12 the examiner Wodnonday AptIn 1979 Rain in past few days in Ottawa has reached record levels and is Solidarity was there OIiAA Pt Post office executives told the government last October that tanadian in ion of Postal Workers tllt could not muster enough sup port frotn members to maintain fullblown strike James tor kcry deputy postmastergen eral said Tuesday The union proved the assess ment wrong by calling na tional strike Oct 16 and contin uing that strike even after lar liament ordered postal workers back to their jobs Corkery testifying at the tario Supreme ourt trial of CUPW president Ieantlaude Parrot said the post office set up an information centre to as $855 the mood of the member ship and study the possibility of strike Based on information gathr ered by the centre torkery said he told Postmaster General Gilles Lamontagne in early October that while strike appeared likely it would not stay up it would not last long because the mem bershi would not support it But Oct 17 post office ex ecutives realized that the sol idarity was there and that it was going to continue Parliament introduced the backtowork bill Oct 17 and it became law ct tit Parrot and other union executives are charged with defying ati Act of Parliament Crown counsel Douglas Ruth erford told the jury that Parrot violated Parliaments backto work order by failing to direct an end to the national strike Corkerys answers to defence lawyer Leonard Shores ques tions indicated the government took different approach to its two major unions the Letter Carriers Union of anada anti CUPW Ariens Tillersput on GM Put an end to those grow ing pains you get every time ing theres big titling job to do in your garden From Ariens popular hp reartine Rocket Tiller to the maneuverabie hp com pact Little Digger tiller youll efficient ductive tillage with lot less ei highly experience easy NH April showers hit capital made to order for some splashing around in by Susan Moore Candice Roehle and Marianne Ferguson both CP Photo in todays Loblaws insert Garden Cocktail should read as follows SMITHS GARDEN COCKTAIL II homo SAY 30 N67 RIVIERA SCHOOL OFMODELLIWG FOR MEN NEEDS YOU Never before have male leos been so fashionable Can you picture yourself in TV commercials magazines and runway modelling If so call for free interview and evaluation 726 4723 tort than youd spend handhoe and cultivating Home gardening should be pleasure not pain so see your Ariens dealer today and get be hind any one oi seven quality tillers from Ariens Theres one to put an end to your growing pains pro Your Ariens Dealer is in the Yellow Pages ARIENSMORE THAN NAMEITS PnOMISE ABOVE THE REST hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 Members of llawkestone Womens institute met on Wednesday March 23 at the home of Mrs lattenden for their annual meeting Roll call was answered by br inging something old and tell ing its story The motto Preserve Things of the Past Press on to Greater Achievements was com mented on by Mrs lunn Mrs Kendall iweedsmuir curator led the program and gave some interesting coin ments on Heritage Day She also told about the displayed variety of stamps Mrs Gray conducted the election of officers The nominating committee had prepared slate and this was accepted The officers are past president Mrs Wm Baker president Mrs Pattenden first vicepresident Mrs Currie second vicepresident Mrs Kendall secretary treasurer Mrs it Boughen assistant secretary Mrs Roy Gray district director Mrs Hart alternate Mrs Itoy Gray ONVENEHX Public relations Mrs Roy Gray resolutions Mrs Miller Iweedsmuir Curator Mrs Dunn assistants Mrs Kendall and Mrs Goss family and consumer affairs Mrs Dubeau agriculture and Cana dian industries Mrs Wm Baker citizenship and world affairs Mrs Goss educa couauA DENTURE THERAP irrCllNIC roman emu Drawn CLINIC 726472 149A DUNlOP 51 BARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY Buttonfront cotton skirt $30 wwao tion and cultural activities Mrs Jermey flower and sick committee Mrs Pat tenden and Mrs Boughen auditors Mrs Leigh and Mrs Smith pianists Mrs Shelsweli and Mrs Leigh nomination committee Mrs Leigh and Mrs Banbury inlt lernational program Mrs it Currie Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh of Willowdale and Mrs Mike Butler and children of Thor nhill spent last Wednesday with Mrs Clarke Crawford CAN CANCER BE BEATEN YOU BET YOUR LIFE ITCAN ï¬‚ï¬ PRESENTING THE EVERYTHINGINONE PLACE htWiih our succmo Halterstrap sandals sic pr ars Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd Prices Georgian Mall 509 Bayï¬eid St Store Hours Mon Tues Wed Thurs and Sat 930 am to 530 pm Fri 930 am to 30 in Mr and Mrs Bert Simpson of Uxbridge and all the members of their family hot to celebrate the 90th birt day of Mrs Leslie Jermey Sears CORRECTION In Soars Go for Value circular on page 16 there is on error concerning the savings on the individual luggage piocos Save great 25 to 33 savings on individual pieces not Some great 30 as stated In Sears Go for Value Home Furnishings Circular on page 19 the Azure design stoneware and Gordon Flower picture groupings are not available due to shipping problems In Sears Go for Value Circular on Page ii Womens lOspeod bicycle is not immediately available Orders will be taken We regret any inconvenience this may have caused