlIirc Kinsmcn of lilt lllltl zoncs of district cighi tlt holding thcir annual spring con fcrcncc thc 17 cntrics in that ycars liarric Stamp luh cxtIIlIIlion thc collcttion of llrItislI stamps cxhihitcd by Mikc Millar cap Iurcd thc lrcsidcnts llaquc givcn to thc iNSI cntry in lIlt show lwo liarrIc collcgiatc studcnts qualificd for thc ntarioQuchcc final corn pctition in thc Lions luhlic Spcaking contcst lianc liuxlahlc of North 01 lcgiatc won thc girls chamv pionship and John Varlcy of cntral ollcgialc capturrd thr boys championship at 11 third scrics of compctilions iltiti lll iuclph Media missed point of Jonestown drama TORONTO Tll lhc mcdia misscd thc point of llIc Joncstown murrlcrvsuicidc says lion Javcrs rcportcr who was in Guyana at thc tirnc Thr rcporicr for thc San Francisco hroniclc said Satur day thc Incdia havc bccn draw ing parallels with othIr rcl igious groups in North Amcrica sincc lhc incidcnt without noting striking dill fercncc thc Joncslown residcnts wcrc not avcragc cult mcmhcrs They wcrc not thc Iriid dlcclaSs whitc univcrsity studcnts who attractcd so much attcntion whcn thcy joincd lilt Unificiation Church or similar groups Javcrs said lllcy wcrc black cldcrly and poor pco pic who arc not intcrIsting to news cditots And thc ultimatc tragcdy of Joncslown was that thcsc pco pic considcrcd the communc their homc he said There was no place for thcsc people in thc Unitcd Statcs so thcy wcnt with sonIIonc who thcy thought could givc thcm homc laycrs accompanird alitor nia ongIIssman lco Ryan to Guyana to invcstigati chargcs of cocrcion and hrutalI ty in thc lcoplcs lImpll com IIIunc opcratcd by 10 ltcv lim Jonis During that visit Ryan and four othcrs wcrc killcd and morc than iltltl communc mcmhcrs dicd in thc mass murdcrsuicidr WOINIHCD IN AllAI lhough woundcd in thc at tack laVcrs cscapcd into thc junglc llc latcr filcd thc first account of thc massacrc and was coauthor of book The Suicidc ult wIIIlc rccupcratrng in hospital liowcvcr his addrcss to thc National Ncwspapcr Awards dinncr touchcd only hricfly on his cxyxricnccs III Joncstown llc coriccntratcd instcad on the mic of thc rcporlcr in socic ty and thc shortcomings of thc Inltiiii llc said rcportcrs havc an Ix lraordinary mission in Mic but for thc tnost part thcy arc or dinary pcoplc Wc arc mainly whitc middlcclass malcs hc said lhcrc is littlc placc lll tlII ncwsroom for lhosc who diffcr from thc middlcclass norm Javcrs also criticizcd thc nchia for dcaling with Mic authoritics instcad of thc com mon man For cxamplc lIc said rcportcrs tcnd to quolc policc instcad of siIspIcts Wc tcnd to vicw thc world through thc cycs of authority llc said Ihcrc arc two rcasons for this Usually thc rcporlcr is in hurry and thc casicst way to gct information is to contact authoritics and sccondly rcportcrs arc fillcd with an oycrrcvcrcncc for authority Iiiiillllli Nil lllY lo prcycnl an accidciit IIcvcr try to iltl cloggcd hlcndcr bladcs without turning off 10 motor The Doctor Says Tube problems can affect ear By lll lillHIJI Ml Dcar lr Itiihlc liow can onc got rid of congestcd custachian tubcs whcn pills wont work Evcrytimc swallow thcrc is clicking sound in my cars and whcn cat Iny cars itch EJI Lots takc minute to discuss thcsc luhcs Most pcoplc who havc takcn airplanc ridcs or gonc tip in an clcvator in tall building or travclcd in thc mountains have lcarncd thcy hayc custachian tubcs lhcsc are air passugcs from thc throat to thc cars and thcir purposc is to maintain propcr prcssurc in thc cars Sincc mans natural cnvironmcnt is not flying thousands of fcct abovc thc ground maintaining corrcct prcssurc in flight hcconics difficult balloon will cxpand as it riscs If it gcts too high it may cvcn burst in an attcmpt to cqualizc inncr prcssurc with thc thinncr atinosphcrc ttlsidt Similar forccs aftcr thc custachian tuhcs in an airplanc during asccnt air tcnds to rush in and forcc thc cardrums lo hulgc outward ln dcsccnt thc drums hulgc in ward Now to your qucstions pcrson ilkt yourscll who has lrouhlc ill normal clcvation is dcaling with slightly diffcrcnt situation luhcs can hccomc blockcd causIng prcssurc dils lcrcnccs that crcatc fccllng of fullncss unplcasant noiscs and hcaring loss Fluid may ac cunnilatc III thc cars Allcrg Inlcction Ias In smusitisl or cnlargcd adcnoids may causc BRIDGE ballad ragga and Area Sontag blockagc ln somc tumor might be causc You dont tell me what pills you arc taking Nasal decongestants to shrink mom brancsi antihistamincs for allcrgyi and steam inhalation can help Antibiotics may be ncodcd if there is infcction Somctimcs fluid is drawn out with nccdlc or air blown into thc tuhcs to clear thc passagcs Thcsc mechanical tcchniqucs usually givc only tcmporary rclicf but can bc performed if thcrc is grcat pain ideally thc answcr is to track down thc spccific causc of thc blockagc and Ircat that llcar lr ltuhlc What is thc valuc of sunflower sccds LB Thin arc good sourcc of protcin and sonic of thc polyun saturatcd fats tthc good kind lhcy havc no magic qualitics or citratch powcrs llcar Dr ltuhlc havc hcard about cyc hanks bcing uscd for storing corncas so thcy can hc tranplanlml to othcrs cycs to hclp vision What about cataracts is it possiblc to transplant hcalthy lcns that has IIIconic cloudcd by cataracts Nl ilurnan lcns transplants arc impractical thcrc is an ar tificial lcns availahlc for inscr tion so that thc prohlcms of transplantation arc avoidcd lhc succcss ratc of this pro ccdiirc is put at about lit pcr ccnt In Incdical ccntrcs using it lhc opcration is still undcr study by fcdcral officials but Is availalllt in numhcr of chr trcs Puzzling problems probed Arw NURTll IllsA It WEST EAST 109 ll 10 ii ii 13 106 TI SillITll 10 Vulnerable Both Dealer North Wcst North Cast South Iv 20 29 Pass 19 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 010 Terence Rccsc has writtcn ncw book with thc delight ful titlc Puzzling Situations in Bridge Play The book is wcll worth the time of anyone who wants to $00 thc logical bridgc mind at work Herc is problcni onc from his book South is in com fortable four spades in thc daily crossword ACROSS 48 Quantity of Answer to Previous Puzzle coal Bang 50 Powerful Rabbit explosive Witches abbr 12 Christmas 52 Weather decoration bureau abbr 13 Always 56 Feels sorry 14 Iniquity about 15 Table tennis 58 Made 17 Character part some 18 Novelist 61 893 all Fame 62 Blbgcbi gar en mg 63 Georg Gehrsh Wins rot er gagged person 64 Abstract It Alaskan 43 Negation 25 Pod vegetable transportation 45 Bewildered 27 Longmg to 65 fiongslless 16 Actress Storm 47 Study mend 66 szme 20 EnVIronment 48 According 30 Tided 89 23 figfincvutabbrl fact 33 oss ss We crmtr DOWN 24 MorIbund YW 34 Agapanthus Ski 26 Noun suffix mm 36 Irish Free 27 EMOy 51 ChrIStmas Ln poet 53 Stim Isle sun Comedian Ed 28 Heater 37 Sharp 29 Poverty 54 Evening In 39 FoupennY In the know 30 Mendflcny llalY 41 Fuel Macao coin 31 Actor Store 55 pi man 42 Terminating Hues 32 Strike out Automouve 80 44 Shade Energy unit be ciew Db difference pl 35 Singing 59 Sawbuck 48 Cameroon Pronoun syllable tribe Hobby 38 Writing 50 Genetic 47 Breakfast 10 Colorado implement material food tributary 40 Carry sbbr on ordinary game East takes his ace of diamonds at trick one and collects two trump tricks later Expert East sees chance to boat thc contract if part ncr lcd from 109x or 10 of diamonds East plays his Jack at trick one and South is in with thc king Now if South starts on trumps East wins and leads his singleton hcart Later on East takcs his second trump puts his partner in with tho nine of diamonds and ruffs hcart South complains of ruff bcating him but Expert South would not have to He would have led back dia mond at trick two to kill off that cntry to the West hand ierpIrt South would make thc satnc four spades against Expert Cast that the ordinary South would against thc ordinary East Ask the IXDCIIS You hold 9K2 VQlOEIl OJQB OKJM You respond one notrurnp to your partners one spade Ilc rcbids two diamonds AII Alaskan reader asks what rcbid wc rccommcnd if any Wc rccommcnd rcbid to two notrump lvloB Bernice Bede Osol cYour cBirthday April 11 1979 Partnership Situations could prove to be extremely valuable for you this coming year It may be wise for you to take second looks at your independent and Singular ways of doing things ARIES March 21AprIl 19 Adopt giveandvtake attitude today and you wont disturb the delicate balance in an associa tion thats important to you TAURUS April 20May 20 Kind words and gentle methods that come so easily for you are what Winthrop IM WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB makes coworkers respond to day by doing job theyd rather not GEMINI May 21June 20 Give tull vent to your creativity today You should be able to transform something that has annoyed you into thing of beauty CANCER June 21July 22 The personal identity you may be searching for today can be found by returning to where things began The answer lies at the core LEO July 23Aug 22 Play things tightly today and youll be able to flow with your thoughts Youll have too many fluctuating opinions to take serious Stand on anything WHEN TSTARTEDTO EDPVt DANCE COMMITTEE F232 OURANNLJAL DANCE ALL WEEK AND WANT EVERY THING TO BE PERFECT Short RTES CAPTAIN woos 514 COMING ALONG ATFIGHING ME OUTOF lT NORTH ER STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 IVE BEEN PKACTICING ooowouiT ITE LOiIELY Amour THE H0066 VJlTH aADYfi AT WOMAN CAN ONLY TAKE so MUCH RAL LEAVIw AN YOU wowTTALK wt IP HES PQOBABlY ME ON ALL THE LOOT VVEVE TAKEN WOUPD TURN ON Ml HUSBAND GONG TO CONGRATULATE VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 chance for material gain has been available for some time yet youve been Unable to capitalize on it Grab it it it surfaces today LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You may want to spend the day alone because you are in tensely looking for new way tO go with your momentary problems Other people could confuse you SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You have guardian angel hovering over yOu today giving you inner resolve to handle most anything that comes your way Take advanta of it SAGITTARIU Nov 23Dec 21 Again today youll be in rather gregarious mood Plan something that takes yOU where there Is lots of activity and many people CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan This is an excellent day to attempt to breathe new life into something you thought was dead This is especially true In career areas AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Place yourself in the other persons position if you have to sit in judgment today Chances are youll wind up making new friend PISCES Feb 20March 20 joint interest whose worth has had you puzzled could Show its true colors today leaving no doubt aS to what to do Follow your Instincts COULDNT COME LJP up SOME HE SGNAI FLAGS SAVING ITS NOT EATFIERI Né groan Irs CATFISH Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanoutservice FISHINGl endednon Am IAIQ 5Mm11m¢n35wr THE 6KlE ARE BLUE YOUR EYEfiARE fir HES HOIsrwe WHATS S7IC K£MUR THEYRE cALLED EDUCATIONAL 8565055 IF You EAT ONE Yoult BE SMARTER NEXT IIME WITH FIVE MEMBER5 VVHOARE 6PEAIltING Trims 4Io AHYESTHAT woman so wOULbNIT IT YOURE NOT GE1le RIDGE ME AS EOSILV AS THAT WASNir BORN

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