Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1979, p. 14

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Ducking the weather Kansas City Royals Tom Poquette covers up as he sat through Sundays game with the Toronto Blue Jays during 48degree gametime temperature and 20miIeanhour northwesterly wind The Royals beat the Blue Jays 83 to sweep the three game series AP PhotoI Three athletes named to Hall ltllithltlitllt lltlllt Boys ttlll Doug lcdcn and jockc Nick Vall haw lwcn clcctcd to anailas Sports Hall ot lrann lhc arc Ittltlttl In no mcn clcclcil lll thc huililcrs catcgor lonil Iirh tllt ot thc tounilcrs ol tho ltolphttt Mum tlnh ot aniouwr and Illt lalt itolLt littts Iccogniiil as thc tathci of liltlltsst llic mnouncimMII uas mailc Month li Harr ll hostir ltttlltmtt ot anillis Sports Hall ot haml lios foriini Itsltltlll ol litktzllti tint as onc ot linmlas top tlltl tor niatl ilwazli Ironi ltwi llllltl hci tctnctnin in WT shi on it Xmailian championslnps lll Silltlltllttitll 1anplattointioin pi itiiii ln MN iixinc in Montinil on hriw toininonnhiuilth iiinil Lftill Illttlrtl tun Si Itiltlll an 1070 and tinoillvl Ii fhruhlnin in NH Slzr tilliltll 411 oi it lllttl Illxlllltlt tianirs In put llt IIIlltll tointh last li Hunt liill oi lhi tinwlwls hilt sln hail hv satisfaction ot ttlliltlttl Illt lHI rtiw illl ioiripititloit lhat uas lllll cultl stillitl tlEl wtha ti ipl Iv Il tioin thi iii Httltt tomr Intlicannualtiviail1mliiss poll hr as otril anarlas lt linilt tltlitv iii in igil lltil anti liilfi IiltlCllIlllIigt lmIin sports ttllltil ol lllt VivVoila liinis vxrilliil an ptiit tonal tr iiiw flu hut carnHI tItiis and rmpwt In at l41tiHlitl litill Itxrtt llf Naurull uili liltillttl loirii thi Ms dag rarv of thi IHII and hllpvrl lll lilttlll sit World tllottl Ittl Hoiii thov Itlll In liilvtliall hl ltil inaila to Mintr modil in Illt Im Illllp and Illtlt playd pro ltltillilli Allll litiltalo Pawns ot Illt Ifiastcrn lto Inauuv from lttill 11anVanuatui Ilornrh from ltilT tl llc also staind lll lliltlllll nigh tttttl Itllli and trail antltiilrl Wall as tlu youngist child ma IannI oI llthat rcsirlrvl lll tho lIaivntia Ila itth of Nit2 Iounilland llt litcami jocqu lltJl and was thi liailing momy Klllllllli ridvr ltl tin lTnitid Stalls 1n liiitlt lll most spiitacular ttlttly camc lll lfttt ulnn llt roili Stagchand to Victory ovir Sca biscuit thifsanta Anita Hand icap During his carolr llt had llllrl lIlOtlltls of Allltll 1lltt wcrc innirs Firliy tormcr coach of IIlamc lanncr and ltalph Hutton vas clcctcd as hmldcr in rccognition of his contriluition to thc lcvclop mcnt of anailian imnnng Tipping the scales our way Canada is lcading cxporicr of mincmls but we haw vcrv lllllt nccd for nnncmls importcil trom ahroail rcsult ol Illl tavoumhlc halancc Linatlas nct torcign earnings from TIIIIILIll no cscccll Si llllltli car In Ontario Itlltlijm1fiirllllUltl Ontario Mining Assocmtion CANADA TRUST t5 it Leo Schmid Canada Trust is pleased to announce the ap pointment of Leo Schmid as Manager of our Barrie branch Dunlap Street at Memorial Square Mr Schmid has held various positions in the trust and banking dustries over the past l0 years in WERE HEADING YOUR WAY Yinir Ezlimatttili twtizi the limit Iw lifitlltllfUht Illtlttl AN OFFICER IN THE CANADIAN FORCES We have openings in the following Officer Classifications Pilot Air Navigator Maritime Surface and SubSurlace Applicants must be under 24 years of age be medically fit and have minimum of Grade education in year or advanced program Subjects English Mathematics Science and Social Science Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre BARRIE APRIL 1226 1000 am300 pm The Canadian Armed Forces Youve got to be good to get In Its all uphill for Leafs By THE ANAIIIAN PRESS Atlanta Flamcs with thcir dismal playoff record and last placc finish in the Patrick Divi sion still arc considcrcd favor itcs to takc thc hcstofthrcc scrics against loronto in tonights opcning round of thc Stanlcy up playoffs Atlanta has dominatcd thc Maplc Loafs this scason out scoring thcm 2042 and boating them in four of fivc rcgular scar son Natonal Ilockcy lcaguc mcctmgs ln othcr hcstof thrcc scrics tonight los Aligclcs Kings mch thc ltangcrs in Ncw York Vancouvcr anucks play tlic lilycrs in lhiladclphia and OUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS the buyers chasing mom SVTOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOU SVIOIIOO SVIDOOO SVIEIIIOO SVIOIIOO Winketon white side cargo door 9335 FORD CITY SALE PRICE SPECIAL ONLY 0000 W000 WM $119000 H000 motion 19000 $110000 FORD CITY SALE PRICE SPECIALONLY OPEN Fri Sat till Sand for tncufllon mmsnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm unions DOUGLAS 0006 DOUGLAS 0000M Douala muons mucus mucus mum As mamas mucus notions muons mom mu grafting Sprhg cllccliup complete inclung oil titer FORD CITY SPECIAL SALE PRICE ONLY THE LOW OVERHEAD I919 Ford Econoline Van glass passenger seat cyl west coast mirrors sliding BRAND NEW I979 FORD FI00 EXPLORER Pickup box 302 V8 power steering roar step bumper Stock No 9387 Mon to The until pm Pittsburgh Pcnguins go against thc Sahrcs in Buffalo Thc Planics lastplacc livi sional finish is mislcading Ihcir 4lZtl8 rccord is thc sixth licst in the NHL and cvcry onc of thc four tcams in the tough Patrick Division madc thc playoffs This ycars Flames havc scorcd thc most points 90 and rccordcd thc most victorics in the history of thc franchisc They also will havc thc homo lcc advantagc against thc Leafs Howcvcr thc Itlamcs tradi tional postscason swoon has thcir fans worricd In thrcc pri ious playoff appcaranccs At The best interest economic climate and nature of our business is such that people pur vehicles deserve to get the best buy new or used rear door Stock No $5998 DIAL DISCOUNT 7285558 time 017 mice any new can hint to prior doehu plum to cutmr Ford City Sale Price Only Ianta has been climinatcd in 10 first round Thcir alltimc play off rccord is lltl Toronto on tho othcr hand has proud playoff tradition and last ycars lcals pulch off onc of thc higgcst upscts in Stanlcy up history whcn thcy knockcd off thc Islandcrs in thc scvcir gamcquarlcrfinals llic Iinc of Marco Dionnc harlic Simmcr and Ilavc Iayr lor could thc spark nccdcd it tho Kings arc to win lhcir scrics against thc Itangcrs thn LA coach lioh ltcrry addcd Icft wingcr Simmcr to lionncs linc with right wingor Taylor Dionnc had no doubt wcd do wcll DENIM HATS WE LOVE To One of our competitors is running advertisements stating the opposite We dont believe this policy to be in Encollont new vehicle at competitive prices llut tcw cxpcctcd thc trio to do as well as it has this NIH season In tho lines first gamc together at Detroit Jan 13 Dionne scorcd four goals and Taylor one in 73 rout of thc Itcd Wings liy seasons end aftcr thcy had playcd 1m gamcs as unit thc Kings thrccsomc had 159 points includingtitt goals If thcy playcd for Ncw York Itangcrs llionnc Taylor and Simmcr could wcll hc houschold namcs Taylor scorcd 43 goals this scason thcsixthliighcst total in thc lcaguc Dionnc had 50 sccond only to tho scorcd by Now York lslandcrs Mikc of very selection RENTACAR 8i Essa Rd Barrie llu only frills irc miss arc lllc oltrs tl fun know about FIESTA IOBCAT CAPRI MONARCN COUGAR MARQUIS lEPHYR VANS PICKUPS BRONCOS NEVER HAVE so MANY PAID so urns FOR so MUCH DONT MAKE BIG MISTAKE LET US PROVE IT TO YOU BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE US TRY OVER 100 BRAND NEW TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM FOR iMMEDIArgpcuvm Bossy Simmer in 38 games man agcd 21 goals and 27 assists for 48points Hc didnt show that much in training camp said Berry ex plaining why Simmer started thc season in thc American Hockcy Lcaguc Then he workin on his skating and this timc whcn hc camc up to the NHL ho was able to keep up with tho play Rangers coach Prod Shcro planncd to wait until gami limc to announcc his starting goal tcndcr John Davidson won two of thc four gamcs txtwccn lhc clubs and shared an 877 victory with Waync Thomas WUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS HUW YUU 6E7 HERE IS YUUH BUSNESSHUW YOU EA IE 0135 We intend to become the No Retail Dealer In Huronio DICKER ITY it you have any problems at all we wont to hear abOut It porionolly fat I970 LINCOLN MARK WRITE AN Full load MSK070 can I970 LEBARON DOOR WRITE AN Full load MCD527 OFFER 1m norm mm an cyL auto elec defroster NIL038 on I970 PONTIAC PNOENIX WRITE AN one V6 auto PS AM hatchback MJR683 on I910 MERCURY MARQUIS DOOR WRITE AN V8 auto PS PB AM FM tape Vraof MVK481 on I970 COUGAR XR7 WRITE AN V8 auto PS PB AM air Tglass Pwindows MXD8860flm I911 DATSUN 2005K WRITE AN Sspeed AM FM Mag wheels VJroof MNO323 om I977 LEMANS DOOR WRITE AN V8 P5 P8 AM WSW Auto Vroof LMB034 Off I977 VOLARE DOOR WRITE AN auto P5 P8 AM Vroof LPC297 opp I977 LINCOLN MARK WRITE AN Full load LCX89i OFFER I977 MONTE CARLO WRITE AN auto P5 P8 AMFM WSW Vroof EDS3M of I911 CORDOBA WRITE AN V8 UTO AIR TILT WHEEL WSW roof KYZ394 on I977 LINCOLN DOOR WRITE AN Towncar Full load moon roof LMJ868 on I977 GMC SIERRA 4x4 WRITE AN V8 speed PS PB free running hubs H24877 on I976 TBIRD WRITE AN V8 auto PS PB air Tglass leather tilt KMP259 opp I976 MERCURY DOOR WRITE AN Tutone V8 auto air tilt speed leather LEC778 of Ea I976 METEOR WRITE AN V8 auto P5 P8 AM WSW KHROIO on I976 GMC VAN WRITE AN V8 auto PS PB AM Conversion E42278 cm 1m cocoon wan AN Full load KSO897 OFFER I975 AMC HORNET WRITE AN 6cyl auto AM PS JLXAl3 OFFER I915 MARQUIS DOOR WRITE AN V8 auto P5 P8 speed Pwindows JRZSOA om I915 AMC MATADOR WAGON WRITE AN V80uto PS PB AM KEEOAA OFFER I975 FORD LTD DOOR WRITE AN V8 auto P5 P8 Tglass air WSW KHO792 on I914 RANCHERO WRITE AN V8 auto P5 P8 AM E45931 OFFER I913 FORD GALAXIE 500 WRITE AN V8 auto P5 P8 AM elec delrotster MNOJSO on All Vehicles have been certified and are ready for the road l2000 mile l2 month warranty from Ford available I976 up it DIAL DISCOUNT WE NEED USED CARS BRAND NEW 53 rap TRADEJN PAID WE WILL BUY YOUR USED CAR II CID sand color knitted seat In rest Cop5rpbirrors high output outer rear rin rear emc We step bumper chropmeg front $161 tricfit PDI charge Sales tax Iccncu bump mock No 9132 cm Ford City Special Loon Price Only Dayas WE SELL RECREATIONAL VEHICLES GM to sponsor tennis program TORONTO CP General Motors of Canada announced Monday sponsorship of mass participation national mixed doubles tennis program It is designed for participation at the grassroots level for recreational players not professionals and not nationally ranked amateurs the company said in statement Local playoffs are scheduled for July to Aug 25 with dis trict playoffs sct for Sept and rcgional playoffs Sept l5 Thc national championship with no site announced was set forScpt 2829 Organizers estimate 10000 tcams could register in the firstycar Sallid the Buick Ihallcngc the compctition is for players lit ycars of ago and over All playcrs who have competed if profcssionally or have been nationally ranked in any category Within thc last five years arc incligiblc lhc winncrs will rcccivc an cxrxnscpaid trip to attend the I980Wimhlcdonchampionships iii Always over 250 New Used Vehicle for Immediate Delivery We want YOU to clicker Dont pay what you are asked Write an offer we wont be insulted or upset Just the opposite We will be delighted to have you as customer We enioy dealing with astute buyers Shop Leisurely In our Nope USED CAR SUPERMARKET Over $200000 worth to climatroer Based on not 485mm 96000 mile loose IF IT HAS WHEELS WElL LEASE IT ANY MAKE OR MODEL IA mum AC MIIGI A9 MUN AS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUG

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