10A the oxmlnor Friday April 1m it has been necessary to turn over many yellowed docu ment to reveal the diabolical life of Anna Zwanziger but An na is worth every cobweb so lets start at the very beginn mg Herr Schonleben fat jolly man ran successful saloon in Nuremberg Germany One day in 1760 young lad burst into Herr Schonlebens watering hole and informed the jolly German that Frau Schonleben had just given birth to love ly little girl The lovely girl was to later be remembered as lovely little monster Her name was Anna As the years passed Herr Schonleben often ref lecteddown at the saloon while dispensing suds that his teena daughter was not raving beauty She had rather thin and decidedly too thin nose Dark brown eyes stared out of sockets which appeared to be set much too far into her head The overall mousy appearance was nOt enhanced by somewhat shallow complexion No you definitely had to say Anna was not looker Annas daddy kept sharp and alert eye out for unsuspec ting potential husbands Thats how Herr Zwanziger got into the act Hearing of the generous dowry which would ac company Anna on route to the alter llerr Zwanziget struggling attorney paid her call Anna overcome by her newfound popularity was thrilled by the dashing attorney it wasnt long before Fraulein Schonleben becany Frau Zwanziger After the nuptials it was only matter of days Ifefore Anna found out that Zwanzigers main occupation was not the law but passion for good friends and alcoholic bewrdge Year after year Zwanziger drank his days and nights away until he had gone through Al has money and his liver Herr Zwan tiger was laid to rest after the proper complimentary eulogies had been expressed by those who knew he was good for nothing Zwanziger left our Anna with host of bad memories and bad debts She was now faced with the very real task of making living She tried main avenues to support herself but was singularity unsuccessful at all of them For while she opened confectionery business it failed She tried sell ing toys and cooking for hospital She even travelled with circus but hated the transient life The years swiftly flew by as they have habit of donng Anna now in her late forties was driven to perform her first dishonest act She stole ring she received enough money to keep her going for several months This crime business thought Anna is not half bad Beside proVIdIng the necessities of life it gave her precarious thrill Anna mov ed to the little town of Pegnitz to gather her wits Obsessed At this time Anna became obsessed with the idea that she had no one to take care of her in her approaching old age Someway somehow she must become affluent enough to take care of the problem herself As luck would have it while these dire thoughts were dan cing through her head she learned of judge named Glaser who was separated from his wife Glaser was looking for housekeeper Anna applied for the job was interviewed and was accepted for the position it is believed that Anna hatched her little scheme before she left Glasers office it was simple as all get out She would become Frau Glaser cburse there was the present Frau Glaser to be dealt with before this new thought of An nas could become reality Cunning Anna decided first things first She had to somehow lure Frau Glaser back to her hubbys bed She set about accomplishing her devious ends by sending little notes to the estranged wife pointing out how the judge longed for her company Soon Frau Glaser was replying to the concern ed and considerate housekeeper that she too longed to be reinstated in the judges comfortable big home Once given the opening it didnt take Anna long to effect reconcilia tion and at the same time ingratiate herself with both Frau and Herr Glaser One thing you had to say about Anna she did things with flourish Frau Glasers homecoming was accompanied by large bouquets of flowers strategically placed around the house Anna even hired local orchestra for the happy reu nion The whole thing went off smashingly Frau Glaser walked into the front door of her home and into the arms of her husband Within days Frau Glaser was suffering from severe stomach pains it was no wonder either Anna had given her three massive doses of arsenic The housekeeper was ap parently beside herself at this tragic turn of events Her grief was almost uncontrollable when Frau Glaser died in agony After the funeral which was interrupted on several occa sions by wails of sorrow from Anna our heroine decided to get down to business It was time to turn on the charm and become the new Frau Glaser Alas the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray especially in the murder business Herr Glaser showed decided tendency to be left alone during his period of mourn ing In fact he became something of recluse Within matter of days after the funeral Anna was shattered when she was informed that her services were no longer required It had all been for naught but what the heck now that she had perfected murder method there had to be other fish ready for frying Sure enough Anna came up with another judge Herr Grohmann was middle aged wealthy gentleman who lived in Sanspareil He suffered from gout Anna became his housekeeper but the setup wasnt exactly perfect Grohmann had young attractive girlfriend whom he planned to marr Well see about that Anna thought to herself She turn on the charm but Grohmann wasnt susceptible to sex in an unattractive package when he was already sampling the real thing with his bethrothed Anna didnt have chance All her anger was directed at Grohmann himself She dipped into her rather ample packet of arsenic and gave Grohmann suitable dose in his chicken soup He was dead three houts later No chance Anna once again found post as housekeeper in the home of member of the legal profession Herr Gebhard was prosperous overweight magistrate His wife was nag and very very pregnant Now funs fun but her two preVIous murders had brought Anna no material gain She figured three times lucky Things would be different this time around Anna set about feeding arsenic to Frau Gebhard During her inistrcss in evitable illness Anna nursed her night and day She was so devoted she wouldnt allow anyone else to feed her patient Despite the living care Frau Gebhard became weaker and weaker Just before she was about to give up the ghost celver Anna called in doctor The medic noted that his pa tient was beyond help Misdiagnosis proved to be extremely accurate Frau Gebhard died two hours after he examined her Anna took care of the funeral arrangements Everything was going along just swell Soon Gebhard would grow tired of mourning for his dearly departed spouse anti low and behold he would discover sweet considerate Anna Darn the luck Would you believe that one of the servant girls in the house was gorgeous well endowed fraulein ltightly or wrongly it seemed to Anna that Gebhard was paying far too much attention to her Anna slipped her just enough arsenic to take her out of contention fora few weeks Again the path seemed clear for Anna to take the romantic initiative This time it was Gebhard himself who spoiled everything To end his period of mourning he decided to throw huge dinner party Anna hated the idea of young good looking frauleins IWIttering about trying to get their tentacles into what was rightfully hers Try as she might she couldnt talk her master out of his party Thats when she lost her cool if Gebhard wanted to throw dinner party she would prepare one he would never forget Anna laced all the guests food with arsenic Everyone ex cept Gebhard became frightfully sick right at the dinner table The other servants in the house many of whom knew Anna wanted Gebhard for herself thought the whole thing so funny they made the mistake of laughing right in front of the housekeeper That same evening they too came down with severe cramps after partaking of supper Neither guests nor ser vants died from Annas little treats but the servants suspected the truth They went to Gebhard and insisted that the remainder of their meal be examined chemist inform ed him that the food had been laced with arsenic Anna was dismissed immediately The next day Gebhard figuring that he had been too lenient with his housekeeper informed the police of his suspicions Anna was traced to her hometown of Nuremburg where she was arrested and charged with murder She maintained her innocence throughout ther trial When she was found guilty she collapsed in court Later awaiting her execution she wrote long confession in which she admitted her murderous ways Anna was executed by the sword when she was decapitated in July 1811 EVENING 6200 000023 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION CO POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALEs 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHIPS TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW no me DOUGH ANGIE NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MAKE ME LAUGH NEWLYWEo 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T0 ronto international Airport be cause access was hlocked when small plane slipped off the runway Madden said independent re search shows there could be more than 600000 Telidon sub scribers by 1986 vate industry will at least match the $9 million it has comlt mitted MOVIE WESTERN Tho The government expects pri thursday tv 830 HIGHCLIFFE MANOR cottan tor this nothic comedy in on immonlo otono cattle on on iolond oil tho cont ot Moouchu ootto The monoion oonroo oo headquarter tor thoBlockoFoundationaquaalthinIItonlilocllt ly which houses occontric cciontiota and philo sophoro who are Iuppoood to boworltlng on solution to world problomo Store ShoIon oroo Sto hon MCHottio Promloro ANGI DlGl Williom Woatmorolond Tho US commandor of military oporotiono during the Vietnam war and chtotololottlorlouryoarltrom 1968 is questioned byCArloton Universitymur nolisrn students on range olloplca lrom policy morals at war WHATS HAPPENING 900 OUINCV Quincy rnuat bottle buroou crocy to proyont on 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Turnod Bluo Stors Donnie avor MOVlEWRAMA Hitlor Loot Ton Do 1973 STREET TAL QUESTION PERIOD 1145 LIFE AT STAKE Somnwhoro BoMoOn CombndooondVollowlinitoThoatory DIMnonmnwotlobuohpilotwhocruhodinto tho borron land ot North Wool Conodo 60 mm 1150 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Houooro Momory 1910 1200 MOVIE DRAMA It 1974 WMOVIE DRAMA Bout Yooro of Our leoo me 1210 MOVIE WESTERN Char Iio Cobb Nico Night for Hang ln 1077 1245 on PTl CLUBTALK AND VARIETY Con 100 TOMORROW 130 NEWS 200 III MEDICAL CEflgER 21 EMERGENCY ONE 300 MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE DOCUMENTARY North Countrg6ooco REWITCHED Bartlett Music Announces ¢i Is No Longer Affiliated With The CONTINENTAL INN see john hurt on the moira hunt show playing the hammond organ