weekend movies SATURDAY 265 MOViE ADVENTURE AFTEnNOON Ialockï¬d 1938 Henry Fonda hm MsdelelneCsrroiI ANatlonaIiatLieutenanttstls MOVIECOMEDY Th inlovswithbeautiiulRebelspyduringthe I938 anishRa it Wrong Box 1966 John Mills Ralph Rl chardson two aging brothers are trying to do SUNDAY each other lnin Ordsr to gainanlnherltsnce2 APR 191° hrs m8w 9200 MOVIE 14 SrmthGoeatoWaahington MOVIECOMEDVWVI Love 1939 James Stewart Jean Arthur young FIndAndyHrdy1938MickeyRoon Idealist encounters corruption In the Sen ey Lewis Stone Andy has love problems hrs is mintlength approx hrs MOVIE Partners 1976 Denholrn Elliott HollisMcLsrsn Aclose stuayotralstionshipson AFTERNOON number at intersecting levels including rela tionshlpa between men in business men In crime man and womenan between nations HoylE COMEDVWESTERNl Brothers OToole 1072 John 92 Aslin Pat Carroll The story at the misadven SATURDAY NIGHT uova an tiIresotapairotslickaritterswhobychancende 3901 19795 yuunh into the sleepy brokendown mining town of Martin Balsam Sarah Burns vi indpent MOYngWM C°°¢° 3901 90 dent young working woman learning proposed embryo transplant which would be MOVIE DRAMA Th9 scmntiticmltestonsvoluntserstorthasensitive Lion 1962 William Holdsn Trevor Howard set hrs In Africa young girl is attached to her pet lion ACADEMY PERFORMANCE WI running debate smongthe tarnin whether 105 sheiactvllmngtheanimslorthelionistuminaher MOVE DRAMA Bl Intosssvsge hrs 230 Max1soes 114 During World Wat7oungermalrillrsshOral OVIE COMEDY The Gm aviation training school competes tor the Who cm Gntwrppd 973 coveted Blue Max llying award with other KsrenValsntinaRichardLangThepubliaherol membersotaagusdronotaaaaonedllyersolthn mens magazine tinds his life turned upside aristocratic set hrs down when he is given beautttul out for his 1115 ha 90 mine MOVIE The Senator Was Indiacreet ALCNE 1947 WIIIIsrn Powell Ella Flames senator 500 useahislostdisryasblackmailsothsthecanrun MOVIE In Clown 3nd me Km John for the Pruidoncy hr 40M IDWOI Lupton MIke McGreevey clowns son lakes 1230 up wtth an exconVIct and by using his makeup MOVIE WE STERN One sndcosiumes theymansoetosvadethepolice 00 Train to Rob 97 George Pop 90 mm pard Diana Muldaur man seeks revenge on 70 the movie not show hlSlOfy OS the tormer robbery partner who sent him toIaIi EVENNG happenedwere showing what might have hap MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA 830 Pened 19 some people If they had reacted dif The Apartment 1960 Jack MOVIEDRAMA ï¬um Engagement 1978 Elizabeth Taylor Lemrnon Shirley MscLaine The story at what GrenHY Phoo happens when an ambitious young Insurance Jouphaonom Amo omhncomml cry becomes somalmng of landlady when she 0mm WC WW rents room to student at here 90 nuns Film brings back history This photo reminiscent of the USO clubs of the World War ll era is one of the scenes of history that director Steven Spielberg is filming in his $24 million movie i941 Spielberg hastens to add live lends his apartment to others In the mar gzm psny who can provs1h1elztalta him hrs SUNDAY NlGHT MOVIE OVIE MUSICAL see ThundorbottAndLignttootiOHStaraCIInt Ilsw°h°nll ouJaMnauuoow EastwoodJeltBndges taamo verytrustrat std NataonEdd Thestoryaltwaoperettaslars mu Ob me in me the antlin one who never atop lighting ottalage hrs comm been yc om they hid stter robeng It the lust time hrs 15 mins ms 150 1130 BMOVIE DRAMAx That QMOVIE yoouEDYPW The CONN Summ °°° Magic Carpet 1911 Sum 51 James flu shwm dYOcezgu way Clitt Potts subslItute tour made In Rome due °m°°oun Yul wmgoneo experiences various problemsin connection run mm Funcmco 90 with an Odd assortment Ol bus passengers ma 1200 1140 MOVIE COMEDY Hot Rock 1972 RobsrtdelordGeorge Sagsl lnepl robbers blunder every atep ot planned ellobber hrs iNTEiiNATiONAL CINEMA Archies Edith says farewell HOLLYWOOD AP began to catch on Thats All in the Family wouldnt why say the show wouldnt have chance today It last today The networks would be pulled Off the net arent willing to waIt out the work in three weeks time It takes for the public to That is Jean Stapletons get acquainted with series baleful view of todays TV characters As result world of which she is no everything likc Is cancell longer regular For the id first time in nine years she is The future if any of All In would never say Will never do that agam But not only am not constituted to play the same role my idcn tIty as an actrcss is in joopar dy if Invesch my entire career in Edity Bunker N0 FAREWELIS lherc wcrc no farcwclls tic asked mc if would ilkt to do spotial of You ant lakc it With You With Art amcy as Gramps and immediately said yes thc actrcss ricallcd She plays the mothcr lOlt created by iostphIc Hull on tho stagi and Spring By at the wrap and of season Ington in the 1938 Frank MOVIE BIOGRAPHICALDRAMA Madam Curl1943 Greer Garson WaiterPidgson Theatoryotthetsmouawoman not tied to weekly show the Family remains ln doubt party couldnt look In Yar upm movie 1210 °°°°°°°°° Shclikes the feeling Will it rcturn next season ma rolls face and say goodbyc Tm director 15 paul MOVE 5755 uTho °°° 1El°4g2° Not that she has any had different weekly format It would have been too much Bogart long With All in the Family its almost as though Shrine of Lom Lovo 1076 Room MOVIE DRAMA Desire Wagner Kate Jackson mysterious house In Th ouri ymond Burr Martha inhsbIteO by the spirit of longdead sitent litrn Hy Soumom Moan mm pol words for All in the Family Will the original cast Carroll for me to bear or the longsuffering Edith OConnor Miss Staplcton Miss Staplcton Is sailing star 90 mIns Bunker her alter ego during Sally Struthers and Rob right into the nonBunker owr left home Miss 120 lireaimemmdem mmypwommmy those highlyrated seasons tteiner appear in few hour phase of her carccr Shc now Staphton says NE 1200 The series and the role made long specials Is appearing In new produc As Is hcr custom Miss ADVENTURERRMA TM INTERNATIONAL CINEA her rich and famous beyond Im not sure what Is gong ton of the George Staplcton Will spend thosum 3¢¢°b° 55 GYm J° 1220 the dreams of any actress in to happen says Miss middle years She necallcd Stapletoni Im only sure of the shaky start in January the decision that have 1971 made My chIsion is to go We did the first 13 weeks out into the world and do of shows and nothing much something else Im not con happened It was only during stituted as an actress to rc the summer reruns that it main in thesamc role RobertNewton Anoutcaatanalropicalislsndis MOVE DRAHA Blur If mm on mmmnuy pm 10 1971 Doug McClure Richard Be It it 110 aahart Captured when In German POW camp MOVIE DRAHA Hrd on At castle build quder to soar trom castle below AlpaloSmtxertand andtresdornroughlyten Blue Nose in John Anim Pam Duke miies away Astin New York detective vacationing at Nevada guest ranch becomes waived In aolv maths murder of beautItquOinan 2hrs Kl UUIJ DhFM LI 200 Ballet star Rudolf Nurcycv MOVlECOMEDVDRAMA detected from Leningrad per Borselino1970AimnoIonJenpui Balmondo Seno comic oitwolikaablehuoda running 11 oup Stem whobecomegsnglsndchnettianain t930sMsr tour In 1961 TRAVEL INVREASIIS UOIIIQFIIRCO 2his llt lI Nearly til million passengcrs passed 205 lkh MAR mxl through the sown aIrports opcratcd by lllt llritish airports MOVIEMYSTERYPA Post The liquor Benedictine Is authority durmg 1978 almost 13 pcr cont more than Ill 1977 makOYDlntlor1956 Terry Moore namod aftcr the Benodictinc Robart Beatty Scotland Yard slapin whens Ict at gth rnmcnl cpoIt stslt1al London iiialbum wmmuoundflwe mummupmwwmm monks be first madctho drink the iorld buswst intcrnational airport banditl Jtiti aclItt 106mm their mtmaswr 1310 mIllion passcngcrs during till your 9121 or Citizens To make shopping easy In the Golden Years Senior Citizens savings Are listed for you here GOLDEN GIRGLE GLUE AGGOUNT KaufmanMoss llart classic Incr at tho Totem lole You ant Take It With You Playhouse operated near which will appear as ltts Harrisburg Pa by her hus special latcr this year Shc band William Putch Shell agrccd to it after singlc appear In two plays as Miss telephone call from Alan Marpli in Agatha hristics Shayne hcad of Warmr Murder llas Btcn An tlrothers lelchsIon nountcd and in Papa is All PATIENtE PAYS OFF LONDON 1lI in 1961 l00kl Jim Burton ran out at cash and could not pay the 0000 hc owcd hundreds ol winners But his fortunes sincc haVc changed Burton 65 kept list of the 800 people to which ht owed money and has instructed his lawyer to find them and with up the ac counts UNCLAIMIQD lllilGlll Specid Consideration will be given to Calculated and Paid Monthly Per Annum Eltective February 1979 mor It oure tilt ears or better heres special nonchequing savings account Chm degigned jusyt lor you Interest calculated and paid monthly SpeCIal déWMW MM Iowm withdrawal privileges at any Municipal Branch And no charges for Travellers Specializing in Pensioners CheqUBS Come and 10m our Golden Circle somgrhgjlllns£ssdaysu Disability Pensioners etc Club youllllind tourr1 stall ï¬Â¢g¢mhe munmlpa closed Wednesdays 001 OF HOW CUSTOMERS mendly and ijm$ ExilVlllgS loan corpora ion can coma 1252900 Dunlap and Owen 72e9311 $8 Member Georgian Mall 7260340 Canada Depostt Insurance Corporation 32 at has M23F 7263131 Mei HIV Mapiu Jeuiwexe sq