Goldeunds Singer Peabo Bryson shown here during visit to Los Angeles says ballads are coming back people want to hear something serious Bryson hails from Greenville South Carolina started singing in church before going professional at age 15 He now has two gold records described him him as stuff that romantic evenings are made of AP Photo weekend notebook Any nonprofit orgnnimtion or individual may have community event in Notebook Just call 71566537 and ask for Stephen Bauer alls for Mondays Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the folloIIiiig Monday alls for Weekend Notebook published Fridaydn lanoraiiia must be received by noon Iediiesday tonight OThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Barrie Humane Society holds rummage sale in the Steelworkers Hall on High Street from to pm Also on Saturday March 31 beginnr ingat 10am OBarrie Duplicate Bridge lub meets each Monday and Friday at St Georges Anglican hurch llall Burton Avenue Barrie at 730 pm For partners and further iii formation call 7282897 ORebekah and kid Fellows Bingo at the 00 Hall iier ris Lane at pm Jackpot is Sioo refreshment booth available Euchre at the New Lowell Legion at ll pm Admission 30 cents cash prizes given Bingo sponsored by the Angus ANAF Hub is held at the True Blue Hall King Street Angus at pm refreshment counter is available OIhe Bell Ewart Youth lub meets every Friday from to 10 pm at the Bell Ewart Tommumty entre Anyone in the area attending an elementary school is welcome Records dancing and plenty of games available Admission is 25 cents saturday OIhe Ontario Registered Teachers Association of Barrie presents Music Workshop at Grove Park Home Auditorium beginning at am Guest speaker is Don Kwasnica and topics for lecture and discussion are struc ture phasing and articulation in the Baroque and lassical period and an introduction to the music of Scriabin Registeration is at 845 am Cost is $4 for ltMIA members $6 for nonmembers Students are $2 OThe DutchCanadian Entertainment lub of Barrie holds Spring Dance at the Embassy Hall 386 Blake Street from 830 to 100 am Admission is $350 per person Music by Danny Lahaies group OEuchre at the Holly ommunity Hall at 815 pm Refreshments are served OThe Second Mile Christian Coffee House located in the Farmers Market Hall Mulcaster Streetlltlarrie is open from 730 pm to midnight Admission and coffee are free Music and entertainment are provided by groups and in dividuals Discussion groups are also part of the evening For further information call 7261954 sunday OMovie the ross and the Switchblade at ollier Street United Church at 830 pm Teens and adults $2 Senior citizens $150 under l2 $1 Evervwone welcome Bingo at the New Lowell Legion at 12 pm refreshment counter will be available OAngus Lions club hosts flea market at their hall on Highway 90 Angus Tom 12 noon to pm Antiques coins bake sale tools appliances stamps fresh vegetables and much more Lotto anada Provincial and IIntario tickets are on sale Refreshments are available 600 in NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND IENDS Guest Steve Lawrence POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NSC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS in PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS TOM AND JERRY AND IENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAc DOUGH HOURLONG as NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW as PRICE is RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW PREOSCAR SPECIAL HEE HAW HONEvs at 00 MAGIC SHADOWS up Qwscba NEWHART SHOW Shampooing Clipping Of All Breeds OI Dogs Cats 5C Gown St 7288844 EEDIIIIIIII IIIS l5$i$ TOOLS AIENIILS IanIIll Call Now and Ask About Our Seminars GLENERIN CERAMICS Ceramic Colors Distributor Reward Ceramichrome Dealer 7267642 49 MORROW RD Nobody ever complains about buying WNIARIO Duality Hwy No 27 South ow rl 1AA People do read Small Ads For dhphy advertising Information 7266537 todayl MARKS MILK 800 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEYHappyBirtndayDonaldDuckDon aid ruins birthday surpriss trom his naphawsHuay Daway and Louie1nd dGCIdastomakaituptathombythrowmoaparty complata with movies at his lavorita ranald Duck 51 60 mm MORK AND MINDY ummum WithaarthlinoslittlswhitsliasMorkhearinu loving tributas being paid to deceased land lordwhowasthsmaanostmanintowndocrdas mptatart him backtolita EDWARD THE KING Trie Peacemaker Edward ascends the throne at timawhenEnglandspopulantyabroadisata Iowabb His determinationtounprovatorsiun relationships Wins him the hits Tha carnakar at THE MACKENZIES or PAR ADISE COVE Bridget laarna that bainotoo boaay can have davastating results when the younger MacKanzisa who were halpinq her stage bio moneymaking luau tor some tour ists oacida to mutiny at the last minute 60 THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN When the worlds Ii chsst man sells sacrot dovnce that dopro grams iniasila guidance systems to known power and whan both disappear Wonder man must hold them 80 mm HOCKEY Boston Bruins vs Toronto to Last INTROSPEC PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED MOVIE COMEDY Boy Did Get Wroqugumborl rose WATSONREPORT CINETVOHEURESAPPROX Voyaga Surprise l947 Maurice Baquat Mar tino Carol LAttaiio Est dans la Sac 1932 Lumen Raimbouru Jacquoa Pravort 30 FRUITSVEOETABLESFERTILIZER RETAIL WHOLESALE IATFIELD ST IARIIE Cid NWT NO 27 MIDLAND JIEAI IVE lIAlH DESIGN BY ames moray 7267655 45 Maple Ava BEST BUYS EVER USED CARS 4am and Sonics Moffatt Used Car Sales Name You Can Trust 7282131 BREAD GIFTS TOYS GROCERIES ALUET CHIMNEY SWEEPS Wm Serving Barrie Area for over years JOIN THE HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS BY CALLING 7267693 7263820 WIN $500 BOOKS OF TICKETS flflmï¬o SWEEPSTAKES the examiner Friday March so 1979 9A wednesday We 900 WHEELS hardamino auto company executive becomes more and more prooc cupiad with the development oi the Hawk National Motora new car aimed at the youth markat whila his Wile drrtta into an altair With tamousracacardrivor StaraRockHudsonLao wawt at tourpart series his 1979 ACTRA AWARDS eighthannualawardscaramonysalutingaxcal lance in Canadas broadcast industry hold by the AsaOCIatIon oi Canadian Mansion and Radio Artists this year at Torontos Harbour its Hltton hrs DEAR DETECTIVE CHARLIES ANGELS Angola investigates hauntedparapsycholaayinstituta to pursue murderous ghost and prove that Bostaysrichladytriandrsbaingswmdlad Rat THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Boss H000 accuses Ba of stealing his money While the real this swaslttatks Daisy into putting him tthe Dukas homa 60 mrns til SECOND CITY 930 68 THE JEFFERSONS Florences at iortstomakaharsatlmoraIntorastinubacklira when her new suitor turns Out to be psychiatrist 1000 KAZ Linda Lawn guest stars as conVIctsddrugotlondarwhoattamptstohandts Own pool 80 mins VE when wallknown call girl Is killedDanTannatrackadownthelamouamsnin heitita ona Olwhomistha murderer Guasl stars Bobby Van Robert Mandan 60 a3 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 ea BARETTA 1045 IEPARLONSCINEMAIHEUREAP PROXRsaliaataurPiarraPiavart noIiaparla PLAY ENTER NOW ENTER OFTEN ONE LOW PRICE COVERS All Good looks at ol lordoble prices Oquolity selection WWW Oprice KING DOWNTOWN CENTRE 7266156 Ltd CARPETS catchgard SNOTHROS Parts Sales WWVAItO Service BARRIE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Micstar St 726640 Mtge Er TAVERN GERMAN CUISINE 29 DUNLOP ST garlinitarl Josue 82 Bradford St TRANSMISSION CENTRES Golden Cleaning Services COMMERCIAL RESIDENTLAL FURNITURE ITALIAN RESTA PlZZ can suite TactFE JiiT2°Li fleas BRADFORD ST TEXACO YOUR COMPLETE CAR CARE CENTRE do saa tilrnsat da sontrara Jacques acanarista at dialoouiata 1100 II NEWS cac NEWS CTV NEWS CD PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA 1A Some Camo Running 1957 120 NEWS NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHoaIJonnny Carson Guasta Angie Dickinson Ethal Mar 90 nuns W035 LATE MOVIE THE ROCKFORD FILES Coultsr City Wildcat Rocky is awarded sparcalot land Inapublic drawrngand Immedia tslyiathraatanaobytwoman RKOJAK Onca MoraFromBIIdlandStars TallySaValasKaVin aon MOVIE DRAMA 1h Wall of Isa toss STREET TALK OUESTION PERIOD 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Scraam Pratt Pa 1973 mob In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEDRAMAIW Honey comb 1972 1210 MOVIE MYSTERY Tho Tattorad Web ion 100 TOMORROW In MARCUS WELBY MD 1127 RULES Each week the word Wintario appears In several ol the 0d verlisements on this lecture Read the ads Orelully lip the advertisements iii which Winlorio appears and forward your entry to the Wintorio Editor The Examiner Each week draws Wlll bemadeondwmnersnotilied 737044 36 MARY ST AT DUNLOP Eroéo Lu NOONaura toSI Nd 7281823 53 COLLIER WNIARK 7263921 Ibis 6H SAVE 2530 saysrod has rshahhhnal¢a Starr Electric Ltd Iiy to 27 Mail mmc 7284400