mlgn magon on horg Clinics Showmanship Hy HELEN MASON One of the difficulties horseback riders face when prepar ing for competition is trying to visualize themselves as the judge sees them IlIST TIMI I5 pm Ilighlairiil IilIllll Metluii This year the Midland Branch of Georgian College is of fllfll Irutkil IHINUIII JACK DUFFY JOE HARRADINE fermg several einics to help riders interested in competing lfm $315 In the hunterJumper ring dropped in at Canter Tall for it Hummer idnh L¢IAZIIIIIIlZ one of he first Clinics Friendly nge Joins Neier ltriisliirl Iioiigheed Don Betts anter all chief instructor is talking to his ï¬llghliQka gldm LllflM ml swim Egnlï¬rgall Flat 3R No PlerkllISflild mm mm memoir iimis IT IS AlSO OUR THIRD BIRTHDAY SO THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE SAID N0 lIMIT T0 SAVINGS In It 00 mg 931 19 says your ti Sliizmii liilenlii Hlltlltlill lass horses looking oriA haveuteri ii1ti WA °° 4l I5 SriiokeSprite lJNklIJIl Wandailoliiislon lliitlitlgi Experience at top I1Ulitt iit Ilttil IIIIISIiti with ill to llll lIlLlJIlLIGHTNING It tiiidniann iiunt loriiii IlllLtlitll Betts experience With the tanadiaii Equestrian learn at lil2irN tum lf oairAiimiii ltrmr Pan American Games in 1975 his work with 3T1liNltilllJHl returni NINIIIItIriIItt rgitniizssmr Chinguaeousy Country Club in 1974 Seneca ollege in 1973 34213 ilkifumzlï¬li llTliffllllf the anadianlkessage Team in Municli year earlier and ti iiiistitiitxiiiicxuii ii tiiiiniimimii It siioztmtiomri ltriioksJi Elderberry Hill Farm between 197072 taught him how im sinusssiioiiy minitwini skippii Kit lo llrlwanls Tlllltlilt IZ IIIIIISTIHI histitliirk Spinks 000 gortanltllt lstodhdb01hh0l3 anfd Lidor 1005 fhtn befll l7llillNKlr2 Jones ltaniliriilgi Mttliire uring ieau iovisua review mornings ootage ie tilthlIlti io liIIIttll Itgmllrel it iiinrii II Joked mm hisstudents ogwm or ggtlgil Moi Commercial Great for Cottage Bedrooms or Faniily Room 155 onu didnt believe me did you he comments as he ll l1lw bilslxillilt llopltieltllilitllA imiis paints out the rounded shoulders and drooping head of one ti wit iiiriiitkiiiy ii Ktldtttmflt it2iii int to Hi MIN1313 particularilvslouchynderl ltoekytaslner ll lurilii Ill fllhllgt Jones lIIslinii Mttliiri HurtHRlrflltlnll Rutledge Isldlehalbmli She gaspso and mnedlmlo ItilltlllltlIZll1IIIIZSJio lI lttillll llltill 0U at MthlKlN it ltmlkin itiveliiiglil ll Young Other riders quickly become aware of their defective posi lliï¬lllltittll Ii law iIiriiiimiiiiiio llltlltrt it llll onr not It true ert trons cocked heads curved spirits rigid bat ks le gs aim Rm Mu mm Sunmnmm Mm fr om the horse ssides ioiiitiiiiiirii Foolish liltllill5lit tirimi All become painfully obvious when filmed and played sigiiiiiwjiAiiiiAr Firmtuitii back to the horrified riders 315 3333 31311411 IllS iioin EDGE tt And something else is obvrous+the eVidcnt improvement MMHIHIHLH Ilic lumris now have afteronlyonemorningotthe clinic lftlJtster iltilt seven point edge over second gto ok place Apollos in the Barrie IlFlllltH lllll Neer l00k d0 Inmnlrrllllï¬ Ht WWW ltowltiaiiia Junior to pin bowl Remember your three point contact seat knees Nrrriiizsiiiiitii ii illillllltllll iiig league to third place are welcome renlinas national mad the Mdlald branch Of Georgia ONES Slxclillws ssiiii st oiinj lloiie airline litasljhad to suplilenient HM HF itsdziily flights lll Buenos Welcome to BARBECUE COUNTRY AT THE NATIONAL HOME SHOW Youll see the best selection of Gas Barbecues youll find anywhere in our booth and in all our stores Choose from the big beautiful Broilmasters the exciting new Canadiana Barbecues and the famous Falcon Mark Instantstart full flame control Permanent coals ensure the tantalizing charbroiled flavour you want Our Natural Gas Barbecues can be permanently postmounted in lawn or patio or portable on can with connector hose to gas line Propane Barbecues are com plete with cart regulator and 20Ib cylinder We sewice allNatural Gas Barbecues we sell PRICES START AS LOW AS MORE GAS AND ELECTRIC SPECIALS LAUNDRY PAIRS SPEED QUEEN AMBASSADOR GUS Dryer BG TOO MuIti cycle timer permocole drum White Reg $355 00 SPECIAL it SPEED QUEEN AMBASSADOR Electric Washer Ao lOO Budgetpriced ptochcoldesrgn White Reg $47500 SPfClAt will set LAi AistArAiiAEi rI woti 01 um Uighur fuilflll LUXURY GAS RANGES ENTFPPRIST 24 model 72xAiilt HARDWICK GAS RANGE PKN 963 6300 help the examiner Wednesday Aprll 1979 WE HAVE ovn INDUSTRIAL HOME CARPETING CORNER OF ST VINCENT BELL FARM RD raceway entries IIll1l IIIII lttiti VIIIOI IIl ValliIt Savings up to 30 calves Betts voice can be heard over the tape the calves Tlllllt£ll Ijxl the Stars llit followed by IU should beagainst theliorse at all times rwmï¬um Wm lonies 109 Trotters lllIlll ne rider looks down to check her foot and leg position sciioiitisiiitiiiii it imixiii lacers slit Meieuiys 170i and HARQIA and neglects to straighten up ilélrtlrlrzalrlonllj Hm Panthers ititti DOOR szEs Never look down corrects Belts When vou look hlallllslltiltln imm 5x VISA ahead you plan ahead oeus between the horse ears ltiit iiiisiioii iiiiim Hulk 313RlRgtllll SHOP AT HOME Stude do an mok FlttWlllthFlHVh Lin of gradually mpro as shout Irwlift up Idnwmmm TM Mums mm Mum America 90 DAT N0 INTEREST and Ldlgt cure around the horse Several lengthen their mnlnmm HUM pmmmfl Argommw mm cor stirrupstogiveadeeperseat for flatwork foiiutxdrr pmi lmmu md hm or TheV look great until Belts calls for transition from itilliliit It iiloiiww mmmgi £0th Im lllllll tiiiir trot back toa walk Then shoulders droopand batks round INKHHLMN crmsmg nunmws saw the If you re seriotis about showmg your hunter this year Sliinnlm Irmuon gnurmmm mun grown dont miss Don Belts next clinic on April 22 28 and 29 Wm SI EVTII It lI lll Ii Iioo 574 Il IlI Ilutloii 111 Ind Town HUN Deluxe Champion Deluxe Charm ion mm Coliseum Exhibition Park TorontoApril 14 Tour the model home TOUCH OF CLASS 79 Sm all the excrting Natural Gas and tltiflC appliances selected for the home from our stock then VISIT the Consumers Gas booth for the latest in gas and OlQCTTlC appliances on sale at Home Show prices there and in our G08 Company Stores WHITEWALLS o54oo WHITEWALLS 52pm Lin LITUAIQI 1it lila 50 SERIES 95 oosnils MW mm CLASSY srissv CAVALLINO Ecrnouic tunaUP STEEL BELT RADIAL Programmed overicookmg tutt20 overt limwtoprtioriceoutlel White Will ill Reg $429 00 SPTCIAL Ml CHAMPION Colour $10 00 extra $3375 $335 $4335 SERVICES BAan lll BY RESTONES 30 range of deluxe quality and features Programmier cook and hold oven system Reg 5579 00 SPECIAL on it REFRIGERATORS Electric INGLIS SUPERB i7 cu JT74100 HAS 155 lb copacfly in freezer separate 9919f door Porcelain crispers many more features Reg $649 00 No extra charge for colour except where noted leI It Charge your purchases onri mstaiiotiori N0 down payment up to ears to pay in installments Oh you monthly gas out Out stores are slowed wtth those appliances at Home Show speuut prices good until April or while your lusts See out complete line of gas and ctectnc appliances dishwashers air conditioners at very compennve DIICBS mlCleOV OVODS all ClOOfIOIS UN much room ConsumetsGas I65 FERRIS IANE BARRIE 7266558 NATIONWIDE WARRANTY AT 172 flRESTONE COMPANYOWNED STORES COASTTOCOAST saw BRAKE SERVICE SPFClAL Ir tr to FOR 35 EVERY CAR Hit NAMl NllrlANfl BID VALUT ll€l ow IRONT Disc BRAKE SERVICE Tilanon wiiiwr ititi iitiiiiiiim lll ll TillA 88 Dunlop St Barrie Prim 7266585 Sittttoiv RAVMENT PL AN STORE HOURS 830 to 430 Mon to Thurs 83010 900 Friday WE USE MOST CARS CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT