truc Wanna buy lemn Ron Mooneys sixmonthold Ford four wheel drive truck has problem he says It vibrates The problem was severe when he first bought the in Elmvale and work was done by Douglas Mercury in Barrie to correct the problem Although two officials from Fords Canadian head After Qrillia incident Denied bail man remanded 20yearold Orillia man charged after woman and her baby were held at gunpoint for more than two hours was remanded in custody deesday until April Robert Matice is charged Energy maior campaign issue with break and enter posses sion of dangerous weapon dangerous use of firearm threatening and forcible con finement Orillia city police said man forced his way into an apart office have been down to check the truck out and called it acceptable Mooney is not convinced Doug McKinley of Douglas Mercury says It seems to be production problem more than mechanical one Weve done everything we possibly can to correct the trouble its Ford Motor Company not us not wanting to do the service EASE FORDMERCURY ment about 330 pm Monday and threatened Karen Eva and her 10 month old child with and Other Fine Cars from 22calibrc rifle The woman escaped with the Cavalcade GillMercury child when she opened the door rm um Sales for her husband Illil ti III om gt ii an tom Htio says local Liberal member Energy will be major issue in the federal election cam paign says Ross Milne tLibPeeIDufferinSimcoei He said the Liberals want more Canadian ownership through Petro Canada The Conservatives will argue that PetroCanada should be done away with and that the multinational oil com panies will serve Canadian in terests satisfactorily said Milne The NDP will argue for in creased government owner ship he said Milne said the recently passed Bill c42 an act to allocate energy supplies in case of shortages will help the Canadian fuelsituation Imperial Oil for example buys it crude oil from Exxon its parent company Exxons supplies were reduced recently and so it made less oil available tolmperial In effect Exxon is in the position of deciding which sub sidiary gets how much and where it goes said Milne Energy Minister Allistair Grossman visiting lnnisfil Larry Grossman minister of industry and tourism will be the guest speaker April 18 at dinner meeting sponsored by the Innisfil Industrial Commit tee and the Innistil Chamber of Commerce Grossman will discuss ways municipality can attract new industrial and commercial development Dinner held at Golf Haven Gilford begins at 730 pm with cocktails at 630 pm Everyone is welcome to attend Tickets $10 person are available at the Innisfil Township Office Henrys Han dy Hardware Davis IDA In nisfil Credit Union Golf Haven or from any member of the In nisfil Chamber of Commerce WEIGII YOUR AR Some automobiles are being made lighter these days through the use of plastics to replace conventional materials Starting Monday April Starting Tuesday April 10 Gillespie asked Imperial to deal directly with Venezuela he Said but Exxon will not allow it To make sure this situation is net likely to be repeated the government then directed Petro Canada to enter into an agreement with Venezuela for crude supply Petro anada will in turn sell to refiners in Canada including Imperial said Milne GALLERY CRAIGHURST Fri 7pm 9pm Sat thm 5pm Sun pm 4pm or by appointment BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SEMINARS SPRING SEMESTER OEFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION Instructor Joe Carron Sr SUCCESSFULLY OPERATING YOUR BUSINESS Instructor Reg Wilson OEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS Instructor Joe Carron Sr Starting Wednesday April BUSINESS LAW Instructor Bob Carson Each seminar one evening week for IO weeks FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL Georgian College Extension Services 705 728l95l ART SALES RENTALS CUSTOM FRAMING CUSTOM MW PHOTOGRAPHY WEEKENDS 15 OR BY APPT HORSESNOE VALLEY RD CRAIGHURST 705726b3l9 Opposition members argued Exxon could do better job ot securing anadas imported oil because of better business con nections and expert ise he said Milne said the legislation gives goveiiunent the right to reduce export contracts direct transportation facilities deliver energy where most needed and impose sllltl energy iIiStIHllltill piogiaiiis llll IlttCSSéI lEASlllG August holida now Simcoe Day the oxamlner Thursday Mar 29 1979 Council applauds namesake By RIIARI THOMAS The Examiner The man who built Yongc Street gave his name to Sim coe County and in sense created Ontario was paid high tribute by county council Wednesday Council unanimously voted to honor John Graves Simcoe veteran soldier and the fist lieutenant governor of Upper anada later Ontario by renaming the first Monday in August Simcoe Day instead of Civic Holiday Councils decision was spark ed by requvst from John Fisher chairman of the John Graves Simcoe Memorial Foun dation and Dr Allan Fisher member of the foundations ad visory committee Ir Fisher told council in America comparable figures such as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were honored by holidays named InnNol after them while in Canada we struggle over whether to dare changing the August holi day to Simcoe Day The foundation is active in its pursuit to give credit where credit is due but the trouble with Canada is that it suffers from paralysis through analysis Iir Fisher said He said attempts to honor Simcoe Iiad become political struggle rather than an historical one If professors could Show us Simcoe is not worthy of such honor they should do so It should not be kicked back and forth like football Dr Fisher later told The Ex aminer thcr municipalities in in tario including Toronto have endorsed the designation of Simcoe Day but the provincial government has not done so This summer starting on the east branch of the Holland Our chef is ready to go crazy for you The popular menus at Holiday Inn are always delicious treat but why not give our chef challenge Try something interesting and unusual at your next party or business meeting You can trust Holiday Inn to do it up in style we handle more social and business functions than anyone else in CanadaSo go on for your next social or business function turn our chef loose youll be crazy about the results we am Hwy 400 on lairview Rd Telephone 7286191 115 guest rooms functionmeeting rooms Meeting facilities to 450 snnJwMm upr wams River members of the foun dation will reenact Simcoes historic i793 canoe trip to the great lakes region chairman John Fisher said Fisher said the expedition will be accompanied by members of the Queens York Rangers established by Sim coe and will include stops such as Saint Marieamongthe Hurons Midland and Penetanguishene Available in 61218 or 24 packs and cans