SP7 innQ rultgrgflrfv Ille easi 22 tho examiner Wedneede April 1079 Need help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you at thetinest iob possible mm FIREWOOD PICTURE FRAMING VEILINGA PAINTING and decorating in Work END YOUR PANITING PROBLEMS FOREVERI Install Vinyl Siding Special Spring Discount Soflit Fascia Eavestroughing vinyl Shutters Wont scratch or dent DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINUM 4365645 MWFAIO ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions IOAlliance Blvd Unit 19 7203892 CARPII iNSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates Call 73 2193 cNtMNgt LIANINO CHIMNEYS cleaned built repaired eaves troudting installed roofing and flashing Phone 72695I7 and Construction gt DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 47 Emile St Phone 7266M SHOR TR UN OFFSET COP PRINTING mom COPIES TYPING WDUPLICATING SERVICES 7260955 Am SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooting and rooting repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstroten New Lowell 4244956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7259457 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles mything iiberglass Free estimates Law winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245M VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For tree estimates phone 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and gned Specializing in natural stone and antique brick using beliiires Workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372871 17houses to rent TOWNHOUSE tar rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 776 4338 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes tor rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent reqmred $375 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 776 9636 or 737 7351 NEW THREE BEDROOM house 10mpletely broadloomed lor rent Sunken livingroam With partlatly linish pd basement Also garage Telephone 776 3757 SEVERAL BACHELOR apartments close to downtown Rent ranging $100 to $17 Telephone776 3757 OLDER FOUR BEDROOM two storey brick house Living room newly broadloomed Rent 3300 Telephone 776 3757 BEDROOM downtown With garage utilittes and appliances not included 776 7676alter50 TWO THREE BEDROOM townhouses tor rent near east end plaza Available Ilay1S76trrtonthly First and last man thsrent Nopets Telephone778 6980 POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards YOUT down payment or intormalion call Mr Jarvis 776 6805 74 llourerIce THO BEDROOM hous tor rent nghryay acre 10 Available im mtdately 577 per month Telephone 1416 8817175 THPE BEDROOM house laundry and garage on bus route luliy broadloomed Available immedtatrly $350 month in cludes heat and hydro First and last months 737 7699 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM tor rent central Ioaction cable parking share kitchen andliving roam Telrpllune737 4886 CLEAN BRIGHT modern rooms tor rent Downtown location Parking available Hamilton Realty7371000 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS male only centrally located Share kitchen and washroom tacilities Telephone 737 0688 between or 778 0105 alter ROOMS FOR RENT by the day week or month Linen supplied Downtown area Telephone 778 7445 FURNISHED ROOM tor rent includes lridqe and stave linen changed weekly Close to shopping Private gentleman preterrerl Reasonable Telephone 776 3791 LARGE FURNISHED BEDSITTINC room With telnwsian shade kitchen and washroom lactitles Close To downtown and bus stops Telephone 778 7583 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS available immediately Centrally located Lintn supplied and changed Telephone 776 8358 alter Sp or 778 8484 bdtwtrn 9a rn and ROOM FOR rent centrally located kit chen and parking privileges Working gentleman pretrrrud Telephone 7787 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD lor young gentleman in new budding Lunches packed light washing dnni Central location Parking Abstainrr Tetr phone 778 7568 73Otlices stores tor rent 1700 50 FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 778 l7ntill 7p rn 778 68 alter rrt MODERN OFF 1C1 space tor lease small or large suitis imiriediati or cupilnc short or long term 716 1400 ll Angeloll OFFICE SIACT to rent HaylilId Street downtown various tsilts utilities and parking included all 716 777 days or 737 7349 evenings 7000 50 FT GROUND lloor OIYTP space carpted partitioned air conditioned Angtloll 716 3400 STORE FOR RENT 1700 square lcet parking tacilities tor mort inturrnatIon cat778 187talter Ila rn 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 m1 CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions dry well all masonry needs For quality work call Jack 7204276 or John 7280841 GEMRAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash Ior used appliances Gard 065414 SPRING CLEANUP 0Windows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup ORubbish removal small moving iobs Exterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873 41 Ju7 IIOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun datians renovations odditlons Phone WEEflvw LL WHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelliflg linish work 7769007 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations quar decks bathroom tiling reimms etc Telephone 7261271 now IMrnovsï¬srirsTQJITEK7338 custom work Cali Reid Bldg ltd 7284119 ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and business returns pmth pm 7265718 INCOME TAX lrom your home Prompt pickup and delivery Reasonable Telephone 4361828 PEEONAL TA RNS our specialty As low as $900 Will pick up pm ta pm 73774 FERTILIIING weed spraying mowing sod din edin Viciï¬emstra 7282909 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair eplaces 25mfL2tieglz L59 GOOD MUSIC quite reasonable yours tor the bakiflLCail Li 7784136 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Porvin Guitar Studio 736114897 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned tor home practice Canadian Academy oiMusic 171 Bgytieid 7201799 GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular and rock For further inlormation call Gary 23 offices stores for rent STORE FRONT approximately 800 sq it plus basement tor storage in village 10 miles north at Barrie By the month or lease Telephone 776 847i STORE FOR rent1000 sq it 35 85 per month 11 Cundles Road West Call 778 9151 OFFICE SPACE lor rent in attracttvi downtown budding lndivIduaI ollices only Modest rent Free parking Re ception services and photo copying it required Telephone Miss Tubman 776 9071 74space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE Industrtal space and warehouse Telephone 776 21400 Angelolt WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etr Victoria Street 1590 square tevt truss lease everything included 8475 men thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 778 3051 PRIME iNDUSTRiAL SPACE I000 18000 sq lt luIly sprlnklired transport and light truck loadtng tacks drin in doors 14 it 18 it clear part at large ox panding industrial mall 776 7130 7000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available snitablr tor rrtail manulacturing or warehouseinu Heat and hydro inrluded $600 monthly Baylield Street Telephone Oro Mohlll I08 YJS7008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units Innistil St Jacobs Terrari Short or long term 737 1606 414 1070 WAREHOUSE OP STOPin sparr Two tloors 700 squarr teet iarh uDDrr and lower could be oilicr spare also Enquire at 77 Mary Street Barr Il 75ga rages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month tor repairs washing storage etc Barrie arra Call OroMobileYJ57008 26accommodations to share MAN OR COUPLE to share tour bedroom tarmhousr With gentleman no children Abstainerrs Eimvale area Telephone 377 7I36 RECENTLY EXPANDED household rr wires 51h tenant Large bedroom sun porch All household TaClltlllS Parking Near bus route Very reasonable 778 7856 alter 59 79cottages wanted FOUR BEDROOM cottage wanted to rent in Georgtan Bay Muskokn area With sandy beach and good SNITTIIIIIIH For month of July Phone 716 4337 32 center sale CHECK RUST VIITN RUST CHECK SEVEN working chemicals in specially formulate OIL BASE Complete job for ANY AGE vehicle Mm $4950 VDICLES Dy eppointment only Iusiness 4873220 itey It Slit line between IntelGrille MWFAuIO I978 CHEVELLE MALIBU V6 power steering power brakes automatic ansmissiun air conditioning rear detogger clock $4995 Certilied Telephone 737 7971 alter 730 pm terlor exterior tabllshed 30years PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 guaranteed Es TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satlslactionjuoronteed 725m PANTING PAPER hanging lexperlenced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 txriItIOIt HOUSE PAINTING REPAIRS Order Now for Spring REFERENCES AVAILABLE GARY HANWELL 233 Napier St 7372325 Eddies i426 PAINTERS Ltd Interior and exterior Two year WRITTEN guarantee dissevo brterMexlt Co 7379999 BARKEY PAINTING lnterlor and exterior References available Free reasonable estimates Telephone 7371087 hL ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD liot Asphalt RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Otpllfllt soalirtg °perklttg lots tennis courts ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK patio floor etc EXCAVATING pend peel etc CARPENTRY rem thlsbed ROOFING TREE SERVICE 24 hour service 7261451 S21 PAVING DRIVEVIAYS OPARKING LOTS OCONCRETE WORK All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 32cers for sale 1974 PINTO sliliiri wagon automatic root rack new radial IITIS ixtrn than 46000 miles whimu Timpliimi 778 5187 1975 DODGE COROHI Brougham door buckets AM PM assttin rarlti snows 318 rustpmolnn low nullani A1 condition S7 900 Plum pm 776 7397 1963 DODGE 300 Iron British Coliim bta excellent shape six cylinder stan dard $77535 is Telephone 776 778 THE MUFFLER STOP tau Innisltl Street 1961 ENGLISH FORD liphyl tor parts $100 Goodmntor Telrptioni Thomas 519 966 3078 1966 VOLVO INS manual trlur spurd rebudt motor EuiIlmil running rundi tion Many new parts Needs some body work to frTllf Reasonable MINT 776 5364 I969 MlliTANC l0 H000 ltIIIls 79 plates JTTIIIILI 5850 Telephone 776 7108 alter I966 MUSTANT FASTRACK 789 iuur barrel dual exhausts tour spred Ira bars air sharks nIw paint two lOIl Silvergrey silver mag wiIiels $7500 or best otter Tollphoni hillr Ctr Titled 776 6854 I976 TttUNDL BIRD unused by pri senl larnlly Dil ausv bl illrlisi iiist ill ler Telephone 47 7600 I978 ACCORD lel Irlnkrrl tTlr nly $5695 Call 776 6720sttrr ill In 3775 I977 DATiIJN 5T0 was tTlllild In December Has I979 plates and Is rUIIlI Ing Must 51 Telephone altir 728 5605 I970 CHEVEI LE 55 396 spild Mllnrm transmission post trar rrar end ar Shocks radial tIrrs mag rims $1801 or bestotter 737 5167 ask tor Davi 1967 PONTIAC CATALINA Vii automatir radio Good condition ir titted Tenphoni 778 ottbialterb 75 Chrysler Cordoba cylinder autaiviatic powrr slurring power brakes radio rear window delruster steel beItrrt radial ply tires With rims Rustprooied Copper tricolor with blark Interior and rtntre arm rest Lrtw mittagr Lir No JPW 907 This week only $3595 BARRIC HONDA AUTO SALES 17 Gowan 776 6488 I976 GRAN TORINO 33000 mills it automatic power steering powvr brakes radlo radial tins very loan in excellent condition Certitird Telephone 737 3507 alter I976 HORNII itATCltliAfi 304 V5 ttIrcc speed manual transmission power steering and radio nire Itan tar ready to go KFW 947 Call Steve Gradon Hill HOUSI AMC Jtrp Brad lord Street 776 I711 1974 BUICK CE NTURY Regal tour door vinyl root 350 two barrel nearly new six ply tires power steering power brakes deluxe interior excellent condi lion $1700 or best otlrr Telephone 474 0486 1977 FORD MUSTANG 307 automatic Power steering DOWLI brakes radio New paint and vinyl tap Certilled Phone 474 9870 1977 CHEVY VAN POWER steering automatic good tIrrs new brakes needs bodywork $700 lirm Telephone 418 l08 anytime JUST ARRIVED one oi kind I978 Ford LTD country saiare nlnl passenger wagon all options including air and stereo tape showroom condition Licenses MYSO Only 77000 kilo metres For turltter ditails call Len Birkenshaw Thr Hitctt House AMC lid 167 Bradlord St 776171I I977 TOYOTA COROLLA WOO standard low speed AM radio snows 16000 miles in excellent condition Will cor tily Asking $7850 Telephone 778 4916 WELL MAINTAINED I978 HONDA Accord live speed trans rustproolnd Call 776 6754 alter 30pm I978 TRANS AM 17000 kms months old Telephone 474 1700 local 7377 days 474 6484 or 474 6566 evenings 1969 CHEV 377 automatic power stIer I710 power brake Iadio $700 good rurn lngcondition Telephone7763147 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME automatic blackburgundy Interior hatch root air AMFM track stereo lactory mags excellent condition Cer tilled Must be seen 776 5664 OATES 87 Dunlop St East Custom iromin at all types We stock many sizes Phone 293770 PLA ERING PLASTER REPAIR fancy moulds artistic cell lngs decorative walls apply on plaster or dywall KOGRA Free estimates 776I2 POWER TOOL REPAIR AUTHORIZED Skit Makita Holx er Electric garden too 7233873 TAKE ADVANTAGE at our low spring raol Ing rices Residential commercial 5264 53 collect Fre estimates 953 RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE IILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE No SHANTY IAY ONT Lilli 2L0 PHONE 4473035 WEACTUIBS PLEXIGLAS SIGNS STURETHONT PLYLON SIGNS OILLUMINATEU NONILIUMINATED CUT OUT LETTERS LOGOS RENTALS AVAILABLE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 14o vcsru mm UNIT 7374453 MWFTF SNOW stowmc KARL FORSTL SNOWDLOWTNG Driveways parking lots sidewalks etc Reasonable ratios 579T Barrie PALRS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks tor prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 737 3064 MBH snoerowmo Residential 53 small ommerclai Reasonable rates Fast dependable service Call Larry 726 4599 Bill ALLAN snowmowmo Reasonable rates Radio dispatched 74 hour service Telephone 737 2997 REICHEN snow PLOWING and Snowblow in Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or clean up Call 77615666 rv AND unto REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color block and white TV stereos etc All makes citd rnod elsA 6IBI MLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free estimates Telephone 778 Iql 37Acars for sale 1964 CHEVY II ii standard blSt 0t tLr IlT lL YMOUTH tour door auttltrmtr it best lr Tellphoni 11 796T 1974 AUSTIN MARINA tour tr sedan lollr ryl autulritittr radial radio illint rendtlton only 1i000 Inilts Llr tiliirl also 1971 Toyota Corolla two tr LVI lolir lil HlVi running audition TllIDTIOItt 06 Illo altIr 111 AUTO lNSURANCE and llorrti In suranrlt CompetitiviI talcs Call John Nelson Insurance 718 957i it 1974 ME Tl OR door tor sall also 1969 Mustang buth III good Ondlllltn Tttlitpllltni 77a MI I978 HR 31 Baron 19000 THIN welt Itlaintavnwt Charcoal grey With hlarx Vlnyl rnot Asktnu $5700 all 7780674 it TO ti III pm A170 in 717 7064 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE tor trip iars Toke Motors Limited l19 Itrltilinrrt Strirl Hartli 770 Bill WAN II lean Ilsud ritr Barr to Hon In Auto Illi 7inwan St 776 6488 SlRlNr CiTFlJAL TRIM wants cars Full size rars Ill pH klrl up Full sin$40 brought iii Brnus tor extra large cars no 8187 SCRAP VEHICLE WANTf Top prims paid Fror immndtatv on upany me 436 7900 Oil ill10$ Carsand trucks WANTED Ior Wlt him last pickup Phone 415 6377dayi A74 SVIVIVYITIITTJs SCRAP ARS WANTED $30 lull size pic krrt up $40 full size brought in Bonus lnr extra heavy 778 3606 716 1553 JUNE CAIJi WANTED 40dielu terst REUPHOLSTER SPECIAL Labour and Fabric included up to 15 yards yr guarantee on workmanship estimates call neuuimiueqeseiiiiiriin SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and install tor homeowners lamily sire aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice ol styles meeting all lenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try betore you buy Call toll tree 800 768 5970 BARRIE TENT and Awning Company provides omplete repair service an tarps trailers tents and awnings Be ready tor spring act now avoid the delay Telephone 776 6437 Barrie Tent and Awning Company 34 Baylield st downtown SENSATIONAL and gete free 12 RCAXLIOO 2fori Orly 400 Wkly starting June 79 One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS Next door te Mutual HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371132 TF PINE FURNITURE custom made solid wood lurntture reasonable rahs Cottee tables diningroom tables etr 737 1039 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $7390 00 now at our all season speca1 at $1355 00 Pools come with walk around deck patio tenrinq pump motor and tiller delivery arranged to your drive nience For best selection and intorma tion call toll tree 800 768 S970 TIME TO GIVE YOUR CAR SPRING CLEAN UP We have all the materials you will need Competitive prices PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY C0 NIIi$i uni msm M28 A4 11 18 25 BICYCLE TRICYCL ES All typrs and Sites Reronditionid FUDRITTNU Repairs marit partswantid 776 08st lNDOOR SHOWROOM lull sinLl pooh on display Come in today or rall 776 4606 lor tree page booklet at ingtound and above ground pools Pioneer Pools liaymart Plain TV TROUBLE APRIL SPECIAL TV or stereo service call 1235 includes inhome labor Govt Licensed Technician Call for your appointment IARRIE TV It Dunlap St 7234297 MW FM4 PENTON MOTOR bike Yamaha Trombone almost new $175 Lacrosse stir 85 Phone 776 AMS ROOM DlVIDE ï¬lth pIaIIIit brix With rollers 70 tt long by It hiqh Llayshuriv MATERNITY FASHIONS lust arriving for The spring and you l75 cc 3700 AT REASONABLE PRICES MORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 7264401 9am530pm Mon thru Sat MWFA18 PIANO BABY ivNl throughout 31750 Call 4I6 7811796 60 WATT SPEAKI RS 377 mull 100 watt speakers M00 each receiver IJX 8000 S550 Knilwnrxl turntable Sll PE turntable $50 quadraphuntc hiid phones $700 acressories 3100 Call lim 424 0511 alter 00pm Iliumst Dllls USED RESTAURANT ortliipmiItt Ire paid Same day pir kup tlolt Auto cream and slush barbecue grills errkirs 776 8711 lryers etr Telephone 737 4880 or 778 8381 WA th TU I974 aiittlac no iimIiis mm 70 Taliphone 778 1441 alter PORTABLE COLOR URGENTLY REQUIRED °° 1m only 3598 Under so le Sumnfl hint Order tonlte 000 eon cite mo geiolreel7black and white0ne no auomobdes dellyeryKRA1V KELLYS now next door to Meatrnan Highway 90 Fynd° 7371187 IMMEDIATELY ORV NAME BRAND Mattresses at discount prices Odd sizes Tntdl to order Barrio 768RADFORD ST 728 272 Mattress IS Dunlap Fast Downtown MW FTF narrie 34trucks and trailers 1976 FORD 350 tour speed stan dard power steering powrr brakes litnVY duty suspension dual wheels 17 it plattortn with racks Very clean Telephone 776 9998 197 DODGE SIX cylinder automatic Asking $1700 Needs low minor repairs Phoneatter 30pm 737 4434 36auto accessories PAR 1s 1977 Datsun pickup tibreglass cap tor short box motor transmission all engine accessories Motor top condi hon Best otter Telephone 474 5774 even ings and weekends 776 5990 daytime 37matorcycles i975 GTBO YAMAHA Enduro in good condition Asking 3750 Telephone 778 NIAatler HONDA CT 90 mint condition street legal $375 or best otter Telephone 778 4477 I973 KAWASAKI 500 3800 I975 GTIBS Suzuii street bike $400 Telephone 487 5355 1978 YAMAHA 650 Special low miles mint condition Well maintained Asking $7000 Telephone776 0857ailcr6p NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday KENMORE WRINGER WASHER year old asking slth Excellent condi tion Telephone 474 l798 alter pm $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recovor it Yourself Wide selection at discount iabrics Foam cushions Tools both amateur Mproiessional ONeedles threads twines Buttons made to order 0A complete line oi upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div oi Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north at Georgian Mali 7374510 IVER 7265721 STONES UPHOLSTERY $79900 reupholsters chestertield and chair 40min fer sale For free inhome to 10 day service uiiiiimiiimamunmnmmemmn COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cd JIM 7372432 TF TELEFUNKEN Senator console stereo AMFM FM stereotwo short wave bands turntable storage space tor records tapes etc in cabinet also corn partment to reel to reel Like new Mens hockey equipment size 36 ex Lollentcondition Telephone 776 5677 SIDE PIPES Thorley 80 complete with solid pipe hookups to attach to headers Previously on Ford pick up 340 good condition 776 0768 alter DESK AND CHINA cabinet combina tion selection at clocks oil lamps dressers odd tables pine cupboards pictures trames washstands small dishes etc Interested people only Apply 79 Ross Striet SONY STEREO Sensational AMFM reclev custom turntable $343 Get tree speakers Under S5 wkty starting June79 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman One hour delivery Highway 90 Fern dale 7374197 TF THREE FULL ROOMS 0i iurniturc seven DIOCL litIn room suite consists oi Chestertield straight chair swivel rocker ottoman two end tables one at lec tablt No piece kitchen sune seven piece bedroom SUIII consists at double dresser mIrrur bookcase headboard lootboard tour drawer chest and 54 box spring and matress all tor only Slit 99 With Iron delivery or no money down terms arrangirt no payments until May New and Used Urniturc and Appltancn store 70 Dunlrip strnit West lust west 01 till Barrie aronni 737 4774 Closed Mondays JUST ARRIVED 73 stts 54 box spr ing Inatlllssrs Sall DTICL SW 95 per set whili they last delivery extra New and used Furniture and Appliance Store 70 Dunlop Street llust west at the Barlii arena 717 4778 lrIsLdMonday Used Appliances Stoves Refrigerators Washers and Dryers New and USED URNITURF and AP PLIANCES STORIL 70 Dunlop St liust West at It Barre Arihat 737 4774 CTOSlTTMTXITTIVIS TITANIC TOSNIIA Incredible 50 month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order ionila get tree 17 portable Under ST wkly starting June 79 KRAZY KELLYS now next to Meatman Highway 90 Fern dale 737 I187 Tl INDUSINIAL CHAIN Hll tltol tJtTT rnrmilitl with lrrlllry liurturt ll tun TrlIphiiiti 716 8490 QUANT TN nl anion SlHlVan itll App ly in THT Mill 7L ll STOT 180 lrtrllsiil Street lithl 776 HIT if All li UL thOl bedroom suti thILi months Llid was $1815 Askthg $1 ltll or bust otter TllpTIlTnt 71l 4687 attir In Firlhli AND iIOM ï¬lthy wrTi still utIrIlr warranty twi Illtitlt old apartrIIint late 8100 lot pair TtllpltOIT 737 I39 FOOr TRAN lull wttli tin amt Pier trIr bl akis 516 svsl Mirtlitntl DOMI NIUN UPIl lIltl piano qtirxt ton dItInn Slim TtllplIUnl 776 7416 SPli BICYCLE mith VIIIITOIT year will tttitlt SN Call LyiIttnri 718 096 RtiAN YAMAHA Itallah Iruvinrtal has sustain rotary speaker IIVlIL c1UTllTIlTl TTIITTIi ilUTilTTIdTIl rhythm tour mtavrv many extra vniris ii iillnnt omittirm iur Intriiiilittiiin tall 4M 5156 OI YNlIL TYPE WRI IF 16 III tar riarlr manual iIiitalilI lrtr student IIIllnt mtdttiim Purl himl Scill Kiill ing tor $450 TtitDIIOTIl mornings 73 7477 MOVING SALT Saturday Aprtl Itll Sunday Apttl lltlI Ill to ti iTl llllt wiirkl lilirnitiil uTlIVl aluminium ilIlLl tirit womens lothilm llalty tot nituri and clothing uh Limsuln IV Tara Roitrt AllytTthTl its IAlll OiY tier It IL ultilm Sll watt Yamaha amp ittth liki niw Ask inu Sam liir both or bust pilot TlllTlhlllTl 717 last Lynu WASHIII ANT DRYLR Westinghouse JUYOTTIrtlH starkimt sit SJlltItor sit TtlltIlTOItr 471 iloy Rlill iavalli 12 magnum with wLIvir yiLllTl Slill our ballot sittqli slliitraiiri $40 llilltllll IIIt Laltltra SJll IIIrn 15 lIIIIIIr $75 tulir band short wtt yi nortabh radarSnl WM TIT ACIK ANTI Will TI TV Ier dllil7i 60 box uprlnn and Ittaltris lhnni attvt it lllp 7l7 illltl IVENL It lPOVINL IAI LilltJiriilld suite antiqul white and until 000 an rlition $115 TITTDITOIH 778 7375 WHITL IMITATION TTPIDlr1t IUTTI pitt9 mud lTIdITIOTI TiILpltoiw 72R S798 Demolition Materials RrInovt yourslll double and tIITUli gamuts stirits whole or part at buildings pantlino liiltiltlttt doors wtitrtnws sliding barn doors various sili timbers hrirk tl ltllpliOTIl 776 6748 iARAGf SALE and BAKE smr Saturday April 9a III 4p III Trinl ly Churcll Colinr SITLII Auspius Trinity TutIts GARAGI SAL 10 Saturday and Sunday April 7th and 8th located on Concession 17 Innislil east at 75th at tlii log cabin iurrlituru clothes mldl II ends NEW STOVE AND FRIDGE ï¬lliluld color light wagon wheel and light chandelier Telephone 716 6677 4tboats and motors Sailing Supplies Rupn hardware rigging irinolvs Marllll III 418 West St Tilttlll rillia 375 I713 197 Two ylinder water oolrrt ll Yamaha outboard motor in exrollrltt Londitinn Pltu S750 lirm all 474 9301 ï¬lter ti SAILBOAT lour berths live it Seagull Tandem trailer many tx tras Reed 717 0847 evenings 716 7974 GULL ROCK MARINA miles north oi Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th at Oro Dry slips available summer and Year round CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercrulser Dealer Ju2 4472122 RES 7260032 CANOES or Pointed Stern Kevtsr Fibreglass Rayslex Cenves Aluml um Ke slut complete octi ot accessories Trades accepted HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orlllia Ontario 705 3255141 4tbeetseelneters MACDONALDS MARINE LTD 77 YONGE ST AT BARBIE TITY LIMITS FREE PACK 0MC CYCLE OIL with every luneup on JOHNSON AND EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS Call today for your PRESEASON TUNEUP 7282940 My SAILMASTER 77 trallable sailboat on display at the Baylield Mall April to Tollendal Marina 776 4950 Barrie 42articles wanted WILL BUY house contents or any usetul items or will trade Telephone 778 131i CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 778 8734 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore 1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 776 1663 evenings 776 3167 LOGS WANTED Pine SDIUCE Hemlock etc with large diameters Building with Logs Ltd 776 I966 even ings 778 5800 ABOVE COUNTER kitchen cupboard required suitable tor use In laundry room Telephone 436 6649 44dogs and pets POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 776 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hillAquaria143Ardagh Road 776 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles suonal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 776 0061 LABRADOR PUPS black and yellow registered shots ctrwormed ready to go Telephone 435 4777 Alliston DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson 0n tario Telephone 705 835 S773 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia StrentEast776 414i PURBRED GERMAN short haired pointer 10 months old male all shots Regd Insulated dog house in cluded 8175 Telephone 776 3143 DOBERMAN PINSCHER lemale live months black and tan good disposmon Telephone 737 4765 BOUVIER OE FLANDERS male 13 months registered good watch dog $100 or bestollIr Telephone 737 4767 FREE to 6000 home gumoa Dig lemale 778 7645 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLASSES Starting May Limited enrollment taken now Rosalie Harvie RR Barn Telephone 776 8936 NOAHS ARK SHOP Professional All Breed Dog Grooming 10 yrs Experience Phone 7267332 688 Maple Ave Barrie Opposite Downtown Woolworth 47 llomo lmprovpments complete with age Telephone PROFIONALS NONPROFESSIONALS Diversity your income in own business parttime 3200 Investment Excellent tax shelter For interview appointment 7269574 MWFA9 YEAR ROUND ENTERTAINMENT at the Fun Ranch Now booking winter par ties Tubing and dance parties tor groups all ages Good load and music Call 778 6875 AUTOS T0 at DRIVEN to Florida gas allowance also cars to Western Canada and sometimes East Toronto Drive Away Service 5385 Yonge St Wil Iowdale Ont 4T6 776 4616 RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 77601977 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Tetecare 776 7977 anytime IT OVENS Ask for tree homo demonstration today ELECT ROLUX IT IS POSSIBLE Reduce and maintain the weight you want Call Foodaholics Marilyn or Glenn 776 6805 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 778 8868 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Maletemate clientele Free consultation Lydia Hren chuk Electrolysis clinic 737 7671 LUWASA New soiless system tor grow ing plants Available through home par ty plan For more intormation phone Pat at 737 7365 or 776 0718 JAMES Psychic Reader Private con sultatlon psychic parties AURA par traits Call evenings Monday to Thurs day 737 4300 70lost and found PRESCRIPTION GLASSES lost tram Volvo stationwagon lrorn behind Pizza Delight One pair at bilocal one pair tinted sun in red case Reward 776 3377 $500 REWARD One year old black Bouvier Des Ftan dres shaggy coat and cropped tail Answers to Cooper Any intormatian will be rewarded Call collect A35 4966 71hb slatted ARE YOU DISABLED SUCH AS ARTHRITIS EPILEPSY POLIOETC We have lull and parttime positions available Pleasant telephone work hourly rate plus bonus No experience necessary 7374773 47 ltome Improvements ANY COLOR GUARANTEED ALSO CERAMIC SINK PPLIANCES ACE REFINISHERS 7282311 Barrie MWFA23 POLAR CONST CO SIDING sorm FASCIA Seiess Eevertreeï¬hp Storm Doors and Wisdom For Free Estimate call MATTI HEINO 7262853 50 garden supplies To SOIL tor sale cilt lnant 700 yards Now Lowell arta TillDlIltIIl 371 5576 54 service and repair Ti VISION HT PAIRS alsnrepairsto stIrio etc QLiirk Plllllln1UllflTflnlCLLT survitu Within 30 mlle radius ol Barrie LaII iTEVVART El ICTRONILS 778 wil 56 camping equipment 197 LlONll 60 hardtop camper Ex LIllriil Londttion Light and easy to tow llttiil lot ynuttu larrtily complete with table and storaov iompartments $600 or blst itll all 776 7085 alter 00 57 livestock tor sale WAN TI€ DE AD or rippled larm animals tor tree removal Call anytime Olllll ITUSI 376 914 Simult RMycling Flcillt Yi AR OLD standard bred thornuohlirvrl twirling 161 hands man has been shown stirrisstully at apptuvttl shows good mowr bald Iumper 7761681 PURFIIRED HERE FORD BULL to be sold at Elntvalo Sales Arena on Thurs day April Yearling born January 1978 tirst all at 1975 Michigan State Champion telltale Present weight 950 lbs He Is hard and ready tor service Ross Jormoy ARABIAN STALLION at Stud Chant plan In pnrlormanct and halter This WlIllt stallion is extremely classic and has beautitul disposition For more In lurmittion 416 719 7897 59pouitrychicks LKALB READY to lay pullets Farm ITISIT egos Laying rages tor sale Craig HUITIIT Tuultry arms 436 Ilill OOvteedseedgrain HAY FOR SALE Good quality Call 687 761 nm IIAY tor Sali allalla and timothy wvll saved Also harlt yard manure Itllphone 487 3718 51 RAW OR SAL 900 good clean largo squari bales 01 mixed grain straw Numin Call 456 3845 64larm machinery WANII USLD two now rorn planter tor tent or purchase TItlllt 716 4711 anyhmv 67lruits vegetables APPLE Apply Knolv and Son on rossion Old 778 8489 or 726 1907 No Sunday sales APPLES BUSHI Georgian Bay Ex tra Ianry Macs so 99 Spy s7 99 Your containers CANCIIJA FRUIT MAR KET llClappLrtonst Bartie POIx1 of HOCE quality alsosonte Seconds will deliver Telephone 778 7677 or 778 9378 POTATOES OR SALE N0 Sebagtl 75 lb bags Charles llSTTIii telephoni 778 4956 68personals BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 58 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday l00 30p and Thursdayo 30 30 pm 737 4777 776 9300 Ext 736 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 778 6581 you drink thats your business It you want to quit thats ours Call any time LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one at our Individually prepared resumes COME 1N and see us for last reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DttPLICATItG AND nnlic SERVICES I9 DUNLOP IAIRIE 7249819 MWFA20 AV WANT TO EARN EXTRA Morin sur Munro ssttorsr IN YOUR IDS All HOME ec Representative and do both Flexible hours let you sell during the hours that suit you best For details call 7289652 or write P0 Box 485 BARRIE Ont NM 417 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships WThTF EARN BIG MONEY OVERSEASIII You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the some or similar type at Tab by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of job skilled tradesmen or an unskilled laborer regardless at your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large self addressed stamped envelope to FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Dex 720 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MSC 214 A24 AMIITIOUS COUPLES bust 15 beersvest luld SHAWyer second been 7269574 tor eppohtlleet COOK DINING ROOM EXPERIENCE Own transportation Apply in person NOTTAVIASAGA INN IIIqu I9 Alisten A10 A10 SALESPERSON to cover southern 0n tario to call an Optometrists and Opti clans Salary plus commissions and ex penses Reply in conlidence to PO Box 8700 Barrie COOK REQUIRED qualitiecl tor general cookIng Apply in person to Chet Bayshore Motor Hotel NIGHT WORK Mature person to look atter children and dolighthousekeeping Nightsanly Telephone 778 MITURE RESPONSIBL babysit two preschoolers in my home evenings Call 737 7447 between am and WARM MATURE person or night work in childrens home light housekeeping required Telephone 776 7798 LARGE FINANCIAL organization reg QUIres sales and service representative tor the Barrie area Starting income to $300 per week il qualitied Three year training program lull beneï¬ts no over night travel opportunity for manage ment in tuture write briet resume to the Personnel Manager Box A8 The Ex amtner Barrie DINING ROOM cook required must be experienced lull time position all com pany benelits Please apply in person to The Holiday Inn Barrie WAITERSWAITRESSES tor callee shop and dining room experience prelerable own transportation Apply in person to Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Alliston URGENTLY NEEDED Reliable mature person to care tor matherless children all school age Live in No heavy housework Good remuneration Telephone 737 3468atter1p tnnnmnn PARRY SOUND is loath for CLASS LICENCE AUTO MECHANIC FLAT RATE DAY SHOP Contact PAUL EAST Service Manager 17057 462133 60 JOSEPH STREET PARRY SOUND ROUTE SALES SERVICE An expanding uniform supply company has Immediate openings for route salespersons to operate vehicles and service established routes The successtul applicants must be responsible persons willing to accept lull care of the service needs at our customers have good driving record and enjoy working with people Please apply in person between em noon to MR CASTELL WORKWEAR CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD 146 JOHN STREET IARRIE WANTED PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING SHIFT PRODUCTION MANAGER We are adding to our stall at Shitt Production Managers In our iniecticin molding department This is due to Increased activity and rearrangement of shill operations We need person with extensive experience in PLASTIC iN JECTION MOLDING supervision As well as salary level commensurate with experience the position otters generous fringe benellt package Apply in writing giving qualiiicotions and complete work ex perience to LOVE PRESIDENT MIDLAND INDUSTRIES LTD 320 Elizabeth St MIDLAND Out 416