Thc xarmmrr is member at tho Canadian Press Pi and Audit Bureau 01 in olanons iABCi Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to the Associated Press Reuters or Aqenre rancr Frcsa and I0al news stories published in the immrner NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor tan Mutgrcw City editor Bill McFarlanc wire editor Davc Fuller sports editor Claudia Krauso Litestylc editor RE POR R5 ADVE ISING Lon Sevick manager SALE Bart Stevens PcKJUV Kavanngn Wayne Hay BUSINESS Marian Gougti accountant Delve Mills Gail Parland Vikki Grant Kathie Mitchell COMPOSING VOOM tot Korliey toriman GIenantin asst ton on Don sriomtcrs tornr Wii Will dilution lltliJN tl lidllf curpt Hominy illl liiilit notiont the examiner servrng borrie and simcoe county II bummer In nnrrncr bums copyright on all oriornnl news and irtvcrtrSinu material 41 ril In at by it crnptocr 1an published in the newspaper JdlWd ioiii eiSmrth FfldayJHan3Q1079 CMHMwaI Sgysmm gmgï¬ï¬ggmww ywï¬myu MW rwflmemomommmonmotwwwio Ste hon Nichols non Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited °°L cam We ifciiiivahtiiiiiigzymmWWW Air to We ttrtuiittcy 650th Monte HM mu Maximo Nanc Fr uoro1 LASSIF llmtikrti in or Mono BoYfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 LoriCVohcgh Ruttimaisiswvvvsov AVRLRPM Notihrlrtii wt or root Lisa Warry Richard Thomas Freda 5mm rlrlhlld motor iI to Ehinc porm ltii ivlw vii1 rorrr lul the publisher shall not be liahlr tor tonmocs arts Us ROWlOltd publisho Stephen Gaucr entertainment PEGGY Chaptll Ch Um out cng mi no hit or no out ot rrrov in min tlintttlnl btffjtltl no amatmr pmtt tor the space at Gary Forbes Dana Manicwood my on NW HHHIW llmllr or Ufltt it by that portion ol It mtvcrtisrivri nt in which the error or NIWSIOOM BellyArmencamcraoporatnr Jï¬nlziMOlon tno trinrr tl it to it not rili no iv rim to in neutral oi its sermon or on Dave Burcsikpnotograpticr an in I1 um and Ito oill or no lldlflltf tor not rtiï¬ Ililrll ivw nttvcrtisrrtvrciit 53 6539 7266537 72824l4 mumhm iiiomiiiii ionoonipmiiiororiimrrriioooi Your business Simcoe Day well named Siincoe tounty is an area rich in the traditions ofits past The renaming of tivic Holiday to Simcoe Day in the county does riiucli to recognize and promote that lltlt heritage The renaming took place Wednesday when touiity toiiricil tossed arr unanimous resolut ion in support oftlie name change The name ofcourse is in honor ofloliri tiraves Sinicoe the first governor oflppertanada from 17013 to 173th Appriupriately the first Sinicoe ltay on August ti this year will he festive occasion The long weekend will see reenactment of Siriicoes historic extcdition frorii York lorotito to Matchedash Raye lerietanguishene which originally took place in 1793 The entire Sinicoe llay weekend will he filled with pageantry and color An estimated 100000 people will view the expedition ltgt it ret races that part of the original route from Hollands lran ding through the Severn River to lenetanguislietie We anticipate the name Simcoe llay will one day he the ruognized name throughout the province THEDOQORIUBZ NOT BELONG TO OHIP SCDP UPTHE ileum CHARuE Voting wont cure deficit By llll llf Business and oiisumrr Affairs Analyst lhonison ews Scrv ice IrrtrudeStrin put her finger on it when she wrote As cousin of mine once said about money money is always there but the pockets change ll is not in the same pockets alter change and that is all there is to say about moricy The same observation is applicable to politics in arrada Thc bureaucracy is always thcic but the politicians change The politicians may not be the same alter the May 32 gcncral election but the bureaucracy hill to that effect is rig up for third and filial reading by the Ontario legislature last and present Simcoe unty Mlls including Mr Arthur iis Mr Gordon Smith and Mr George Taylor have been pressur ing for the Siiricoe ltay name for years lcrhaps by August ti thee fforts will pay off What homecoming that would be for our noted county pioliect ltear Sir What is this world coming to Is there no longer just icc In the March 24 edition of The Ex aminer read with distress and receive little else than the gasoline Our selfservice offers the following fast efficient service lat complished by the car driver and no waiting until an attendant has will go on as always Uri the basis of his long experience in both federal and provincial politics Quebec lrc mier Itcnc Levesque is fond of quoting the Ircnch intellectual Jacquis Pillul who has cited what he calls the double political illusion that power is held by politicians and that thi votcrs control hc politicians The party in power the one that is com paigning on its record has so lost control of Ulllflfi£1llt that it sirnatrs that it will be spending Six billion more than ll will take III during the fslt al car beginning April lhtits aliiot doulfle the budgeary deficit or so it billion for thc INT TH fiscal year hich cndcd Just 11 inortl ago and more than four times the MW 77 deficit of 53 billion Budgetary and non budgetary outlays by lll tcderal apparaus ii 1970 are forecast at 533 billrori orSl billion per week IIllllli BlllJtlIltS Even if political power changes from one party to another on May 32 the deficits so disgust that in California court finished with another customer ritrlistsasalwaysspcakofout speiidingllic Lawrence Singleton 51 received washrooms tire air service wind Imom But look at hat happens as opposed to the maxrmunr sentence of 1ft years shield squeegees and towels lower what poiiriciaiis sav snot rim is and three months for raping 15 prices assrstance when requested inandarins and bulimictars who have their yearold Mary Vincent and then As an experiment try timing how turntlwntlwleyttwlimtwi chopped off her arms long it take you on your next visit to The point Im Wing to make is tgenuinev in up versus the same that restoira foundation of billions of dollars of transfer payments the ones who have that he is sentenced for such short at local self serve Or perhaps try mum mm mm CHr gummy time while poor little Mary has life to purchase gas after pm at the assistance and grant slttlt pulling penalties sentence physically without her fullscrvice outletsGood luck it thrift mwstmtnt tnttttgttIt Search arms and mentally as result of be We soon found that the customers anlddlfviilPHWHlJ vi ing kidnapped and then raped really prefer self serve and conve jd1itlfiltHam il1all 33 It seems as though the wrong per nicnce over having to rely on pony owed Ilt taxes withheld from employees son has been punished Should his young minimum wage attendant to sentence not have been for the rest of his lifejust as hers will be Would anadian court been so lenient Is this truly the Year of the Child have look after their $0000 investment regardless of any price difference The car owner soon learns that if you want competent service then do it yourself It really is not that the previous year and voluntarily corrected thcerror For his honesty he was sucked with loperceirt penalty for latcpayiiient plus when he coriiplained final request for payiricnl and threat ol legal action Aiiollicr example of the bureaucratic rlrprliroach is pirovidled by iltlllttltt ltlllltitl of esat tanar in wou ie to iniinate Flt37 EL glmcult liirnu1g 10 drlkv ordinary television transmission and piil all 0nrn VU alter dhhm in If Clo sets on cable That natural step in the Barrie The car owner is also very aware ItearSir With reference to your article comparing gcnuine service Sta turns to the selfservice variety Examiner March 23 line of the main reasons hy sclt scrvc attracts 80 per cent of the motoring market is that most of the socalled genuinc service stations neglected the customers and couldnt be bothered offering thc ex pcctcd services which should come with higher prices In fairness the lessee or owner would certainly give the personal touch but rarely would the young attendant follow stilt Thus customer would pay high prices but E59mmxdk By ll liltlj IIuitiiinertity ljrlilor llsciioughloriiakcyousick lhoric calls phone calls ccry day several times day and all lroni peoplc tiliipldltlltil It has tostop When was the last time you rttcndcd city Loiiiicil niccting school board meeting ny meeting When was llic last time yolr drirgttcd ourscll away lroni the television scrccii or icritlcisrligcsl longciiougli toget involved lrobrilily yoti cirrit ltllltltilttl livery week in ltarric city council ltlttls Sometimes they iiiccl as committee ol the whole other times its council At bolli nitclings they discuss issiics and pllttllllt that are or should lityour concern Wherewcrryoii Illlt lake iriosl ol the people in Itiirric you wcrc watching the tribe Maybe it was Lou Grant rriaybc thc Ittfls grcal rlmuiiicnliiry tori nections L5 or iiiaybc it was inst King ol lvcns ingtori llirit ssickeiiirig While layor ltoss Archer and it scori ot others tirakcdrcisioiis lliirl irllccl your form youre sitting on your behind with your lllttl in neutral About the only people ever at llltt meetings arc the Journalists ho cover them four reporters truth the news media Those people attend Iolti or live meetings work write reports on them and try sometimes tiiisucccsslully to lathoiii why theyre there And you read their reports lit1ft them on radio or watch them on the 20 news of the competitive gas prices in to days market plus they are well aware where to purchas quart of oil to save quite few cents Why should customers have to re ly 0n genuinc service stations then and put up with inexperiencez help and early closing hours We have followed this latest trend and now own two self service gas bars plus sell serve car wash We find that our customers are happy using our facilities and enjoy the con vcniencc Our business is good and growing every day We thank customer every self serve loii Alexander tarrie The only time you bother going to council nitclings is licii on have sell scrv Inl pill posc your group wants iiiorc money you want lot severance you want new playground lttl your children or you want to bitcliabout your lt Why riot tlllllltlitlt lhc ttlltllll altogether and iust let the adiiiinislralion run the city lhcrcs little public discussion anyway and who really curts lictlici llic public has Input orriot rrtrririly not you lciirociicy is the strength of thc pcoplc Attending oili council intclings shows you our strength ttolit It wouldnt be so bad ll we all accepted that and said yes we are it scll centred srltislr peoplc who only cirrc about our own lilllc homes our own llllll lives and our own little worlds And then stayed there no youve got to call llll papers the television or thc radio and coiriplaiii about how the mayor is doing this llic police are do ing that the governiiiciil is doini soiiiclhiiig rlsc Yourcvvroirg IJ II There is no great us they split in this coiiii try Its all you ll somethings messed up its tip to you to get involved ittiiig on your chair and reading or watching television ls liric bill dont ttllltl to Inc or anyone else when you think llicrcs ii problciii You rc giv trig tip tlirt right lllI your coiiiplncciicv Its too bird really things in lrri II and iii riiigrda could be lot better it you get rnvolv cd Why dont you licrcwis Monday night In loronto study ing litcr rturc lls crroutli to iiiakryoii sick Parliament Hill Hy SIIJW ltl laclrllttlt Ottawa Bureau lhoiiisoii New Serv ici ttur political leaders can loss around slogans visions and idealistic issues all they want but when we finally cast out ballots on May well probably vote tor the one who lot variety of reasons looks like the most credibleprimcminister Strategists aides and backroom plotters btirri thc riiidnight oil dreaming up party plat forms incisive issues and rousing ttbllllnls ltiit none of these things win elections they iic merely vehicles to display the can didates lukc lor instance that lrudcau slogan ol Decade of ltcvclopriicnt It allowed the prime minister to launch highly in spilalioiial liiessagc about his vision ol taiiirda in the littlos Decade ot lte veloprrrcnt can help llllllt us anew from east lowest across this léind with new bonds no less strong and secure than the steel railroad tracks which bound anadians logctlicr century ago llut even lrudcan tilt pcoplc agree that no one is goingI to vote lllttlll on llicsliciigthol this riicsstrgt Its how the prime minister ciriric rcross wliiledelivcringtlicnicssagr Iflrltllillill Ilsllll What it comes down to says ciioloi Alasdair tiraliirm the Liberal party president 1s question of leadership It is battlibetwccrilrudcauaiidJoctlark New lleiiiocrntic larty lrfiltltl lId ltroadbcnt is in there too and with irsouii tlllll Hllppoll from llic iiiizrdiirii lrirlior tongrcss he is cxuding more tllllltlltlli than the party has seen Ill years lrrt no onc talks about him is probable priiiic iiiiiiistcl it more tpicslioii ol how he would pcrloriir with the balance of power in his hands SCOOPS LET ME IiStithE Air warrant t5 NOTHlNG to WORRY A50UT or vorwa DAY lllt ItltttUtliliVl lies enthusiastic Whirl vc are witnessing in this cam paigri says senior oriscrvirtivc is very sophisticated nrrrrkctirig Illtlrllltlll and you cirtit rinrikct people without rapping lliciii lll Ulllllll1 Take that energy issue the lIlNlll lrac latched onto They dont have one new suit gestion to make birt bccausc tAllicttn lltlllltl leter Loughced is Tory lrudcaii can sound tough lllll decisive Since the irits don expocl to Ill riilicli lll lbeilr anyway they can rise the pio iiicc as whipping boy Its all part and parcel ot presenting Irudcau OUR SECURITY FORCES ARE lN COMPLETE mail as fearless defender of the consumer liilc try mg to portray locllark as an accomplice ol the oil producers lliishasnothingtodowillicncrgy itsa inalter ot riiaking somconc look more crediblethansonicoiicclsc lllll What the Tories will try in return is to convince voters that energy problems can best be solved through cooperation and ilttltlltllltNltlllttll rather than confrontation Itiit this involves more ditticiill selling technique toughtalkini lriidcau can be tor lltltlilltlt opponent iid he is obviously going to be talking tough not only about energy but about national unity and the coming showdown with llciic Levesque Again there is little ditterencc between thc Tory and itll approaches to Quebec liiil its question ol who seems like the most credible federal lczidcilodeirlwrtlrlhcsilurrtion ltiirinc his in st campaign news conlcieiicc llirk seemed to be adopting new lorrin riid snappy stance an obvious attempt to deiiioiislrale he has the tibrc to handle multinational oil coiiipzinics provincial prciiircrs and threatened separatism llc disiirisscd lrirrlcrrii is the man who found tiiirdi iiiiilcd as never belore and caused it tobcdividcd as never lietorc Ironically botli the Liberals and toii scrvalivcs view the opposing lciidcis as llrcn tirctilcsl assets The prime minister in the view ol loiy strategists has lost his credibility over the last II ycrrrs and cannot recover it in lwoiiioiitli ciriiipaigri loc tlrrrk iii the view ot Liberal strategists has never established prrnic triiiiisterial credibility and that he will bc oirt pcrloriircd by lrudcaii Itshouldbefuritowalch 9°98 5W AND BESIDES THE VOTING DOOTH5 ARE BULLET PROOF steady progression toward thought control which would protect us frorii the ideas and culture of our international neighbors and triends lllli liy their actions the bureaucrats dciironstralc their conv ictiori that they know whats best whether in the realm of the material or the intellectual Let others creae wealth the bureaucrats in their wisdoii will take the proper share and redistribute ll ltul is the bureaucracy actually wise sensible efficient It ll were it would ltrldy liic tor example dratted air lricoiric li ct thats so inciiiiiprchciisihlc tlia the courts are constantly being called ripoi to clarity usually at tttltsltltldltlt cos to lic lapayer the meaning oi regulations it could have been v= riltcn clcrrtiy ri fsiiiipiy tlictirst place The cos to the ltllltdlltlrtt littttt is irrelevant bureaucrats career siifters it his mistake should put trpier to Hi necessary trouble and evpciisc or it pet protect turns into one ol those million dollar boondogglcs that The auditorgcncral llsroristirliytlt lls chilling to realic that the govcririircnt elected on May could last until that the year chosen by ticorgc trwcll iii his ISHH novel to signin ttrlurc era ot mans total subjugation by government apparatus Interpreting the news $1 gallon gas an outrage My lll chlIIH Illilt llltiltt itl in tlic lnitrd States the coiiciitioiirl wisdom riiiong ttll owners has long been that $1 gallon gaso line would be an outrage national illlloltlt or pcrlirips signal ot thc end of economic litc as we know it The day gasoline prices reach that poiiit is rapidly approaching iluc Ill part to the Lilcsl ttigrinialion ot Ictrolcuni lporling toiiritries IlllZti move It appears clear that ltltlltrlll car owners llll llllllllly gasoline priced at St or more hard to swallow ll cliokc down the prrcc lllllllt just is then tiiiidiin counter partsdid when llllll lirrgci gallon lirst hit Si llic gallon is About tour littlis or tiiirdirii gallon riicctirig in itlltrt this week ttllt tlpplouil iilltrprt crlll ltlclrlsr lit lltr lnlst price lor crudc oil raising it to sit il barrel on April ttlliit also iizi ccd to let iiieiiihcrs charge prcnirurii or surcharge ot whatever amount they wished evciol mcmbcis immediately llttllilltvl they would idd to their cport ttllirs to allowing the surcharge sy slcrii ll ap pears that Ull may have signalled tree tor rll lll world oil markets with prices becoming even more unpredictable than ltllttlt While the impact ot the surcharges on oil prices on this side ol llrc Atlantic ill depend on their sue analysts have quickly come up with an estimate of the impact or the nuieper cent increase in the base price