Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1979, p. 20

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usmtrf we acep hr rc cfi lie FRIENDS ILLIJEE ao tho examiner Wednesday Aptll 197a television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING iii 30 News HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND aIEND Guest Steve Lawrence POL DOT DOOR 030 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 In READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS TOM AND JERRY AND MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH HOURLONG NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW PREOSCAR SPECIAL HEE HAW HONEYS Guoei Dottie MAGIC SHADOWS roman 563 NEWHART SHow 800 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY HeppwathdeyDoneldDuckDon eld ruins birthday surprise lrom his nephewsHuey Dewey and Louieend adecideetomekeituptclhembythrowingeparty complete with movies of his favorite graham Duck 80 mine MORK AND MINDY Unfamiliar with earthlinge little white liea Mork hearing loving tributes being paid to deceeeed lend lordwhowealhemeaneetmenintowndecidee flimpelart him back to tile EDWARD THE KING The Peecemeker Edward ascends the throne at time when Englands popularity abroad is at low ebb tile determination to Improve Ioreign reletlonehipe wins him the title The cemeker THE MACKENziEs or PAR ADISE COVE Bridget learns that being too bony can have devastating results when the younger MecKenxlee who were helping her stage big moneymelting lueii Ior some tour lete decide to mutiny at the last minute eo HTHE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN When the worlds rl chest men sells secret device that depro grams missile guidance systems to foreign power and when both disappear Wonder men must find them 60 mine HOCKEY Boston Bruins vs Toronto le Leela iNTROSPEC PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED EMOVIEICOMEDvima Boy Did Get Wrongfumberl ieoe WATSONREPORT ClNETVO HEURESAPPROX Voyage Surpriee 1947 Maurice Bequet Mer tine Carol LAlfalre Eet dens le Sen 1932 Lucien Reimbourg Jecquee Preven 30 900 WHEELS herddriving auto company executive becomes more end more preoc cupied with the development OI the Hawk National Motore new car aimed at the youth market while his wife drille into an affair with temouarececardriverStaraRockHudsonLee radii at tourprert series hrs 1979 AC RA AWARDS The eighthennualawerdeceremonyealutingexcel lence in Canedes broadcaat industry held by the Association at Canadian Television and Radio Artiste this year at Torontos Harbour lie Hilton hrs DEAR DETECTIVE CHARLIES ANGELS The Angels investigateehauntedperepaychologyinstitute to pursue murderoua ghost and prove that Boeleyerichledytriendiebelngawindted R80 UTTHE DUKES 0F HAZZARD Boss Hogg accueee Be at eleellng his money while the reel thief sweettalks Daley into putting him tthe Dukee home 80 mine 35 SECOND CITY 930 as THE JEFFERSONS Florences lonetomakehereellmoreintereetingbackfire when her new aullor tume out to be paychietriat 1000 KAZ Linda Levin guest stars as convicteddrugolienderwhoettemptetohandte owns pe Llomiiine VE When wellknown cell girl is kltledDenTenneirecksdewnthetemouamenln her lifeoneiol whom to the murderer Gueet eters Bobby Van Robert Menden 60 NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 BARETTA 1045 IDPARLONSCINEMAIHEUREAP PROXReellseteurPierre Prevert nousperle do see films at de sontrere Jacques ecenerlete et dieloguiete 1100 In NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA Vi Some Came Running 1057 20 NEws 127 NEws 1130 THETONIGHTSHOWHcii Johnny Carson Guests Angle Dickinson Ethel Mer 90 mine CBS LATE MOVIE mc ROCKFORD FILES Couller City Wildcel Rocky Ie ewerded parceloflendln public drawing end immedia telyiiithreeiened bytwomen RKOJAK Once MoreFrom Birdland Stars Telly Savelee Kevin eon BMOVIEDRAMAPI Welloi lee toes STREET TALK QUESTION PERIOD 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Scream P3tPeggy 1913 III MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEDRAMArvs Honey comb ion 12 10 ID MOVIE MY$TERY The Tattered Web ion 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD historically speaking today in histog April I979 Rev Martin Luther King was jassassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis Tenn II years ago today in 1968 King Southern Baptist minis ter and cofounder of the South ern Christian Leadership on ference began the ivil Rights Movement when he led Mont gomery Ala blacks in boy cott of segregated city buses in barries stog April l976 Construction on gym nasium annex at Georgian ol lege of Applied Arts was conti approvals nuing on schedule but without from the citys building department Ed Eyman plant engineer at Georgian said there was no set date to complete the building SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks 1956 He led countless marches and demonstrations throughout the US but always remained staunch advocate of nonrvio lence stand for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1961 liliil The United States Congress established the US Coast Guard I939 Canada recognized the insurgent government of Gen but about twothirds of the work was completed Parker Kelcey former head custodian at Barrie North olr legiate retired from his posi tion with the school and was honored by teachers students and staff during special assembly comprehensive tillpage mo minimum 40 words additional words it cents per word Births $600 In Memoriam no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events $343 per column inch II combs events 88 coming events ixeurr ueeex Rc 03 engagements SWAN CHALMERS Mr and Mrs Donald Swan Thornton and Mr and Mrs Alfred Chalmers Painswick wish to announce the engagement at their children Brenda Lee and Michael Gor SOOS don Marriage to take place on April 28 I979 430 pm at St Judes Anglican Church Thornton ISdeetbs KERR Helen Nell At Grove Park Home Barrie on Sunday April I979 Helen INelt Nisbett beloved wife of the late Kerr in her 93rd year Dear mother of Tom at Barrie and John oi Willowdale Grandmother of six grand and six great grandchildren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral lt Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Tuesday April at pm inter ment Barrie Union cemetery GAPP Lottie Victoria At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday April I979 Lottie Victoria Gapp beloved wife of Stephen 6390 in her 79th year Dear mother 01 Roy Hawkins and Doris McDonald Survived also by six grandchildren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Wednesday Cont piete service in the chapel on Thursday April at pm interment St Pauls Cemetery Innistii If so desired memorial donations may be made to On iario Heart Foundation lbcerdeftbeiiks AYRES We Wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to our relatives neighbours and friends for gifts llowers BINGO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS him TIIRUSDAY MA mTi IIRDS 730 BARRIE IEGION All 51 VINCENT AND CUNDLES ROAD NUMBER JACKPOT $250 IN 56 NUMBERS JACKPOT $310 S200 MUST GO OONS SPECIAI STARTS AT $80 SHARE TIIE WEAITII MINIMUM $75 FREE BUS to AIR FORCE BINGO Until our parking lot dries out we will run our bus to the Thursday Night Bingo The bus will depart from Simcoe Street opposite the bus terminal at pm sharp and return after the lost Bingo Game is completed M28A4 LOOK GIANT ElEA MARKET OPENING SOON Vendors Welcome Ho CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Reserve your spot able they last for further Information Call 72695 MWFA30 donations and cards received at our 50in anniversary George and Pearl BOWLES My sincere thanks to my lamin and friendslor their kindness and good wishes on celebrating my 9th birth day at St Georges Anglican church Hellr Nora 01h ueetorierns Pl LKEY Mary In loving memory of dear mother and grandmother who pass ed away April Im Looking back with memor iris Uponthe path youtrod We blenthe hours we had with you And leave the rest with God Sedly missed by daughter Velma son Illth Rose and family AN INVITATION is extended to friends of ORV JEN OASII te Iieb them celebrete tlieb 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturday April Mill IIOO STROllltINNISEII RECREATION CENTRE Best Wishes Only AA Franco few days after the end of the Spanish ivil War I917 The International Civil Aviation Organization came into being with headquarters in Montreal I950 The Indian govern ment smashed plot to assassi nale Prime Minister Nehru l959 Senegal and former French Sudan combined as the Mali Federation study which continetl projec tions of Balrics housing needs had been sitting on city plann ing department shelf since its completion in January The study Initiated more than year before by the hous ing advisory committee and compiled by the planning department was funded by $10000 intario government grant ity planner ltick Jonis Ald laul ltxsscngcr and Fred Ituemper wanted the study off the shelf and before the housing cnnimittce ablc ll tellvision amcras peered into The Examiners new offset operation to film segment of series if was doing on Barrie industries Simcoc ounty council agrccrl to disband the IIlltlUll Measures lrgan llilllttll llMtiI tut of job immediately were coordinator Iack Argyle and partitimc secretary Lois Iuddcn Warden rvillc llughcs said dissolving of ICMII did not mean an end to cmcrgcncy measures He said the Ontario Ministry of Natural trsources was assuming responsibility for ac ting in the case of floods and fires silver medal belonged to Ian Marten l0 of Barrie following completion of the Na tional Youth Bowling Touncil championships at Brandon Ma He finished second in the bantam boys 10pin champion ship LCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 CIosslIled advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two doys prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words It cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 5600 Addi tional words ll ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 93 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIHED ADVERTISING word minimum Cosh Discount Rates apply it paid within days One or two insertions IOc per word Insertion Three consecutive In sertions l0 cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total 296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered eublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set of hurrbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Clonilled Advenlslng Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly rechuk their advertisement Immediately after first lrieer tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner ls responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the mlsprlnt Er tors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement ure not eligible Ior correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 72824 Not recognized as vitamin By PAUL RUBliE Ml Dear Dr Ruble Would you please tell me the value of tak Ing vitamin 815 My husband and feel so much better after taking it for few months after going to doctor after doctor with no success am anxiously awaiting your reply Mrs LN 315 is not recdgnized offi cially as vitamin at all The series of Vitamins ends at 12 and no new ones have been discovered Hawkers of various substances have attached the magic name vitamin to them because it has nice ring to it The preparation you mention contains pangamicacid Some samples analyzed by the Food and Drug Administration con tain dichloracetatc This is found to cause drowsiness and may be associated with an in crease in uric acid the gout substance in persons with dia betes Other products sold as 15 contain variety of other chemicals either of doubtful value or not tested for potential toxic poisonous effects This does not mean they are neces sarily poisonous just that they have not been tested for such effects to the satisfaction of the medical profession BIS has been advertised as treatment for variety of medi cal problems including high blood pressure diabetes heart trouble and arthritis Effective ncss for any of these ailments has not been proven In fact probably more Ian crous than potential adverse ef ects is that people who need effective medicine for various ailments BRIDGE rWOswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag may turn to such products instead dont know why you and your husband are taking the preparation but hope you will avoid taking any such drugs chemicals or products without consulting your physician The medical profession has enough trouble as it is protecting patients from the side effccts of drugs and chemicals even those that have been studied for decades under strict controls People who turn to pop medi cine cures add new dimensions to that task it is highly improbable that the expensive uncontrolled mysterious substance you are using deserves credit for your feeling better Dear Dr ltulilc Could you tell me where to find list of foods low in cholesterol Also foods that are high to be avoided Mrs People seem to have forgotten public libraries those days Im sure yours has many books on the subject most of which should list cholesterol food tables And it wont cost you penny unless you bring it back late llcar lr ltublc an swallowing saliva be harmful II Ive been doing It all my life and am healthy The fact is youd be in trouble if you didnt Saliva contains important en zymes to help digestion of food The same holds for postnasal drip matter another question get Ilarnilcss In fact it con tains protein An unlikely slam success NORTH tt 4A764 vos 01083 410872 WEST FAST 49 932 v10782 vKJsi oAxissi oQ762 on com SOUTH OKQJIOIS VA9ZI eAKes Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer North West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead The bidding needs some explanation Wests three di amonds was weak jtlllip overcall meant to show strong six or sevencard suit with little outside strength Norths three spades was rather light he should have passed Easts four diamonds was intended to Impede the opponents but South judged his hand good enough to barge into slam Even though EastWest 40 Hrrrrsiir stun liilIiII Orchestras III tJIHHI ACROSS Part of tram 41 III MIIIII Itririq Tm mm IritrtriirrIirilfi ram 45 IfIIIIISllTIf 12 Cnmplle 46 School orqam 13 Esau country Inlmn tantir I4 Allleritiirn 49 an 15 VWM 50 EIInIIstIrai tcst I7 Evtenrnq 5mm Wd pom 53 tnVffII inmé 3333 54 Am 19 Astronauts 55 veg my 56 Man 20 Signs of mlq mm 57 Jittlllillffll 22 BOII contents 00 23 Forest gnri 24 Hall DOWN 27 Horse type Gram Cm Asian country SUWO Float upward 32 Amed Female saint 33 Sunbeam tam 34 NeQMO Roman 13in 35 womans Actm West Qamenl Stagnate 36 Cablevnsron Green gem abbr Kind of 37 Attempted hammer 39 Birchbark IO Pianist boat Brubeck have cheap savo In seven diamonds Ithey go down four tlitksi they judged Illtll defensive prospects ad equate to defeat the con tract An original heart lead by West would have defeated the contract but he could not be blamed for going with the king of diamonds When dummy came down de Iiiltl did not like Ills clianc cs Aside from the unlikely titttllltlltt of qllttlijiltk club ItilIIItItlll there did not seem many favorable ways In go Regardless South found way to make the contract Ilc ruffed the opening dia mond With thi king of spades and led the queen of spades t0 luIIilIIy where he ovcr took With the ace He happily noted the fall of the spade nmc from the West hand licclarer ruffed another diamond in his hand Will the eight of spades and led his cartfully preserved five of spades to luiiiinys six Af tcr ruffmg linutlicr diamond the stage was set Declarer played iltt king and third IIllI East was endplayed He had to win With the queen He now had the dubious choirL of either playing hcart away from the king jack Into Norths qticcn or playing liaiiiiiilil and glw mg rlrclarcr it ruff and dis raril Whichever way he went the slain was cold Ilshi II lwviuis ViiIi If Very if Foruate lb IllIifftl Stiltlrrit llliisiriri Lump wrl 7i Iillllilll tum 35 irzssiinistit rer 136 liqrI frii Imi llttI IlIIli 38 8mm 23 IlfIfDIrILt Ilith 39 FV Fl 94 Mum Ill Insects 42 Copper com MU 43 Australian 25 Adams buds grandson 44 M00 26 Branches of 45 long learning 46 pms 27 Watch 47 Pitfall 28 VHS 48 Eagles nest 29 GIOUD 0f 51 Move qmckly Western alllfrci Put into 30 Fetter practice Le April 1919 This can be Strong and powerful year for you when you can build firmer Ioundation You wont have to go it alone Plenty of people will offer helping hand ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Con structive influences will be prevalent today in matters at fecting your home and family bringing about excellent har monious conditions TAURUS April 20May 20 You wont be able to Sit around IF JOIN Short Ribs wHAToo as THE RIENDBHIP THAT THE FINPOF WT LIFE 595 doing nothing today The more active the schedule and the bigger the prolect the more youll like it GEMINI May 21June 20 Lady Luck has hand in pushing you closer to your goals today It you Show the slightest initia tive shell take you all the way CANCER June 21July 22 Todays conditions allow you to have much firmer grip on controlling situation that may have had the upper hand over you Be assertive LEO July 23Aug 22 Use today to get off by yourself to do things done best when you dont have someone looking over your shoulder You can accomplish lot ILL WASH TH WINDOW iN THIé 7002 YOU TAKE TH NEXT ONE 6YLVETEIZJ DINK ELEPHANTS Frank and Ernest Cr Andy Capp NS NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 it THE RECEPTION YOULL GET you REEK or ALCOHOL Qt My In We Ltd Anquthet fiddlerWm VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 This is an excellent day to get together with dose associate and talk over whatever needs discussing Therell be com patible results LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You are going to get break today that will put major goal within easy reach Act promptly You wont get this chance next week SCORPIO Oct zoNov 22 Someone with whom youll be in Contact socially could bring about very fortunate situation for you Youll get big mental lift SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your best hope of realizing secret desire comes from sou GET THE momma THATAND l5 cans WILL AFFECIION OFMOEETllAN GETMEINLJNERDRA 500 FEW MEAABEm erAPKr THE ml OFFICE Omnflantufleeushioa MUMBLE ORUMBLE TWO POINTS STA OFF THE alias new Truce3 HELP us FIND LERNYS CONTACT LENS Bemlce BedeOsol associating with individuals to whom you have strong emo llonal ties Theyre lucky for you CAPRICORN Dec ZZJen 19 The balance is tipping in your favor today in situations where you confront Others on one toone basis Keep buttlnekls out of your affairs AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Because you are showing willingness to get to work an opportunity of great signifi cance is going to be Offered to you PISCES Feb 20March 20 YOU are in fun mood today This attitude Stimulates others Peo ple desire to be around YOL when you put On happy face HE NEVER LO$E$ AN OPPORTUNITY TO A5552T Hl9 éENlOlZiTY fut new MIQ LOOK ERNIE il WASNT FUNNY THE FIRST TIME You REFERRED PLACE As 10 IHIS mggnmeixvnuwo Pi LLORY YOULL NEVER GET PAST THE GATES OF HEAVEN it THEY DETECT BoozE ON YOUR BREATHJYKNOW OIWHNAWIVM WHEN GO TO EAVEN EXPECT LEAVE MYmEATH BEHIND TWIT Your Wedding Invi ta tions nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service

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