1h in mi yewg nh mnlm Friday Mr 1m 17 WIILLWhnusecamemsor any usetul llY Card reading and psychic home lbw ti lt items willltrade Telephonem 13w Socuhseillho etc Phone 737 3074 tor so sssssss ï¬mfl mum no mm nW 70fold cAshi not our roommate om MWTOGET pointmem set lit when miller children call HHJ oara olo plctures clocks odds and TELECARE Whyiiatn your problem IllM fllfltl endsï¬hnewsn Items 723 323 moccasins WORTH alone Le friend he an rem WMCHM ï¬pï¬ biï¬iTï¬uyawye =CAmIiolAnI SILvse CDlNSbetore 1967 in mg no so hglp 7922anytime humanr mwmfï¬mmm Wham huh The Ioord of Dirodes Orillia Woodlands invites tenders for Americenvoelore 19in No collection top the st from our GI new ting the hmvfluesonfor thefollowing lama smell Canadian stamps old You 704051 and found No watches wastcards iewellery 726 1663 food action gplungï¬gn spine or sisalr type by 71 WWMW for34townhouse units eveningsno 3M7 MISSING One year old black male hone work hourly note pin bonus No etperienae mussely Ionian 2mfles or mile north haulIondHeodonttwyNo27 toleetoaRdthenwest4miles going to wort oversees Whether you are pinenatty workingoroutofiobafllled with meat charts supplied plus hmonstration at cutting up aside of beef starts April Landscaping lawn and tree care maintenance for entire developmenton weekly basis removal winter maintenance of roads noncsrocucarrons MDTICE lsherebygiven theta persons having dioires qainst BOUVIER DE FLANDRES do that looks like bear Large reward Telephone 435 4996 WANTED boat trailer 300 to 1000 lb capacity Telephone 424 9810 REQUIREBARBELL weights 25Ib 50 Loggggnglblfl Reasonable Call attlr no can Georgian can 728 737477 who drilled cm lswmfll Mil lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Proposals may Hotrim Mega millilsicon TOM besubmitted foran or allofthe above to WANTED corwc eooxs in good con 95 f°rd9°l mg hr an lie to Guy at onion Top prices paid Call any time hthm 7295455 5W HedTractorsaanvleteine L055 WANTED om spruce FARM FOR PROFIT who died an or the 7th WW I1 Hgmlgck LWIIHLIGRFQ2 alignifIPrK ï¬nlm or me WI 095 66 even requiemdiatom ntiodlarsol moms sans SIMCOE DSTRICT mvrtes applications for the posrtion of mm chum he Mn Deere model 400 Duels Saturday Hedi 31 1979 TuxEDo in good conomon SIR 42 44 mmmm lam mobile new track motor M16 l7 23 24 30 tall Telephone no 8586 COOP TM°MISCII on or before April 13th 1979 Mo deï¬ant pm 726 653 A24 after which date the mm of fjfw° PDODLE TRIMMING rf FTF wm 37th £152 Pzlngz grooming all breeds puckb Slides Mmmwfybh Claim electric stdve counter model liveryJilly am Pet Studio hid lude dso TROPICAL FISH Best selection in Due to further expansion we Mal town Aquariums all 5095 at unbeatable 1Mg Wg Wit mrwlc and in ractor approx infraExzrlzrzrssrszzrez 5229 serum commww 94 °°° MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes salespeople to work in car PUllY Ch°lmi MF N° lonal céipgflng ago ggfpmino Charge AT To consolidate and prepare the College operational budget and home divman Thu wt in baler MH model 44 LfgzKDORDPiPS black and yenow IAIN Au to develop system of budget control SpeCific responsibilities volv gal 2mrr condition rubber John Deere registered shots oe wormed ready MULCASTER STREET will include the documentation of existing accounting mdodurod ban My by my 14T baler good condition NH so Telephonel 35 4777 Alliston awn procedures control of chart of accounts staff complement and mud and magi bum sums MEWS 404 Hay Conditioner Oliver hay 3523 grEggEEEQSSPEKOISISISInNQ01 73 reporting systems investigation of cost saving cm and MW Mm crimper Pipe bale elevator 20 KNOWN FOR 13m Telephone 705 a3 5223 possibilities and the preparation of the Ontario College In main For appoinm st wl3° Mayroth 32 combination sfkygc In XPERENCE VlglEMARdAASE REGISTERED if so formation System financial submission the multiyeor plan and phase can DIANE pggsrm Mar Mom ide delivery ï¬rs In hots Tecerve cusoo gleamoérginem mow Flu Ann °h°°c°l Wm r°l°d mammal st Wk F0 13 rm Pl°wi SATURDAY APRIL 7th at om Farm Equipment and Misc 555 lgguzerlIVnghumgiovggml cggrm my 7m 54 Applicants should possess an accounting degree or equivalent 7247 lot furrow plow Auction Consignment Sole County Rd 29 miles north of 725 3123 amen an and have had several years experience in key financial positions ph MF wdl 524248 Minesing Ontario Sole sponsored by Voneyl Bros and Len BOUVIER DE FLANDERS We 13 APPLE with institutional organization or major corporations PM WhNI dim Tm di Nmrdegroaf pp Koole and Con Emlgslsolléfsfilgghgï¬ï¬$5153 500 cessmn Oro 728 8489 or 77¢ loam No Please send resume and salary expectations by April 7th to mm MF lo Sunday sales APPLES BUSHELS Georgian Bay Ex tra fancy Macs S6912 Spy $7 99 Your containers CANClLLA FRUIT MAR rKET17ClappertonSl Barrie POTATOESCHDICEauaIIty alsosomv seConds will deliver Telephone 7M or 728 9378 POTATOES FOR SALE No lSebaoo 7b WEDNESDAY APRIL llth at 1230 pm for Hilda Cockburn Va mile east of Shanty Bay Village on the Ridge Road across from Shanty Boy School Sale of house furnishings electrical ap pliances garden hand tools antiques and collector items Terms cash property sold FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL Ilfll at It pm aharp for the estate of the late Gilbert Patterson at Lot 20 Con BARRlrE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia Street East 726 all Red and tan DOBERMAN PINSCHER ears and tail cropped Four month old female S145 Hes all shots Telephone 737 407 whivotor Trail Cultivators FB Packers MH 15 run grain drill fortilixer clover at bdnment Allis Chalmers model I05 single beater manure Mr Clipper clover seed cleaning mill Chain drag lOOKIIIG FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared Iflum Diector of Personnel Georgian College 47home improvements OPEN FOR SALE DRAFTING mummy mans rem £8 335525 Charles Ellsmere telephon DIDCRWOITR SIIOOI COME IN and for 5° INIIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS barrows Comet electric welder Nottawasogo Twp miles west and la miles south of LogsiaavoozytsionrseIzéorgnéngzi3581x6 me 0m 3X9 mama and matador will be repaired by the un amp Many other useful Stoyner Ont off Hwy No 9l or miles north of Creemare pm and weekends 47 mm The College encourages applicaflons from bom dersigned at his office until farming needs Ont Sale of all high class farm machinery inc tractors one Int 10mam an Maenuns for the following property belonging to the County of Simaoe LatleIll2 1415 and I6 Iiudr 1969 door 350 meter ps pb operating Chev truck 1963 lton Dodge 1976 hrncharger 37000 miles wheel drive PS PB certified Buidr LaSabre 1971 PS PB No 674 with No 1850 loader only 820 hrs on Int No 574 and cab one Neufield and one Case lull line of cultivation and tillage equipment new NH No 353 mix mill NH 717 forage harvester Dion Blower Badger HD tandem forage wagon only years old plus full line of related farm machinery Tools etc feed seed house furnishings inc antiques Terms cash men and women BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home WHth Removal 72898 ORGANIZATION ANY COLOR MWFm Swim Th N° 235 GV ml C°il°d SlmPCY WEDNESDAY APRIL Ia at 430 pm for JOE BURIE at THE LIONS 9°d° °° DEN B4 HURONTARIO sr coumowooo Sale of uality WANTED IMMEDIATELY person to Terrace Toned Residential cultivator 20 rotary mower ook agar elderly gentleman in own ome elerences required Tele none 738 783 FLORAL DESlGNFR full time pasr tron Must be experienced For appoint menl call Georgian Flowers 728 431 house furnishings and collector items SATURDAY APRIL 2i at 1030 om for WM McDERMID Lot 25 Can Nottawasago Twp Form antique sale Ioelyeersprhenlsniereectieeeerly SPECIALIST The Personnel Division of prestigious organization with several locations in southern and RMl Further information regarding the above property may be obtained from the office at the attachments Canadiana hp ridit tractor new 1978 36 mower attachment These are inclusions selling subiect to ACE REFINISIIRS 728281 Barrie A23 central Ontario requires professional to assist top APH AR TS d°9d Wm WM bid Th en The highest or any offer not sole of useful machinery management In fine tuning the company Camera operator experienced in typesetting layoul film developing and mr Imp fencmg Mada WOth of your 54service and repair oilpersonals organzmona Strucmre $225piiiï¬Tsmï¬Ã©lffhï¬eï¬ï¬‚fiofi LE attention attendance For TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to BIRTH CONTROL lNFORMATION so The posmon requres PTOTBSSIOTOI 05 mm 77° SWWEWM hm inbrmmb mm stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday codify existing personne and related policies WiNJE bMrj rmarll 9339 mun Admmsmw ï¬nal MT Cl l57292373 0F serwce wlthln 30 Ith radius or Barrie 100 30 and Thursday SID 30 00 fr 0791 ll MWTIOMHO cash cheque wm ID MRRIE SMCOE COUNTy call STEWART ELECTRDNJCS 723 737 4272 72¢ 9300 Ext and develop addmonal polymes ondprochces Born em on 56 chub For 957 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 5m WOIV PCKERS WM OUSB COHEN van dnnk Mas Your buslncsa Analyse varlous operatlons of the perlience neczssary wzda ccsmgnn HBO Allen Horner Auctioneer eAnflques ApprciSOIS 31 law an ice ens or amping eqmpment wantto outtthat sours Call any tlrnr OFQODIZOIIOD and recommend surtable weekend duties now In preparation tar Meg 7054584589 No SUNKAMPER HARDTDP lull tlmr summer employment ADDly in Cellent condition sleeps sfgfleér 52 Changes person to Ills Ferndall Rd Barrie bet SCL No M30 A6 Am cmum um Ice box full awning propane tank and ween and This night work on Ã©ï¬ spare tire SL750 or best otter Set up my RI DEVGIOP and update Ob description and ly Phone 167753659 or IV If VIEWIDQ eta Redwood Court 737 1053 performance appraisal forms for variefy of PE Pll NC HA ST VL IST yï¬vx 7054584589 In Mm ED HARDTOP trailers and tr ck cry us commrssron Apply House Campe28il006 condition Call Sebuas Eneris yo nc°m° own pOSlTlOnS Balm Mn 72° 71 Palm ms DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION 6i usmess Ime er or am Ms 97 WOODS enllraifrr SECDSSIX $300 $200 invesfment Excellent tax This Contra posnon wfl duraflon Of R51 ABL 750 soul mm 951LMTED Illpom ROIICII Telephonens I294 atteropm ths fnie with he ssibii of ermanent girls tor Sludtnl working three shifts by the Crfy Clark Cfly Hull 84 PROJECT Mm3° Renovmion 57vesock for sale shdar on P0 1y tram April to August provrdr own cum wt garri oflmrb and Les 30 de WANTE Far interview appointment empoymenil igrijiogrimlon Call after pm milzmp Friday Aprilbh MB No SN 10 AD or crippled farm is ammalElOT 98 remfwal CR anytime LOCOIIOD IS Wllliln 60 mile radius of Toronto and THL CHESTNUT INN Cooilxstown re lmbrtheaupplyof SEALED TENDERS marked at collect 705 326 9243 awns person to rook ram am HORSES WANTED ETZFEZCQS MWFA9 the successful candidate Will be offered fee of pm daily Pay rumminsuratr with ex GmUh per content addressed to the Also sold or traded TeIephone 5w bet 000 cm Wm pm mm undersi ned must be 925 31 AUTOS TO BE DP VE to lariua oas ween and per Year menl 458 975i received WWW6 Crushed Stone EIGHT VEAR OLD allowance also cars to Western Canada DOME 51W Mature reliable indlwdual OI Inmr To Pm 551 standard bred Please send resume and supporting information by THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE thoroughbred gelding Iris hands high 5°95 515 Womb DWI WWW conm 7T721wol lEDNESDAY APRIL ll I979 as been shown SUCCESSwHY at Away Saw 5335 yam Apr to housework and leaning some heavy CWIRACT 798 5cer NOTIC approved shows good move bum Iowdale om did no dblb dulyl in DraRN resdemo Experlence Mm Bride ocumen may IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 7949 of The Corporation of the jumper 7761581 RIDING INSTRUCTION Inrtoor arena 100 Em ELZFEJrlm $1213obilliinlï¬ifl cogmm 799 damn by 9°°°l COMOGO City of Barrie to close Port of Edgehill Drive laid out SELL OP SWAP ior sound livestock 05 mam Bar Vtf mmf Ftqurrrt om to Box 794Thc Ex n67 only from DCL Plans Section be 209 yaw Canadian stamp collection all mint W°V Hmmlnm 76 minor Barrp including name and COHCTOIO Onowu dd bel um owns lp Vespro registered as Instrument plus Arneterencse sepia Value 51 mo plus phone number cmmAcr 794° Equipmam f°$gs 7855 bl Number 82756 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of use me rnrn camera wrth on post smrs AND srnwcr rnprcstntallvt Slmcoe No51 In th Ct mmm EEPMWWS 779 6796 rrumrm by Prudential Insurance Cum an Defence 0f Barne coumy Of smcu Construction I951 COHIRAU 79sod Limited For tender documents puny at America xcellonl tralmng pro Ask for free home pram ull company benetmi Includlrlp TAKE NOTICE th the 59pounryCMCKS Councr The Corporation of the City of The Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded CONT Barrie will after the ublcot th woek DEKALB READY my mums Farm dm°°° I°d°Y require residential counsellor for on adult assessment and mjjgfgiéo 2mg WWW ACI79 12 VS MUS on 61339835 °r T°le 053 for four successive wSeksin Th Examlnzsttteiflsfrl°l one at fresh eggs Laying cages tor sale Craio LINUX training residence in Barrie WA ED FE RED pee mu on be or me m9 Hunter Poultry Farms 436 ml WY0 envelopes may be obtained at 5°C mm 0mm the CITY Hull Barrie Ontario ï¬RESH FARM EGGS mr 5mg am 72333 RESPONSIBILITIES TO INCLUDE the development and im Uramno onu every two weeks In hoï¬icdCH ark dPam culhd at the hour of seven oclock in the afternoon on 1h do goose eggs TelephonedSB 488 Plementotion of individual Program Plans this implies the 5532 am fmnc Ymdfl the tender documents must Mir 1979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw Numyber soteedseedgrain Counselo Wm hove kn°WI°d9° OT °d Mlle Pr°9r°ml9 °d XFFR IE NCF CLE ANS 15 wanton mmpmw Mfg 7949 to close and stop up and sell and convey Part of Edgehill Drive IT IS POSSIBLE Rooms and mmhmm counselling skills insuring the social emotional and physical PU 009 Yam MULOCKI crawl laid 1b be 209 APPROXIMATELY 200 15 mgh tt in nu want Cill Flifldalllll18 mg °5 700 STRAUGHAN Yaw um eTownshp vpr° reg°rd moisture corn for sale Stored In Mgrwsngm gmnn mm Integrity and well belng of clients meeting the requirements of 763 DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION as Instrument Number 82756 in the Registry Office for the ist harvester Stroud area Telephone Ear mm he symem and policie of Associaï¬on City Clerk 1951 LIMITED 43 3597 MONECA psyc Traffic Anal so 00 Wisen of Simcoe Na 51 In the City Some in the County of 600D HAY AND WHEAT straw for 5°Splml 09 and 55 Mmm QUALIFICATIONS MRC Diploma or equivalent training and Billings Bridge Plaza through Friday Phono 728 Mott FACIAL AND BODY hair proulrm Removed permanently Simcoo more particularly described as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and Local rapidly growing bl Provrnu com pany requires temporary assistance to analyze present llll plant traffic costs sale No rain Telephone Letroy 456 2635 34 Collier Strict experience 500 LARGE SALES of good horse hay 12th Floor SBl Building Barrie Ontario 2323 Riverside Drive Malr lerrmle reports all sizes yorkshire hog chemm Fm mnmmdhm Wm WM SALARY Commensurate with qualifications and responsibilities TM Wm be Whammy and mum Mn5 OTTAWA on KIA 0K3 premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie in the County Telephone 728 In chuk Eltrlrolysmcllrll 737 253 Please send resume and references by Aprilb I979 to Drser strong dchallgfnm om any we 30 A2 M30 Simcoe ormarly in me Township vespm and being com gt r0 El rlfan rll ma 65farm machinery wan me 23legitszhigizrvrrhgglggm DAVID CORKETT Plear reply in confidence to Boxnlild WVe LLLL Posed of Part of the West Half of Lot 23 in the bill Concession of the Npla F0r more Morman phone pm DIRECTOR RESIDENTIAL SERVICES amm sald Township more particularly described as follows WANTEDcrawler tractors gas Isma 3737 2385 726mm Cemrd Apanmems COMMENCING tll Home or owerlcnflsmnou nasal hem3960s Iaineh It pom are easterly limit of the road gyrcizsh Reply to Box 292 Examiner I20 Maple Avenue TOP COMMISSIONS WWW allowance between Concessions and is intersected by the CAR POOL BARRE °°° part union mm 50 Cakmams letuSeniae nortth limit of Hubbard Road as established by Bylaw 209 or IARIIE ORILLIA UN 54 M31 32EEmétpszyfgfltmpIP83$52253 CONTRACT 7151 Township of Vespra registered as Instrument Number 82756 lugl gï¬ï¬Ã©zmww mam 3777 Sealed tenders clearly marked as to coma Wm be waived by he THENCE North 72 degrees 07 minutes 05 cards go along mid Melat em Emmy Clerk in Lindmy um 12m ocul im on Friday Apr northerly limit of Hubbard Road 46620 feet to point FARM MACHINERY for sale Al up 715 75 1779 for the construction of park roads hydro and water service THENCE smm 699w ls WWI lo seconds East 532 feet to on Chalmers WD 45 standard compo installation and park attendants booth Township of Eldon Plans specifications and term of tender are available on request from the consulting engineers orifice and payment of $20 non refundable fee to the consulting engineers Tenders must be ac aampanied by bid bond or certified cheque in the amount with snow blower and heat houser Good condition Telephone 728 l377 evenings ALLIED AUTOMATIC stacker ll toot cultivator series 1200 Both like new Telephone 728 1097 HOSTESS roon rrnooucrs LIMITED iron bar in the North limit of Hubbard Road as established by DiamandOLS September l7th 1956 THENCE South 71 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds West 464 feet along the said last mentioned limit to its intersection with the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions and THENCE North 31 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds West 828 feet to Responsible for the supervision of industrial engineering department including the maintenance and upgrading of in centive program developing product cost plant layout and time studies Community college graduate preferred with 35 years experience Salary commensurate with experience Please send complete resume to in Victoria County Park 64h eeclrhery COLLEGE PREPARATORY Are 5°C hr an stipulated and the successful bidder will be required to provide the Paintof Commencement miion PM Yguyrgstmlniy 60 law performance bond or IWV letter of credit upon execution of AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claimg may IEm co GEORGMN COLLEGE in the contract agreement The lowest or any tender WIII not hi land win prgiudiclully affected by the said bylaw and who my dividvm Mi Acndun neoessarlly be accepted applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation Upgrading Level IV program on GUHQWDYAM Ltd County of Victoria of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel solicitor or NC I60 prepares you for entry into £93Clnfljnndms r5 Courthouse Agent college postsecondary or lindwyontKW 3R9 THIS NOTICE was first ublshed the 30m EWHME programs requiring Gradofll Peterborwah 01 913 Mr Clam McKay 1979 on Of March NO Foes or low Start any time 17057435730 Clerk Treasurer THE CORPORATON OF THE CITY OF BARRE 7968 3Tan Dodge Truck with 16 bulk box DMGZSIS342 and finish as soon as you are 17053249411 BY lTS SOLICITORS BOVS SEAGRAM ROWE able For information phone M26 30 1967 TO °Y° 91 Vkmg OCI If am nod Hayrdresger 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontarl wow Tank 3200 gal on White your my minim C°° 723 Truckpump motar have good clientele an You mm 224 M23242630A247 ANY PERSON Orflled may see Plan of that part of the road Mummional Truck mndum Wm bulk have mmmum Ya propose osed In the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 experience and would like to have all the mandatory benefits of your own business but none of the expense and worry or running your own business THEN RENT CHAIR IS FOR YOU Instead of giving the employer half your earnings you only pay the set amount of $150 per Bec Representative Enioy selling quality products in territory assigned to you Set your own hours and each good money Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours ox Haines Dry Seed Treater International Four Furrow Plow 14 bottoms Case Six Furrow Plow 16 bottoms International Vibrashonk Cultivator 21 Ontario Government Tender MAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for the site work and foundation of prefabricated metal building at the Barrie Jail Mulcoster and MmDonald Streets Iorwlie Ontario This work involves mechanical pluï¬ing diectioal and general trades Tender document may be obtained from 1966 Hand Full Of Cosll Is Better Than WRAP Graduates from IBargiah Colleges lndlvlduallsed Wiser General program are skilled In nharthand typlng machine mmiptlon office procedures and wide variety of clerlcal tasks biota too For details call 7209652 or write PO I01 485 IARRIE Ont L4H 417 OPEN TERRITORIES International tooth ChiselPlow pull type Five Section Diamond Harrows iypht and ReceptionistClerk Typist Mininry OT GOWW mic wcafm£rrm 320 was weak for your own rent chair NOW AVAIWLE IN program wall Grade to minimum hgional Office NovIdea Combined Power Unit Any mom can be ï¬lmdv AdRmE 13ij 24 James Street East Bulk SeedEIevatar Truck Mount thats up to you Think about it ondwrroun ing towns ips my Cmpr onllio Ontario of Wooden 780qu Box with steelirame IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED FOR FSTF ml lo rho Counsellor oi 729 Telephone 705 3257403 Single lair Dumper hydraulic opemt FURTHER INFORMATION please lWm an A7 MinistryofGorernment Services Place III exmner call PW° WANT AD 7282414 JAMES MOI rULL or PART TIME couples or in Room MHMMocdonoldalook Stone Fertilizer Box with ydraulic IIAII onion $133217 féï¬2$n° flung mm coon rank Toronto Ontario nu ma mouthlimit leephone 4169OSITSZ Stainless steal Turn Table Conveyor 72I155 A3 Eigesoglosï¬fgmisdb iï¬xiérmélliiilé Sealed tenders will be received until 300 pm Thursday April FOIL ll e7 WvVM mph 77963 Gandhi IW 00 GUI Im at which time will be opened in public Tenders 90er ndOmor will JohnileomllowCrop Sprayer 500 gal emcx LAYE RS wanted silso perhouv Sggï¬oxaflï¬guï¬ggncueï¬g ginglfnamn you to pass both written an will happened in Toronto mad orward mph box hadllne fur cassmed JIM Sgyrcollect 5m 653 5567 nlgtlts Joli school Telephonenll I7lI7 atteritpm road tests We train on NOTE For cuntm inhhmmion please contact Mrs Sidney numbers of the advertiser as word ads 59 Wlmr WY 30° 95 sALEsPe RSON REQUIRED to covrr NEE MQPEIVJ Fï¬ltaé°fgÂ¥ am V0 mPIOYml Public Tenders Office Toronto or the Regional Office above 00 ponibh up no pimrear mountpolyethylene tank Ontarlo Comnllsslon orsalary to or Eggvmcefmnffswï¬ 255080 ggww 14162311175 Please quote FmioclNo CIR74656 than in we or pd gsggzxrygfi Rainflriwgogizlsi WWW 9725 The Iowast or any tonder wlll not necessarily I3 OCCUPIOd $171090 alledged to arise from or FORTU NITY 51151i5x53le7ifiil 83 559505 ysflmnwyme wum 10408 through either failure or delay ay pIBVIOUS MIMgaLJllvdraulicpump Permanent part time position in thoCity Talaphnno howl M30 forwarding ouch mplm DRUMMER seeking wank it years on parlance years on the road lltook and tau preferred some oultnrlandvucals mmumWaeher Cesaï¬rorrtï¬ndtloader 72bucluet 393 at Barrie to assist newspaper reprrson tntlve wlth carrier roules Qllelitica tlurls Transportation and ambition or noon Saturday NANC IAL WWII otherwise rr SECURITY Ministry of Widmmoplam Csirll4rewpotatoplonter ChepionImouvhorvester further particulars phone 716 90m TOP NOTCH salesperson ruquirrid for active new home subtllwslon and resales Top cornmlllslon tor right per son Lhilnci tor advancement Call GUTTV 717 17 Virgo Finally Ltd Canadian Corporation expandno throughout Ontario Wr believe hard work merits good money Earn szllm Slim weekly in management trnlnlng Car and threat in home expivriurlq vnuces sery For new concept In merchandising Mr WIIIIP 416 656 370 Cilll Rick Bohbetle 726 471 evonlnos SWISS moment one 37 married wtth onr child ten years withpresenlemploynr in hardware sales wishes similar position in Canada Fluent in Eholish French German Italmn Portuguese and Spanish Hobby selling Apply Box All The xaminnr Barrio Government Services Ontario ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIEDS on not