05 ad advertiser to kindly rmchock their weeping stagc lltlHt HALL IF Vltal tnlormation printed message gélon edict it miscarriages Where Spemflc S36zï¬aeoraFapgawflzgztngecord in tion in bztrrotnthayrny arroryollrgrhilulorlnrhzy dlSOldtl can be detected SpC lsoduon to son um ls CAN HEAR WHAT WEILs FER CHANGED From the Baker Family day new WOTIIS OIISS bringing but chucked diag Ayn new readers as old ones monds so pete had to go satisfy their wants We recom back to the club suit He Sm mend that you start your ad cashed his ace led to Deadline for claSSlfled 55W°Moi tomorrow and cancel it when dummys king and noted dad you get results After many diamond discard from East ANNIVERSARY years of experience will Vulnerablei Both Clubs had not broken but millions of want ads we know Dealer South Pete was home free He pm hthoSENlOR CITIZENS ROOM iv munconmuumumn tomorrow is the best doy to North East South simply led dummys last day previous mm start your ad and every day is club discarded hIS own It the best day to advertise in pass pass deuce of hearts and showed noon UI OY vvvw The Doctor Says COLLIER STREET mum cuuncu ANNUAL TAURUS April 20May 20 Your llrgaclal natgres 22 Th into something more useluldo RA RUMIAAOESALE influence over your peer group VlR Aug opt work today Dont ear to ma my is quite pronounced today secret to your success today ischanges it you feel theyll lead Friends will be looking to you to put the needs of others to improvements EMII NotlcuEamommnCordofThonk hmmu to tell them what to do and before your own Surprisingly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jnn 19 minimum40wordloddltlonolwordsIOcenta porword when y0ull be helping yourself as Your organizational skills are $550 Imm By PAUL RUBLE MD regnancies 1t ou have not GEMINI May 21June 20 well honed to sharp edge today Ihmmorlomhovono 35 50 Dear Dr Ruble have had ChECked 01 this you Marc 31 1979 Theres strong possibility LIBRA Sept 23Oct Joint Y0ure adroit at managing situ vm coumnn xm22cl two miscarriages in the last should be Make it definite point to youll get second shot at ventures could prove to be an atlons be they massive 0r tuning up 22 comm lnch LA three years desperately want Dear Dr Ruble Two years expand your social outlets this something today that you were extremely profitable area lor miniscuie Townsend are proud to announce the daughter Shannon Nicole on Monday March 26 1979 Many thanks birth of their to Dr Williams and Dr Mutrie MACDONALD Robert Gray are proud to announce the ar rival of son Jason Robert on Sunday March 25th 1979 weighing lbs or at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Pro ud grandparents are Bruce Gray ol Bar rie and Frank and Kathleen MacDonald also ol Barrie and great grandmother Mona Gooch of Toronto PANTING Shaun is pleased to an nounce the birth of his sister Heather Suzanne on March 19 1979 weighing lb oz Proud parents are AI and Janet nee Mcouarrie RR Belleville Granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Pan ting Barrie and Mr and Mrs Mc Querrie Lelroy Mondays Child is lair ol lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child is lull ol woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridays Childisloving andgiving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the sap bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information lor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day ol the week month and year of birth the weight and other The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 mimicking hcztrt attack This cum25y PHONE Ho CONSIGNMENI AUCTIONS Win wonlb tor has beï¬olmdered Yoglmgg may precede the rash Roam your Int whlo they hot 333Zfy in 3211352 even dvm our Othermsc no direct conncctlon ORR Curtis At Trenton Memorial Hospital on Wednesday March 2i I979 Curtts Orr in his 85th year beloved husband of Alta Orr of Trenton and formerly of Glen Miller Ontario Dear lather ol Raymond Orr Barrie Dear grandlather ol James Orr Calgary Alberta Susan Mrs Robert Lundstedl Barrie and great grandfather of Klra Lundsled Brother ol Carl Orr Trenton and the late Vann Earl and Kent Orr The late Mr Orr rested at Weaver Funeral Home Trenton service took place on Saturday March 24 lnterment Whites Cemetery ALLISON Cyrus James At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday March 30 W79 Cyrus James Allison in his Bath year dearly beloved husband oi the late Eunice Drew and of Helen Margaret Jay Survived by one brother William of Lindsay Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Saturday Complete service in the chapel on Mon day April at Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Masonic service Sun day evening at 730 under auspices of Kerr Lodge No 230 86card of thanks BAKER Sincere thanks to all the doc tors nurses and stall at Royal Victoria Hospital for the kindness and care shown to Marjorie Baker who passed away on March 18 Also hearttelt appreciation to all the relatives and friends who sent llowers and kind wishes Thanks also the stall of Jennetts Funeral Home Jayne nee BENEFIT IIARD TIMES DANCE DARRIE ARMOURT SAT MAICN Silt I979 030 EM AM Mot Music Door Prize Tlchtl per couple 72mm rat5m PROCEEDS FOR THE SIMCOE RESCUE SQUAD Pain for tho but costume GETS MAY AISO IE PURCNASED TIM Midway Variety lovmrm lifting Shoo Rum Norri Ilomrl The Mulchl Georgiti Icon Variety M30 LOOK OPENING SOON Vendors Welcome Eortflhorlnfomtian Cull 72695 MWFA30 OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY mm 3rd uumm numm COOPERATIVE uuasm scuom St Giles Church Cook St II Napier Interested parents children come and view our program 600 to 730 pm Further information Cal 7262323 OPEN HOUSE tor MI42I3O ADVERTISING me Im craz to want to ya and the showed metallic with whom you share lun inter CAN EB June 21July 22 You expertise extremer clever in business or Mhl 00 DIRECT PHONE lhrou all thht again when $11 clings presenillrom the gall bled ests have grit it you choose to use SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 IInanClal matters today Use 7232414 proba have another bad re ARIES March 21April 19 It today of making everyOne Things which you have learned TOWNSEND Mr and Mrs Thomas Cloullled advertisements and nollcu her than peg must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Ouailiod Dllploy odverliument which trth be in by pm two doyl prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $550 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES worth $550 Additional word I0 ch per word CARD 0F THANKS 40 words 3550 Addi tional wordl IOII per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No yer $550 With verso por count line 27 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 pOI column Inch WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cplh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 91 plr word inurtion Three consecutive inurtions contl per word in union total $648 Six canlocutlyo inur tlom OVIC per word per lnurtion lotcll 224 Multiple inlortionl may be ordered Iubioct to cancellation when aotllloclory results obtained Method of counting lower that 24 wordl count on 24 word Eoch initial abbreviation set of numbers otc count on unporolo wordl ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion order are accepted at convenience to the odvorllnru Therefore the Classified Advertising Department ro be reported before pm in order that some may be roctillod for the following day publication portion of ad that involves the micprlnt Er ron which do not louon the value ol the advertisement or not eligible for correc tion by make goods The Ekaminor ruorvu theright to clouily revise or reioct any want ads PHONE 72821l4 WHICH DAY IS BEST gt MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each The Examiner Classified Sec tion child and am trying to get pregnant again friend tells sult What can do myself to prevent another miscarriage Mrs RB Much depends on the cause or causes of your past mis carriages If that hasnt been determined now would be good time to begin thorough examination would be in order significant number of mis carriages result from an irregularity of the uterus or cervix for example Often such problems can be corrected by simple surgery Sometimes liver or kidney malfunction can be detected and be correctible If your organs are in tiptop shape you can start con centrating on more general problem areas Im thinking of such preventable problems as nutrition and harmful habits like smoking or drinking All of these factors become increas ingly important in the second and third trimesters or pregnancy months to For women with history of cial care after the third month is essential The matter of rest 201h week step some doctors recommend Some women neglect having and scraping of the womb following miscarriages The reason this is done is be cause some debris may remain to cause problems in future ago had my gall bladder re moved Recently had spine der surgery Is there any danger in having these clips in my body This is important to my peace of mind EIA Heres case where patients natural anxieties might have been spared with simple question to the doctor reviewing the xrays The met allic clips and sutures stil ching material used in modcrn surgery are safe and more ef ficient way to close cut Thc metal will not cause any harm but will always show up in rays Youre on your way to be coming $6million man Dear Dr Ruble My sistcr inlaw who is 63 was hospitalized for heart I1 dltion While in the hospital shc got shingles Could it have bccn related to her heart Also is it common to isolate shingles patients in the hospital Mrs IS The shingles is duc It virus infection and is con taglous during the blistcr or necessary Some cases of lcfte chest shingles produce pain ltcar lrRublc saw tllc word cholclithiasls on incli ical report rcccnlly llunslulc please JS You must llavc goltcn good look because you spcllcd lt cur reclly lt mcztns gallsttincs BRIDGE NOswalddacoby amndAlian Sontag wellexecuted end play Pass Pass Pass spades at trick two and led second Spade to dumnlys king Trumps were now ac counted for Then Pete led club from dummy and played his 10 after East produced the deuce West won the trick and led diamond Pete led third trump to give his opponents chance to make helpful discard West his hand West was endplayed and coming year Valuable contacts can be developed with persons Gains could come in unrelated ways today so when opportu nity beckons be prepared to move espeCiaIly it its through one who is obligated to you Winthrop zard of 94 0v lluI11rtrw Short Ribs SINCE WE BETElENDED THE AMERICANS gm previously unable to take ad vanta ol careerwlae leel important This touch can greatly enhance friendships LEO July 23Aug 22 Managing situations for others so that everyone benefits including yourself is your lorle today Youre best at involvemenls of My DOCTORS ARE CONFERRING lN THE THEYRE OchY you today especially if youre contributing your energy and lrorn experience will be used advantageOusly today Instead ol repeating mistakes you ll benefit lrom them SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Put your talents lor transforming the outmoded nloelsrov Olbr 41 THATMEN LIKE AN AIROFMYSTER ABOLJTA Gil21 THEYRE 12le DECIDE WHETHER AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Il y0u apply yourself you can be your smarts to place yourself in the prolit column PISCES Feb zitMarch 7m Dont be stayathome toda Get out where the action is wi people who know how to mat things happen Something be eliclal could rub oil on you TAX 5H LITERS OLJQ WALL POSTERS HAVE CEIZT AlNLY coulkd notI onf 301 ngé EAM 9HAPINC7 mfghaï¬leATéAgï¬s AND THE ICOKSYE UKE penlnli Cat tric no matter ml 19 it MD AK Fm US AV LIKE ONE BIG historically speaking naturism We You hold ill it VI Pesstmtstic Pete looked lt rim over the dummy and noted that he Pete had been wise in ByTIIIXANUIIAN PRESS passengcr capacity for my 11 Hum to have madeHno eer to March 193 vs NM rearh slam note ure nmno an mud nmmm her that with really bad Kentucky readcr asks anad r5 WIN 1lerlltllllr01llllliltWiitl lllt citllslillilltlll gullmntcilnp luck he ught actually 80 what we reqpond to 6m system opened in Toronto nouronslrcclcztrs llll rights II III liglildltss til hi contract annerrs forging two9 mm years ago today in 1934 lilli Spitlllhlllilllllllllilll rri ngpeawi sun Club Sid Toronloniahs took thcr frI ccsc llllll Win it rides on the $585lmllllll burn0 plIIItltTlnrliillItllrhlkliftilllflud loser and three possmle hwe nail to three 1ng 1ft and ErneSt Subway years after con ill Th 111 WIT Hit Illllil its first listll beg loss zugwaSpfufligp021£i$S strucllon began in Septembcr Il anmllim Still HIt Itliillill tsitnzincxllllilc ls pp 08 5t daily crossword ACROSS Answer Ill Illvillus IllIli Gold Sp Indebtedness at rank itmunglhcbcst tlltiillcsltl Willi spring finally on III MWWMUCI 53 U90 with we Signing the dmj the provincc in appcitlztncc way thcrc was itvivul Sea mammal 55 Low female ted line lhtideClSHe step was structure design and mm mm 1150 issuing up to Hawaiian voice taken tovlar tht erection of uwasexyxfledunwmnwlpwd mm mm 2500 licenses had island 56 Channel new8i0mémJthatjeThsvbe for opening on July and was It botn issucd for pussctlgcrs cars wSeeO 50th ï¬glumm mg 5350 IxcztllcdthiRuxylhcztllc and leil lltr commercial 14 633 59 Augment vclllclcs ltllltl Vi litync local 15 Noun suit 60 Boat gear issllcr shilll that any furthcr l6 OIIlClaI rush on llic ollicc was not ex records DOWN pcctcd until sccondiiry roads in 133 180105 0W Plate Buried By La Verendrye Im fluffy It pawn 21 Yellotv Igvlr Wadvlng bird W85 Found In South Dakota gm at mosqurlo Exclamation 18 Close to tears 40 Causlit Sir Francis Drake made voyage along the Pacific flfff 23 Gave up at horror 20 cm sullslrillcc NELLIOUESS coast as far as Alaska in 1579 He went ashore in Tlyfl 27 More grind9 wdSI lorelunnvv Prevalle CANT KICK California and buried silver plate as memento and it II TI 32 demle Oveweghl 22 is about oi sumnmr was found there many year later itlï¬dyhd It gllltIllllltlIll sons Stocking 23 cmcken pen Baum VV Two sons of the great explorer Pierre dc la Vcrendryc 32 gm gsasle 24 Inner plellll mm did something similar in 1742 LouisJoseph who was demETdmI mmV 35 pLeSTOWSV 553 25 Far down known as Le Chevalier and Francois lch Fort H193 fburdmg Wm 36 Beg Tenches 26 we 45 La Reine now portage la prairie to explore the country tncnt rtLtflVtlCI lby blmp 37 Case Em Conedeam bemq 47 leeWtSt of the Mandan Indians They hoped to find route to thc walhaountyh 38 Halmg grates Anny 23 Jumbmq 48 099 Pacific which the Indians called the western sea Wm MIL bulging eves labbl 29 Opera on MGM It was on this trip that they saw high range of WINDY 9f 0mm 40 Navigation d9 Hawaila 3015lanrinea 49mm mountains which historians say may have been thc Big lllll wide is for Illc KI Vice Instrument Com so Blrnlhrml Horn range of the Rockies If so they were the first fin Ifns fw 05 Mem wese 31 Hold Ill check Wm Europeans to see the Rockies That distinction is usually fsilitsuhg shatitll3910 43 V2122 hgmlsallloene 33 Influence 54 Glitltlm gddflllillgolnAlrItsgony Henday Who denmtely gm to tho lllc conlxlhiirLV ShillCIltiIlIdlLtlllll 45 gonsmIaIO 9390 39 Mow Jmm 1949 The subway increased allztctllllur While camping with the Cherry Indians thc ChlValltI left metal plate as souvenir It was inscribed llaccd by the Chevalier de la Verendrye the 30th day of March 1743 The inscription was in French of couth and included more information about the trip The plate was found in 1913 by some pcoplc who were walking near Pierre appropriately thc capital of South Dakota Parts of the inscription were still quitc clear Pierre de la Verendrye and his sons were among thc first explorers of the West They established posts at Eresentday Thunder Bay Rainy Lake Winnipeg Sol irk Portage la Prairie and discovered the mouth of the Saskatchewan River OTHER EVENTS ON MARCH 30 1809 Labrador was awarded to Newfoundland 1814 US force intending to attack Montreal was dc feated 1832 Bank of Nova Scotia was incorporated 1838 Lord Durham was appointed Govcmor of British North America except Newfoundland 1864 TacheMacdonald government was formcd at Quebec 1874 Louis Riel signed register of members at llousc of Commons Ottawa 1885 Ontario School Act made education compulsory 1954 Canadas first subway rail system ptntd at Toronto 1958 Alwington House residence of three governors of Canada was destroyed by fire at Kingston Ontario pmmlncnl citizens would bc prcscnl to wilniss lllc starting of llplrlltllts llic cmploynlcnl of lwcnty livc mcn and women was thought to bc boost to thc 10th its it wholc plctisanl windup for thc hockcy season for tllc lllwnintl Church Lcugucs was hold when thc winncrs vvcrc gucsts at banquct in lhc Allandzilc restaurant Chas lxiwcr prcscnlcd thc Capitol lhcatrc lroplly to thc YMfA learn and Bell ad copied the cup on behalf of the leg lifl Jemmcll presented Emerson Reynolds reprcsen ling thc Buring Bush team with lhc cup emblematic of the Church League Championship Special presentatith werc madc to Jcmmelt who gzivc his scrvicc as refcrcc gratis to Coach lommy Thomson wo rclcrccd in Ictnmcts absence and to John Dobson who it was felt bad donc more for town league hockey than any man in town 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlap St 191 Dotty liner LI Om Fido am Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters tug We provide loanout service