1a the examiner Friday Mar 30 1979 lortgages 9M Tmst IAMILV vwav cDDOIAION nonun 47 COLLIER ST Barrie 72626I Is your mortgage up for renewal Do you want to consolidate bills using equity in your home Do you want to lower payments Do you want money to purchase new home Cd us for free mortgage Information We have many mortgage pins to suit your situation PHONE NIGEL DUNN 7262U 99 DAILY FTF IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you your monthly mortgage 0T0 consolidate debts low monthly payments °Home improvements any worthy reason 02 pay all existing or mamnng mongage Construction funds free advice try us 0We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONT 24 Hour 347 BzY Him Service IRON 343342I Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc I6eptsto rent Ioapts to rent TWO BEDROOM apartment St Vincent and Queen Sts fenced yard laundry facilities parking available April lst APARTMENTS $290 month Telephone 737 0626 Two TWO BEDROOM and one 35 welhnglon as Bachelor apartment Available April spacious L23 bedroom Ist Callalterlpm 737I893 LARGE BASEMENT apartntenl lor sules 09° W9 IWPI rent All utilitiesincluded $075 monthly budding close to shopping For more information call 726 5299 after buses Monthl rental in SUBLET ONE BEDROOM available des °°l wafer Aprillst Appliances heat hydrOinclud parking Stove and Fridge 1° ed Recently remodelled broadloom throughout Located near Bus Depot Lease expires Mid July Phone Dave on Sports Desk 726 6537 Thursday to Sun day or 726 669I ONE BEDROOM Apartment for rent unfurnished Fridge stove and hot water Available immediately Reliable adults only References required Telephone business hours 726 6774 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment heat and hydro laundry facilities park ing central Telephone 728 0755 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment May to October High Point Apart ments wall to wall broadloom may be purchased S250 Telephone 726 0327 TWO BEDROOM apartment close to buses includes stove fridge parking and heat S240 monthly Telephone 728 3674 after5 pm TWO BEDROOM and Village of Ivy miles from Base Borden miles from Barrie Swimming pool appliances and furniture it requir edAvailabIeimmediately Call424 6673 APARTMENT FOR rent available Juno 7267I53 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St view please call 7263827 or Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 726577I TF THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie One and two bedrooms Available with many features Bernick Drive bedroom in 1370017 Adults only No pets All utilities paid TF Telephone 726 l026 TWO BEDROOM apartment Available Kempenfelt Bay Rent includes stove fridge and parking hydro extra No pets TH REE BEDROOM apar men vm or children $255 per month Telephone cent and Queen Sts fenced yard Iaun no 3695 dry faCllllleS parking available April Ist S290 amdnth Telephone 737 0626 TWO BEDROOM apartment in modern adult six plex Stove refrigerator and THREE BRIGHT clean unfurnished parking included no pets Close to rooms private bath suitone perscl No malls SI95 monthly Telephone children or pets On bus route close to 728 5389 Baylield Mall After6 728 6649 FURNISHED one and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988weekdays BACHELOR APARTMENT on close to downtown fridge stove utilities and parking included Telephone 726 NW ONE AND TWO Bedrooms SI65 OI $I95 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 Mississauga Ct Apts Two bedroom apartment available Col ored appliances sauna close to shopp ing and bus Telephone 726 3577 ONE AND TWO Bedroom on bus route 728 2452 after and all day Satur Stove fridge laundry facilities First day and last months rent No pets Call after 4pm 776 6725 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rcnt close to downtown $I95 monthly in TWO BEDROOM in security building cludes hev water paykmg Balcony overlooks bay S265 includes relrigeratorstove Telephone 7373l06 heat hydro parking storage Near RT shopping bus beach Child welcome ergzldElaLrgS AShamENgayWEgigg can 72 waneré 00 panelled bedsilting room full bathroom ONE BEDROOM apartment available Heat hydro fridge stove parking in cluded On bus route S205 monthly Please call 726 I756 alter6 00p BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately Furnished all utilities paid in Angus area 5I85 monthly Telephone 4245573 or 424 0879 after pm TWO BEDROOM apartment partially furnished Downtown location 3175 per month heat and hydro included Call Mr Nardelli 726 7200 ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately S220 monthly includes utilities heat and parking Call Karl at NEWLY DECORATED TWO bedroom and kitchen Enclosed porch stove apartment available near downtown fridge and utilities Included Call Telephone 726 3257 726 5653 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available downtown Rent ranging $140 lotl65 Telephone 726 3257 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments S237 to $261 monthly includes fridge stove heat new laundry room parking BEDROOM S2I5 Large lot fridge and stove bedroom fridge and stove 75 bedroom S225 bedroom S225 Rick Hamilton 7288698 rep John Cole Ltd Realtor 737 2IOI TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately S2l5 monthly Call alter Bus stop location No pets 728 58I6 eve nings 726 9235 ONE BEDROOM apartment fridge TWO BEDROOM apartment heat stove laundry facilities $223 plus hydro cable refrigerator stove park hydro Adults only no children or pets ing included $290 monthly Laundry Apply 55 Blake StreetAparlment20I tacilities Close to downtown Available immediately Telephone 728 3487 FRUNISHED BACHELOR apartment includes fridge and stove linen changed weekly Close to shopping Private gentleman preferred Reasonable Telephone 726 379l ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Maulcaster Street available immediate ly All appliances and utilities included Telephone 728 9609 THREE BEDROOM apartment fenced back yard S265 monthly includes all BEDROOM $260 hydro not included not pets lease required 726 7676 alter UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM and furnished bachelor apartments available immediatelyclose to factories and bus stops no pets please For more information please telephone 728 6520 TWO BEDROOM apartment stove refrigerator parking included located in Midhurst Available May Telephone 4I6 775 2377 DUpLEx BEDROOM ground 00 utilities Two children welcome Central location Refrigerator stove AVBlable mmedalmi TOIEDIIOM $225 monthly plus utilities Available 726 0074after59m May ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment refrigerator stove utilities included heal hydroincluded near Bayclub$l95 sl9o monthly Available May l5 monthly First and last Telephone References 726 07I3 728 79l8 SUBLET two bedroom apartment in April first middle or last OUIet adult building top floor overlooking bay and city $270 month free Telephone 726 7446 COSV FULLY FURNISHED bachelor apartment Burton Ave available April lst SI85 monthly First and last months rent References 728 8336 alter 30p EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA Reglstered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other PIANO THEORY All grades of Royal Conservatory Toronto STUDIO I25 Ylorsley Street Barrie school subjects Puouizdsrifg EvelynL sey 9I Ross St Some on Md Ala ROSEI ROSE Olatent Amtrm JESSIE BRYSON Samuel RoseCA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie Teacher of Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music 7284949 Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 24 Dunlop St East 72847 Barrie Ontario WANT ADS Telephone 7287461 PHONE 7282 I7 houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS Little Beyvleu Drive COUNTRY LIVING In BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating °Some with ravine settings Tennis Court °Adiacent Molson Park Rents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF CUNDLESBAYEIELD Attractive bedroom home nearly newl Fully broadloomed Near pIOIOS and bus route Available immediately Call 72449 on Mt weekdays only TOWNHOUSE for rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes for rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsu rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 235i NEW THREE BEDROOM house completely broadloomed for rent Sunken livingroom with partially finish ed basement Also garage Telephone 726 3257 SE VE RAL BACHE LOR apartments close to downtown Rent ranging Sl00 to sl2 Telephone 726 3257 OLDER FOUR BEDROOM two storey brick house Living room newly broadloomed Rent 3300 Telephone 7263257 TOWNHOUSE Three bedroom no ap pliances $275 monthly plus utilities Available May lst First and last mon ths rent 726 3077 BEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676 alter 5pm THREE BEDROOM house for rent Close to downtown and bus S260 mon thly utilities extra Interested parties call 726 3492 BRAND NEW three bedroom homes for rent Immediate occupancy Call 737 0500 Del Realty TWO THREE BEDROOM townhouses lor rent near east end plaza Available May $260 monthly First and last man ths rent No pets Telephone 728 6980 NEW LOWELL Brand new3bedroom house for rent in new sub diyiSton Adults only no pets $275 monthly Available immediately Telephone 424 6363 after TWO BEDROOM houe for rent large living room spacious kitchen stove and refrigerator Edgehill Drive area Avail ble April Telephone 728 2290 FOUR BEDROOM townhouse lor rent broadloom throughout fridge stove and cable near bus stop school and shopp ing centre occupancy May lst $320 monthly Telephone 4I6 457 4829 or 4I6 453 47 SPACIOUS BEDROOM Townhome fenced yard partially linished base ment carpet throughout 5360 per month Available April 30th Letitia Heights area Telephone 728 2224 anytime IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment or inlormatton all Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TWO TWO BEDROOM house on Bayfteld and Glrnwood Large lots lridqe stove hydro not included S245 and S270 month Available April lst 728 98l8 FOUR BEDROOM two storey sunken family room In Eastvinw area S380 monthly Phone 726 5093 THREE BEDROOM two storey Living room dining room separate family room kitchen Downtown location Clean well kept home Hamilton Realty 737 I000 SPACIOUS TWO STOREY three bedroom semi on large lot broadloom baths seven miles south of Barric May Ist S275monthly 424 6909 MAY IsltoSERl Isl One bedroom fur nished central location Adults only no pets $250 monthly utilities extra Reply Box The Examiner giving references UNFURNISHED Oil healed bedroom upper duplex Private entrance park inq available May $250 monthly No pets please Telephone 737 3386 TWO BEDROOM housv for rent Highway 90 acre lot Available im medately $275 per month Telephone 4I6 88 2475 FOUR BEDROOM house on to acre lot three miles out5idc of Barrie Full base incht baths wall to wall carpeting stove refrigerator double garage $295 monthly Phoni collect l4lol 775 7284 altsr HORST SHOE VALLEY acre trend lot bedroom chalrl bungalow large bright flying room With walkout to deck conversation area with fireplace one pc and one pc bath Hollywood kit chen breakfast nook S385 monthly plus utillies Call John 416 857 225l or alter to II835 5894 EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE for rent two bedrooms two bathrooms heated garage adults only Grove and Lount Street location lmmediate possession References reamred Telephone 728 $463 I9houses wanted to rent SENIOR COUPLE would like to rent small house with dry basement in or around Barrie in rent range of S250 S275 Please give address to 80x A3 The Ex aminer Barrie 20room To let FURNlSHED ROOM for rent loaction cable parking share kitchen and living room Telephone 737 4886 LOVELY CLEAN home Large bright central furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen faCilttics Frec parking Central Gentleman preferred 728 0598 Comfortable Single Rooms Central reasonable linen supplied cooking facilities Contact Peg More Residence Superwsor Royal Victoria Hospital ReSIdence 728 76l3 CLEAN FURNISHED room lur rent Central location Free parking abs Iainersonly Apply 77 Mary StrutI ROOM FOR rent centrally located kit hen and parking DVIVIIOQIS Working gentleman preferred Telephonri 728 7l42 CLEAN BRIGHT modern rooms for rent Downtown location Parking available Hamilton Really77 IOOU TWO FURNISHED ROOMS rrinli only centrally located share kitchen and washroom lflClllIICi Telephone 737 0688 between or 728 OIO allir pm NICFLY FURNISHED IIUIIMILIDITIQ room ridge stovr and IirIin supplied Middle agtd peopli preferred Central location Telephone 726 9806 CENTRAL LOCATION rrIri rrmllis tree parking kitchen prIVIlIdus Work tnq gentleman 77 Mary St fltrrrir 2troom and board ROOM AND BOARD wanted for hart dicapptd arthritic lady S250 it riionlhul lered Please write Dorothy law Box 698 Pamtang Ontario 23offtces slores for rent I200 SQ FT OFFICE tIACl Maple St Availableanylinii 7p 718 6899 after MODERN OFFICE spilt for lltSI small or large suites imntIdiali or cupancy short or long term 776 3400 Angelolf OFf ILf SPACF to rent Strutt downtown viiriou and parkiqu included Call or 737 23490viltings 2000 SQ FT GROUND floor ofliu space carpted partitioned conditioned Angelolf 726 3400 STORE FOR RENT L200 squan ltl parking facilities for more information till 728 I823alter II 54f 728 I743 Itll Bitylttild SIN utililii 776 777 diiyt condition only 44000 miles steering power condition Movmg rtlust srfl 23 Offices stores for rent ORILLIA SHOPPING CENTRE OPENING SPRING I979 ANCHOR TENANIS MIRACLE MART 36000 sq ft SHOPPERS DRUG MART 5500 sq ft Devtown Ieeetlon Intersection of Water Read all Trent Street Parking for 360 cars WIRED Fast food restauranttavern Variety Store Hairdresser Hardware Clothing shoe store etc OTC Cornect CURRIE II32 Weston Rd Toronto l4I6763I 131 M2l232830 STORE FRONT approximately 800 sq ft plus basement for storage in village 10 miles north of Barrie By the month or lease Telephone 726 842i 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelofl WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc I08 Victoria Street l590 square feet Gross lease everything included S475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 305I PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors l4 ft 18 ft clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 726 7l30 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warehousetng Heat and hydro included $600 monthly 0n Bayfield Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJS 7008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units Innislil St rJacobs Terrace Shortor longterm 737 I606 424 l020 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7200 sq ft right on highway It near Orillia Was Farmer Jacks Furniture Warehouse Call 4I6 742 4079 SPACE TO RENT 0R LEASE 2400 square feet will alter to suit tenant or as is $350 monthly Apply 130 vespra Street Barrie 2593rages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie arta Call Oro Mobile YJS 7008 32 cars for sale CHECK RUST WITHRUST CHECK SEVEN working chemicals in specially formulate OILBASE Complete job for ANY AGE vehicle 957cm $4950 By eppointrnent only Business 4873220 Hwy II 5th the between Burle Orllla MWFAul0 I975 MONTEGO MX two dour ixttllent pawlr brakts radtn brand new radial tires Ceriumct Private all 726 7959 I978 DAISUN FIO lrgllt WMfl drivl Iowmileago maroon with black inntint standard in excuIIinl condition Telephone 7370384 I964 CHEVY II standard Iiist til fer l97 PLYMOUTH tour duot automatic ve best ollrr TtlODlIOIlt 322 296I l974 AUSTIN MARINA four dr sedan four cyl automatic radials radio ix cellenl condition only 35000 rnilts ir tilted also l97l Toyota Corolla two ctr cyl tour speed good running OnIlllln Telephone 436 I376 after in I974 DATSUN B2I0 S450 0r btst Ulltl Selling as IS Telephone 424 9298 alllr 00p I975 CAMARO 48000 IlltS SDflII power steering brakes AM FM stereo cassette deck BF Goodrich radial 60s Serious offers only 737 4537 after I975 DODGE DART SWIIltER automatic Silver with black irilirior in good condition $2500 or best Illlr Telephone 726 NH OPINIPII lit in and I976 GRAN TORtNO 33000 mill automatic power Slflrlng pOWir brakes radio radial tins vrry win in excellent condition $3400 certilwrl Telephone 737 3507 alter I973 TOYOTA COROLLA I600 50000 miles Icondition Greatgas mileniii Certified Telephonr83S 3442 I976 TOR INO TWO door spit tdl lrilti package TSI motor 56000 milts oni owner Wlll certify Best offer 726 97vl days or 424 6580 evenings I977 VW RABBIT two deer standard AMIFM radio tarh tinted windshiiId front and rear spmler 26543 mitts rigtr tilted Like new condition $4395 Call altDrS 00 737 0026 I974 MERC MARQUIS door V8 automatic lull powrr Certified lull priceSI600 Phonii427l 9820 I972 FORD MUSTANG 30 Automatic PB Radio Niw paint and Vinyl lop Certified Phone 414 9820 I974 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX auto Power windows air condition ing CTUISt control AM FM radio car must be seen VIIIICLI lhritit 424 9820 AUTO INSURANCE and tirinit iri surancr Comprtittvi rntr Call Inliit Nelson InsuranLol28 957 Va III I973 PONTIAC PARIJIINNI Brougham automatir pnwrr stiirittii power brakes Xllfnl iritirior dllfI body condition Will certify sll0ti ni closrstollIr 716 556 I972 FORD CUSTOM Deluxe iiuturtialir power Slotring and brakes Vtry lurid condition 5950 Tulrpttnni436 I657 I973 ORAN PRlx ntr OndllllNIlIlU 0th Windows STIPYIIIQ and limkIs 40000 miles excellent condition Askiiiri $2800 Make anotlrrr Call 737 mm illlll iii I969 PON IAC II yliritItr S423 lrltllf certified Must Di srrri Itltphnriv 436 528 I97l VOLVO for sale Itlflllllrlllll transportation solid irtiliiiil Telephone 728 2839iflir 4p in I975 TOYOTA SR5 radio lull in slrurtivnltriti undtrroiitlrl block htaltr Ilctllllll throughout SL900 436 IJIl hlltrr new pitinl Irliiptlolit I972 NOVA door 350 rlUlllflltIll power stiiriliq powrr ttrnkis Asking £300 ItltleOIIL 487 5l50 I976 FORD MAVERICK new radial tires Ilflldrllll dulmlliltlr Fxrrlliiit Fir5t olltr TnlryphonoOnllm 329 4349 I975 CNARGI SE air AMFM Well maintained IiILphorii I26 280l altLr ni I968 OilfiAR 289 nutriiiiiitir vmyl rnof rtird some work S200 ILIIIIIIOIH Ill 32 I974 PI YMOIJIH DUSIE cyl automatic radinls riiditi in excellent rundilititi 50000 mills 484 Blake St 778 93 Ill DOUG CORONF Brougham dour litirkiils AMl asstflu radials shown Illt rustprrlriflid low Illctlgl rritiitilittli $2900 Phone 726 229 I963 lfllif t0fl lrniii ltrlttsll Colum Illtt ruriIIlnl shape six cylinder start IIIHI S275 is Trfephonu 716 228 THE Mllf TR TOP I80 Ihnlslll Slrdcl I976 CIRDOlil Red and whitt nice illmi spurty Ir Lots of goodies bucket stitls factory alr AMB track power Windows automatic transmission with ltllllt and more License KLS I4I Call ltill li MOlItI Hitch House AMC Jeep 726 Ill lllfi mmtie XRI prlvatc salesmans IIIUIIWIIY tar THE LAST OF THE BIG fAl rtilitalllc gold power brakes primr Iliiirlnu snows air conditioning AMl iiireo radiotape deck prime Hmlltmii 57000 miles 54500 firm telephone 728 3668 allerepm rillsl ITllllll Olldlll Sll uud 32 ears for sale I976 Ll LANDAU four door sedan V8 automatic air cruise lull power 40000 miles asking $4500 will consider trade in certified Telephone 737 3l53 I977 VOLARE stationwagon super six cylinder power steering power brakes automatic radio electric defrost root rackWillcertify726 6527 I977 DODGE Street van 360 autoamtic power steering power brakes radio tinted glass seven tires H70xl5 high back chairs bed frame roof vent will certify 726 6527 I97l VOLVO STATION WAGON good with black interior many miles tell radial tires needs some work asking Seootirm as is Telephone 737 2l28 I977 PINTO excellent condition low mileage automatic new snow tires Best offer Call 737 0929 after pm I978 MONZA HATCHBACK all black spoilers custom paint stereo radial tires remainder of warranty Telephone 424 I082 I976 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale door uslness Direction M$Need help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible 72824 I4 mam hardlop 52000 miles Will certify New tires exhaust brakes paint lust done power brakes slelarlllOAwlrllggtWSi 55 In You PAINTING VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For ounAR LESSONS donKn and ammo PLANER REpAIR hm mogul orth It ï¬ZcfaiZ°iI7 520999 $5523 PROBLEMS EOREVERI 13LL9LPL91773599 Marcel Porvlii Guitai Studio 7264439 Inga decorative walll upgly on pigtor or dell nod eclolirin CORTNT mu KOBRA reo thoel trol tinted Windshield $5000 Telephone CUSTOM BUILT on AC guitar plane or on In 705 436 40 Inna Vinyl Sunny In natural stone and antique brick using my and advod ywo mom 3k mm 72646 balllltes Workmanehlp guaranteed Pater Hanetro 73728H rltirwo Special Spring Discount Sofflt Fasclo Eavestroughlng vinyl Shutters Wont scratch or dent rnant loaned for home practice Canadian AcademyBIMulc Blflfifld 728I799 GUITAR LESSONSECIaincrfl popular and rock For further information call Go 7269098 ry I973 BUICK La Sabre four door hardtop fully powered clean licensed $1700 certified Alter6pm call436 2396 l966VALlANTslantsixexcellentrunn lng condition and body Asking $950 or TAKE ADVANTAGE of our low spring roel In lcRldtlI best offer Telephone 737 om DIAMOND VINYL Alumuum 5214 53 collct Fl I978 CHEVELLE MALIBU vo power 4365645 steering powcr brakes automatic iELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In tjransmtssion canélggionigg first MWFAI0 Inger exterior Work uoand eogger coc erite how mm Iriifï¬ï¬llllai iliiiiimm 23 LT 75 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorlzed CIVIC HATCHBACK misidentzwltl MI 13 PAINTING Economical cyl automatic radio New rv Paper hanging Murals lIl RUBBER STAMP ï¬zcyegng3352$$CVYL2°°D CARP INSTALLATION GENERAL CONTRACTING Interior and exterior saw No SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4873035 SNOW BLOWING KARL FORSIL SNOWBLOWING Driveways Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I295 95 Bank ems ahme MILLER BROADLOOM letALLAnON and Motors 45 Bradford St 728 2220 Services Work guaranteed Free utlmatas dry well all masonry needs For quality I974 METEOR door for sale also I969 737493 Mm jock 7733776 John 773054 CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovationl oddltiarie Telephone 726 Vol I978 CHRYSLE Lt Baron 19000 miles GEMRAL REPAIRS malnteriorice atti well maintained Charcoal grey With CHIMan IantibullOP0ltIdMYIl Tl portiin Iote IldOwolkl atc Reasonable 90mg b0 orn leaned rubbish mad gm Askmg 55700 can troughan Installed roofing and flashing omphon7gg579 go rancvad ooh for ud op ancu cord wN SIESUNG PROFESSIONAL PAINTING £22106 30 All v7 695 Bond connmmon 4965401 Interior axlerior paper hanging custom plNyo work Satisfaction guaranteed 726 6808 sqmre wagon au oma roof rack new radial tires extra clean PMqu PAP SEW WHOMd SPRING CLEANUP DRESSES FII It made by JOSIE AQUINO Hueltimates Jack ards 726 2OI2 $23050 mlos de Nephew Speclollxlngln pantsult gowns and chord Indows sormsl 7568874 7° 7° JENany Umfled °m193 sl fl°77°°°° removed CI PAINTING Popr hanging ElpOIOncad 33n wwt buy Home Yard CleegneUp zrmlaetimates JA RICHARDSON mums URGENTLY REQUIRED MARLHSPECIAL Rubm emovoi smut xmuon nous PLEXIGLAS SIGNS PHOTOCOPIES Good clean late model bl °STOREF80NT PLYLON SIGNS 0U omo 95 moving iobs PAINTING REPAIRS OILLUMINATEDNUNILLUMINATED TOP CASH PAID EACH Exgiigwr P°9 order Now OCUTOUTLETIERSLOGOS IMMEDIATELY WHITE 99 for spring RENTALS AVAILABLE ORV HARDY MOTORS Gnu SIDE EXTRA LOCAL 4873I4I DESIGNED AND I768RADFORD ST 7284272 References INSTALLED To YOU TF COLOR STOCK EXTRA SHORTRUNOFFSET HOMEIMPROVEMENTS 233 ll SAcTclgiélAPécTrlgN TOP PRICL for to cars Tokv Motors iiSilti COPYPRINTING BLFEI£ ZZLTIA°iI°n PM Vanmm 7372325 WAN If Clean used cars Barrie Hon oftatop WDUPLICATING SERVICES do Auto Salts I7 Gowillt St 726 6488 NCNTIHERN CARPENIRY Specializing in in SPRING serc IAL rnncv wants this worm Whom bathe lull sizt lt an 10 DH iiirt up Full size $40 mm ii ll st BARHIE om MIPWWEBV Im WW 72° 9°07 woo You °V c° brouutit iii Bonus ti extra mop cars CARPENTER ruuv EXPERIENCED with ii Pd 776 8487 AU16 renovations odor dackl bathroom tiling OAIES 82 Dunlop St East Custom me KIN ON WOOD 1877553191 scpnp ve Him VLANH top IPIO 77°47 ï¬tting of all lypel We stock man prices paid too ItIlITltUIdlI pic up any IVVO CARPENTERS fully alperiancad on all 728 3770 Illllt 436 2900 riot or IIInor additions or alteration iii COI 0805 wright rultsW7trTED °° PAULS SNOWPLOWING rm out for xijikviéwfll will Wiï¬nzg Stewart Electronic prompt dappandoble saryice at compatittyo Coll oul7373064 scram mm WANILD SIO lull siii MBH SNOWPLOWING puking up 310 full Slft brought itt Bonus TELEVISION AUON BOOKKEEPINGA TAX Perionolond small commercial Reasonabflel i340 F2 for extra hiiiivy 72ft 3606 776 ISSJ STEREO RADIO bustle returns 9a ton 726 52l8 ST dependable arvice Call Larry 7264599 JUNK cans wamrr Highest pines INCOME TAX lfom your Item Prom BIHVRALLANHSNVOTNIROWINE 373 Bi paid Same dhy DIltkUp HO AIIU Ohar Elecromc Equmen Pick UP and 400x077 Rosonablf rates Radio dispatched 24 how 3M WHt litrs 776 ill Inlaphona SMITH 436 4826 Ph°h Telephone 7372892 34 yrucks and trailers 71 misomu TAX nuurNs out specialty fetish suowrLOVviNGaiid 5761 00 Wt PMk UP to mg Reasonable roles Contracts seasonzl DODGE I975 fll tort duals I2 fool in IF 7372406 orbyclaonup Call7265666 silliittd no Thtrmo kind rutfer 2O loot IIPNITT BOIIlflg insuliiliitt tin with ltittrtin kind riItir tunpit I7 3647 parklng lots Otennls courts mm mm nt AND unto I977 HF fun 16000 miles 350 four sumo Avgsynouonmo Specmusys FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing Iod tmrril tour apt0d lloor mounted rrinttuill di seedn etc Vic Triemetra 728 2909 REYNOLDS TV SERvICE It roofing and rooting repatrl Sheet metal JR Opt to color lrattsttiissimi 1ch left on Iiibarf Mom Voumfl Nnï¬ Low PCT 00 block and while TV Itaraos etc All molt warrant VlIyl lip top with supports for 77956 bo Niw platIs suilnlilv its amour lllll tIlfIiIillfl liltiphonti 718 9776 rtmouss REPAIRS I966 FOth six lyltflllt autdlttatii 20 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles panindit bur llital tiar liris Ideal for anything libargloss Free Intimates Low EXCAVATING pond pool etc CARPENTIY rough firislted ROOFING TREE SERVICE 24 hour service 726I45 and models 424 6l8I ALLEN WINDOW CLEANING Commercial STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and Ii chtmne to air Fire faces rm oiim it whip sllxin or bust or winter tutu Workmonihip guaranlaad and nduilnol Free Osllmuts Ilgphon ltir for Information phone 728 7433 Or 424560 Wm F° 00532558 52 728W 726 0745 Id4 FORD TON cortiplitt wrtli IfIiIlIdltll top New ltlIQllIt and Lxhnust sywiii run titliuiionv 771 1m 40 tlcles for sale 40erticles for sale 40min for sale 40Ifllclfl for It l967 LORI tun Dll up ntud Tlprllr JUST ARRIVED 23sets 54 boxspr gill259 CH MM MT 30 int nldlrlSSlS sale price $99 95 Der set VJhllL they las delivery extra New nnJ used Furn ture and Appliance Store 2J2 Dunlap Street iiust west of the PORTABLE COLOR lm solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starling June 79 I97l GMT DiIiviry Van New pmnt Wtll linistiiid inttrtur lisulaliid sk yliutlts ornpliii IUTTIJII vitikii driod lrIllIDll or ON 30 BiVVithfUil 737 4774 Closed Mondays TlIliltOlllt AukingSI 500 726 257l WOIRCIQ blOClI and while Onahout 1976 FORD an four Splltl shin d7 0w Ide Used Appliances dnrd pnwrr slutrind power brakes M°° 9on 90 Ferndole heavy duty suspension dual wheels 12 737 II32 Refrlgelalors ll plattori vvitti rmks Vlly clean ILllDlIUII 7M 9995 in was DODOE MODfl loo lrtlltllrltl 36f SWNG minchcs STORE 202 Sam sdiflw gas 18 inqmn Io loot Sflll lliil plat WW 73 UV iiust WfSIrltflttt Barrie Arena 737 1774 form lUItIl lrlr fatrrt usv 40 and PM VISIWIV mid 50 iClosPdtlondays chassis SI 800 Platform$500ltuttiplitv LtiILIIIIN iikis tciyi odds ds 37 Ditckilqw I95 17an Brrt Ill 19 329900 reupholsters chesterlteld and chair MN ammunm Automatic washer and BIiIlINI 776 01s Labour and Fabric included up to l5 yafds yr HOW WOW NW 31fl2gflo nus 82 pi I975Ltll tim atom ItllIv lolll guarantee on workmanship For free inhome 7232 rlw which rs telephon73togo3 Ullul 33000 NIL Onl Miltr Ifltpllllllt 778 56m 95ma85 7t0 IO day service VLF IADE WW EWWN sell Ol MhL 1A8 who low Ilil HIT liikilUSlf il 16 337i yini 93 Wolflflllif MAXI VAN ritrtlpiir 00 gt trlmr iii Mus sell Does mat he lTIlll lIWIl brakes puwti yIUtWIIQ ll 00cm SI IS or 0135 otter EAIECl col radial tinl prnpant stow ami mum bunninthiiiimmiiiiiiliiuiu mmmmimiiium£ Clt IL EN lm sale 550 tent mp0 736 6560 way triddt rilslprnolilt 59500 or IF 91 lmphvw SS sOLFx MOPED rensonalilvolliir 424 0501allir6p ww mm DOtabli hair drigsocwkgt coop 552 I978 1fvlllflf klll 4x4 mm 35 V8 Ftr Telephonelb ss dummdm bump Hm wul iltlitll lttrit months Litu l4000 ttiiltu New onditinli 5950 MU l7 58 fmwl INQLUSVQ CNl 067 20 mm Irlintiuriv l2 lI5il lrtivnlt Somlional AM 5M racieyar custom 4219Nfiiittll in $3 SUTDC rolom 80091 turntable $343 Get tin speakers Kl Nwwt vvRiNul waser 10 2° Under S5 wkly starting June 79 KRAZY your old askinu SIOU Excellent utd NKHOLISE FR Ink AND tum tiiiilthtiiiiJni invehiim iv 570 90 Ni KELLVS now next door to Moatman Hillyiii on New ant Onahour dalivaryHighway9OIFern KIICHI RU HI Im stv VII7IIT6 s44 Mir 78 tltJ tlitll Illll ll tiltwat 76 nut dd 87 non Wm hm Upholswmn Ill 66 it Willllllih yiti Iii ktly tii 76 Illrll lldllS intllrlll mama Tplpphonp NEV STEREO EMS in fillllllt siliiimt Willi illl lti ymuanvam Minn an if cm 33 l4I8y find I50 iiplmit willi cassette deck Ak Kptakyrg 5c by ip til lHllii 74 tlitv liitiilm Haul Al NM ma watts wt hariniI Brai3 no stl 3s H1 Us Ham my HWMMHW mlf llilirlmlintial llllIl halt llltIy llltll1l0clt articles may 57 you tilliIll working llII IIlIll door tmn Mari list and April lst to it to mil litillilltll if lmtik It rrrl ivmlntili tit 7M llI Ilt Silitnlili for lllIrIUl lirsl Ollll ti IN Tuuiittv 80 Eli 778710 thl st Alas lORItIl toliwisioii mm new lion sipspins bass ty Ill ill WtNlIlW VIIII lliw lIllllI7 blmk and white top Iilii model asking M7 mm $53 Inhwhmw PINE fURNIlURI custom TYIrIOl solid SISII firm Lundiliuit Four months 350 an up wood lurlhturv reasonale ratts Coffee om plypymm 737 Hm tc lTCHE SLi green tarp9 I978 ti wt at it It mm mnmgrmmampsm 73 on Yt Lt Rm CAi iiv spe id or Nw MM SKEW It IRIlTrIlI iiy ttt vTliniii VIM wlllll lll SWIMMING p00l MANUFACIURE for Your aulomohve thlll With new tires lrllllll cortdi has new l978 Pools regular priu tion Telephone 718 7390 QUANI I176 fllllil ttiti pit kitti l8 nylon 00 mm my wagon 5pm IOQUIIOIYIGII Iy to THE MIIF kF STOS I83 nit gt iiitiiiiiti pilmt Tlll pawtl H355 00 pools amp With walk around Barrie It UNAl7 NV Mummy onwh sum Baum IO 18 MIN VII 013 44 Will Itlllly dik patio flttiirtd pump motor lInd 5M 5U 519 rlnilds it ltli FUYIEL lkort 013 76 67 tiltlr itlivtry arranged to your tonvr mat mom on IIIILI for best SlltlllOIl ind nl rrtla Wm pm mm 0m Kt iltlllliil atoll16 vlÂ¥llllllhilvtttIlllnlthll Iloncalllollfrcol eon 268 5570 pmmm Lk sh50 on IDhom lili IlltI7H 4758 him III WHS MN MW iouipnieiil Slll 36 5p DWYCLFSV HUCYU Wm and cellintronditinn Telephone 726 5672 QUANTITY ut girl silothcs age eleven 36 auoaccessones Slll Reconditioned rtDhtnttd Repairs Cl RADIO MOBILE Citizen 40 than dmgw 00 and children toys Emmy dolls like new Telephone 737 468 alter USED LUMBER 2xItIxI4 28II and one inch lumber 2x4 fl and It also slt raptor wood Telephone726 093y madly pat ts wanted 726 0850 PENION MOTOR bike l25 3700 Yamaha Trombone almost new $l75 Lacrosse slick 65 Phoni 726 6365 ROOM DIVIDFR Willi planter box Willi nets With antenna two months of use S75 telephone bllOTt in 737 2427 SIDE PIPES Thorliy 80 complete Witll solid pipir hookups to attach to htadiis Previously on Tuld pick up AIRCONDITIONER IO ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor SI 500 Motors Heard Running iSIICItI VSISlI 42501 DlMOllll SIIS 150 RON IA to fit Ltttinns or 5000 itiifiis stitci TlllUIll S750 400 yrs 340 good nlllllllli 776 0768 all it tilfrittialir ltarlurliiisinrt SIOI 400 IiUICK Cd LOIFTS long by mu armmp I0 or ldstnrlliili long tiitrril aututiiiittc 1131 transiiiissiotissn llfiDODtl nulotllilllc PIANO BABY GRAND ltlroudhoul 5mm 7V° TF Dishwasher yLll your old Best of ITiHIHIlIiMUfl lll Telephone dwnrd 728 MRI 44 Sill Ciili illlall MINI 750 all 4l6 28I I790 CANOES SWIMMING POOLS to RENT wilt DRUMS ILilrl I4 pit set plus yin V°P°l°d Slam 37 mOIOrCVCOS lease and install for homeowners family tnuc rmw balk all hardware lIl IUUILI Profes Kev FDWI silo aluminum swnnming pools With sionally duality 51500 lirltt ItllleOIIl oyale CanAlumK5Y5 9Il SUIUkl 500 low ITIIIluIQl it who 010 Nos mmhng lncredihlaSOmonlh warranty Elarllomt Cornpfeta stock oleccassories Illlnl DINIIIIUII Niw tires chain in wqumhons 6n iwo WW tuning now $849 Order Ionlta get cm In NH HIE Trades accepted 0mm WIIII Ilrlllt and box S700 wed rénml Dogswm 0pm 0w try lip I2 portable Under S7 wkly ltl SIM Itllllllulll776 Iosu Itlllfllonl 737 45 after pm I975 LAN AM US Mxy lxrilltml ondi before you buy Call toll free 800 26ft 5970 starting June 79 KRAZY KELLYS now Orlllia Ontario next to Meeting Hi hwa 90 Fain lion itill uti first tank of ms ULI tour or hows I0 mom BARRIE TENT and Awning Cnltipatly dale 737 82 tulii fuiit Ulll iillil all fudge and mat prowdns omplutc repair service on IF hum mu plum lI WWW MA IL DA mpglass sloop Four IBVDSi ï¬lmsr INNS and IWIIIIIQS llt tlsed silli liy lll it svpntitli Olll ptii with had sent swmo stove AM IM I975 360 HONDA 6000 miles bx reitdy for spring act now avaid the only in we MM hm liutlls tittiismlsmcludino gallon crllmtl condition asking 3150 can an delay Tutumom 726 6437 Myrn rent APAR TMl Nl III Whlll tlii tt ll 356 mm i665 mm ntilliiinrit Asking S5 300 6p nt 737 2506 and Awning Company 34 BayIum Kulvulntur sluvi S30 ltiliy IUUIIIII my YAMAHA downtown rutkir S6 llllfll look titltliitit tii Illll condition Miltmit 480 mill Wth hm mum MW lnq SU Ideal for town mtl trmlg doggone ltltiki Itll Itiiltlii sltii llttl t8 Hilly Iiiiiti IfIIllIIlll fully wanmum rm in hi 00 iitttttiti snmtulit Italiv tiiii IlI St tilt ilut iil it Illiilr III tuliit hiwl tulip titi mnit ridding II iINII 650 rrl YAMAHA it HW ww iiiiiiiits iiiiiiit ItytlliH Aiiii lil tlllil st iitiitii tillm mmlmo ltllttiu ANll sliivl unity llilt llI litiii Ill ii VIKIT iu int ii SSOtlliriti not IIIYIIIIH 7269628 In out winmcmc Mi Jill lllItItf warranty twii ititiittlii ilt it itlsls lTIIlllu lilyuint I975 OHIO YAMAIA finduw 90° lltIIllIlllIlllIl Ulklliii pail Illllllltlllt llllqllls iqiiiiiliiit sleeps low uim condition Askinu S250 Telephone it It to lmm ll IRAII Il 78l l4 ftrr7 nt All 750 II stovl IUR sAlt Altlllttll iii inimi ntltl iliitliililii iii Wllllt Illlly iiiiiii Altil IRA IIIIIIHIII YiIiII it I975 YAMAII gout contl Ndwp mm in unit InnVIII one till loll iii visit SIMi ill at let tum IIhlIl MIN llilw hLow73rttltISlt $650 certified fly II My lllllislll 76 wt llililpl ii ll toil titi ItM iii on om III llxl lNlik III ik Nll lllNi talliiitl IllIlllIJ ll Illl Iilitllilli 78 I977 YAMAHA Green for Sdlf in mint UNI winmm in il II it use role Iiotteoaryisa 9243 the Illtllllltlily Oii only IA WIili iliiM iii Inviin Iv It lNll All Himwt com to cs tum Rum iw In Illll iiifil tiIii iiiili iililiitniits whim millimtin lhlll til rs tililtIy IIINIJIIIII fill Ss IlIlI lutklil ti ll lli Iiifli ellrtIT iiitiiiltm iciasiiimllli ii me twmum p0 llll Ill lllltl iliil liviiiili Illl ll II aim iii iv law an out 60 W7Il ll Akl Ira S775 iniili iiiil wiitt Sllllktl on my IVI Ill ANIIH Ii lllltilllt my 55 kwwmkl mlnmmtl Kc ll tliltlii1igtil litiiil IlItl ifs il ttiliiiiint RCA for lm Itinitlr uilitiiiit lllflll 33 tttiIPS ltnlllt of But on LON nllotiix $700 hiltsaiiiiits will lllll llttll lllll Ii Iii itiiimiii ttik to between 5th bill at Orly 400 Wkly gymn 474 osll llllt lIlll Ill umi im li ii mum min mimic nl IUSIamlmg no on usrn RI iIAIlRANI illlsliIlItlil stimult iim iql Om niy slips available our mm sins My In Iiii Nll ultiiiiimi fun Ilhl talilt min of ry WH llltltlliiili Alllllll iii II titlili tui kih niii lll IIl SUIWW Yom Hum th IIJIII lltt Iiiilttiiittl klll llII ill IlLlllt All WI NDOW llllttl tttil lit lumki hiniilliimt if noon UNIFORM SHOP at on DUTY ii mo Next NW TO Meetrnen HIGHWAY Also two Iluniirluiit dun to we ltitwri ml ml my phonp 7m with Iltt iliilixiuy ii iii miiity ilimil YOU authorIIOd 90 530 9° ulo llllllkflllilllutll lllhyttltltlllltlll be NAMF BRAND Mercury of ar 1l1 Mattresses at ills iiiiiil New and Used iiiititiiti and Amilianii Mont ru PFIUS Odd sues made to utittr ltati Il tiitii ltiiiiliiyi IIIII Nrwl tliisl vusl MOICIUISOI DOOIOI J02 TF ghaalrliréss Il Dunlap Inst Downtown mlhtt IM mp Um 71 It