the examiner Friday April 1979 and they turned 300 awoy Hundreds of dedicated Windsor Spitfire hockey fans lined up outside Wind sor arena box office in frigid temperatures for several hours Thursday mor ning hoping to get some of the 4800 seats to the final Junior playoff games against London Knights The eightpoint Emms Division series was resumed after London apparently won in controversial game last Sunday Windsor won in London Wednesday In game league officials ordered to be played again forcing Thursdays deciding game in Windsor Some fans waited in the cold since 1030 pm Wednesday for tickets that went on sale Thursday morning at am By 10 am all seats were sold and about 300 disgruntled fans were turned away after some had waited for two hours Arena officials said the frenzy over tickets was the worst in 15 years reminiscent of the days when Windsor Bulldogs were fighting for the Allan Cup CP Photo 49 scoreboard hockey 2213133IIff3tt San ltililtIIItii ill Ihtladil ihla mm 11111 111 111111111111 1111111 1111 Atlanta Itogirs 111111 11 Pittsburgh ililtiltwtil 141111 1121111 isco MINIII Hullalo at Muslim IIullalo are It Martin 11 Illhr Itoliirt Icircatilt Ramsay 11111 lHHIW Richard lioslnn Sccortl lriis IN liteills at 81 Lotus tilt11m Illl 11 ll 17 111 olorado at Lt iigclrs WK Jot Hit or flu Nickro 111111 llout11n ltithaiil lit 11 Ihilailclphia 111 lton It1 11 mil 11111 11 111 11 £73 37 olorado You Itonwrr tlilllkll 111 at Lox Allfltlts 11 lllltl 11 in TE lluHr IIIIUHIH Ios ngclcs 5Ull lillr 11111i111 3m Simmer Murle dulhcrii ml PM hi 1111 11 liltlstir London union 11111 11 1337131 Iiitittr Ains iight point Mllwatiki 111111111 113111111 quarterfinal 97 Italtiinuiv 11 11 111111 11 11 11 31111 Ivtritmruugl 11 utllwry 111111111 11 11111 11111111111111 onion11m Fir ganu eight point stiilt lllltlllltt 11 111111 l1tritk Itiiisioii liiial lltl1lllll 111111 to 11 It HI 1111 11 cw York 11 111111 10 371 17 mo trHtsiillv tishaua hung 11 111 111 111 111 tdlllt 111 111111 111111111 llls111tt 1h11 ago 11 11 111111 31 112111151 71 liniicsiia 11 11 111111 113 2101 Oakland 11 11 111111 11 13 311 111 41 lcxas 11 11 111111 111 111 in 11 talilornia 11 111111 lhursdm ILtslllIs lhursdat Results lutllllt 11 ll1iilltt IItlitttltlilllld 111111 l1r Atiilclis liiiiigtils Latins itaigwiw at tlatila 111 ma at 111ltoti1r lilAaiiluv MM Voila THIN Il tul Muslim ltulantl Plant Kansas ity 11 Toronto ti Irt ultl Tum at 111tron pptl 11m New York II 111111 Iodayu Iifllllt lontrcal 11 11 111111 11111 11111111 1131 at 11111111 Philadelphia 11 11 111111 1w111m 11121 11 IllilI 11111111 sini 11111111111 illariim 1111 11 1111 it uh 1s iltti Iltlsliurull 11 111111 H11111t1 St IJJIIIH t1 11 111111 timotc l1lllll 131 111 Hour 11 ago 11 111111 1211 out Illiltlstiitl itiolt 11 10 at 411 11111111 1141 p3 VIJIIIN li1ioii Ontario Iajor 111 WW 111111 tlakland 11nglorlt 111 £11211 f1 l3 an rancisi 11 111111111 talilornia Ityan 111111 11 11 11 71 131 Atlanta 11 11 111111 Scaltlt Mtlnllullllli 111 11 311 1111 Houston 11 II 11111 111 11 11 11 113 11ncinnati 11 111111 111 111 111 1111 115 AnLJIIK 11 111111 11 Hi 17 Thursday litsuits s11 11 111 11 MM York 111 chitago lit 11 an hitgo lt1 111s ngilcs NIH 31 it 11 911 Today anus ltrmtt lIl vv1 York 111 11 11 11 Montreal lrllllsltV 211 11 or litttroit 1211 New tilcans lot Rankin takes eoflylead 1111 MIRAGE 711111 Judy ltankm tht prc 111111 player 1111 the liadits Pro 11 111111l Holt Association tour 11111 cais ago clipped live slltil11Il par with 1171hursr 1111 111 1111c 1111 opcningriound 1cm 11111 32511511111 Winners 111 tournament M1111 10111 and 111tending 1111111111111Sandra Post mine 111 11112111112 tint wcrt one it 1111 back at 111 111 the hunt lor 1111s111111otirst prilc lof1i1 tariiti SIM COE CARPET 11 UPHOLSTER CLEANERS WALL T0 WALL CAErETs onuos FURNITURE PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Barriel First Commercially Operated Truclt Mounted Carpet Cleaning Unit 7284 761 Commercial Residential 11a it Ill JOHN DUPAIN 61111111 hako Iligtichi Iioniia ioinst ind 111111111 Austin wcrc all 11 utiokts back with first 111111111 11 BARRIE FIGURE SKATING CLUB ICE RE VUE 79 Saturday April 1979 200 81 730 Adult $200 Children $100 Dunlap Arena Barrie GUEST SKATERS DOUG HAW AND MICHELLE WRIGHT Canadian Junior Dance Competitors Expansion will end era of doubt liy FRANK IIIIOWN The Associated Press The last eight months have season but to hockey cra hccii witness not to hockey No recent campaign has l1ccn marked by dcvclopmcnts 111 such drama such impact ncw age iii this trouhlcd sports cvctits that liavc made possible 1111 history Ahead lies an end to the fighting that lclt battlefield strewn with victims franchises players and fans Ihc implcmcnta tioti of National Ilockcy lciigtic expansion will 11c complete 111 luiic and the World llockcy Association will lie analysis That will conclttdc an agc 111 darkness and doubt the final stages of which began last August Ialc1lcotirt of Detroit Red Wings was awarded to 111s Angclcs Kings as part of the coin pciisation for goalic ltogic Vachon who played out his contract and signed with Detroit McCouit sticd to stay with thc Itcd Wings and 111$cptcnihci thc courts uplicld his right to do so ruling on thc appcal 111 that casc is cxpcctcd iii Iunc If Mctouit wuis again and thc Nllls itlllillllillitlll structure is knocked down free agcntry in hockey Will 111comi as common as iti hasthall Vachon had had season 111 was rcplaccd as No goalie by 11111 Ituthcrlord one oi 1111 111111 originally offered to los Angeli1 as 1111111u11satioii Mctoiirl mcaiiwhilc struggled So did the Wings Next III importance if not in chronology was the Soviet Un ions dissection 111 Team Nlll III III fliallcugc fup scrics thc latcsl hruist to hiskcvs battcicd lilltlt lhat February Ithatlc watched by hundreds of millions around the world showed just how far the North Amciican game had moved from its foundation It was the Sovtcts who so pcrlcclly cxccutrd Itiiidaiiiintals and lclt lhc Nlll stars scratiihliiigtocatt1111p It is likely to take years for that to happcn at least until lllt lorcchc1k replaces the listlittht on IIIlIItillttlfllIt level and ttiilil coaches start lcaching litIltl at llll youth lcvcl llic rigors of coaching and 1111 prcssurcs to Win took their tolls litiflalo Sabres Iiied Marcil Ironovost Philadelphia Itly cis dismissed Itoh Mctaniiiioii and Toronto Maple Leafs can iicd liogcr Ncilson with cach transaction lollowmg loss 111 Montreal anadicns Ncilson howcvcr got his job back The public and players asked for his rctnstatciiiciit lcaviiig hlustcty team iwnct Sabres thrash Bruins 93 It has hecii said that home IN is worth an extra goal to pro tcssional hockey team Boston ltruiiis proved it Thursday night week earlier they had ttaVcIltd to Buffalo atid taken 512 thrashing from Itullalr Sabres team that will finish distant second behind them it 1111 National Ilockcy LeagucK Adams Division when Illt regular scason ends Sunday The teams met again at Itos ton iardcn Thursday This tiitic thc Sabres won 911 Nuggets nip Knicks lhrcc weeks ago didnt cwn hayc 11 in my mind that we might win the division titlc Denver Nuggets coach 1111111111 Walsh said lhuisday night lhcn whcii George Mctiiniiis got hurt 1last Iiiday1 thought for sttrc we wouldnt 111 it But that injury has turned out to he motivating factor 1111 us We hith lot of veterans and they havc rcspondcd to Illt challciigc lhc Nuggcts led by wtcrans Dan lsscl and harlic Scott posch thcir innth ItltIV in It starts Thursday night heating Ncw York Knicks 1141117 to llIilI1 into tic for first placc With Kansas tit Kings in 1111 National llaskcthall Associ ations Midwest l1stott stakc is bye through Illl dait gcrous best of three first round of thcplayofts 1n the only Ullltt gainc lhuis day night Detroit Pistons ral licd to defeat Ncu tirlcaiis laI 120 IIIi lciict has two road games left at Boston tonight and in Philadelphia on Sunday hilt Kansas City plays at 11111111 tonight against c1 lirsiy Nets hctorc llnisliitig its season Sunday at liidianapolis against thclaccrs llllIISIltthIRV Werc not really ttillttIIlttl about 1111 diyision titlc claimed lsscl 1111 611111111 tIIlH who had 211 111 his 211 points III the second hall and also grahhcd 171 Itliotltttls 13 Mortgage Participation Abe Va 0ICe Oierms From 12 monthe to you Olnterest paid monthly OPleace contact Ralph Lougheed 7206367 John Coleman 7200139 ltI Boston tans Willing I1 lakc thc longcr icw there was still something to cclthiatc New York lslandcis 11 Victory ovcr lhiladclpliia llls cii ahlcd the liruins to clinch tliut placc in thc otctrall N111 stand ings That may give 1111 111111115 an extra home game at somt stage of thc Stanlcy up play offs In the only tlilltl N111 gaim llllttstlay olotatlo liockicK and 111s Angclcs Kings player to ti tic llic Sahics uiialilc to heat liostoii this season until thcy squeezed 11111 21 victory in Illtll liltli iiicctiiig last January drovc Bruins goaltender icrry hccvcrs out of thc act when they beat him tor six goals in the second period Itookic liiii lcttic victim of their prcVIous nitic gozil barrage then let in twi more in the third period GARE illIS llliillll liaiiny iarc no hall ol 1111 titlciisiwly for Buffalo this sea son had thrcc goals for Illt Sa brcs and sct up two nioic LACROSSE REGISTRATION Iaytield I1 Georgian Mall Sat April 1th Our new telephone number is 7265333 MEILUNDT DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlap St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society Most paintings will be priced BARRIE MINOR LACROSSE REGISTRATION BOYS AND GIRLS SATURDAY APRIL I979 BA YFlELD GEORGIAN MALLS AM TO PM Coaches Managers and Team Assistants may also sign up FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL llltt nl JIM PRICE 7286860 BOB WEBSTER 7265485 LACROSSE IS FOR EVERYONE him 11 unu 114 ae cl ammun satx BOTTLE IN BOND in mu nun Canadian Club The Best In The House Ilarold Ballard looking like holdup man who finds out his gun isnt loaded Two players alltime greats left the game and didnt come back Last Nov Bobby Hull laid his stick aside though re ports persist he will return Bobby rr retired six days later Hull and Orr had changed the game on the ice and helpe usher in the era of expansion that opened Pandoras box of problems Some of those problems have been solved many others re main for the next era to confront and experience to DOUG JERMEY 76 JOHN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO L4H 2K3 very large selection of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT THE CONTINENTAL INN Sunday April 8th Only 10 am pm Including Frames UNITED ART GALLERIES When its time for toast on the Ivory Coast Canadian Club IS the chaice of the host Ivory Coast West Africa Its not just strip of coast its country of contrast and challenge You wouldnt find much thats familiar on the Ivory Coast but you would find the familiar bottle that stands for fine smooth taste all over the world Canadian Club Barrie Colts Junior Hockey Club requires ASSISTANT COACH MANAGER and ASSISTANT MANAGER for the 197980 hockey season Interested persons please apply in writing and send resume stating qualifications Its nice to know the world can get together about something Around the worid when people think of the finest lightest smoothest whisky they think of Canadian Club BARRIE COLTS JUNIOR 110cm CLUB 1T in 87 lends At1zii11111111 A11111g111 11mm 11wtr1111 Atlvlld 11311111111 Barbados 111411111111 1111111111111 1111111 t1111tti 1111111 111111111 111111 1111111111114 t11111111111111i1111 twins lintittttltk 111111111111111llttniilit lttmtlotIt11l1ultlttl1111111111n111y1111111111111111111111111111111111t11111111111 1111111111111111 111111 Holland 1111111 hung 1111111141111laud India lttdoncaa 11111 110111111s11111t1y lyoiy 111111 J11111111 1111111 ltlltl1lllIlllMlItiltIl 1111111111111 litvtl Mitiltitl lildlhlv MKIIJYM Malta Mattintttuc Mtltl Mont1111 Moiottn Nepal New Holland Nigciia NttWJy l1k1utin l1111ni lintigiiay Ictti Iililippims Poland Iotttigal ltictlo 111111 Storm none 5111111111111 South Alina 1111n 11 1IIII11 511111111111 iwedcu Swntmil 11111 ltllllll 11111111111 logo Illllltldtl Iiiikey 118811111111111 Kingdom United States VtlltitltlJ Viigin ll111d Vtigoalawa Illtl 12111111111 Canadian Club Is distilled and bottled In Walkerville by Hiram Walker Sons Limited