mowes BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY Gil Gerard plays the American space hero in 1979 version of the popular comic strip The film suffers by com parison to Star Wars showing little of the wit or imagination that made George Lucass smash hit so appealing to kids and adults alike Gerard tries to be funny and heroic at the same time but the only thing memorable about this film are the outrageous costumes and wisecracking robot named Iwiki At less than 90 minutes running time Buck Rogers drags so badly it seems mice that length Continues at the ImperialZ TIIE IIAMP Jon Voight and Faye Dunaway star in film about an exboxing champ whose marriage has broken up Fran co Zeffirelli whose past work includes Romeo and Juliet makes his American directing debut with this film based on the classic MGM feature from the 1930s that starred Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper Starts tonight at the Imperial THE CHINA SYNDROME Jane Fonda Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas star in timely and provocative thriller about an accident at nuclear power plant Fonda and Douglas play TV reporters who stumble onto the accident by mistake Lemmon plays nuclear technician faced with the decision of shutting down the power plant The film not only succeeds in providing entertainment it also teaches that too much power leads to ir responsibility when money is at stake Moves to the Imperial starting tonight ICE CASTLES Sentimental and harmless LynnHolly Johnson plays young figure skater who takes aim at the Olympics and learns theres more to life than winn ing Robby Benson is her whiny boyfriend and Colleen Dewhurst plays gutsy older friend The figure skating se quences provide the best scenes in the film Opens tonight at the Bayfield Mall Cinema on double bill with California Suite NORMA RAE Sally Field plays factory worker in the southern US who learns about the realities of big business from union organizer Starts tonight at the Bayfield Mall Cinema TIIE PROMISE new film about young woman played by Kathleen Quilan who assumes new identity after shes disfigured in an automobile accident Opens tonight at the Imperial Backstage IIA YSIIORE MOTOR HOTEL Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday to Saturday $1 cover charge on Saturdays 148 Dunlop St BROOKDALE PARK INN Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday to Saturdays $1 cover arge Fridays and Saturdays 148 DunlopSt Faye Dunaway In The Champ MORNING 556 EDITORIAL 558 OFOCUS 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY SUNRISE SEMESTER BETTER WAY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN SENECA TELECOLLEGE 630 ITS ACADEMIC AGRICULTURE USA ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 VEGETABLE SOUP FARM REPORT BARBA POPPA PROFESSOR KITzEL HARRIGAN PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 730 MARLO AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE CARRASCOLENDAS BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS UNCLE BOBBY SHOW ALL IN TUBE UKRANIAN SHOW 800 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS CIRCLE SOUARE POPEYE HOUR SCOOBYS ALLSTARS FUNTOWN 825 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 828 IN THE NEWS 830 FANTASTIC FOUR ALL IN TUBE This week next week and the wlLLy AND FLoyD following week music by pop 001 noon James and James No cover LE TORONTO FRANCAISE charge Highway 400 at Essa 856 Road IN THE NEWS POOR RIIIIARDS 600m 33 9° Recorded disco music in The Backroom Live striptease TgSESSTgJRJNV AND ROAD shows noon to pm SH Dunlop RUNNER St tIlEENS HOTEL 553 smEET SPIDERMAN Recorded disco music In the In MISTER noesns lounge Monday to Saturday VOICE OF ASIA cover charge on Saturdays 94 FILIPENSCA DunlopSt 925 SIMCOE HOTEL SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK Tonight and Saturday music 9226 by Willow Creek No cover CLIFTON IIOTEL This week music by Frana Lee Saturday matinee from to pm Next week Wednes day to Saturday Air April 14 to pm the Fig Leaf Jazz Band No cover charge 257 Bradford St CONTINENTAL INN This week and all next week music by Jack and Val No cover charge John Hart enter tains at the organ in the dining room Sundays from to pm Exit 90 west off Highway 400 HOLIDAY INN IN THE NEWS charge Tuesday is Amateur 930 Night at the Stmcoe 31 ROCKET Roam HOOD Hayfield sr at the Five Points ALLEN SUP WELLINGTON IIOTEL FWENDS week music by BAzï¬fAPagts HOUSE OF NCXI week Starchild $1 COVQI FRIGHTENSTEIN charge Fridays and Saturdays GOLF 40 DunlopSt 945 IIII CHECK AND MATE 958 artscene IN THE NEWS 1000 BARRIE ART LLIH agggg The Barrie Art Club holds its GEORGE 30th annual show of members DOWN TO EARTH work Inthe gallery of the Bar 100 HUNTLEV STREET ne Public Library until the end 1026 of the month II IN THE NEWS ALLAN BROOKS 1030 An exhibit of 48 color bird il Eggnog lustrations by Canadian naturalist Allan Brooks on loan TAï¬uN SUPER from the Museum of Natural SEVEN Science In Ottawa is on display in the cultural wing of the Sim wouAN CAN County Museum until the 30 JUST DO IT YOURSELF end Of Aprll 1055 ANDY NIXM SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK Coldwater artist Andy Nixon presents show of 16 oil pain tings Images of Grand Manan Island at the Barrie Art lub Gallery 110 Dunlop St until the end of the month Nixon has exhibited work in On tario Alberta New Zealand and Italy The gallery is open Monday to Friday from to pm on Saturday the gallery will open for art rentals and sales from to4 pm concerts IE CITY CLASSIFIED doom ROCK The Toronto rock band ap SCHOOLHOUS 1158 pears In concert at the Lions Hall in Angus Saturday at INTIIE NEWS pm Tickets available at Sams AFTERNOON or at thedoor 1200 II BUFORD AND THE GALLOP ING GHOST TRIVIA OUIz SPACE ACADEMY BOY DOMINIC ABC WEEKEND SPECIAL PortroItOIGrondpo DOCMCIWROOUOIIO otoro ooogontloondloving monwhoconoooJoopoct and oncourogo tho wondor In chIldo oyoa STAR TREK HORST KOEHLER LE8 MARMITONS WRESTLING GALLOPING GOURMET 100 FRED AND BARNEY SHOW WHERE ONCE THEY sworn POPEYEPORKY PIG KIDSTUFF in THE CHURCH PINS AND NEEDLES 128 IN THE NEWS 130 JETSONS OCEANS ALIVE WORLD OF PLANTS PINK PANTHER SHOW STAN KANN ID PASSEPARTOUT THE CHURCH RUNS IN MAY The Spring lph nt MayZ to 17 DIRECTOR SlElIIED In 1962 Erich Leinsdorf suc ceeded Charles Munch as music director of the Boston Sym phony ALLOY USED Cymbals usually are made of an alloy containing eight parts copper to two parts tin Festival in Will run from 1226 IN THE NEWS 1230 FABULOUS FUNNIEs In WRESTLING FAT ALBERT MR DRESSUP TODAYS WOMAN LES OLYMPIENS LB ctoturo doo Jeul otympiquea Cut on compognuo do moIro du Village olympItu do Montrut Yvon DuDOIo qua nous regardona quetques sequences do to coromonio do ctOturo ot IanOnB on bill do potionco do 1976 YOURE BEAUTIFUL 1256 IN THE NEWS 100 To THE POINT ARK II AGRISCOPE MINDOVER MYTH GMOVIE COMEDY Tho on Box 1966 A3TONOMIE SPORTS PROBE TRACKERS WORLD 115 126 II IN THE NEWS 130 STRAIGHT LINE 30 MINUTES REACH FOR THE TOP BUILDING DECENT FUTURE GRANDEUR NATURE Lo moot Cormuor THE FIGHTS INTO THE WISHING WELL MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PREGAME MIXED BLESSINGS BEAT THE CHAMP CLASS OF 79 LIONS CLUB AUCTION ID DEJA DEMAIN FILM SPECIALS 15 GAME OF THE WEEK Wm Broworo vo Now Vovk Yonkooo 230 WHAT IS TRUTH EN BREF STAN KANN WILD REFUGE 200 TONY BROWNS JOURNAL MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL MR CHIPS NORTH AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE SPECIAL Thio opoctol toIIoo look ot the ptoyoro poroonoltltoo ond gomo octIorIthothovohotpodmokoooccorthotootoot on Intho Urnth Stotoo 80 mm WSIIE BECKER DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE 300 SPORTSWEEKEND tCon odIonWmlorNoIIonolChomptonohIpoIromeI nipog WorldCupFroooton Stumgtrorn Von couvor Conodton Stu ChompIonohIpo Irorn Ouoboc OrondNotionolStooplochoBoIrom Engloha ropon on tho Toronto Bluo Joyo tho MontrootEx Doom hro INVITATIONTO DANCE TROUBLE WITH TRACY KARATE 00H 68 INSIDE TRACK OI GALLOPING GOURMET 330 PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOURTodoyoohowmlltooturothos1260 BPAAURIIodStotooOpontrorrConnocttcut 00 RED FISHER SHOW CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE CIRCLE SQUARE HOT HANDS 400 MASTERS TOURNAMENT SPECIAL Yho Longthonod Shodow OI Mon history of tho Mootoro tho oOtI couuo And tho mon thoI modo both CIIIIDrd Rohono BotIo Jonoo 00 rmno WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Among tooturod ovonto to tho Lobott Tropporo Faton trom Tho Poo Monttooo hro AUCTION CONTINUES Hm examiner Friday April 1979 3A ID MEDIAAND METHODSOFTHE ARTIST BAPBAPAPA IE WRESTLING tng BrotherStho Monytngolo80nnyaonon yACADEMY PERFORMANCE GREATDEBATE CITY LIGHTQS30 ow IE ELECTRIC COMPANY 1003 ED HAMMY HAMSTER 500 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE SPORTS SPECTACULAR mm Beoch Pro Celebrity Roco Money Players ShootoutPBrt It Iooturinq Minnoooto Foto vo an Hopkins Fight at tho Woolt 60 min 63 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS In FANTASY ISLAND Rornonco onvotopothomyotoriouohondoornoMrRooflro whono booutituiwomon wontoto moot ogolntho man oho totl In Inn with on proviouo vioit to tho porodtoo iolond Ouoot Btoro Somontho Eooor Buttono 60 rhino SUPERTRAIN Ironttc young hoirou BBBIIo tho hotp at ohy doctor ottor Bho toomo SE SAME smE ET that thruothiortormor oorvodnto lif plotting hot gggégnm gitégomtitsm2T mm 530 10 ED CHALLENGING SEA mCONVERSATIONSWITHELWV VOST Stontimolo op rox EVENING 10 SUPERTRAIN Irontic young hotrooo 600 or 11 II mm 909 NEWS InIJJJIZIJRLISIZIIJMJIS II do inborn hor tort THE TOP an IzonDooWTILOOO rhino mama WORLD OF WITNESS To STERDAY 100 KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT agngï¬gs POLKA DOT DOOR cw NEWS SPORTS CiTY 830 as LOTTARIO mom FEEL LIKE DANCIN 105 3333 Loï¬E III NASHVILLE SWING THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO Drum NEWS SPECTRU 00 PROVINCIAI AFFAIRS Â¥Efl3ggwoow MOVIE Tho Sonotor Woo Inaucroot 1947 MCGOWAN AND COMPANY 1120 700 II NEWS HEE HAW 22 INCREDIBLE HULK NEWS NExT STEP BEYOND 1130 PAPER CHASE HERE AND NOW OBJANDTHEBEARVI Sh II Lone tudnDI plot at 73 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA ogotnotBJIordootroonghioIoIIhouooondroDu ThoA rlmonl1060 00 mmEIN SROSIT SOUND GOOD 140 Eli FOLLOW ME MOVIE MUSICAL FOUR FOR ADVENTURE uwumumi SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIEWESTERNP Ono To Troln to Rob 1071 730 1150 SHA NA NA Guoot Brondo Loo VIE RAMA no That BLACK EXPERIENCE Com Suï¬nun In GEORGE HAMILTON IV 1200 DONT ASK ME MOVIE COMEDY Hot GOING PLACES LAST OF THE WILD INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 800 12 10 HOCKEY ButtIo sum mom MOVIE MYSTERY Tho Lomo Lovo 1970 HHOCKEVNIGHTINCANADA 100 Buttolo Sobroo vo Toronto Mopto Looto ROCK CONCERT BAD NEWS BEARS com an 11° MOVIE mokor runo mm on unoxpoctod paycholagtcol probtomwhonhoottomptotocorryautDr Rop ADVENTUREDRAMA Th ponto edict thot oll booobotl toom momboro Bchcombr 1955 ttoko Shower 130 WHATSHAPPENINGII Dwoynoo IND OVER MYTH IoltkOd ootomporory cooch DIRg Eorlobol 140 hotboILtzrulttéztltE mombon voto Dwayno OVIE DRAMA Hd Day gETARLOST Bluo Nooo 1974 CHIPAgongofthlovoootogooSohoOI 1545 doling rDoborIoB om motto thotr gotowoy PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED ototonmovIo otuntcorthottoovoobohmdttotroil 21 1omoko ond ttro oormno ABC NEWS MOVIE Mr Smith Son to Woohmgton goMOVIE Ponnoro 1976 SHULMAN FILE 205 330 MOVIE iMYSTERY Pool BILLY Brily ond Arthur moot tho In mortr tor Dongor 1m protty gm ot dioco but northor known thoyro 255 VIE ADVENTURE 86Tz HOUSE Hoovovtotto modtym stockod 138 thowiththoBomDohottondnoonoincludtnghor hoo tho hoort to toll hIm Ihot oho Iovu hIm no SlED MAGAZINE moro or no Ion thon ony or tho Othor Dottoo SATURDAY NIGHT OWE Jacqueline Kennedy sued Look magazine over planned SoodmgOtSorohBUmo 19798toroKoyLon1 WMBIIDIM THE LOVE BOAT V° publication of portions of Wil liam Manchesters Death of Yho Mon Who Lovod Wornon Storo DoYId President MOVIE COMEDWDRAMA° Boroottno 1970 Doylo Cothryn Domcm Dtttoront OIrt Storo Grout Ooodovo Booo Armstrong Oh My Ach Secondary combustion chamber Heavy plate steel construction North Barrie Pluto Boyfield St 7374662 An idea Canada is warming up to