Barrie Rotary Club told Domestic wine discrimi By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner Canadian wines not foreign wines are being discriminated against in Ontario says the On tario Grape Growers Mar keting Board chairman Ronald Moyer told the Barrie rotary club Thursday foreign wines are given twice as much sales opportunity as Canadian wines in Ontario liquor outlets Ten years ago the balance of coordinated attack recently on Ontario wine policies over markups placed on foreign winessai Moyer few examples of projected price increases to affect few white burgundies have helped fuel frightening headlines in newspapers he said AFFECT LESS THAN PER ENT But the price increases for the burgundies will affect less foul over Ontarios markup ar rangeinent for wines saying it is 123 per cent for foreign pro ducts and 47 per cent for tario wines he said But the average markup for foreign wines is about 58 per cent says Moyer as opposed to 37 per cent for Ontario wines The Liquor Control Board of Ontario should consider direct importation of wine and avoid payment of the commission to But the wine industry is not in difficulty in the province he said Last year the wine produced from the grapes brought $100 million in revenue for the federal and provincial govern ments he said The Ontario Grape is second only to tobacco in generating government revenue from an agricultural commodity this the oxamlner Frlday Mar so 1970 noted here to Mme To Into Ifl To elm Mk SATURDAY SUPER listings was equal he said so than three per cent of the total foreign wine agents says llgm lldllï¬lfy ltCflVlnfl there have been major and wine market in Ontario he Moyer fr 5df5 justments during this past said Thats quite distance bottle of foreign wine now howdi decade which have clearly away from the implications of priced at $5bin somedllXBO Each acre of vineyard pro favored foreign wines he the changes we have all read outlets could reduce it ducing grapes for wine process said and heard Meyer said cents with greater savings for ing in Ontario generates $70m Ther hi ee Wine im rters are crvin hi her riced bottles hesaid forthe voveinments he said we p° or while quantities last GI antlc it L3 City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 New program beginning to keep fewer in jail By STEPHEN NIHOIIS Of The Examiner new bail supervision pro gram beginning next week will help keep people out of jail and reduce correctional expenses said the Ontario Corrections Ministry director of parole and probation Dickson Taylor said in an in terview Thursday thenew pro visit to Barrie Mann is promote awareness for the lnternatto Photo gram will be tested in six cen tres across the province If it proves successful the program will spread province wide in 18 months to two years The program is aimed at reducing the number of prisoners held injails for trial Taylor said it will encourage judges to release charged in dividuals on bail When someone is arrested he appears before justice of the peace The JP may release him on bail bond or he may decide to hold him in dctenton cciitrc it there is risk involved MAY BIC RISK An individual charged with violent offence or someone Il£l ing no fixed address might Joycees promote Year of Child Mayor Ross Archer and international Ja ycees vicepresident Robert Mann Jr of Jamaica Inspect tape measure given to Mann as souvenir of his travelling across Canada and the United States to nal Year of the Child Examiner Meditation course offered locally in spring for free course designed for those wishing to learn to meditate is being offered locally this spring at no charge The eight to 10 week introduclt tory session tentatively set to begin April 17 is called Medita tion and Personal Growth Jack Williams instructor says the course will provrde in struction in number of dif ferent mediation techniques drawn from wide variety of sources Techniques range from the use of mantra and mandala through various breathing and visualization techniques all of which have been studied and practised by the instructor under the guidance of niedita Area man charged STROUI Staff 21year old Stroud area man charg ed with dangerous driving early today after another local man fell from the roof of car Charged is iohii Scott Home HR Strand lnnisfil Township police said they were called to Sitteroad to and lnnisfils oiicession Road about 120 am investigating reports of an irratic driver They said George Easby 18 of RR Stroud suffered head injuries when he tell from the roof of car as it was moving format ion Williams tion teachers in lndia Sikkim Burma and Toronto Williams has previoust ot fered this course at Georgian ollegc campiiscs in liarric rillia and lcnetanguishciic He says the course is design ed to provide the individual with variety of methods for improving the quality of lay lllt Related topics to be explored include reincarnation karma astral travel clairvoyancc biorliythm Atlantis and naturi spirits Although therc is no charge for the coitrsc registrations will be limited and will be taken on first come first sttycti basis Those wishing turthcr in can contact constdetcd risk to Judicial stciii said laylor lnilcr tlic new program ministry statt or private groups would ask the tudgc to rclcasc the charged person on bail and they would assume siqwivision Supervisors will maki iegiilui tl to these persons the in The ill provide surveillance service on them Iltsttttl thii acciiscd persons ap pear in court and are iciiiand ed the supervisors will ask lIlt judge to keep them out ot custody ln Hamilton and St be handled by the John Howard Socicty Kitchener bail supcivi sion ill be done by The outh in ontth with the lt group saidlaylor Ministry parole and protm tion personnel will run thi pilot progiiiiiis in London itslliti and ault Htc lziric lttNdll The program may lilttl in Mississauga chpiiig prisoner in ii costs lltt piovitici about $4 to sfioa day said lay loi Sttpciv isint ot pcioii ltltittl on biil Hll cost It than it day be mild Similai tXtMlttllttll him lttl litttlltl in England and the and Iilor siid hc illNii lIt pccts bail lltiflitti should work well horc tltl ilaiinltons program tll start April lrogiams in thc othcr lllt wilt tollow ltt stag ltlL llttttl HospHal hiring consultants llltllt The board ot directors ot lliironia District Hospital Midland voted unanimously to hire protcs sional consultants to study waysotciittingcosts lhc hospital board will spend an cstimatcd Simon for thc to eight wick study to IV con ducted by lIinst and Ernst ot loroiito lhc compain has analysed other hospitals in tintario We have to ll to cut costs to incct the budget tlicy lltt tittiltttt hic givcn its Hill rdlii hospital chairman said The hospital is getting only per cent ttltllit toi llll lltl ycui idlci utltl the board com postd ot lziyiiicn and rathci than start making lot ot llttlt were taking tiiltltllttl rcvicw Ronald Moyer chairman of the Ontario Gra spoke to the Barrie Rotary Club Thursday Liquor Control Board of Ontario LCBO wines directly and avoid payment of co Examiner Photo by Dennis Lanthier pe Growers Marketing Board at Miramar Gardens He said the hould consider importing foreign mmissions to foreign wine agents An oth er in rease in milk predicted by dairy farmers Iltil lIIItt Hi The liiiiiiicr lllltt llliotiili was rimtitty gmiioiiiiccd itilli lillti would llllltiht liy lit1i iii additional lllllttt may hiiioiiiid llltttttlltl lLtttctnc lay tttiturio dairy liitltttl will rccciyc pricc ttIittii ot TI cents liitii drcilwcight tpcr ccnt price iiiciiuisc tor milk productd tor lilgtlc iisc lhis llttltlt amounts to xlltlltllj lcss than lliiittlgtittlltti hid originally ttggcxtcd piicc incrciixi ot Kt II to thc taimci not Tmiiits Kcmictli lclvinnon cliiirmin ot thctiii tii io Milk liikitmg oird told liic lIamiiici lhiirsday ttI lliston ac icilioiiul ltittltttt ot count milk ttillllltllltt iiicmlicrs Iiltitltiltllt lormiila piojcc lltttt indicated $1th was iicccssiiry to mch thltitl costs todairy iiirincis iiisaid Vc Htl told by consiniict groups iiid othcrx liowcici that litiil ittI propctcil said McKinnoii tiiii intorma lion littllttil milk produch costs hiivc shot up quickly intr thcpiisl tcw months iccatisc the price vi not movcd to lhc lccl tiidtcntcd by the lormiilii and it costs con llllttt to soiii McKinnon said iiiiothci piicc tlllllltttlti could comc titttitt than most expect dont know whcii the prici liltltlltlll conic lttltl doirt want to lltt to mcicasc It at all but ll ll iiicvssary cvpcct inotlici llttlttt litcausi thcrc isnt it gowiii ltlltll regulation controlling thc town country Lobale wins award loliilc harms ltiadtord were awarded the high ltrccd class rvcragc ilttAr award liictli ill the Simcoc tiii Iiird lmprmcmciit llistoii ocIIlIotis iiiiiiiiil llilttltitill iii loliilc prmluction had milk contciit ot Iiit and tat content oi II ltiinncr up award went to ltoiiald tarkcr ot Allistoii with milk contcnt ot llliitlltl ii tat contcnt ot lit larkci also llttl with iirl Stewart of licctoii tor the grczitcst production increase in oiic yciir larkci had tit loi milk and In lor fat whilc Stewart had 32 for milk and it tat ltit ltunnci up in that category was loriic Stephenson ot lllutt with 11 tor milk and six for tat Angus llciiry ol lhointon was presented with the breeding ctticicncy award Larry lcqiicliiicc ot licoton was riiiincr up lMpiclcncc was also given an honorable mention tor oiic ol his cows that produced IL milk in ttifi diivs fiot production kilograms iii The liiiichcoii held at St Johns liiited hitrch was at tended by 73 members ot thc Association Laking new president Iaiiicc Laking toimci Ward it alderman has become the new president of the south simcoc lilicriil associat ion Mrs Laking rcplaccs ltay ltamsay who innoiinccd icdncsday he would be running for the iioiiniiaton in the up coming clcctioti Im looking forward to thc challenge Mrs Laking told The lIxaiiiinir today Alis Laking says slic cxpccts close battle bctwccn the two liberal candidates Ramsay and Alex Maiiiiris The nomination intcling ill he held liiisday coiisumci pinc tor milk tlic imoimt ot thc ltltltittl ictnl Iiiilltlx dcpIiidciit on com itlllltttl cdoiiot know what thc llllitl consiimci piicc will bc siidlclriniioii At regional meeting Eliminate quotas says milk board llIlti ttiitutio should not hic tiil contiollcd milk iiiirkct quota iiid all it lllttttlttt ol tlic lccl lliilton ltuttciiii Simcoc York iiiilk committccwhoattcndcdlliiiis din rcgioiial mcctiiig ot thi lltllittl lilk Marketing Hoard lthoiigh Intario does no have fully coiitiollcd inarkct TY pcr ttlll ot it Is titll coiittoll cd said Kenneth McKinnon chairman of thc itiitiiiio milk iiiiiikctini board it has lllttl that way tttti about lint tltl Mon to that ill iiiiiikct £ltll iiciotiiilili Quotas tltl lacKinnon iic sct to ciczitc or establish maikct lllltlllltttt yielding satistiictory returns to pro illlttt adcqiiatc llttttllt toi tillllllltl and to ltllt cqui ty lttltttl producers lndci tiilly controlled quota market the board hm complctc control ovci thc allocation and transfer ot all qtioii ttnc idiiiiigc ot lll systcm says the rcccntl iclcascd rcport Quotas ind QIlttlit Values picpiiriwl for thc supply managcmciit tttlthiltl lionrds iii tintario is it pro liibits an dircct contact bct wccn the buyers and sellers ot quotas and ihctcb tttttll quota valiics tioin being tiiiiiiipulatcd by persons who are mainly ltlltttlttl in speculating intliictiiatiiigquota values ll tillIIIII All productrs at the mccting iiowcvir agreed liccly iicgotiablc quota system would be more appropriate The goals of trccly negotiable transfer system include lltltlll1 ol equal opportunity for all pro ductrs wanting to buy and sell quota the elimination ot third party involvement and opera tioii with minimal board iii volviincnt lcrsonally tavor tlciblc negotiable quotas whilc iccogiiiiiig limits said Mchiiinon The members suggestion tor freely negotiable quota system will be brought to the attciiton oi the board along with ideas from other icgions holding similarmcctiiigs The meetings said McKiiiiioii will not only bring county milk committees up to date on board policies and programs but also will providi the board with tcgioal views on policy titutict and proposals county and district milk titlitttlllti can play very iin portiiit part it ttntaiios dairy industry ttlll lclxmnon liciiig the clcctcd rcprcscii lilllt ot milk piodiiccrs at the locil lcil mcmbcis ttt lit position to exert strong Ititlltciicc on the board tilltlt and opcra liltll More will receive delivery service The lilting ot government lrccc means that in about month tï¬it additional persons in ltariic ill ltt rcccivingdoor todoormaildclivcry service total of 711 homcs in liar llt including 723 iii lctitIi llcights will icccivc tor the ltl timc mail delivery scr viic treec on liotiic delivery for new houses in cttcct since 1975 has lNtlt tilted says Daniel ltltltt press secretary to the federal postmaster lhc ltttlt was imposed litcause ot tinaiicial restraints litspins told The Itlltlltl lhiirsday llomcs have liccii serviced since that tiiiic It tlllltt group boxes or rural delivery said ltcspins The nation idc move will ittcct ttoooo homes and cost the federal gowrniiicnt about St million said Dcspiiis The revenue will be partially made up by nicrcasml postal rates which go intocftcct Mayt The affected streets in liarric include Shirley Avc liayvicw lrivc Scott tres lcacock Il timdles St Letitia Street hiistic res Anne St haiiccr res Austen Lane llHKXI ourt Wilde llacc Kipling llacc Frost lrail Mowat rcs man Lane In addition tttti houses will be added on to the mail delivery route in Midland lhirty addi tional homes have been added in ritlia and another titt in oll ingwood have been slated for door to door mail service The one month time period is an approximation said ltcspins It might take loiigcrin different areas of the country to gct the service in operation he said and Lamp cottitiiittcc Bike Sale SIDEWALK SALE AT MAPLE AVE ENTRANCE Bicycles for ovory member of the family SATURDAY ONLY 10 Off Our Woolworth Reg Price Pc Davenport Sofa Suite With Swivel Rocker Polypropylene cover in brown beige or rust beige only sets Our Woolworth Reg Price 42995 set SPECIAL PRICE Brentwood 151 cu ft Refrigerator H3 lb froeler capacity porcelain crispors yr warranty on compressor almond gold color only Our Woolworth Reg Price ouch ï¬ï¬ 49900 each on SPECIAL PRICE 65 polyester 35 cotton with dome closing Assorted plaids Sizes Hs to l7z Our Woolworth Reg Price 1995 each SPECIAL PRICE 99 lv MM Mens Mesh gm Football Jersey E11333 100° nylon with short sleeves Sizes Each SML color choice Our Woolworth Reg Price 95 each SPECIAL PRICE Artiï¬cial Grass Turf Carpet wide Canadian made of olelinwpolypropylene Green color Our Woolworth Reg Price 339 per linear toot OI SPECIAL PRICE 00 Gram Solid Oiocolate Bunny delicious chocolate Easter Ior2 treat Our Woolworth Reg Sm I9 Price 229 each on tr 2159 BAKERY SPECIAL Strawberry Shortcake delicious dessert treat for the entire family Our Woolworth Reg Price L99 Each 5676 IAVFIELD ST eoch Open ovary night until 900 pan Saturdays 600 pm Ilsa thou Cords lworth Stores across motto Milk Chocolate Easter Nome Eggs gram hollow milk chocolate Have name written on eggs at our candy counter Our Woolworth Reg Price 89 each OURSPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL PRICE