Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1979, p. 15

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the examiner Thursday Aprll 1979 15 teleVision guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 to ca NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nec NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 Ii HATTYTOWN TALES 655 Ii WRITE ONi 700 DATING GAME CHIPs TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO GONG snow an PRICE IS RIGHT 730 HOCKEY Boston Bruins vs Bultalo IOS NEWLYWED GAME DANCE FEVER FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE Guests Leslie Robin Ion Cathy Lee Irwin Carol Pulley and Brian Nathe Lance and Jeanne Shinkle Sandra Il $83198 BEAUTY CONTEST IE THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS Measure lor Measure Shakespeares dark comedy ol seduction and deceit at the court at Vienna Canadian Kate Nelligan plays the her oine Isabella whose Vllltle is impenlled by the ocnte Angelo hrs 30 mins BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 06 BARNEY MILLER tn THE CHISHDLMS One at the Chisholms horses 15 stolen In Illinois by Lester Heckelt Charming schemer who has romanced elder daughter Bonnie Sue The two older brothers Will and Gideon ride alter him whilethereslolthelamilypushon Stars Robert Preston Rosemary Harris Pt II olalour part ies60 mins MORK AND MINDY Mork turns him eell Into romantic old gentleman to Court Mindysgrendmotheroutotherbluoscausedby the death at one ol her lew remaining peers R1 historically speaking MR HORN DavidCarradinestereeethe tronlier ligure Torn Horn whoeecolourlul Wild West career encompassed the capture ol the legendary Apache warrior Geronimo in the tmaanderoughandreedyturnolthecentury tile as Wyoming bounty hunter Part 01 roart series 80 mins HARRIS AND COMPANY mail man who wenlslo bee rock star nnde waitress who is stealing money lrom the cash register eproblemslor Mike Harris 60 mine H5 MOVIE SUSPENSE Jack of Dlemgnga 1967 KING OF KENSINGTON Worda and Music Lerry takes poem that Guido has written to couple at songwriters tor aproleseioneloprnlon Whenthasongbecomes big hit It looks like they have successtully ten II end Larr blames himselt DELTA ilOUSE 900 Lou GRANT on HAWAII FIVEO Singaporeisthe aceneasSieve McGerrettChrelolHewaiiFwe tires to Identity and bag heroin smuggler In hopes ol clearing the name ol no lees person age than the Governor 01 Hawaii Guest star lone PrinCI al hrs CANASIAN EXPRESS BARNEY MILLER LIVE IT UP TEAM SHOWDOWN 930 CARTER COUNTRY ma ol Chrel Roys constant bullying Mayor Teddy takes up the art 01 sell delense and ends up In hilarious lwith the Christ SOAP The wedding 01 Corinne Tate and Timothy Flolsky who has given Up the priesthr ood is disrupted in shocking manner by the groom mother 1000 THE DUKE Robert Conrad stars as Duke Ramsey onceranked middleweight boxer whose loss to younger lighter corn vinces him to hang up the gloves and become invesli ator Jomed In Progress is DAL ASBobbythrnkshehashitthe IackpotinLasVegaswhenherunsIntoGaryhIs missing brother and Lucys lather and con vrncoshimtoralurntothelamilyranch inTexas ole two art episode 60 mins DOCT RS PRIVATE LIVES dramatic series about the personal and proles aional lives at two lamous heart surgeons and the crises they lace In and outside 01 the hosoi tal Stars JohnGavinEdNelson Premiere60 BSBARNABY JONES LESMALADIESPROFESSION NELLES Avec la parIICIpatIon du docleur AlbertNanteIdeMIcheIChertrandeldeCemlle SNEWS UPDATE 65 NEWS 1001 BARETTA 100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTv NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE COMEDY Top ka 1964 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 8THE TONIGHT SHOWHosI Johnny Carson Guest SherillKatherineCrumbley 90 III CBS LATE MOVIE cor Potter Hawkeye and Mom Burns are all returninglroma medicalconlerenceWItthadar at the wheel when they realize that they are hopelessly lost Ft MCCLOUD Three Guns For New York Stars Dennis Weaver Can MOVIE DRAMA One or fit Alrcratt ls Mleslng1ur STREET TALK QUESTION PERIOD 11245 LIFE AT STAKE outlawsteem Problem Soon alter the blastoil ol Apollo 13 one at the spacecralts Oxygen tanks blows up and Its crew ol three unprepared tor the un precedentedtechnical torture and travelling at 6000m1lesanh0urlrghtstobringthecraltback to earth 60 mins 1150 MOVIE MYSTERY The Movle Murderer 1910 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURE arocIeer MOVIEHORRORPa Count Yor eVam lre1970 1210 MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA The Allelr1974 100 OTOMORROW 130 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 145 MOVIEHORROR In Dr Jekyll and Slstgrwde 1972 In MEDICAL CENTER 300 MARCUS WELBY MD 400 In BEWITCHED today in history pril 1070 Gcorgcs Jacqucs Danton onc oi the lcadcrs of thc lrcnch Revolution was guillotincd by Robcspicrrcs cxtrcmisl party 183 years ago today in 1791 In thc carly days of thc rcvolu lion whcn rcvolut ionarics crc bchcading royalty and abolish ing rcligion Danton and ltob cspicrrc had bccn collcagucs But as thc Itcign of Icrror swcpt thc country Itobcspicrrc bcgan killing off rivals to his lcadcrsliip charging thcm with trcason Itobcspicrrc himsclt dicd on the samc guillotinc 11 months lalcr ltiJl Thc Maytlowcr sailcd on its first rcturii trip from Plymouth to England 1111 volcanic cruption followcd by tidal wavcs and whirlwinds killcd 12000 pIoplc at Sumbawa Island Indoncsia 1x111 Josc San Martin drovc thc Spanish from hilc ltllx lhc iciinaiis laun chcd thc sccond grcat attack III thc 1018 oftciisivc barries stog April ttlliti ily policc patrolch ncw bcal as lhcy ushcrcrl 1100 ptl sons into cntral ollcgialc canadas story Zigsag Railway Brokc PEI Railway building was slow to develop in Canada It was expensive to provide transportation for small populations over huge area Furthermore water transportation was relatively good and economical By 1850 the LS had built more than 9000 miles of railways but there were only 66 miles of track in Cana da The Canadian government thcn meeting in Montreal decided to stimulate railway building by guaranteeing loans not over six pcr cent for any railway that ran for more than 75 miles This stimulant was intoxicating Railways wcrc built all over thc place Many of thcm began somcwhcrc but endcd in the woods Even small communities got into thc business Port Hope borrowed 3750000 Cobourg and Branttord $500000 and Brockvillc $100000 The Maritimcs were not part of Canada then but thcy also raised money from other sources to get into the railway boom Nova Scotia and New Brunswick wcrc enticed to join Canada in 1867 by the promise of railway from Montreal to Halifax British Columbia got similar dcal in 11171 Prince Edward Island hcld back from Confcdcration and dccidcd to build its own railway Thc Ilousc of Asscmbly in Charlottctown passcd the necessary act on April 1871 but thc contract was badly drawn Thc contractors wcrc to bc paid 5000 pounds pcr milc but the cxact routc was not spcciticd Ihc rcsult was that thc railway was built to includc as many communiv tics as possible and thc total milcagc was far grcatcr than had bccn planncd Princc Edward Island was soon brokc Sir John Macdonald scizcd thc opportunity to pcrv suadc thc island to join Canada at last by offcring to pay thc dcbt Thc lcdcral govcrnmcnt also promiscd to opcralc Icrry scrvicc bctwccn thc island and thc mainland So Princc Edward Island thc Cradlc of Confcdcra lion became part of Ca ada in 11173 OTHER EVENTS ON APRIL 1669 King Louis of France arrangcd baby bonus plan for Canadian families having morc than 10 chil dren 1831 Mail couricr was robbed bctwccn Kingston and York Toronto 1832 Brockvillc was incorporatcd 19011 Edmonton arrangcd to install dial tclcphoncs 1958 Ripple Rock inScymour Narrows BC was blown up by worlds largest nonratomic explosion hillsdale by Ruth Lea 8352311 On Thursday cvcning thc Hillsdalc Wl Branch wcrc gucsts of thc IIbcncycr branch Thcy all rcportcd good lllllt Mr and Mrs Johnny Itumlilc enjoycd holiday in Jamaica alliston Jean Hand 4355378 Our prayer and gotwcll wishes go out to the sick one in Stevenson MH namely Sandy Ellis Devina rchtcr Violct ¥AA uhu neighborly news Haddock and Allan liatimcr and othcrs not known Wc arc plcascd to know that Lucy Iiudlow is in hcr honic again on QUccn St Shc had spcnt scvcral wccks in Hospital and 1th1 was at thc homc ot hcr daughtcr in Toronto Lucy is using walkcr but it will bc sonic limc yct bclorc shc is ablc to gct mobilc again stroud by Mrs Campbell 4361084 Mrs John owan spcnt cw days last wcck with her sistcr and brothcrinlaw Mr and Mrs Harry Arlslcy Mr and Mrs Andrcw owan Grant and Allen Visitcd with Andrcws cousins Mr and Mrs Milchcll and family auditorium tor lhc annual varicly show prcscnlcd try thc Barrio Iolicc Association World famous artists along with coiiipaialitcly Ilt discovcrics wcrc llltIlltItll In show that had pltiistllL quality and somcthiiig tor cvcryoncs tasti Mr and Mrs iainct McICachcrn thcir daughtcr Nancy 11 and son John tlt in Kilchcncr to rcccivc tivc awards from lhc anarhan Horsc Shows Association Illt Ifiqucstrian Ifcdcralion ol anada Following two yiclorics ll liitario public spcaking con tcsls It ycar old Joanni iarvcy gradc 12 studInl at St Joscphs High School was to carry Iiarrics hopcs In liiial conlcsl in liIiIkcs Falls May and In Allislnn zoning snag stood in thc way ol tomIns ln st itulc plans priviously approv cd to cnlaigc lhc Alliston Iubhc Library as cciilcnnial projcct in which lhc Iloiiiiiuon provincial anrl local govcrn mcnt would cach providc tlurd ot thc iiIoIiIy lllllllltli at about Silicon Gordon Ilyslop was to bc iii stallcrl as prcsidciil ot lhc ncw ly tornicrl llarric branch ot thr Army and Navy and Air Vclcrans Association In anada llic ccrcinony was to lakc placc at hcadrpiartcrs ol thc Itlrt ssocialion on High St strong prolcsl against thi dccision of thc Liquor ontrol lloarrl planning coiuiiiiltcc op posing thc cstablishnicnt ot rclail oiitlcl at Angus was bcing Iorwarrlcd from IIssa Iownship Totiiicil to Ilowncr Mll llultcrin Snncoc lhc rcsolution was movcrl by ouncillor Iicrl Itoss sccolldcd by ouncilloi Kcn Blanchard and passcrl by lhc council at its April mccling Mrs Campbell 4873201 JoAniic and Jcnnitcr Marr shall spcnl thc winlcr brcak with thcir grandmothcr Mrs John Iorric in Durham Mr and Mrs Ilarry Ilughcs Kathy and Kenny visich Harrys mothcr in Napancc during winter brcak Mrs Allan Goddard of Kit chener spcnt wreck Vlllll Mr and Mrs Eaton Annells Mr and Mrs icoigc Caldwell Hugh and Kevin Mrs Ewen Caldwell anrl Mr and Mrs Jim Caldwell visitcd with Mr and Mrs Al lrumblcy and tamin in lhornbury on Sunday March 21 The Doctor Says Heart adiusts gradually Hy IAll II ItlIIIJC MI Dear Dr ltublc do wish you could say something to help my husband just know he is bcing killcd by his lricnds Ilc had heart attack few months back Ihc doctor tclls Inc it is mild and theres no reason hc cant rcsumc normal activitics within limits But sincc hc got home from thc hospital hes been dclugcd with his triciids who givc him all thc scarc storics about thcir hcart at tacks and how it ruincd thcir sex lives clc Isnt lructhat tlic hcart hcals itsclt atlcr an in taiction If hckncw that think hcd bc bcttcr oil Mrs ll Iob had lricnds likc that too somctimcs wondcr who comcs out of hcart attack worsc thc paticitl husband or his witc know that might bc vicc vcrsa but it usually sccuis to bc thc husband who gocs into thc poslrcoronary shcll lhc niosl lsuspccl too that most of his bcarcrs of bad tidings wcrc in his position oncc and it was thcir tricnds who carricd lhc bad ncws to them It is you and not thcy who arc corrcct hcart attack is scrious mattcr but whcn thc hcaling proccss is quitc coin plctc tull rcsumption of ac tivity is allowcd lhc hcarl adjusts gradually and onc is lcft with prctty rcliablc organ so long as one trcads thc IIIIItIIt ground bctwccn say foolish activity and iiiodcratc activity ncc thc doctor gavc him lbc goahcad hc can go ahcad Iapc this to his shaving mirror and hc might gcl thc hint Icar 111 ltublc Will pound of food causc pound ot wcight gain It will tciuporarily lhat BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby andiAlanVVSAontVag is it you eat pound of ham burgcr and got on the scale youll obviously weigh pound more than before But will it put on pound of body tissuc wcight No The wcight of food cannot bc cquatcd with tho wcight of body tissuc That is thc old story of calorics in thc food versus the calorics cx pcndcd It takes 3500 extra ca lorics to add onc pound of body wcight It you took in 7000 ca Iorics day hcavcn forbid and cxpcndcd only 3500 ca lorics at work youd gain pound day ovcr thc long haul Succcsstul weightloss programs arc bascd on simplc arillunctic likc this car lr ltulilc have heard from timc to time that animal dander is frcqucntly causc of allcrgy to thc point whcrc sonic pcoplc cannot havc animal pcts Just what is dandcr l112 Dandcr arc tiny skin par ticlcs shod by animals Its comparablc to human shcdding of normal skin ordinarily not visiblc Ilcar llr ltublc am 57 and stoppcd having pcriods about thrcc ycars ago Last moiilh had onc much to my surprisc What would causc this doubt this was pcriod and suggcst you bc cxamincd promptly Any blccding attcr mcnopausc should bc in vcstigalcd lcat Dr ltublc have bccn told that it takc one tcaspoon of applc cidcr and two tcaspoons of blackstrap molasses it will kccp my hair from turning gray Is this truc and could this causc sonic othcr ailiiicnt 311sfll Wont hurt wont hclp Must taslc awful Playing losers on losers VKJIOSEGS 052 0A Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Most textbooks advise when holding 4441 distri button to open the su1t be neath the singleton This makes it more convenient to show the three suits in an economical bidding way South had strong seven card suit and he simply bid game on his second turn The opening lead of the spade eight was ducked to Easts queen It was obvious to declarer that the king of spades was behind the ace He also had sure diamond loser and unless the queen of hearts fell singleton or doublcton that would be the setting trick East returned trump at trick two to dummys single ton icc Declarcr then cm barkcd on line of play which cffcctivcly switchcd his loscrs IIc intended to lose club trick but no diamond tricks and only one spade trick Declarcr played club to his ace at trick thrcc cashed the king of hearts to leave the queen outstanding and played diamond to the ace in dummy He next led the queen of clubs from dummy and when East played low pitched his diamond loser West won this trick with the club king West returned the spade deuce Declarer was not tempted to finesse He took the ace of spades and cashed the jack of clubs discarding his spltdc loscr Declarcr lost one spadc one club and one heart Hy losing his 105ch in thc right places he had limited them daily crossword ACROSS 44 06 49 BY mouth lltngiil tilJ Bandlcadm Sitilfillllilii Arnaz 53 liirtms Writrnii Irllllt linsliillri Drorn 54 Chiy 12 Passed away 13 Norse dun 14 Hawaiian Instrument 15 Itll parabli t7 Biennium Otl IF Atrll iiity I9 5llihq tililyw tint Attend lIi Cris Ilii mi lllllrill ship rlllill 2T Relay 23 Swamp In pd dyrrt 24 Put rini Il 63 HSllgrliy sight lllIlltI 27 Dilttlmr 29 FarrIrma DOWN 32 Tm Contour IIUIIIIIIIIIIY 31 irlr mi WWI Invawii It wrls Ono Hiii SIIIIIH 36 OIIIIIlwgIIlIi 37 mm 38 HIIIIII it VIA 39 Wlltlllllllllli Tllllt wantm Drinwsii irnmal mags IIII Oct Inc1 4i Coloraux MIllllliilil ltlllll Tool praymr 42 uniIts przsliiru tiriirvl Sham 56 Vital Jurimt NM Mapwys AIISWlfI to Previous Puzzli 35 lcwclur weight 40 Pitiltil 43 Sea duct 45 Tibetan capital 46 Ready mooty 47 Qty Ill Utah 48 Detcnsc or IIIIzitirin illlllll 5t Iwclvcinriritb 51 innqstir iirl It HIIWIIIIIIII Ilistriiinlnits trim1y I6 UlliIIrIl wds 701mm tar 22 lllltfiilgtlltJ 24 Put out UI Sittlll trtlitti 26 tall autumn 78 Human Irvor 30 titliws old 11 Avril blend limit train 52 insult Incl IIIIIVIII 55 Bond 15 April 1979 Tighter bonds can be drawn this coming year with those you love or those you teel play an important role in your lite Mutual benefits will be derived ARIES March 21April 19 You have marvelous way 01 many aging Situations and people today without anyone getting rutlled or knowing youre pull ing the strings TAURUS April 20May 20 This is an excellent day to lie all Winthrop THIS I9 MY New AUTOMATIC COFFEE Short Ribs HEAR YEHEIIRYEANWE KNOWI116 THE WHEREAWUT loose ends together and bring projects to close Your sell tultillment will spur you on to greater things GEMINI May 21June 20 The diversion youve been looking tor could happen today and give yOU the opportunity to kick up your heels little It should be tun day CANCER June 21July 22 Youll tare better with your material attairs today it you deal directly with the top man Avoid intermediaries it possi ble LEO July 23Aug 22 Go in expecting to win and there isnt any challenge youre not up to meeting today Some 01 the solutions youll come up With Ii rung cit1 NE THEWARE CCVWbEr THE GTEQAESARE COMING will surprise you VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Take advantage of others being in your corner and Supporting you all the way today The material problem thats been bu ing you can now be worked out LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Some thing may happen today to give you better perspective on an issue important to you SUC cesstul negotiations can now begin SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Ac tions youll take today will call torth tavorable attention trom persons who are in position to help you careerwise SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your popularity is at high point today Youll be the cen JUéT POUR 60ME HOT WATER IN HERE AND IN TWO MINUTE WELL HAVE PERFECT AMI Quail INFORMATION ginning np HAVE THE TEEASUPE 56 STEPS LEET MAP MEMOlZED FPOM THE SKLLL SHAPED ROCK WALETATE AND MlNLév THE ETERAL TAKEbm 53S€SS56 iKEscfliPnON WHAT THE sTRoNcaEsr PAIN REUEVER CAN BUY Nagpur AQIKIN NORTHERN STATIONERY can our new Hswiper 1U Away Cw om Flo Nonmp inflate Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service 29 Dunlop St 7373860 ANYTHle FANCIER EOUNDINC ouT or Pr no MAYBE ID BETTER HAVE ANOTHER THREE APPENDIXES You REMOVED THIS MORNING AND You CANT GET AN OLIVE THE BOTTLE II Bernice Bede Osot ter 01 attention whether the group is large or small CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 The pieces will lit neatly to gether today You should be able to make Change youve been contemplating that will have an effect on your family AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 11 you have time to think things through you can come up with solutions both lair and gener ous to those with whom youre dealing Dont be rushed into decision PISCES Feb 10March 20 Be cause you have the inner resolve today you can com plete task that had bogged down others giving you the Drize to take home THINKW 0151 ME THE NEIGHmIOGD HIGHQLIMP OR WAS IT 56 lT ALSO COMES WITH FANCIEK on Tram£9 45 VERY EFFICIENij ALWAYS MANAGES 1b 66 OUYSHOPPIN WHEN FLO mp5 IN

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