To Broadway With Love The sounds of Rodgers and Hammerstein Ger shwin and other turn of the century composers graced the Georgian College Theatre Wednesday night Lorna Glover left violinist Norman Ab bott pianistarranger and vocalist Annemarie Clark collectively known as the show To Broad way With Love performed before small au dience The show was it lciish Iciigious inoIoiI ltllitt liasiii on an in tcinationally hcst sclliiit hool ot lltt sainc llllt ill tic llilli til lliimtoiiils iospil tilitipil lllhll SI Angus tlil at to pin ltii Tiiiiinutc tcatuic lililI pioiluitl by Family lIlins at tlflli is thc ittclili story ot llllt£tli yoinari llli lII ool klttt tas onc tlii iiiaiiy Kuican ihristiaiis itlsttlilttl thc lapancsi duiiiigoiiiikaili it icrish tlttillittllt llli iii ool so ycais oi IIanIsoii Winkler creates flurry lZittit Uni ti Taking tcn llitttllts ou llitltt xiaiting toi giiinpsi ot actor llcniy linkiIi Sally Sinxth at Will hcr son dain iii ltll aiirl lltp storc and said This must hc ahoiit tiic iiiost writing thing that 4tlttpltittl to Mom lhc iittaiiy Fish and him shoppi Alitlt Ihc inotlici and son sa Is typical ot llii illagi 33 klloiiiciiis iioitlIIzis oi Kit chincr lttlt Itti tast ltHitl coiiics coinpliti Hl tittanj liiillltl£tlt Rut thc iiiagi looks littlc dittcriiit it thc tiiltlttttil ihcrc arc taisi shop troiits iiirl llitlst and old itltlittiillll slittttllllt on thc tttitltl stiict as tho liiti inasiiucratics as Niu llainpshiii toxin of tin lititox lniklci llttl plays thi lon on thctcimisioiicoinIily Happy Days In liloia lll1ttlti tanarlian Itots to inth tor itll isioii about thristiiias lhc story is similar to thailcs Dickiiis thristinas arol hut lllt productrs say ll isnot thcsainc linizici plays rloililciiiig oll nioniy iciirlci calliil itciiidic Starli iho likc itickciiss titanicvi Nioogi ilIstiiHH tlii ltllt iiicaningot lliiistiiii shoot ltiii it If theres in your future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestobe and their mothers Monday April I979 Continental Inn Barrie oil the WWWglare 7286748 Youlbo glad you did ponsored by the Georgian faculty Examiner Photo Angus intiii and rccounts iii docii drama styic ho slitstood up to Hit lapaiiIss ltit lords ltltl litacl spicail thc hristian iitlel litlittltl prison Hill Viicii hcr pcrsccutioii hcgan In MW hn HI Sook £t uaithy industrialists laugh ltt and hIIstIaii school tcachcr iicaiiy iii ycais iatci shc is Alis lion Kim lllt ot the pastor oi Korian iaptist hurch Iii los ngcics iis Kim has tiauilcit tciisiul LittL hci tcstiinoiiy in Kliltu Japan South inciica anti lltt liIItcil Status and anaila it lciish Is tuiirliil liy lapancsc hiistians and pro llitttl In Japan lhc no iiiinuic cisioii kas luliliiil III English and it cditid hy Faiiii iy Films lttt lItltlliSltSIHttlilllL illlflltlitts lhcic iill lll no ciiaigi and nursciy caii Hll ltt ltnlllttl CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot last delivery Free on orders over $9 00 in Barrie Free limits lO°° 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9090 YOU BET YOUR Mort Participation with loading wry oltcii aiiadas tlowcriiig ot talciit at his disposal Not so wcckciiil Iii llii lanky ith young ilaiiccis lllllll Iii Hungary CAN CANCER BE BEATEN Abe 96 Ol¢s Torms From 12 months to2 yours Ointorost paid monthly Plooso contact Ralph loughood 7286367 John Coleman 7288139 OWALL TO WALL ARIETS RLTGS FtRNITlRiC PROFESSIONALLY LEANICD Barries First Commercially Operated Associate Producer PAI Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning Unit 7284 761 ommcrcial Rcsidcntial SIM COE CARPETtt UPHOLSTER CLEANERS althing lohii llirsch work Is likc sccing man crcatc wddiiig houquct out of ccds Not that lliisch has to work wccils ticc iaiicc stagc lircctor oi iiitcriiatioiial rcputc hc usually has thc tincst ciitcrtaininciit of last xhcii houcycr tttawa lliisch hcaitcil workshop on thcatricai production toi thc anailian lolk Ails ouiicil at thc National ll ciitrc hlack litardcd dircctor stalkcil thc stagc iii lshiit and Jcans as hc plcadcii singcis lliisch cainc toaiiaila and sct tlcil llt Winnipcg hoiiicicss iqm DUPAIN and hoiiicsick ltttt agcr not kiiownig thc iaiiguagc history or llllllll of his tl siiiroiin dings As Hirsch liariicil last and as ioinidcr ot thc Manitoba lhcatrc tciitic MW at tlic iirst and hcst ot thc countrys string lcgioiial plolcssioiial thcatrcs and hc was an associatc dircctor ol thc Stiat lord icstiai lccadc ago has also liccoiiic thc thcairi yorlils iiiost aiticulatc and ciithiisiastic ailiocatc ot cultural tllll iii aiiada liitil last ycar iic hcadcil thc llt TV drama dcpartincnt running It as much as lic could and as livc proicssioiiai thcatic pumping Inc into its litilo picsciitations ot thi classics and bringing HP tcll it liki Fri 7pm 9pm Sat iOam 5pm Sun ipm 4pm or by appomtment itris rcalisiii to docuinciitary drama Now hc is tric lancing iii dc mand as diicctor and consul tant in Canada and abroad So thcrc was lot of attciitioii Hirsch whin wcckciid turncd up last dircctiiig raw group of ainatcurs iii lllt cxpcriincii tal sliidio thcatic of thc Na tional Arts ciitrc ihcy wcrciit so raw of course in thcir abilitiis to sing and dancc in thc idioin of thc llurolxaii cultiircs lcihcatcd to aiiada flair sophistication and prolis sioiialisiii iiccdcil to attract an audiciicc own triciiils and rciativcs llc told thciii tor iiistaiicc that llittl thcy xalkcd on thc thiy arc piiscivnig in llut thcy lackcd the in hcyoiid tthr stagc thcy sccmcd to 0070 likc hali mcltcd jciiy Youve yourscivcs up hc said When yoiirc standing in tho wings got to yoursclvcs you arc thc most youvc handsomc bcautiful pcopic anywhere you arc thc most got to psychc talented stars yct to be convince the most fortunatc discovered and thosc pcopic out thcrc in thc audicncc arc in Gods creation to be able to conic and see you perform Then you step out PLAY T0 GALLERIES tic told them to look and play to the whole auditorium especially the galleries where the chcap scats arc CHOCOLATE CHIP OATMEAL RAISIN APPLE OATMEAL DUTCH DELIGHT 354 Bayfield Street Essa Road GEORGE BARBIE BRUI PICTURES INC Present KETTLEDBUM FILM GLENDA JACKSON and OLIVER REED in THE CLASS OF MISS MACMICHAEL also starring with JOHN STANDING as Psirbrother Music Composed snd Conducted by SIANLEY MYERS Executive Producer GEORGE BARBIE Based on novel by SANDY HUTSON Written for the screen and Produced by MD BERNARD 3161A 0A8 Directed by SILVIO NABIZZANO iii an not llilntlli it it TECHNIGOLOR What may havc happcncd during thc ncxt clcvcn days is liar inorc suspcnscful than anything shc cvcr wrote On Dcccmbcr 1926 Agatha Christie the worlds grcatcst mystery writer disappcared ltUSllN illMAN VANESSA RlilttiRAVl i1AllIAn iHitllMtllili liAiflttLV lllilliN MttRSl riot it in JttllNNi MANlilzl in im in lAti Will tw it KAllllliliN liNANii ARIIllR llttltRAll Rim iIII Mil mm rational llt lllt ttl UK ENTHTMNMINT R11 A1741 SWliliHlAll lRtlltltllth Ii iii Sliit FILMWURKS mVl lttliltl SlthARtt It in JOHNNY MANNl kllllll5N NAN iniiii it JARVIS ASIAlRliaJAVRIK ltSlii manor MltllAll Alllll iiiiiiII Itl iltitt Iatoiaix lil recummended as souu