KEES KOOPMAN of Harrie lm still going to vote Liberal even though dont think Trudeaus the right one for the job of prime minister The other two Joe Clark and Ed Broadbent are worse The progressive conser vatives dont have the right program and neither does the NDP The Liberals can win DEM ROGERS of Barrie hope the Liberals get in have confidence in Trudeau theyd be fools to put Joe Clark in Trudeaus doing fine job noone could do airy better only hope the new government will control itself in the House of torn mons and stop wasting so much time Chief Horton resigns DAVE KAISER of Richmond Hill Id like to see govern ment run by efficiently pro fessional businessmen But if it was run as business there would be massive unemploy ment because of all the cut backs that would take place NDI is no good the Liberals have too many stringents so PC is the only one left from fire department By NANCY FIGUEHOA Of The Examiner BARCLAY Innisfil Fire Chief Charles Horton resigned as fire chief of Innisfil to accept position as firefighter with the Barrie Fire Department it was announced Thursday There were many small reasons for resigning said Chief Horton All he would say however was its nothing personal against any member of the township or council Chief Hortons last day as fire chief of Innisfil is April 20 May he begins as firefighter in Barrie Coun William Tipple chair man of lnnisfils Protection and Community Services Commit tee said council would have to move quickly to find replace ment for Chief Horton Our intention is to advertise fully for replacement said Coun Tipple Anyone can app ly The salary for fire chief will range from 316908 to $21256 341 ON THE LABEL MEANS Although Chief Horton would want You CN its not disclose his salary as Bar rie firefighter he zid say in the beginning it would be less than what he was making as chief Until replacement is found Rod Black deputy fire chief will assume duties as chief Fire Department in 1962 as volunteer firefighter In 1974 he became full time firefighter and was deputy when lton Crone then fire chief died was appointed fire chief three years ago said hicf Horton We accept his resignation with very much regret said Coun Tipple hief Horton referred to his years fire chief as an ex perience wont regret He said the job involves using corn mon sense and making lot of decisions He said the best part of the job occurred whenever there were no fires But this has been rough year so far he said There have been lot of fires The departments records show in March 1979 there were 37 fire calls In March 1978 to April 1979 the department FOR ANY NUTRIMAX PRODUCTS EDEN NATURAL FOODS IS THE PLACE TO LOOK INOUII out our SPECIAL ormt FOR THE mom or APRIL recorded 87 fire calls For the satire period in 1978 they record ed only 69 calls Chief Horton referred to his change in nobs as decision had to make He said however came in in good terms and hope to leave on good terms SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 1239457 14 PoeISt said Chief Horton Chief Horton who lives in EDEN WINECRAH Stroud began with the Innisfil 81 NATURAL FOODS LTD IATFIELD MALL IARRIE 7237690 WHERE CAN YOU BUY AN 80 HP TRACTOR Fon$15795 AT BEARD Horseshoe Valley Rd Between 12 it 93i Front weights STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDES 16 Forward reverse Beards have the 80 HP Zetor Crystal 8011 Truly great 80 horsepower that you really need for such low low price PAT VERSIEGEN rie Whos going to be elected It sure wont be Trudeau We should try someone else loc Clark will try to improve the situation in Canada He has potential to be good leader uatossr REGISTRATION Boyfiold Georgian Mulls Sat April 1th ohnsManvilles HandiPakis the handy way to comfortcondition your home and save money You can do it yourself this weekend htltltw tiri llti inter tiril ill itti you even more than it did this uxrrrtcrf You can heat the high cost of furl try adding llltlt iohns Mariyillc Flirtr ilass insulation Its easy to do and pays off vrth lrit llllt on hratirrtr and airconditirrninu costs lhis rxtra livinir corn fort year round of liar 50 GRAND PRIZES HAND tlltSlNI of Barrie Id like loscc Liberal riia jorrty dont think it will happen lrirdcau Is running on the wrong issuc instead of the economy It will prohalrly he Liberal minority lrrc lark doesnt 0m have the personality to irr primcniirnstcr lillrl PATTISGN of Harrie hope that Joe Clark gets in as prime minister Hes never had shot at it Strange things happen to people when they gain power he may become more ag gressive lrudcau should go because of his pat record government hut national unity COLELLA norm RE THERAPY CLINIC FORMERLY BARRIE DENT ORE CLINIC 7264721 I49A DIINLOP ST IARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY to come the exagllnor Frldny Aprll 1979 Agreement needed in dispute MPP Both sides in the annexation dispute would have to agree to boundary lines for the govern ment to legislate settlement says George Taylor MPP for Simcoe South Taylor told The Examiner Thursday he has recently discussed the possibility of in tergovernmental affairs He has the same conclusion as me said Taylor The two Local man charged An 18yearold Barrie area man was arrested by city police Thursday charged with the March 24 armed robbery of Harrie service station Police said Michael John Pfeiffer of RR Barrie will 28 Anydaytrom it 4rde problems lnlila sonic insulation methods around today fiber glass halts are proven effective Safe clcaii fireresistant vermin anrl fungi resistant lhcy have factrirycontrolletl value They will not slump or settle They retain their insulation effectiveness for years PEOPLE HELPIN PEOPLE BARRIE HELP CENTRE FOR FREE INFORMATION PHONE Holp with Unemployment Insurance Holp with Walter problems Jrofosslonol and Confidential Dont forot garadage GRAHAM FORD SALES Salesman of the Month sides should settle the boun daries on their own before we consider trying to put legisla tion through Taylor said that were hop ing Barrie and Innisfil can set tle the dispute Otherwise he said the two sides can look at delay of about one and half years in ironing out the problem have bail hearing in provin cial court today man armed with what ap peared to be gun demanded money from an attendant the Gulf Service Station 360 Hayfield St about pm OWEN FERGUSON We are pleased to announce that Owen Ferguson has earned the title of Salesman of the Month for the month of March Owen has worked hard on behalf of his customers and his success is based on their appreciation for his efforts If you are looking for new or used car or truck come in and discuss your needs with Owen He would be happy to assist you with your next car purchase GRAHAM FORD SALES Bayfield at Cundlos 7374310 1881 om pm lohns Manvilles fiber glass batts come in llanililak packages or rolls Theyre easy to get into your car or wagon easy to carry and to slip through the attic opening Your dealer will help you choose the right insulation and give you free booklet telling yott how to do the job Cab rubber mounted Power steering Hydraulic brakes HiLo Shift torque multiplier PTO Speeds 540 and 1000 rpm Lower link sensing on point hitch You may wrn one of 50 Grand Prrzui of $500 00 cacti which could be used to offset next years fuel spin $1 9900 FARM SUPPLY Bonninorth chimt Sec entry forms for coirfist details ontest ends June Ill ltl71l Horseshoe Valley Rd Slmcoe County Rd 22 Cushway Lumber Barrie Telephone 32531 33 Your Patz Gehi Zetor Belarus Kverneland plows Dealer and Silos SPECIAL PRICE ON ONE ONLY 450 SECOND PRIZES Reg $15795 You may Win one of 450 second pores of Honeywell T808A lethotlherFrn Ir oina IC rie We also have the zaron 6911 gaggotxhgggï¬stai 65 HP value $84 50 each 120 HP 12011 zeron 7280100 5I ytfy inVII ctr iii Biltrite Cash Curry Bayfield St Barrie ontcst Rules in enter print your name address and telephone number on contest entry form or on plain piece of paper and to ether with the end label of ariyJ fiber glass ad or roll Insulation its listed below OR handdrawn laCSIlitlle not mechanicallyreproduced mailto Johns Manvitle tight fuel Costs Contest PO Box 705 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MbC 2K7 No purchase necessary inter as often as you wrsh Each entry must be illbfllllltlll in it separate envelope With Strlfr trerit postage Io be tllglhlt an entry must be received by July tti t979 Random selections Will be made from all eligible entries on July 31 1979 Selected entrants In order to win prize must first answer correctly It timelimited arrrhrrietrcal skill lestnu questron administered 7280360 by phone or marl by the contest rudgrng orgallllation All entries become the property of Johns Manyrlle Canada inc and none will be returned By entering contestant agrees to the use of hrSher name address andor photograph in any forthcoming publrcrty Before being declared members of their imrnedrate families of Johns Manvrlle Canada inc its advert5mg agmcy agents and the Independent contest Iudqrng organization This contest rs subrect to all federal piovrncral and local laws and regulations For list of winners send stamped self addressed envelope to JohnsManvrlle Canada winner the contestant may be recurred to enter inc Fight Fuel Costs Contest List of Winners into an agreement to that effect 2951M West Mall Etobicoke Ontario M9C 427 Prrresi 50 Grand Prize of $500 00 each ims which could be used to offset next year fuel bill 50 Second Prizes of Honeywell T808A R7 47 Chronotherin Automatic fuel Saver thermostat R8 2J5 1m approx retail value 584 50 each RIO 331 No substitutions Will be made for the pores R12 Med RIB53A thick this contest is open to Ontario resrdents only R20 mm 18 years of age and over except employees and 1°95 n7 Thick R8 2r Thlck RIO3V2 Ithk R124Jg Thick ltrgistrrid llailcrtluth ofJohns Mam the Canada Inc Bali Buildull moi13254434 kAAJ