the examiner Wodnmday Apr 929 Itt Rangers to in fot in Wales toiiierciice Ilitllt IH III Hi oiris Iliiision Sniytlii liisioii Illtltyli ix Ir so 74 in Moiirial iii to II IJi lit lll aiitoiiycr 13 Ittlsiiti git ltus nc ll ii II no JHI 77 olniiiilo it to Washington to 31th Lo o1 Iiiisilay Iiiso it Itlttlt to iii on St lslaiidlts xftdtlli ilatlis Itiyision kashiiigioi mph Huston 11 ll lot 23 SOT Iitstiiiigfi st Lot Huftalo 37 If Int Jll it Vanioiinei otoimli Toronto If 53 ill 7k Ilfllitsiila thief it IIIIIItsiIII Islanders Phila NUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS CALLING ALL CARS SPRING SPECIALS SPRING CHECKUP sgorting note Tube forum for sports gab By lII IlIIIIII if The Eyauiiiier Hold that cuereard straight Makeup makeup Its hot under the bright lights of television The crew rushes about getting ready for air time and the guests just sit and bake while the techs check sound levels and watch for the glare front baliiig pales So it was that Garry Forbes and found ourselves last night as guests of Messrs Steve ripps Iohn rawley and Grant Wade at the studio of able Eight lelevisioii The subject for discussion on Sports Forum as the hour long effort is known was natural fora phone in show in hockey town like Barrie NHLWIIA expansion 10K mergert and ramifications thereof think the IIIA should have stayed in league Ity themselves one caller offered Evening starts in earnest Baldeidash says and the evening started in earnest lwcntyone teams is far too iitaiiy for professional hockey at this stage of the game there cant be much doiiht aboiil that since lTteanis was too many What could and should happen is that the four teams ad mitted to the NHL last week ill become strong franchises while sortie of the weaker younglings die off The WHA teams are going to come into the league like other expansion teams did weak says someone else Not so says With the draft arranged as it is there will he fairly equal exchange of players The WIIA teams wont be raped by the stronger NHL teams and they will have chance to stay competitive It was lively hour and some of the callers were knowledgeable and direct Wise words from coach iie gentleman Legion Minor Hockey League coach for five years said he learned more from coaching than he was teaching Wise words and how many coaches feel that way Not many Im stire Eventually the discussion reached the topic that concerns most folks who love hockey violence Hooli thltlrISIIl IS trademark of many hockey clubs these days Dave Tiger Williams of the Toronto Maple Leafs was named just one of many who fulfill special role in hockey Mr Wade itotcd there it as day when players who acted the role of enforcer on team were also good skaters slimters and goalscorers The problem goes further than that however and the change came when the professionals learned how to slow the game so they could keep pace Its spread to minor hockey as with everything the pros do and thats piohleiii Which do you change first The minor leaguers who should be learning skating and passing instead of body crunching Or do you cajole the pro teams into changing their game by insisting on better play against national squads from foreign countries Tune in next week 730 in ahle Eight nhl standings 53 Ill Ii 17 17 Ki Lott If 2K in It till 74 oiifeieiicc Diiisioii 4HI514iHlltiJllt it I5 1574 oiiiglit IlLlIllt it Detroit at Moritrrat Mtntilsota chitago Hostoii loioiito iiiipliclf Patrick SERVICE SPECIAL EXPIRES MAY 3179 Includes iii2 it iv 31 lv jit 30 tce may or at 91 wriet GUARANTEED pm 90 DAYS 0R NT EQOOWLES I71255221 HE OIL AND FILTER Dale Crouter of Alliston Marauders sweeps past Peter Reino Hustlers Stu Reynolds during the third game of their Simcoe County Mens Intermediate Basketball League championship series at Edgar Tuesday Led by Crouters 23point performance Marauders won the game 7365 Examiner Photo by David Burcsik Marauders extend basketball series llistoii Marauders scored iii victory UI leter Reiiio Hustlers Iucsday lll IIdgar to eteiid their Simcoe oiirity lciis Interiiimliatc Basketball League championship series at least one more gatin Hustlers had an opportunity to gain the title after winning the first two matches of the best of fiyc series but game Marauders squad oycrcaiiic l7 halftime deficit and built tip solid lead top scorer for the winning team was llale tiouter with Lljl points leaiiiriiiate Hen Kaimiere was second best shooter ith 22 poiiils Hustlers Iikc IttVtI led his squad with 13 points followed by Neil McBride with six Marauders were missing one of their most potent scorers Mark Slater who Is sidelined with an ankle injury Iourtli game of the series is scheduled for lhursday at Itaii ting leiiiorial High School lltll die to strike llllttlltlll at the school the location may lime to bcchaiigml Rec league announces teams The Harrie and Ifistrict Recreational Fastball League announced entrants for the ttlTEi schedule following recent iitgtillltllltitltll meeting at ieotglaiiollcgc The league decided to adopt ii game schedule which will include tarrie Iiictighleis Lfhain Ll Ieao AIIIIISI Replace LINCOLNMERCURY SALES LTD 81 ESSA RD How you get here is your business how you leave is ours DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUG 2222 Road Test Vetiiclo Most Passenger Cars and tight Iiiit lo Simcoe Hotel Molsons tittoii anpliis Hotel Fisher Stoves Harrie Merchants and tlptiiiiists Two new entries Lillltll Farm IHtlltlittttlit and Uni were also accepted at the leagues final organizational meeting TUNE Motuv raft iivtiii it ILI AUTOMATIC IRANSMISION 38 TUNEUP Aotomalii Initiationsioii IUHIIII Ioilveitei lif itiiiip pied Wllil drain pliiqi Fliiirf pick tip at iioii Air Bieathii If on eoiiippcdi Bands Linkage Pan gasket and fluid CALL OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT THEYLL KEEP YOU GOING DIAL DISCOUNT 7285558 BARRIE 2925 Two US varsity awards Laycock earns college honors Harrie native Mike Laycock has heeii named the 1071i reci pieiit of two of Brown lliiiversi tys major hockey awards The university located in Providence It and ineiiiher of the Eastern ol leges Athletic Conference aii nounced this Week that Laycock has heeii awarded the Tharlcs Lanigan Memorial and liarles Robinson trophies IIach award is presented an tiually to graduating member of the vaisity team The Robin son award is giver to the player with the highest academic average and the Lanigan trim is awarded to the player ex hibitiiig the most improvement over his varsity career Laycock will graduate in June with degree in iiiatheinal ical economics Itarrie resident Itave Roberts was also standout on frowns Hoffmans heroics spoiled as midgets battle to 66 tie Mike Hoffman was both the riero and the villain in Iues lays ntario Minor Hockey Association playoff game bet ween Harrie Hell aiiaila Minor Midgets and Stratfoid at HaiTie arena Hoffman led Harries scoring with three goals and an assist including goal which gave the home taam ti read with 59 remaining in the game Hut short ly after his go ahead sports goal Hoffman was spotted for ciossrchecking infraction Stratfoirl then pulled their goalie for two man advantage and tied the game with 2r seconds left in the game The teams failed to settle the tie III in minute oveitiiiie period evening the HMIIA best of seven championship series at one win and one tie apiece Harrie was down early in the second period Hoffman got Ngrth finishes fourth Local schools fare well Harrie North ollegiatc finished in fourth place at the recent Bliteam Georgian Bay Secondary Schools Athletic Association indoor track and field meet held at llietanadiaii National IIlllillltill grounds lll loroiito North collected total of It points tll liIILk of first place Huron Heights of New market Oro captures YSMHA title Iill link scored what pioy ed to he the winner Ilt Hi the second period to gin liiii Sproiilc lloiiies Haiitaiiis victory oycr Schonilicii iii the recent llftli lIlll tlttltllllt game of their York 5llllttx iiiiiioi hockey association final scrim lark scored one other goal in the game and lireg Hlight rounded otll it Stiiltllt Hick lliser guarded the Hit iict MOST MAKES AND MODELS 350 Oil Rev Dr Doug Rovolle for on appointment APPROVID AUTO RIP II SIRVICI NUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS tltlicis finishing ahead of the North squad were Aliiiaguin ittltlt King tity ilfitli and littllia liisfrict Vocational tollegiatiInstitute Ifioi IIastview Secondary School tciilial tolllcgiatc and Iii iiisdali Secondary School also sent rcprcsciitatiycs to the lllttl llllli collegiate Instituti finished in tiflfi place with no points Sfl collected two first place finishes iii the competition ltli Royals in the senior boys triple jump and Robert lhoiiipsoii iii the junior tioys shot put Roth efforts wcii personal beststoitlieathlctcs aiiilcighl otlici ocoiiiplislml peisoiial bestsiiillieircyeiits lagyii ejshan Nancy OOOQOOOOOOOOO Easy to apply latex does to beautiful flat finish in minutes EX FLAT WALL things going in the host clubs coiiiehack bid and other goals came from Tom Jackson ary WhiteandKellfiiiiiiiiiiigs John Richard on and Wayne Lynn shared the iictiniiiding duties for Harrie receiving 30 shots while their team mates fired Illlat the Stratford goalie Next game in the series is lhursday iii Stiatfoid and next home game for tell Canada is Sunday It in at tarric arena Ihornton lib Mclniiis loiii Fair and Kovacs in the shot put Marie Harvey in the flotiiii run Leali Mclyeown in the Iiiotlin run alerie oiinell in the high jump and Leslie Ietter in the long jump each posted personal marks RULIUNS LUSII flak Ridges edged tiro Lions Atoms in thctirst game of their York Siiiicoc iiiinor hockey association final series played recently at liro Ioiiiiiiumty tciitic lraig Husband was the lone tro goal getter Steve Johnson faced shots in the home team Illl while his team mates fired 29 at the flak Ridges goalie Date and loca tioii of the second game of the series has not yet been an Ilillllltttl OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dont just paint your home Kem INTERIOR 45 gal 0i less varsity squad and will graduate along with Laycock Both players played in the Barrie Minor Hockey Associa tion and are former members of the Barrie olts Brown Bruins head coach Paul Schilling said Laycock is one of the more talented players in the United States He has been real team leader real team player and real asset to Brown 197778 when he earned first team AtlAmcrican AllIvy AllvNew England and AllECAC honors Among his several outstan ding performances of that season included setting an all time Brown record of 62 saves against ornell coming up with 22 saves in the first period against Vermont and 34save game when Brown topped flarkson for the first time in SlLISOII notable junior in Laycock most the schools history in Potsdam came as NY sports ca lenda IIIIIINICSIIAY Hockey xiii phi ISUWIIHIIIVIIIP tangles vs Ienetanguishcne Kings Iourth game of their Ontario Hockey Association semifinal series Ienetanguishene arena Howmanville leads the best olvseven iiiatcliiip twogaiiics toonc tl pant ioderich vs anadiaii iorcis Base Horden Ihird game of their liitario Minor Hockey Association Midget HR final series Andy Anderson arena IIf Horden Series tied onegameapicce Harness Racing thfi pni Regularly scheduled lllrrace card at Harrie Raceway IIssa Rd iirling Ladies lhird Schedule playoffs continue today through Iriday at llarric turliiigtlub Essa ltd ity Mcns urling League final playoffs continue at Bar ric ountry luh St Vincent St Iennis 730 pm The Forest Hill liiinis liih will meet at the linted lhuich Midhurst not at the Forest Hill school library as originally planned All cspra lownship residents invited to attend IIIIRSIIAY Basketball pint llentalivei Harrie Itlues vs lrillia Panthers Ihird game of their Siiiicoe lounty Mens Recreational Basketball Lcagiic Iici It championship series rillia Iiistrict ollcgiatc Vocational Institute Note strike situa tion at the school may force canccilation or relocation of game urliiig Ladies lhird Schedule playoffs cont hide today at Barrie tuiling lub lissa ltd ity Mciis tiirling League finals continue at Barrie Counr try luh St inccnt St ORILLIA AIR SERVICES LTD 90 BOX 626 ORILLIA our PHONE 705 3256153 Established l949 Licence Private Commercral Ratings Instructors MuftiEngine Instrument Floot Charter Service AIRCRAFT SALES SERVICE RENTALS LEASES OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Latex enamel goes or easily dries quickly to atough washable finish 45 gal OI less Kern on fresh face and give new life to kitchens bathrooms and halls Any wall or ceiling in your homewoodwork too Choose from 1000 Fashion Right colors Paint tools clean up with soap and water IARRIE Guild Cull Corry May 26 27 Word Strut May 27 It Iytlold St North Ali omito itklirf Ill Iy uni iw intill on All Iiit lElil ily lltil In iltl til ll ilttltu Similar savings on KemGlo and KemVelvet Enamel Mu on tea iiJy et no less tam ill be liltifv ivii Iliy Ie ill or sm Llli on net minon Kem is the super quality paint from SherwinWilliams YOUR NEAREST DEALER IS MilWilkins MIDLAND We Contra Oupporton Strut 17 Met Anny