helen on on horses helps out kids By HELEN MASON Thanks to the generosity of Terry Johnson manager of Terryson Farms near Stroud students at the Browndale this winter for emotionally disturbed children It runs several houses throughout Barrie and has day school in Allandale as well as reintegration programs in various community schools Johnson felt that riding would be good therapy for students He supplied arena time one afternoon week Browndale rented two horses drove down from Parry Sound toinstruct During the winter we ran two programs of 10 weeks apiece Six children participated in each program Each stu dent was scheduled 40minute riding lesson each week for the 10 weeks Gambriel and Brian Thompson helped with new riders PartiCipants were chosen by staff according to how much they could benefit from the program First program This is the first riding program that the Browndale School has run and the staff are pleased with the results postures Riding forces them to feel where their legs arms seat and back are at all times As students learn to use these over their body actions Youve all seen the rounded shoulders and slack stomachs of insecure people Riding teachers students to relax and stiffen various body parts Pupils gain in body awareness as they learn to ride Learning to ride gives the student feeling of importance He realises he has problems but is capable of controlling horse This success can produce more positive self concept for insecure children Students find its safe to express their emotions around horse They can love him without fear of rejection They learn that the horse is timid and fearful creature lesson for hyperactive children Fear no barrier Timid riders learn to face the fear of large frightening animal They experience that fear doesnt have to he bar rier Their willingness to accept their own fear can help them deal with problems of inadequacy Some students learn to use anger in positive way One riders aggressiveness was needed when he was coupled with dullsided horse He had to use his aggression to give firm definite aids People often carry their emotions in one part of their anatomy Weve all exwrienccd the twinge in otir shoulder or back when faced with something we resent and ant to avoid Riding helps students learn to relax They have to relax in order to stay on Children find the horses movements exhilerating They lebaye riding with great feeling about themselves and their ity Jacquie Brown principal of Browndale has praised the many positive benefits her students have received from the program She is grateful to Johnson for his generosity in supplying arena time and providing gentle lesson horses She hopes the program will be continued next winter Carl resident of the Browndale training pro gram in Barrie helps put Stormy the horse used in special riding program for the students in cross ties during session at Terryson Forms While still in the experimental stage the program has brought praise from Browndale supervisors Riding program School in Barrie have been able to enjoy riding program Browndale is an internationallyknown school and home Students rode in pairs Two experienced pupils Cherie Often disturbed children are not aware of their body body parts in cueing their mounts they gain more control They have to be gentle and quiet around him This is good TORONTO CP The two men primarily responsible for depriving Montreal Tanadiens of first place in the National Ilockey League are mainstays of Canadas entry in the world hockey championships which start in Moscow Saturday Goaltender Jim Rutherford of Detroit Red Wings who blanked Montreal Canadiens in their final game of the NIIL season Sunday night and centre Dale McCourt who scored the winning goal permitted New York Islanders to squeeze past Montreal by one point in the league standings With Detroit out of the Stair Icy in playoffs Rutherford and McCourt were free to board plane Monday for Goteborg Sweden where they and 18 other members of eliminated NHL teams begin training to lay for the eightcountry inter national competition The teams 22man roster limit is likely to be filled with two World Hockey Association players when the WHAs playoff picture is determined No players will be added from teams eliminated iii the first round of NIIL playoffs The 20 men who left for Swe dcii Monday were Goal Rutherford Detroit Ed Stamowski St Louis Blues Defence Robert Picard and Rick Green Washington api tals Greg Smith and Brad Maxwell Minnesota North Stars Trevor lohaiiscn olo Canadas efforts to be broadcast The games of anadas entry in thc world hockey champion ships will be broadcast on radio April 14 13 and 17 from the Liiiiicki Sports Palace 111 Moscow Coverage of the games iii volviiig Team Canada will start April at 753 in EST when anada meets the April 13 beginning at 1231 pm EST taiiada will take on Czechoslovakia and April 17 iinada iiiccts Iiiiliiid starting at 82351 iii anada will be competing iii the pool while the Soviet Iiiion Sweden and West tier many will compete iii the pool Ihc two top teams from each pool will lace each other iii Illt finals Team Canada will llltltltll players from the Washington Capitals Minnesota North Stars Detroit ltcd Wings ol orado Rockies and St Louis Blues nnoiincciiiciit of the team roster was expcclcd Monday Pubhcschool tourney set The Siiiicoc oiiiity Elciiicii tary School Basketball chain pionship for senior boys will be held April til at Banting Mtllllillill High School Alllsloll Included iii the tournament will be teams from olliiigwood Senior Public School Illlltl Regent Park Bradford St harles and two other teams from Barrie and Midland FOR BETTER rado Rockies Detroit Centre Dennis Maruk and Guy Charron Washington Bob Smith Minnesota McCourt Detroit Left wing Nick Libett De troit Garry linger St Louis Steve Payne Minnesota Ryan Walter Washington Right wing Paul Woods Dc troit Wayne Babych St Louis Al McAdam Minnesota Wilf Paiemeiit Colorado Picard who was chosen for the NHL team that lost to the Soviet Union in the Challenge Cup series last February but did not see action said he and his teammates are looking for ward to the competition The team is young and spiir ited and most of the guys have something to prove he said Most of these guys are win nets We just play on losing teams This for Willie Huber me will be Detroits hitmen ioin Canada team chance to show what can do against the Russians This is how the whole team feels We think we can be competitive do what we did last year In the 1978 tournament an ada placed third behind the So viet Union and Czechoslovakia Were year older now little more aware of what to ex pect said Charron member of the 1978 team who scored 70 points for Washington this sea son HAS BROKEN NOSE Iicard who has broken nose and sore shoulder is one of number of players suffering from minor injuries but is expected to be ready for the teams first start against the United States Saturday One absentee among the orig inal choices is Colorado defen ceman Barry Beck who has strained knee and was replaced by his teammate Johansen Sears own Smooth interior 10 days only 49 Latex flat sports calendar TUESDAY Hockey Barrie Bell Canada Minor Midgets vs Stratford in the sixth game of their Ontario Minor Hockey Association eight point championship series Stratford arena Barrie leads the series 73 Basketball ll pm tentative Orillia Peter Reino Hustlers vs Alliston Marauders for the fourth game of their Simcoe County Mens Intermediate Basketball league championship serics Banting Memorial High School Peter Reino leads the bestoffivc series 21 urling Business Girls Third Schedule Playoffs begin Ladies Se cond and Leads boiispicl continues and Mcns Third Schedule playoffs continue at Barrie Curling Club Essa Rd All three events end Thursday WEDNESDAY 615 pm Athletic Banquet at Georgian College Dinner included tnphy and awards presentations begin at pm Harness Racing 745 pm lvegiilarlyschedulcd 10 race program at Barrie Raceway Essa Rd urliiig Business Girls Third Schedule playoffs Ladies Seconds and Leads bonspicl and Meris Third Schedule playoffs con tinue today through Ihtirsxlay at Barrie Curling Club ART SALES RENTALS CUSTOM FRAMING CUSTOM MW PHOTOGRAPHY WEEKENDS IIS OR BY APPT NORSESNOE VALLEY RD CRAIGNURST 7057266319 Gmm CRAIGIIURS the examiner Tuesday Aprll1o 1m 13 Nordic Ski Club meeting most important of year Its the last but most impor tant meeting of the year says Gary Harris president of the Barrie Nordic Ski club April 19 the club will hold its annual general meeting at the Blue Flame room Consumers Gas building starting at pm In addition to the election of club officers winners of the club race day will receive their medallions Other matters to be discussed include relocation of the club to the southwest of Barrie and amendments to the club con stitution Guest speaker at the meeting will be Mike Exell chairman of the Touring Committee of the Ontario Division Canadian Ski Association SIM COE CARPET °WALL TO WALL CARPETS ERUGS FURNITURE PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Barrlol First Commercially Operated Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning Unit 7284 761 Commercial Residential Guaranteed vvays 649 Reg $1299 gal The flat that washes like an enamel Dries in less than hr Easy soap water cleanup Gal 306 212 055 Qt 306 212 050 Reg $419 $209 Latex tlat Reg $1299 gal interior Create lasting impression when y0u redecorate With Smooth Easy The inexpensive way to add fresh new look Right now you can save on our regular low price and change several rooms in your home Smooth Easy is washable spot re sistant and colortast we guarantee it 30 fashion colors plus White Available in quarts and gallons Quart covers up to 125 square leet Gallon covers up to 500 square feet See Side panel of can for complete explanation ol guarantee Four finishes Latex flat Latex lowsheen Latex semigloss UPHOLSTER CLEANERS JONN DUPAIN paint in finishes Latex lowsheen on semigloss Photo by Patrick Slack Thornton atoms beat the champion Thornton Innisfil Farmers Credit ITnion Atoms finally managed to knock off ftltllrlllllt defending champion Brussels in the 20th annual Mildmay Atom Hockey Iournaiiient played recently in Mildmay Neil Webb scored twice and Iiff Ansley added single goal as the Thornton squad defeated Brussels ll in the tourney final Peter Sponaglc guarded the Thornton goal It was the sixth tournament victory in seven tries for the Credit Union squad The All Ontario champs finished so cond in the other tournament The team defeated Dundalk 30 Lucknow HI and Queen Summer fun for skaters Adult skaters in the Wasaga Beach area will be able to con tinue their favorite pasttime this summer at the Wasaga Stars arena In addition to the winter pro gram the Regional Adult Skating Club will hold three nights of skating July 12 Aug and Sept 13 The summer skating get togethers are open to anyone 18 yearsold or over and includes mixed skates trio skates music and grand march For further information call Elsa Wilson 4452403 lMMEDIATE DELIVERY BELOWIN VARIOUSSPECS NRLCR BARS WRITE STRUCTURALS FOR SNEETHR PGOCR GALV BOOKLET PLATE IPE TUBING H55 2XPANDED METALS GRATING DRILL ROD THREADED ROD ALUMINUM REBAR MESH RAIL SrAl NIAN grliffl so DISCO ROAD REXDALE ONTARIO 416675 7770 saway to to earn berth in the final Madden the team captain was voted the most valuable player of the tournament and picked up the top player award in the first game Other stars were Webb Ansley and Andrew Wright Ietcr Sponaglc shared the nelminding duties in the tour naniciit with his brother $9 DAILY RENTAL Free Pickup and Delivery all 7979 models and makes of cars Ask about special weekend rates Barrie DriveuCar 43 Essa Rd Barrie 1726647 PRINTING SEE JONN COCKBURN LIMITED 66 MORROW ROAD BARRIE 7287821 Printers Since I960 ENTA I979 00 Per day Plus mileage 749 Reg $1499 gal Dries in less than hour to an eggshell llnlSh Easy soap and water cleanup Gallon 306 212155 01306 212150 Reg $469 $234 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