the book page First novel by Govier explores family history By TRISH WORRON The Canadian Press Why did my greatgrand parents leave England to come to Canada How did my parents meet Who is that funny old woman in the pic ture Children pep rtheir parents with those kin of questions not only because they want to hear the fascinating stories about the way things were in the old days but because they want to get sense of their past No longer child at 28 Jeni fer Beacham the central char acter in Katherine Goviers first novel Random Descent still is asking those questions about her ancestors She sets off for California to get some answers from her elderly gandparents But Jennifer isnt simply searching for quaint stories She senses that by learning about her family tree she will find some sort of direction for the future in her own confused Through the course of her long visit with her grand parents Jennifer hears of the family scandals drunkards gamblers suicides and adulter ous affairs the sort of things that not only romanticize family tree but also spice up noveL DEEPER LEARNING But Jennifer also learns about women like her grand mother Constance for whom family was everything and who tried to keep people together through good times and depres Sions Although at the age of78 Constance is bitter about liv ing her life for everyone else and never doing anything f0r herself she cant hide her conv tempt for her granddaughter who has chosen divorce and abortion to find freedom In travelling back six genep ations with her character Ms Govier has painted an impor tant picture Of Canadas past Flat impersonal events remembered from history books have been brought to life through theeyes of reallife people The great trek across the Prairies made by thousands of immigrants in the 1890s for ex ample suddenly has meaning when it is experienced by two young frightened English girls whose bodies ache from weeks of sitting in stifling crowded travelling conditions Readers similarly learn of epidemics religious prejudices droughts and depression and loneliness of whistlestop towns in the Canadian west SHOWS NOSTALGIA There is nostalgia for the simpler days when there were few choices to be made particularly by women and the Quiet poet opens up family was partly strangled and partly supported by its in dividuals But the author doesnt get maudlin she tells of the evils and hypocrisy as well Ms Govier has chosen jour ney familiar in much of Cana dian literature the passage from small narrow moral towns to the rootless anonymous urban centres where Jennifer has ended up Ms Goviers earlier training as shortstory writer holds her in good stead in this book which introduces about 60 char acters covering 100year time span in short 228 pages Although at times readers al most need program to keep the characters straight the writer has managed to bring life to most of them in few economic phrases She conveys the sternness and toughness of an upright stepmother who to the very end was dictating instructions from her hospital bed to the younger members of the Daughters of the Empire The book probably will ap peal more to female readers because with the exceptions of few insights into the male characters the events are seen through the eyes of the women Random Descent by Kath erine lovier MaeMilIan of anada ltd 228 pages 295 Michael Ondaatie awardwinning poet novelist teacher filmmaker critic and editor pauses during an interview in Toronto Sunday Ondoatie did not conceal his distaste for interviews but agreed to talk about his newest collection of poetry on the first day of weeklong National Book festival CP Photo OPEN RAP MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 CARTOON PLAVHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGNTENSTEIN CANADIAN AVALCADE 30 THIS is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY PROFESSOR KiTzEL CROSSROADS NIVEN MILLER CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY CROSSROADS DIRECTIONS UNCLE BOBBY SHOW CAMERA ON CANADA HISEY HOUSE OF SONG CHINESE SHOW 800 JIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY IN PROCESS SUNDAY SURPRISE TREEHOUSE CLUB FATHER MEEHAN MIDDLE EAST REVUE 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT ORAL ROBERTS ID POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 000 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING MOVIE COMEDY Lova Id Amy Hardy 1030 PARA ox II IT Is WRITTEN JEREMY 15 ID GET IT TOGETHER 025 It BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REx HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH WOODY WOODPECKER ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD PORTUGUESE SHOW 100 REx HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH ID MAGIC SHADOWS 130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS SAMBA ET BOUBOUNE VDz DA PROFECIA 145 ANIMALS FESTIVAL ITALIANO 150 III TROUSSEMITOUFLE AFTERNOON 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN Brothara OToola 1912 MEETING PLACE MOVIE DRAMA VI Tho 1902 ALBUM TV ITALIAN CONTINUES ID RESSOURCESDE LENFANCE EXCEPTIONNELLE PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI La Guerra do 19391945 1245 In AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 FISHING WITH ROLAND MARTIN PEOPLE TALKING BACK Todays topic is Canadians On The Job includ mg diacuaaion Di unemployment unraat In the or lack at It It Iacaandiobtrainin iTALiAN coo me ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 FISHING HOLE COUNTRY CANADA El NBA BASKETBALL TROUBLE WITH TRACY FOREST RANGERS PANORAMA thaaxamtnar FrkhyAprI01m8A sunday tv ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE swia MEMORIES OF GREECE 200 BASEBALL 79 LOOK AHEAD YESTERDAYs GLITTER ViP INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION IP BOXING FAMILY FINDER WORLD HEALTH DAY Haatthy Child Sula Futura Ia tha thama thia yaar to HO CMICIOIIMIII 00 CLUB 230 HYMN SING MOVIE COMEDY Trio GITI Cama GIttWrappad Ian RISING DAMP DOWN To EARTH ITALCINE 300 SPORTSWORLD CANADIAN BOATING TEST 26baaicboathquaaiionaaraputtothaviamno audlanca Situationa ara baaad on IlIm aaquancaaahotatOnlarIoaPiannLatiaR260 NEE HAW Guaata John Harttord Moa dy Gunilla Hutton OMNIBUS ACADEMY in Main mothinthalcaThiBBBCColorproductIontracaa tha davatopmanl DI Ruaaian an trom ita Iotk art baginmngathrough todaya rigidlyraoulatad notiona DI approvad aocnal raaliam Rara IIIm clipa DI ravotutionary timaa and Di modam art conaidorad aubvaraiva amphaaua why an haa aaauinad auCh Importance tha SOYat Union PEOPLES CHURCH 330 THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN 345 II US GRAND PRIx WEST Fonnula Ono auto raca through iha atraala at Lone Baach Caiitorma hrs i5mIiIa 400 HAVE EVER LIED TO YOU BEFORE Thia NFB IIIm loan at unioua dian ad man Jarry Goodla RED FISHER SHOW TINY TALENT TIME IN PRIVATE LIFE 15 ID SUE BECKER 430 OCOLGATEDINAH SHORE WIN NERS CIRCLE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS UNTAMEDWONLD SaIari Thapro Dram daata with waya that conurvationiata In Atricaaratryingtopraaarvathavanouaapaclaa ia Iaaldaval ing continant WILDKIN DOMSpoiiadGhoniPm KIDSWORLD 445 GOLF 500 SHOW Biz CBC NEWSAND THISWEEK IN PARLIAMENT You TELL us LAWRENCE WELK SHOW VISION ON BUGS BUNNYROAD RUNNER HOUR MOVIE The Clown and tha Kid 530 MUPPETS SHOW JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW III BIG BLUE MARBLE EVENING 600 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Tha Boy From Daad Mana Bayou young boy datarrninad Io ratriava praCioua church hall hlddan benaalh murky bayou iqnoraa warman about aVil anirita lurk ing In Ihaiorbiddan watara SIarB Mitch Vocal John Mclniira Pt DI twopart Bpiaoda 60 NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Baboona POLKA DOT DOOR GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 80 NEWS CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go To THE RACES NEW FACES THE REAL STORY Jamaa GIIIIOB Prograaaiyo Conaoryatiya MP Jamaa Gillian diacuaaaa hIa caraar in Tory caucua with host Lani HERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEYTha BayFromDaadManaBayouA young boy datarminad to rutriava pracuoua church bait hiddan banaath murky bayou to nor warnings about aVII Spiritlurking in tha torbiddan watara Slara Mitch Vouol John McIntiia PI at twopart apiaoda 80 THE OTHER SIDE OF RIEL Thia BDOCIai iDIIOwB tha making at CBCD up commadramaRIaLIhaatoryoithaiamouarobal 60 MINUTES FRIENDS Eiayanryaarold Randy and hia trianda charmed by the warmth of want me grandtathorTuu SummarhaldertotIalphun ovarcoma hia paraonality diitarancaa with hia Warran 80 mina III SMITH AND SMITH DIGI WIIIiamC WaBtmorBand YhBUS commando of military operations during the VintnamwarandchiotoiBiaitiorlouryaarairom I968 iB quaationad by Carleton Uniyaraityiour nalIBm Students on rangaoi IOpICd irom policy he morala at war GEORGE ANTHONY WITH Tna Oacara Mr Anthony will highlight the menu andihapartormora Haintroducootholiyoiilma nominatad Ior Boat Pictura oi the Year and rBYIowa acanaa Irom panormancoaby JIlIClay burgh Warran Baatty JanaFDnda Lawrence OIIVior Ellan Buralyn Robert DBNIIO Maggie Smith Gary Buaay Dyan Cannon Jon Vomhi Bruca Dam and othaia 730 SCIENCE MAGAZINE Tonights topics are unotobiotic plus and iJ os Syndrome fl CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY CAMPAIGN lt Your Love LiIB Make Sure Tha Lova AtlaIrLaata An hour at aonato launch Ina 1919 Canadian Cancar Sociaty Campaign Guaata Tommy Ambroaa Bob McBrIda Robb McKaag Ban McPaalI Elalna OvathII KaVln and Dabbia Poat THE AFRICA FILE Saarch tor tho Paat Part An Invaatigatlon otWaat Attica tha hiatory at which began aoaa batora tho colon iaIlata arrlyaI Tha program alao daala With hiatorlana mathoda in tracing prahlatory through Iinoulatica cava drawinoa and autumn 800 OJESUSOFNAZARETHTroconciu aion at tho acclalmad BIbIIcaIapIc Dttha atoryot Jaaua from hiabinh totha agony otthacrucitil ion and tha spiritual Dewar oi tha Ramactlon Stara Hobart Pwall Jamaa Farantino Anna ha ROMIEO AND JULIET8 An animatad adaptation otShaka araaloya atory tranatormad into apa ca robot romanca Whan two modern componant aturaa tail in Iova ALL IN THE FAMILY Archia kaapa aIcII Edith ao buay cooking IDr hia big St Pa trickaDay party aha doaant oat tha chancato tall hm that hard work Ia hazardoua to har Bib BATTLESTAR GALACTICA CommandarAdama ia criticallyiniurad Whan Cylon warriora carry out kamikaxaIika mm aion aoainat tha Battlaatar Galactica 60 WTNE GREAT DEBATE thu on and Otto Praminqar Raaolvad ViolanCa on tha $aan Ia Paychoioaicaliy Damaging OUIZ KIDS SHULMAN FILE 830 90 THREES COMPANY Jack and Jana Iaca iha danger oi loairig Chriaay to tuttalking guru Who dazztaa ha Into batiavmn her placa ia at hia IldOII diatant communa ONE DAY AT TIME MOVIE DRAMA VI Raturn Baaaamant 101B DAY AT Tlï¬ME 900 IN ONCERT Faranta and Taichar ALI EWhanAlicagripaaaboutTommya haadattono ahoW oi Indapandanca Mal DIODOMI to Iaka Tommy In tor Whita and ram the am be ahouid ba rained FAMILY PRINCE Hia Royal Highnaaa Princa Charlaa uptoraa auch aub Iacta aa tha rota at tho monarchy Intha promi day Commonwaaith and tha proapocta Ior aur VIvaI oi that apacui ralationahip in thia iilm umamary 00 mm SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE Thundarbolt Arid Lichttoot t974 Stara Clint mood Jatt Bndoaa VEGAS Dana boyhood inand ratuma to Laa Vaoaa an hit man with ordara to kill both Yanna and Philip Roth Dana Rumba onacliant mina UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS On Tnal Program Tho arrival Di now houaa Dar IormaId haa dIBturbInp attact on tho BaIIamy iy and aarvanta ROOTS THE NEXT GENERA TIONSIn I960AialHaIayhaaratiradIromtha Coaai Guard and ia purauing hia Caraar aa traalanCaWrItar Hataybacomaaonaotthaiaad inginlarVIaWiournaliataintha countryWIthaliat oi aubncta that includaa AmanCan Nlll taadar Gooroa ROCRWDII Siara Jamaa Earl Jonaa Marlon Brando Concluaion hra 030 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS Suuna husband Frank COMOIIOSOUIMHCIIIIOUIIIOIIOHIIDIVIOCOM platathairdivorcaaottlamantbutconvmcaahar aha IhDuId accompany him an waakand OI BItIVII pr ramming CI LIGHTS Guaat Gary Buaay 1000 WEEKEND MARKETPLACE MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR Johnny Mathia Ioma Mary Tyler Moore to OIIOI tho and onan apacaa and tha daptha DI tha mnereity In amnain ainoin madtay 60 W5 Halon Hutchinaon rapona on linear maihHanryChamptaIIaaatookatwarinRhoda and Jim Rand Viaita author Matt Cohan LOU GRANT Lou and Roaai alumbla onto big atory but have trouble putting it tooathar altar they use an autumn mobatar at hroaort Gamma IE5 LE TEMPS DES iNCERTiTUDES MC GOWAN AND COMPANY 1030 OMBUDSMAN LAUREL AND HARDY 100 in NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS ID INTROSPEC MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 15 NEWS 120 NEWS 122 NEWS 130 MOVIE COMEDY Tho wtlc Car at 1971 ARC SWELBY MD to GOOD NEWS LA MANGEAILLE IN PRIVATE LIFE as NIGHT MUSIC 1140 MOVIE BiOGRAPHiCALDRAMA °°° odama Curio ma QUESTION PERIOD 1145 MOVIEDRAMAPV Doalra In Tha Dust 1960 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1200 MEDICAL CENTER YOUR CHOICE FOR THE OSCARS iNTERNATiONAL CINEMA 1210 DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW 1220 MOVIE DRAM Bird mon 1911 1230 CONVERSTION WITH 130 WITH THIS RING TIME TENTATIVE