Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1979, p. 23

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the book page Wartime spy book assumes to Reviewed by STEPHEN GAUER Dragon Spoor is the first novel of new cloak and dagger series called Special Opera tions Executive S0E writ ten by Canadian playwright Jack Crisp Crisp worked with the real life S0E behind enemy lines during World War 11 so its reasonable to assume he has an insiders knowledge of the organization hes writing about The problem with the novel is that Crisp gets so car ried away with telling spy story that he neglects the basics of characterization and credible plotting GOOD ACTION The plot isnt strikingly original but it should serve as the basis for good action novel Donald Palmer 50 yearold Toronto photographer and former S0E agent is called to England by Colonel Mark Sherwood the head of S0E Palmers mission is to locate priceless art collection stolen by the Nazis during the war The art hes searching for has been hidden for 30 years by mysterious and evil organiza tion known as Dragon Spoor Palmer quickly jOInS forces with young American woman suitably sexy and smart as spy novel heroines must be who has the information needed to locate the art treasures With Lise llesautels at his side Palmer follows trail of death and deception through Germany France and Spain to violent climax on small island off the Spanish coast The book is filled with car toon villains la Ian Fleming By Brian Davies Plea for the ha NO one expects book by Brian Davies to be objective and Seal Song Penguin Books 88 pages $595 isnt It is an explicit plea for the harp seal to whose welfare Davies has devoted his life Back in the early 19605 this was certainly good cause The seal hunt was wide open Killlt ing was unregulated The herd was declining and looked as though it might suffer extinc tion Davies was at first concerned with cruelty Baby seals were butchered by dreadful methods he said and were sometimes skinned alive But now he has changed his ground It is not cruelty that he pposes but killing He wants to see sealing banned forever regardless of the methodsused Seal Song has some good points It is beautifully il lustrated with superb photographs of seals by Eliot Porter There is fairly ac curate very brief account of the seals life history There are some technical faults caption numbers fail to match the pictures there is no bibliography or index but on the whole the book is technically good The text is skimpy mere 14000 words about onefifth the length of regular book and has some slight inaccuracies Davies does not understand the use of the terms beater and bedlamer for example but you can generally trust him ex cept when he expresses An opi nion STRANGE VIEWS He has some very strange opinions indeed If IFAW lntemational Fund for Animal Welfare gives up the killing will go on until the last seal pup dies or another dedicated organization perseveres until the hunt is banned Surely Davies must know that this is nonsense Why must the choice be either banning the hunt or killing the last pup Back in the t950s and 19605 the seals were truly in danger In decade of frantic over killing the herd shrank from three million to fewer than one million but today the seals are increasing their numbers are much Ammmm and plenty of counters that give Palmer chance to show how quick footed he is despite the toll of middle age Palmer becomes kind of standin for any man who fantasizes about escaping the boring routine of to Sjob with the stultifying dullness of his married life by contrast Europe represents romance adventure and excitement Palmer gets his highs by reliv ing the risks and Violence he ex perienced during the war and once hes beyond the clutches of weathy wife he feels free to play the role of macho secret agent AWKWARI Crlsps writing style wont w1n him any awards the point of his series is to provide entertainment not literary iii sight into the spy world Still his prose often lumbers awkwardly when it should soar with excitement his dialogue is competent at best and the trail of cliches that wind throughthe novel is so ob trusive that the demanding reader may wince rp seal well over million and there is no reason to think they will ever grow less To picture them as an en dangered species or to suggest as Davies does that the ana dian government is party to plot to destroy them is plainly ridiculous There is no more conspiracy to destroy the seals than there is to destroy the lobsters or salmon This book is an emotional plea to stop the seal hunt That is legitimate enough Perhaps we should stop commercial hunting of all wild animals But if the grounds are humanistic then there are far more dread ful things going on than the seal hunt Trapping for instance is an absolute atrocity in which animals closely related to our domestic dogs and cats are routinely tortured to death Why when foxes bobcats martens and many others are killed with the utmost barbari ty do we confine our protests to the painless slaughter of seals Are we just incurable hypocrites serious important work documents seal hunt protest Season Of The Seal by Calvin Coish Breakwater Books Ltd pages $495 goes far to ex plain the seeming hypocrisy much more informative book than Seal Song it is five times as long includes history of the hunt life history of the seal and for the first time documents in detail the origin and growth of the in ternational protest against sealing The protests began in 1964 with widely distributed hor ror film in which the seal was skinned alive Some of the sealers shown in the film later proved to be members of the film crew and the man who skinned the seal alive signed confession stating he had been paid by the photographers to do it But the film once released found its way around the world posing as documentary set ting off shock waves that have not died down even today The protests engendered soon grew into milliondollar busmess for the professional protesters and any respect they may have had for the truth soon went out the window Though oish an outport Newfoundlander tries to document the history of the hunt and the controversy as im partially as he can in the end he comes down heavily on the side of the sealers and slips in to outright propaganda He is too fond of lengthy quotations from sealing apologists Much of what he quotes is absolute drivel VOICE OF REASON Despite these defects Season Of The Seal is far more useful book than Seal Song It includes nearly all of Davies information plus great deal more It has lull in dex and bibliography and could be used equally well for reference by people on either side of the controversy oish gives you vastly more for five bucks than Davies gives for six Left out of the controversy by both sides are the people to whom seals matter most the Inuit of anadas north and the white fishermen of Labrador and the Gulf of St Lawrence The public interest would best be served by stopping the commercial hunt by the sealing ships and increasing the quota allowed these landsmen pro portionately Perhaps in the end that is what the Canadian government will do despite the emotional howls that have almost suc ceeded in drowning the voice of reason Harold IIorwood is an author and critic living in Portugal ow Nfld violent en Palmer associates Canada MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 CARTOON PLAVHOUSE it HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CLOSEUP ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM SPECIAL APPEAL CATHOLIC MASS PROFESSOR KITZEL In CROSSROADS E8 700 CLUB 15 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY CROSSROADS UNCLE BOBBY SHOW In CAMERA ON CANADA CHINESE SHOW 800 IIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY BISHOP HEAD SUNDAY SURPRISE TREEHOUSE CLUB In FATHER MEEHAN MIDDLE EAST REVUE 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR IIMMV SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR £8 OUEENSWAV CATHEDRAL IE MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR ROBERT SCHULLER MOVIE COMEDV Ia ouroOnl Youn Oncoieaa PARADdyXII to IT Is WRITTEN ID JEREMY 15 GET IT TOGETHER 925 BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REx HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET 28 SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH MORMAN CONFERENCE WOODY WOODPECKER tn iTALiAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 KIDS ARE PEOPLE Too DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD PORTUGUESE SHOW 100 OPEN RAP RH HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH TOM GRATTANs WAR 130 REV JAMES ANDREWS ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS LES JEUNES STOUTES DES FOUS voz DA PROFECIA 145 FESTIVAL iTALIANO WORLD AFTERNOON 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE DOCUMENTARV orld Satarl i970 MEETING PLACE MOVIE WESTERN an oradou me BUM TV ITALIAN CONTINUES mRESSOURCESDELENFANCE EXCEPTIONNELLE PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA PANORAMA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI 1245 In AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 FISHING WITH ROLAND MARTIN COUNTRYCANADAApIoIIIeoI Iry tumor In PIIII Ontario ITALIAN COOKING In ADVENTURES iN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 FISHINHOLE HYMN SING TROUBLE WITH TRACY FOREST RANGERS ALL You NEED Is LOVE Odie Munitnlo MEMORIES OF GREECE 145 NBA BASKETBALL the examiner Friday March so 1079 5A sunday tv KIPLINGERS CHANGING TIMES 200 WOMENS KEMPER OPEN FARM INSIGHT VIP THE SUPERSTARS comm Brownu running back 3ng Pruitt The Super stars chlmplon at 1979 hud Up tiYomnn AmericnncontingontinThBWOrId Superstars competition tuturirig l20utotcndlngnthlotu drawntromtourcomlnontuinBurienotathlotic to 75 min WFAMILV FINDER LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR CLAIROL CROWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT 230 WORLD SUPERSTARS Tom McKeen6 EmiBAIIgnniB ropontromFreoport In the BBhnrnu an 1978 World Superstar championednBuddOICnnadodotondohiltitto against top athletes IrOrn three continent190 MOVIEDRAMA Tree fiown In Brooklyn ion RISING Damp I15 DOWN TO EARTH iTALCINE 300 In HEE HAW OMNIBUS ACADEMY In mw MastorBCircuBolthB Shooting StarThISBBC production In band on the paintings and words at Goorgol Roulult the reclusive artiat who pointed the Suttoringl OI humanity he saw re lloctod In tacos OI prostitutes and clowns 315 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SHIP BOXING The Urited Staten Amateur Boxing Team will meet the National Team at Ireland Irom NBVBdI 75 ruins 400 SPORTSWORLD ENEMY ALIEN YhIBNFBIIlmtettA the story at tho JapaneseCanadian who tough long Bnd turd to be accepted In WW SEA PINES HERITAGE CLASSIC In TINY TALENT TIME Tu TIPS 1978 19 PRIVATE LIFE 430 GALLERY winnings The Only Thing hard look at hockey in the Junior ClCulI toaturing the team trom Dauphin Mam 85 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS In WILD KINGDOM wn wm IOUOGGING £8 KIDSWORLD 445 GOLF 500 SHOW Biz CBC NEWSANDTHISWEEKIN PARLIAMENT In LAWRENCE WELK SHOW Ii VISION ON THE BEST OF THE WORST MOVIE COMEDY Nothtng Sacred 1937 530 MUPPETS SHOW IE BIG BLUE MARBLE EVENING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Born ToRun The outcome at thrilling harnauu rlcn VVItl datarmtno whothor an Australian race horse Owner will restore hie lulldOWnIIImIOOIOTYOVIODOIIOflIlOIY CORCIU Bomma AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN In WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD LIOpIId POLKA DOT DOOR E8 GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM mum At Iylli CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go To THE RACES NEWS NEW FACES THE REAL STORY Jomu WTIERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 am HOCKEY ButtAIOSBbroachorontO WfiiaEACHCOMBERS 60 MINUTES FRIENDSPotoadndwhotninknhis sonIBBtnrbnoobcllptnyois commgtowltcn Pete play ball tor the hut time and Potadoannt know how to tell him Itll he spends most at his on the bench 80 mine AN lMPRESSlON OF JOHN STEINRECK WRITER £8 GONG SHOW 730 SCIENCE MAGAZINE Ionic Luor Byo study milk tiah biological Clock II PEOPLE AND PETS Colobiitiu allot rlrn AT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT 800 THE LION THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE An animald BpoCinI about tour Children who Stop by chance through an old wardrobe CIOIOI In In Inchnt countryhouuintothoctrlngoIBBrtuIJnchInr ing tantnuy land at Nlflll Pt at twopart 80$ BATTLESTAR GALACTICA UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS BOItBr Program 29 During country weekend Hunt learns that one cant trust her husbands OIOUIIIIOndl OUiz KIDS SHULMAN FILE 830 ALICE 900 IN CONCERT Anno Murray ALICE Edul JINII Cuttoborry Bhowl uplootiing tor hll daughter Flo whom hohunt lInCO Rho Wu girl MARIA The Story at young Italian Canndlnn who attempts to uniontn the Inc tory whrmi Rho worIIrI teach her It grant deal about power personnlund palntcntsurnng MDA uIIBR00InIno SUNbAYNIGHTMOVIEanw BIB With Love t963 Store Sean Connery Eon Show VEGAS When wellknown call girl In lulled DanTBnnltrICIIB downthotomouu men in Ill Io0 DI whom to the murderer Guest Stars Bobby Van Robert Mandan 60 NATIONAL YOUTH ORCHES TRA This National Youth Orchutrn Concert at the Forum at Ontario Place tutqu munic Irom RIMBKYKOIIKOVI Schohornudo Ind acturn Tho Bnnorod Brldo ROOTS THE NEXT GENERA TIONS Alu Haley almoot I7 in 19391 con tuud and uncutin about hi lite he drops out ot 60qu bonqu he uncomtortnblo Doing younger than the other students he ruenta hIB Itopmothornndtoolu ootrlngodtrom hintthor Episode VI lltl 930 IN SEARCH OF STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS IE CITY LIGHTS Guest Jack Lommon 1000 WEEKEND MARKETPLACE MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR Gene Kelly ioino Mary Tyler Moore and the cou dlnco up Storm 60 mins W5 LOU GRANTAnriuotSkidROWStrnn gtmglturnaouttohova BpectnImBBningIOILou who discover his former doctor IB now bum $m LE TEMPS DES iNCERTITUDEs MC GOWAN AND COMPANY 1030 OMBUDSMAN LAUREL AND HARDY 100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS IE iNTROSPEc ca MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 115 NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 MOVIE MYSTERYDRAMA Vi Ant nmont to Kill 1969 MARC WELBY MD MOVIE DRAMA Pru Polnt 1932 GOOD NEWS ID LA MANGEAILLE IN PRIVATE LIFE IE NIGHT MUSIC 140 MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA Random Hornet ISA OUESTION PERIOD 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1200 In MEDICAL CENTER EB COMETS AMONG THE STARS The remarkable story at Frederth Grant Blnt ing Ind Charles Herbert 801 when rouarch Into curator dIIbOIOI resulted in InBulIn and thorolorouvmgolovor AOMIllionlivuavortno 150 nu iNTERNATiONAL CINEMA 1210 DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW 1220 OMOVIE COMEDY Whaiu Nlco GIrI LIko You 1971 1230 CONVERSTION WITH 130 WITH THIS RING TIME TENTATIVE SUNDAY SURPRISE E8 700 CLUB 200 ABC NEWS 215 NEWS 230 100 HUNTLEY STREET Broadway actor dead at age 70 HOLLYWOOD tAPl Philip Boumeuf who made his debut on Broadway with Henry Fonda and starred on stage with Helen Hayes and With Ingrid Bergman in the movie version of Joan of Arc has died at age 70 Bourneuf who died Thursday in his Santa Monica apartment of natural causes also had ap peared in such films as Adven tures of Young Man The Molly Maguires The Arrange ment and Pete and Tillie He had appeared in more than 100 television shows start ing with the Studio One produc tion of Julius Caesar in 1949 Hallmark Hall of Fame Alfred Hitchcok Presents Playhouse 90 Wagon Train Gunsmoke Dr Kildare Perry Mason iiibus and The Defenders Born Jan 1909 in Some rville Mass Bourneuf made his Broadway debut with Fonda in The Fanner Takes Wife in 1934

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