2A the oxamlnor Frldny March 30 1979 tonightsitvf ters THE LOVE BOAT Three VIUHOIIOS JuliesDItemmaSiarS NormFOILBeIIyGar rett RDcIIySters MollflllGilbOflJlmmy8m0 GRYPII HON GRYPH ON MY WAY TO ME GRYPHON OFFICE TO BUY OUR Snow SuestheTIoNs SAW SHEADED STRIPED ByEV nu IHAT EXPLAINS THIS CRAVING FOR CHEESE WELL ARENT YOU GOING TO 600 am NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES VJ CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS Guests Paul Sana Eydie Taylor Caldwell best sottmg novel at doctors andtherraesmons Ineworkthatdravethemand women who needed them COUNTRY MATTERS Sulien Whos Who Stara James Coco Dody Good man 60 mms 930 MOVIE N0 INFORMATION AILABLE Convict Stage BEWITC ED Gordon Pinsent returns as host of ACTRA awards to be seen on CBCTV Wednesday night at pm Our cover shows Gordon and hostess Tracey Somers who holds the ACTRA winners award the Nellie as well as new award medal to be given out to all final contestants Two hour show will see 2i awards presented George satd Iuesday that he Will seek the Democratic nomi nation for governor Brown Is head of the Kenr tucky Fried hicken empire and part owner of Boston eli Ics ot the National Basketball Assoctatton He becomes the seventh Democratic candidate for gov irnor New Mason look SEATTLE IAIt Perry Ma son Is getting acelift And fans may think that he has been through bodybuilding course Della Street Is as lovely as ever But its all to promote some oneelse thelateEarlStanley iardner Pocket Books which owns most of the Gardner titles hired an advertistng agency to promote the name of the author of Perry Mason mystery books survey by psychologists showed that most people associ ated Perry Mason WlIh the character whom Raymond Burr portrayed on teleVIsion not Wllh the books The new Mason look Is ap pearing on the book jackets which prominently display Gardners name rriOLKA DOT DOOR TURNAROUT 530 WHATS Mv LINE NBC NEws 1000 MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW 90 SWEEPSTAKES cas NEWS STARSKY AND HUTCH DALLAS Sue Ellenlsdatorrmnodtoaet 0N p0 THE pERFOHMmG ARTS back at tor committing her to Sanitarium pARTY Rndwhon he shows herapicluhre OIEIIIIBTITTS JEREMY wtthenejgirttriendat smoret inns ocnri 645 éiiALLENGERS READALONG FERGUSON SHORT AND 655 ROSS IE WRITE ONI NEWS UPDATE 7°° IE News TUCSON Ariz MP It DATING GAME 1001 EGTSE°G WET it é3rillptin 310$qu CROSS WiTs 1030 JUST JAZZ Any TYLER Moons snow be married to Patti Harrison TIC TAC DOUGH JOURNEVSIN TIME tormer Wife of Heatle eorge Program Unannounced 1100 Harrison NEWLYWED GAME om NEWS First he kept the intended ID KIDSWORLD CBC NEws bride waiting two hours at the GOOD MES CTV NEWS marriage licence bureau PRICE ls RIGHT EMFLOYMENT FLE Then be forth to pay the tee CE FEJéio MqvE DRAMMW Ea and City Clerk James orbett zéuLVWED GAME Rid 110 had to Chase him HOLLYWOOD SQUARES IE NIGHTMUSIc NancyWhIte Anti 19 Ivopgtgall off latitog CIRCUS 1120 dIdnt awe currencyan PETER APPLEYARD NEWS tried to pay the $8 fee In British MAGIC SHADOWS Nichaias Nick 11527 pounds Fmann NEWS Finally enough American 308 NEWHART SHOW 130 cash was scraped up and off ea azoosmo ES ETHETONIGHTSHowHw Jthany Wm the coup IFF ENT than Newley lberl Drummondoandsorghusmeupnnnersplnntb 90131 lhe date and human of HR Bl Itlt In rry buy Portland Oregon IdtO station and nu NBA BASKETBALI marrlage IS being kept SPCIEI wh min am re assistant32mantras garage smer to nde be put out of lab he goes to Oregon tor VII STREET TALK SPORT 1MO PASADENA tam iAPi ï¬gUYEOBlggwacehaorlgï¬rownwhose QUESTON PERIOD SInger Frank Sinatra says he athletic prowess hnswon him boon laughs and I1245 already has been asked I0 share abutoiSymonIhyratherthnncheereandmednls PAPER CHASE ride when he is grand mar putsawayhisbasebalimmlndtootoailhoimut 1150 ghal of the 1980 Tournamen Of art Huh 327122333277437 rfgmuci glrgxlfgyESTERN Hoses parade Sinatra was chosen grand THE INCREDIBLE HULK Th 200 Huikflconltyhelpsadangerousmanucnoz MOVIE ADVENTURE marshal of the NOW ear Day Irom police custody and DIVId Banner haste Wm ht poo 1975 event on Parade pres New nun69° mm mom IE ID AMA GI ident Frank Ilardeastle said Si aIllElf33113537133353533 Nam Tammaqg natra best exemplified the ï¬aotam stédEerIAttREECHher66gnunsvésycmc MOVE COMEDWDRMM Trents theme the mustc 0f ectives 15 Woman of the Year 1070 fl THE WAR YEARS 1245 the singer qmpped that his MOVIE wESTERNDRAMA GOODIES grandchildren already re YA Two Rode To other 1901 100 asking if they can ride With It 83 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL me FRONT PAGE PTL CLUBTALK AND CHALLENGE VARIETY DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE 150 900 in MEDICAL CENTER my BROTHERS AND SISTERS 200 la marry LOTO CANADA SPECIAL uovus ADVENTURE THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Ban La Ramon 1912 H099 accuses 80 at stealing hll money while MOVIE HORROR Th tnereal Inlet sweet talks Daisy Intoputiina him Dunwlch Horror 970 60 WPAIDWAIEIIT Mm6ine mm 20 MOVIE Im IM lLle Iy ow bMyBgï¬ï¬kï¬létï¬gldbï¬gte60612378 WESTERNADVENTURE lltiltrtlinIllIonaIte JfothlIromnl EderI Starr Sweet Cream Tabby Johnson The Cowboyfléggri lntl n1r3 rte Kaye EB TESTIMONY OF TWO MEN MARCUS WELBY MD Brown who recently married ConcIuSIOn Dawd Bvrney Barbara Perkins 350 torn muss Anuirlcu Starlet Elke Sommer is starring In Stunt Seven two hour TV movie for CBS its hoped the movie will develop into regular series tteitqhtttii superb RAVEL HOLIDAY AWAHD WINNINI lfSIIILiIiIIlI WINE CELLAR Classic FRENCH Cuts Terrace Can SWISS Hospitality GRAVENHURST Muskoict Ontarm Lindas being watched Actress Linda Tharson in Toronto to rehearse play says she is always being watched by the press Ever since she replaced Diana Rigg In The Avengers decade ago she has been the subject of gossip in British and Canadian tabloids CP Photo at manc DRAPERY MLL OUTLET HUGE SELECTION OF °Dress Fabrics ODrapes Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewing Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Baytield St Barrie north or Georgian Mall