By LAIDIA KRAlSlI Of The Examiner The Barrie organization that last year launched the idea of featuring wellknown national personalities at its annual fundraising dinners has announced Olympic run ner Abby Hoffman will be this years featured speaker Ms Hoffman has won medals in both the om Abby Hoffman Olympic runner and executive secretary of the Ontario Human Rights Commis sion is speaking in Barrie on May Examiner Photo moiiwealth and Pan amcrican games has been an Olympic contender four times between 1904 and 1076 and finalist twice She is executive secretary of the Ontario Human Itights Commission and has com pleted research on sports op portuiiities for women in On tario for the Touncil on the Status of Women On May at the Barrie toll and ountry lub she will speak to members and guests of the Big Sisters Association of Barrie at $2Sa plate dinner The event is for women says Jean Ilarris past presi dent and now publicity chair man for the local association Its the womens event of the year It LITTLESISTERS About Barrie area girls from eight to It years old have Big Sisters women who spend three or four hours with them each week and provide stable female iii fluence The associations goals in clude establishing wholesome and beneficial iii dividual relationship bet ween mature woman and girl as well as helping Lit tle Sisters improve their own sense of worth and self esteem Fundraising dinners are held with the aim that the association can eventually become selfsufficientand not have to rely on other groups or community drives to help raise the $3000 to $3600 needed each year to cover expenses Last years dinner at $50 Learning about nutrition Teacher Sona Lockyer serves tuna sandwiches to her class as part of program to help them learn about nutrition The program started In Children from St Pauls School in Alliston learned how and why maple syrup was made in pioneer days and how it is made today when they toured Tiffln Conservation Area sugar bush on Wednes day At left they are shown how hollow logs were plate featured guest speaker Maureen Mclecr wife of Progressive onser vative federal party leader Joe lark and raised total $2700 Ms McTeer spoke mainly about the development of her own interest In politics but offered many anecdotes about her family life her husband and daughter IlOlIiS FOR $2500 This year the assmiation hopes to raise between 342000 and 32500 through its dinner held during Big Sisters Week in Barrie the first week of May Ms Iloftman is speaking in Barrie at no charge to the association Another $800 has been pledged to Big Sisters by HM Opti Mrs of Barrie from dance held last October The ISSOtlIlilOII is not member of the Barrie and District lnited Way says Ms Harris although it was for one year IiiTtt Since it was formed in December 1073 the associa tion has organized group outings for Big and Little Sisters They go swimming bowling and camping together and also attend special events Twelve local volunteers all women make up the board of directors of the Big Sisters Association of Barrie although Judge Morton is an honorary board member Marlene Berthiaume parttime employee ar ranges matches betwceii Big and Little Sisters and keeps records To order tickets for the May dinner phone the association at 737 2002 downtown Toronto school two years ago is olntly funded by the Toronto Board of Education and an Atkinson Charitable Foundation grant CP Photo is Its maple syrup time filled with sap and heated with hot rocks to con dense the sap Now stainless steel boilers and woodburning furnaces are used The traditional sapgathering pails are being replaced with plastic pipelines running from the trees to cen tral pail Examiner Photos Editor Claudia Krause7266537 Teenage suicide rate rises many parents asking why TORONTO 1Ii Jack talented hockey player in Northern Ontario and Susan an excellent student living in posh Toronto district went the same route at In They killed themselves Jack shot himself and Susan locked herself in the car in the garage and died of carbon mon oxide poisoning Iack and Susan not their ical names are among an increas mg number of teenagers killing themselves each year Dr Barry iaifinkel recently told provincial psychiatric convention that at least five teen agcrs kill themselves every week in Ontario leaving many parents teachers friends and doctors asking why larfinkcl psychiatrist at the llinks lrcatnicnt entre in Toronto research and treatment hospital for dis turbed adolescents said the suicide rate among teen agers has increased by 33 per cent in the last seven years Ile also said there are 30 to 40 attempts for ever actual slii cide in Ontario Dr Quentin ltae lrant psy chiatristriiichief at the Hospital for Sick hildren says he is surprised by the degree of depressions showing up among teen agcrs and even younger children dont mean gentle dc pression or the blues mean adolescents who are so se riously dcpressml that they con sider suicide as the oiin viable alternativeavailable lp to few years ago would say it as rare to see this tullydevclopcd depression under the age of Were now seeing it under the age of to in occasional cases ltac tlrant describes the sitli atioii for such teenagers as feeling of hojxlessiiess about the present and future peeple places New group The Womens Association and lenmara Mission irclc of Barrics First Baptist hiircli have united to form First Bap tist Women new oigaina tion Missionary work will be the main purpose of the new organization At the fist meeting slides of liidia were shown missionary newscast was given and won ship time was held Spring dance Barrie Ys Menettes presents Spread Your Wings spring lance on April at Sunnidale tommuiiity entre from 030 pm to Tickets at $12 couple are available at the Barrie YM YWtA or by phoning 7200421 Selling daffodils Members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority of Barrie are sell ing daffodils today and Satur day to collect funds for the Taiiadian ancer Society bunch of six flowers will scllfor$1 Daffodil Days is the and than Cancer Societys aiiiiual kickoff to its annual campaign during April ACTOR SPEAKING Dan Macdonald past chair man of the Canadian Actors Equity and himself an actor of more than 20 years is the scheduled guest speaker at luncheon in Barrie on April It The luncheon marking thc beginning of the subscription campaign for the lryphon Theatres 10th season will be held at the Barrie lolf and ouiitry Club Tickets at $0 per person must be purchased in advance and are available at the theatre office 103 Dunlop St I6 on the second floor llolding lance Barrie SnorVoyagcurs will hold spring dance Saturday April at the StroudInnisfil Recreation entrc from it pm until am Bruce Laffiii will provide music for the evening Dress is seiniformal Tickets are $10 couple For tickets call 7209345 lucst speaker The April meeting of the lhornton District Horticultural Society ill be held April 11 at it in in Trinity lnited hiirch Thornton ltev ioliii Specis of Barrie is the scheduled speaker Fashion show The Quota lub of Barrie is sponsoring Welcome Spring fashion show in Barries Downtown entie oii Wednes day Moira Hunt is commentator for the show which begins at it pm Fashions arc stipplicd by the Downtown entre merchants Door prizes can be won and refreshments will be available Admission is $2 50 lioir to entertain lhe Allistoii branch of the Canadian aiicer Society is having an evening of enter tainment by the Sweet Adeline hoir on April at it at Banting Memorial High School in All istoii Admission is $250 for adults $123 for students and children under are admitted free Rummage Sale rummage and bake sale will be held Saturday from 10 am to pm in the True Blue llall Angus by the Mothers Auxiliary to the Angus Scouts ubs and Beavers Tea crafts and plants will also be for sale Meeting announced La Leche of Barrie will hold morning meeting on April 12 at 10 am at the home of leri Willislon Iii Vilwood ies Barrie Mothers seeking itlvicc from members or assistance 34 hours day may call 720 0071 7370491 72iiii7l7 4240840 or 72tir77lli intst to sp ak Kiwanis Lt Gov Ioin llolioid is the special guvst speaker Monday at meeting of the Kiwanis lub of Barrie at the Iloliday lnii llolford will induct new members The meeting begins at 015pm lhey tee in some way re sponsible for what has hap pened but they cant see any thing they can do to allevuitc it he said For younger children the signs of depression show up as boredom restlessness fatigue difficulties in concentrating and repeated somatic coni plaints Psychiatrists psychologists special education consultants and distress centre workers are kept busy identifying symp toms of depression and picking out troubled adolescents but sometimes there are no clues or they are discovered too late Jack for example hurt his knee and could not play hockey That when he got depressstxi llISllllNlCllllC4 Doctors who pieced Susans story together suggest she was going through crisis related to values trying to separate licrs from those of her family She began to question everything she did and was convinced no body understood what she was going through Professionals admit they can oiin speculate about why do pressioii and suicide have be come such serious problems among anadas youth One school guidance teacher notes the futility in young peoples attitudes Why batik1 Ive heard that phrase so many times They even wonder why they should bother making friends because theyre just going to move away anyway Psychiatrists and psyr cliologists point to general in stability in the home and com munin Woman wins $6000 per month in settlement TORONTO C1 The for mer wife of David Morgan Firestone grandson of the founder of liirestone Tire and Rubber in the US has won lumpsum award of $200000 plus monthly support of $0000 in divorce action in Ontario Supreme ourt Iexasborn Jewel Firestone 47 described by the judge as somewhat of recluse living in $243armonth apartment in the downtown Toronto area al ready lias received $650000 from her husband during their 10 years of separation but is $15000indeht Her former husband was president of Firestoncs ana dian subsidiary and now is president of an amalgamated company FlltlIlGltlldillt Corp and lives in Ancastei Ont about 25 kilometres west of Hamilton Mrs Firestone claimth for lump payment of $300000 plus enough support to allow her to spend 3100000 year She had made claim under the Ontario Family Law Itc foriii Act for division of the family and nonrtamily assets and one estimate filed with the court said her husband was worth about $5 million Mrs Firestone however abandoned her claim when the trial started the examiner Friday Mar so 1079 Ann Lgnders Children not to blame Dear Ann Laiiders My grandchildren are eight and 13 years of age They live out of the state They never write to me to tell me how they are and what they are doing Whenl ask their mother what they would like for birthday or Christmas get list not so much as Hello or How are you love these children and dont want to write them off But Im sorry to day the only connection seem to have with them is at giftgiving time Needless to say they never send me anything Actually all want is an occasional letter simply cannot understand this kind of selfishness Please tell me how to deal with this hurtful problem Ignored Grandmother Deartlraniiy The children are not to blame This is the way they were brought up If you lived closer you might be able to establish some sort of relationship Living out of the state make it difficult Do your best when you are together and perhaps when they ï¬re older you can become part of their lives hope so ear Dear Ann Laiiders Your advice to Nothing Ahead Plenty Behind was the best ever too spent 24 years in shell of fat seeking magic cure and eating myself Sick then crying because Id done it again One day saw myself when opened door and faced fulllength mirror unprepared ljoined Weight Watchers where learned was not abnormal crazy or ALONE The first and most important step is to realize there is only one person in the world to whom your weight and size really matter and that is YOU If you are unhappy because of it YOU are the only one who can do something about the problem After losing 78 pounds and enjoying three years of normal weight and three years of experience as Weight Watcher lecturer can honestly say Ive never seen person who could not lose weight on sensible controlled food program Please tell your readers not to be ashamed to admit to THEMSELVES that they need help There are weightcontrol groups everywhere and the group therapy is an important aspect of losing the excess pounds But most important is to begin caring enough to help your self Believe me its worth it At age 40 am happy woman and no longer hiding under the bed eating peanuts MLti Omaha Dear Omaha Thanks for letting us know how it is with someone who has made it Other excellent selfhelp groups for weight loss are The Diet ork Shop Overeaters Anonymous and Tops Look in your phone book if youre interested Dear Ann have an aunt who is very nosy She has al ways irritated me by asking noneofyourbusinesstype questions The woman thrives on gossip and loves to be in the know Ive been married less than year and every time see this aunt she greets me with Are you pregnant yet learned just last month that am pregnant but we dont want to announce it for at least another two months or as long as can keep it secret dread seeing my aunt because know shell ask me the question as always and am lousy liar Any sugges tions on how to answer Drawstring Dolly Dear Dolly Tell your nosy aunt that when you are ready to make the announcement she will be among the first to know You will have told her no lie and this response is operative for as long as you want to use it Erma Bombeck Everyone has treasures am absolutely fascinated by the boy King Tutankhamon whose tomb was uncovered 50 years ago revealing treasures never imagined The very idea of being buried in an apartment stocked with 3000 dazzling works of art sculptures alabaster vases pcrfumul boxes and gold chariots is beyond comprehension This country has never been big on taking it with them but the other night as was pondering the possibility it occurred to me that it wasnt bad idea lnlike the woman who wanted to be buried with phone just in case she got dial tone am inclined to be little more practical Not that Im ready to go but when do heres list of things want to take with me All the warranties Why make it easy for the second ife Let her try to anticipate whether the toaster has three days left the has 22 days or the thermostat in the dryer is covered oiin if it goes out during an eclipse lhe ultrasuede suit This one holds lot of memories for me It took me three months to pay for it only to board plane and discover it had been chosen as the official uniform of Bramff Airlines My book of rare phone numbers This includes all the biggies plumbers who work Sundays doctors who answor their own phones and cleaning women who are not allergic toexcessive dust The formula for my hair color Through conscientious experimentation and great expense ifrom grants and per sonal fundingI we finally hit upon something that will cover the roots Ihave no intention of leaving it tostrangers My birth certificate Some things you wouldnt want to fall into the wrong hands Timex watch Do you have any idea what commercial that will make in 2000years Scarsdale Diet This could also be Itpltxltlttd on my tombstone tharge cards These could be displayed in six or seven urns throughout the tomb lranted this isnt bullion bonanza youd expect to find but who is to say that in years to come my mood ring on my third finger right hand wont be considered treasure Plt3Ilys Pointers Detergent lifts deposits DEAR POLLY We have hard water and my husband does not like water softener What in the world can use to clean the glass shower doors and the molded glass fiber shower stall have tried ammonia vinegar toothpaste liquid cleanser and nothing seems to help CONNIE DEAR CONNIE Have you tried electric dishwasher detergent Do wear rubber gloves if you do It should remove soap or mineral deposits and not harm the surface Never use harsh abrasives or steel wool but nylon scrubber can be safely used on such materials Automotive polish will add luster and preserve the finish but do not use on the floor of the shower or someone may slip and have an accident POLLY DEAR POLLY Do tell Anna that plastic loops that are on sixpack cans are great for holding sorted colors of yarn or embroidery floss Handy when doing needlepoint crewcl embroidery or similar work NELLIE LOU DEAR POLLY think have wonderful invention and that is making book ends out of expired automobile license plates used construction paper cut to the size of the plate one sheet makes both backs Next cut heavy weight durable plastic twice the size of the plate allowing added width for seams Stitch the three sides using long stitch adjustment on the machine Hand stitching but tonholc stitch or other trim could be used Bend the plastic over straight side of table or stout board Hold it firmly to make clean bend FLORENCE making are Nevertheless am passing the Idea on to the other readers as am sure many of them will find this Interesting for boys room or den and especially so when one has personalized license plates do not understand about the stitching as my license plates are metal and plastic put double laced carpet tape around the back edges of the plates and then stick firmly to the plastic side that stands up against the books POLLY