57 313 the examiner Wednesdaï¬yi April 1979 Core delay could cause problems Final approval of Barries ing and development told the plait to revitalize downtown has committee ministry of housing been delayed and the delay action on the citys applieatton could cause problems with for ftinds is being delayed major participants says because letters objecting have developer Millet Salter been sent to the Mll Frankly it is highly iitilike ihetIMlt must return the let ly that anything substantial teisvho they ran he sent to tlte will develop until we can show lhlnlstt people something more positive Hates also said the OMB Allen claims Lorenz lied about phone call TORONTO ifli ioidon Allen told an Ontario Supreme Tourt jury luesday that Lau ralee LorenI lied at his first de greemurder trial when she tes tified that he phoned her to say that he had shot her husband wouldnt say she was this taken about the radii Allen told rown Attorney Mirhael Lyneli ld say she was lying Allen an tlrillia insuranee agent admitted that he rolled Mrs Lorenz about it Ito in after returning to trillia front The Il7year old defendant testified that when he made the tall be twice dialled the wrong number because he had just come into the kitchen of his not tage and had not yet turned the lightson Lyneh suggested that You tlllftlt killed ilruei Lorenz and you called to let her tMrs Lo renlt know thats what you had done And you misdialled be cause you were paineky Absolutely not Allen re plied Nothing specific was said about the murder in the second all she said Allen testified Tuesday that on the day Lorenz was killed he drove to Toronto to see woman he had met the week before He said he telephoned the woman from hotel but she told him she could not see him that night so he drove back to tirillia Allen denied suggestion by llorontolon the Vtllttlfi lawyer Mrs Lorenz testified earlier Lynth that just before he met trute tlftll was slot and that Allen railed her abouts tli Lorenz at Toronto subway POSIPOned killed in the parking lot of T0 on Mareh 2o am the day station heplaeed call totrene ronto subway station int he of her husbands death and ridmunds the woman he came The murder consplrocy said there was really no pur confessed to the murder and tolorontolosee than we have today Salter hearing intoflitproposal would said Tuesday during special llktly beheld In August meeting of general eoinniittee luestlay iilltlltlfl was to ofeouneil allow committee to deal with Until the Ontario Muniri ml Several items relating to the Hum hearingmkmpluwhim project Jeremy horPQI P050 III rill Ultil tilt WY that he called again at about He said he lied about his ean be done headded Salter told the committee former leader 0f hillttllll 930 whereabouts that evenin uwc have two 5mm mole eonstruetton eosts are rising falns Liberal Party was sums of flows pm and the total cost of the IJI posponed Tuesday jeet Salter said hie of the WI ill0 lm ll Silltl May so ma he can two is gnxorv stun jttl eoiild cost $29 million ltiek Hates director of plann lle termed the price tag still relon 590 fairly eoiiitortable Parliament Meet Chicagos new moyor Jone Byrne centre Is admired by her husband Joy McMullen right and daughter Kathy at Democratic headquarters in Chicago Tuesday night Chicagoans Overwhelmingly elected Byrne its first woman mayor by an 82 ll per cent mandate of the electorate AP Photol Weston bid probed TORONTO tl The ll business tried all application eral consumer iiiin iteixii tor the ittiltllt lnestla under inent lll lilttlgitt tint the tointiines linestiiiiition George Weston id at torenlo tt to take control at Hudson iii of liniittng tltiktlltliilll spokesman said liitsdd George Urr director or set tees for the combines branch said the lllLSllgilltill ill been immediatel The StittltiIiieiiiliei tanmimn Federation of independent MEMBRS and all of you who wish to join the Progressive Conservative Party of SimcoeNorth lltlll ill you help me Extral is on Page IlIi MEILUN DT DENTURE THERAPIST NU MA on THE LABEL MEANS OUAltTY YOU CAN TASTE FOR ANY NUTRtMAX PRODUCTS EDEN NATURAL FOODS IS THE PLACE TO LOOK ENOUIRE ABOUT OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR TN MONTH OF APRIL EDEN WINECRAFT NATURAL FOODS LTD umnn MALL IAIIIE 1234590 Home Auto Lilo Busmess sarjeant Complete Denture Service Hours om 6pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society insurance lOOBeIlForde Borne Ont good place to 00 shOp for savings IOlllld steaks ll CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BONELESS OUTSIDE round steak IOIIStS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BONELESS inside round steaks BURNS comm GARLIC in mi Prict Polish Sausage LII SUGAR mum cock AVG BONELESS $248 Dinner Hams La PRIDE or CANADA TRIPLE PACK mu Sandwich Meats Sm SUGAR PLUM VACUUM PACKED QUARTERS Smoked Hams PRlOi Oi CANADA Breakfast Sausages SUGAR PLUM COOKED VACUUM PACKED HALVES Smoked Hams OUR REG PRICE 298 La CUi FROM CANADA GRADI REil LEAN BONELESS Stewing Beef CANADA UTILJTV GRADE FROZEN EVISCERATED UNDER 12LBS turkeys La REGULAR GROUND BEEF SOVA PROTEIN ICONYAN$ AMOXIMATELV THE SAME AMOUNT OF VITAMIN MINERAL NUTRIENTS AS AN EQUAL WEIGHT OF REGULAR GROUND BEEF soyd burger FROZEN EVISCERATED VOUNG CANADA We 5118 BURNS PART smunaocoonm MARK smo mm hams PORTION Ll MAPlI LiAf iLNDEHSWEH COOKED VACUUMPACKEDHAtVESOROUARTERS $148 Smoked Hams us PRIDE OF CANADA 0R SHAMROCK SLICEU Side Bacon CANADA GRADE FROZEN YOUNG EVISCERATED CANADASPRIDE UNDER 12LB5 self 28 busted turkeys PRIDE CANADA COOKED 3LB AVG BDNELESS Dinner Hams CAMPt rat in nit iliCE Bologna NUFLUFF rmmsa Ha BALL ESSOEXTRA wuouJiAivrsciiottAmms $179 gym EdamChoose Chock vouii ow °ur moz Motor Oil swongfmlcofle Gurney Trites amazss VACUUMPACKEDOUAHIERS $228 Smoked Hams L8 L00 nu food city The Progresswe Conservative riding of StmcoeNorth is holding its nomination meeting to elect candidate for the forthcoming Federal election 800 pm Monday April 9th at the Orillia Fairgrounds err voun DOLLAR BACK Is email mi ASE 0F PRIDEOFCANADA $139 Wienors PRIDE OF CANADA COOKED VACUUM PACKED NALVES Smoked Hams May respectfully present myself to you for this honourable privilege as your candidate to carry on the quarter century of outstanding representation by Doctor PB Flynard FANCY REGULAR OR DIET BABIES ONLV PLEASE ASSORTED COLORS ASSORTED CREME 0R FRUIT CREME Hal FEPSI cal bathroom tlssue peek Freon blscuits Briefly Im 48 years of age family man leader in church tomato JUICE and charity commitments presently an independent small any busrnessman have experienced earlier years as an employee in the Algoma steel plant construction CNR banking and am 33 retailing RET BTLS OUR REG PRICE49 EA ounn50pmcga1 With you have every confidence that we can continue WSTmIMOUmeE POWERED winning SimcoeNorth for the Progressive Conservative party mnuuwmm guzfgggjalafoggfgcggg ABC Orillians have given me outstanding support as an aldermanic mlruce whl candidate first try to City Council December 1976 out of putato Chips UEtEfgent fifteen candidates they elected me runnerup to No Mrs Pat Mclsaac In November 1978 they reelected me to the same number two position feel that have served well on many committees in City Council particularly works and finance get along well with people in all walks of life Lastly all my decisions have been and will be made with the majority of all of you in mind regardless of race creed colour or political affiliation Will LITRE BOX OUR RED PRICE 79 OUR REG PRICE 399 OVALL CANDA SWANSON rnozEN BEEF CHICKEN 0R TURKEV Himmler nmusuiimwi inouwtuuisoii APNIIATNIUIOUNIHtJSlNiSA1URlIAi Ailti run on TV 1431 you me Yours Very ErUly CANADA NO GRADE CE OF U$ PKG FLORISEMARSH seedless dlnners £3 PEI rnuey ORANGE PEKOE Es Potatoes rupefruut E3 oun use mics29 09 Memberships are $100 each per voting adult age 18 and over from the following KM PROCESS BONIMART CHOICE cream StyE titFL corn lilies Book Store 55 MtSSlSSilgtl St Ortllii 3266722 Shanty lltl Village Milk Store 501 Hawkest Hie irotei Ct OUR REG PRICE 128 OUR REG PRI Whiz JAR CE and SinicoeNorth executive members PRODUCE or mm is tlthtfLlettltv CANADA no lGRADE um my 09 mmnmlmwn gt am 3° Témaurmu McIntoh Apples cm 19 19 to brintoe North Constttuency Office Flour 313 mum 69¢ Celery Stalks sac ammo mow mm 39 Peter St North 3256071 ruin PRODUCE 0f CHILE WW GMD muster awnmt $299 Steveltnyey an 0m Station 4878369 Com CANADA notannr Greenhouse Seedless maul EI lltilitittlt1tiiittnLJtip 134 MdttlSI rm $339 ms Spanish 99 omons iOJ Cucumbers new DoPgFood WW WU Ptllléidlbgul$lltlL flamed 99 to in if rant iii in ElfLt 0mm Lflllmm WU Punlui 5239 3mm 89 Itm Metteddy 319 Film St Mtdtanti 526213b xix 89¢ Tiara 1133189 LliarlincestLarval BARR FOOD CITY redeema mm Fmï¬nmmuom Mir tilntlvlieiia St Coldwater6867882 r1initlefllvmtiiivYifv tiill ttrowri 2m Petei st Oriltta 3264455 in 32 ALL an AVAILABLE ouu C30 3W 3129 Alan Ittlty Hawkestone 325 4310 munm L°°° 1627 Wold St Ionic 1t my may ii so be pure ased at rgrounds Ioniflulh puni $1 MoroFine DOWNTOWN pm Monday April Well see you there ORILLIA