Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1979, p. 4

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The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM bhshed Ga excep circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publiSh news stories in Craig Eison managing editor Len sevlck manager Marion Gough accountant Jitrk Kerncy loreman has and this newspaper credited to CF The Assocuated Press Reuters or Aqence tanMulgrewciiy editor SALES Detvn Mills Ilcnnkwan asst foreman andl Inc Sauory holidays France resse oca orIes published In The xnmmer WEEKLY by carrier Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Don Snundcrs Lorni Wass Bert Stevens Peggy Kovanagn the eXaminer The Examiner claimscopvrighl on all original news and advertising material Claudia rause Lifestyle editor Wayne Hay Brenda Woods ylnn woman 90 cents created by its employees and published In HS nowspappr servm arrie an simcoe count Aden smith YEARLYJJV carrier Thursday Mar 29 1979 REPORTERS sme 5km cmcuumon om Raynor 90 Copyright registration number 203w realsler bl Carl DeGurse Barb Boom Bl Hatkes manager ii Allenhy BY MAIL Barrie Stephen Nichons Steve Whlf assistant numw mow mian National advertisinq oilices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 Inc s40 Calhcart Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Dem Lam CLASSWED AMY WWW mm 9° Mann 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 an FWema Rum Biais sumMW WW Mme COW LorI Cohen Freda Shmne Lisa Worry unrimm itnoi $36 50 Tm advertiser agrees that the pubIIsher shall not bl liable for damages ans Bruce Rowland publisher 293 C3509 9eam° Peggy Chapcll it pp ssuooM MOYOR THROW 0F ing out oi errogs in advfrtisernentsbeyogd the amount paid for me space or esspor Dana Homowmm non Ninr innmun $39aycar tually occupie by he nor van verhscmcni In which me error oc NEWSROOM CllCUllTlON IDVIITISING ClISSlFIEDS BUSINESS ggctygrngzr cgrvgfga opehrator Janice Morton Hlll41dl lorenian Lsewnene IN CANADA 222 it IS iufmm WWW °e or grep 9r WIse an ere no I3 or non inscr Ion any advert sement 7266537 7266539 7266537 7232414 7266537 5° llrmn Mnrr The importance of Simcoe South The May 22 federal election is 55 days away and counting Already its been touted as potentially long campaign We dont subscribe to that As brand new riding Simcoe South can well use the full campaign period The candidates have much to do over the next two months to tour the new riding talk about where it is going and ex plain how they would handle the ridings problems First of course all the major parties must field candidates The surprise announcement Monday night caught both the NDP and Liberalswith no official candidate All parties can be expected to move quickly now to develop lively riding campaign which is in everyones intcrest Much of the election glamor of course falls to the national scene and the question of who will be Canadas next prime minister But the importance of the riding election in Simcoc South and all of Canadas 282 constituencies should never be underestimated Let us not forget it is the local member of parliament who sits on our behalf in Ottawa It is that person who will deal with our day to day federal problems and report back to con stituents This election then is about Canadas future but also the future of the new riding of Simcoe South The riding candidate who addresses both issues who ef fecitvely utilizes the full campaign period and who can con solidatc our new riding in parliament will be worthy representative for Simcoe South Wed be thrilled Its campaign chairmans dream The dreeam to bring federal party leader to Simcoe South Can it be done It can and it should In the last federal election in 1974 no party leader visited our riding of Simcoe North ur new riding of Simcoe South would appreciate visit this time around Local Progressive Conservative organizers say they will ask Joe tlark to pay campaign visit to Simcoe South Liberals say they would also like Prime Minister Trudeau conic We would like to think Mr Broadbent could also appear visit by any one of the three would mean great deal firsthand look can dispel or reinforce many of the im pressims we have ofthese leaders Theres also poiitirzl gamesmanship involved Obviously the party able to persuade its leader to visit here would have pulled offa co siderable coup Airi If one were to visit the others might follow suit For vei just say how much wed appreciate visit by in party 9409 Wed 37 12 filed We really would letters to the editor fact that we are well immcrscd in trunk there is the Computer Age and accept the wetne purpose for uh and that benefits which can be dcrivcd llut our twang us closer at the same time we must usc cuu tion and common sense in the zip plications of our technology The ad vent of thc compulcr being of 09 pier for Lil 85 42 aij Du dribw lee new ouviilorth aw in direct competition with the Jicvic LOUelf 29 goal be human mind is now fact How it our of or professions he skilled much longer is it before it cvolvcs as raine gas hr axwagr every arcplaccmcnt pcvso MC er GtEWlH dictate Something out of science fiction canorripilsh you say Think about it and draw or 511612 Goo glilfi ourown conclusions rr ourd to Because of thc lrighlcning Hm For Ji and eamiayda by possibilities one of your conclusions fli should be to encourage the fcdcral goWernmcnt to police this aspect of our technology Divine destiny sounds bcttcr to me that compulcr programmed Alcx Manjuris Burric greata and most complcx thr human mind Just look you and soc wba it has ac compliehcd For our enthusiasm to create new technology which will emulate the functions and processes of the human mind we have forgotten to introduCc safety features and con lols so that this technology does not interfere with all the processes which go to make up the lives and attitudes of each one of us Yes we all have to live with the Dear Sir in The Examiner on March 22 read the article on March brcak poses problems for parents with chndren lam 10 years old and dont think your article is true The writer said The prospect of maintaining order in household with vacationing students underfoot is enough to in still fear in even the most patient homemaker dont think all kids are nuisance to their parents Teddy ohnstone Barrie we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it ihe Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot tors but if you with pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste lhe Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or relact letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the bible thought But thc Lord said unto Samuel Look not on his countenance or on the height of his odnorlal page slaturc because have refused him for the 50 Y0rs 03 Lord sccth not as man seeth for man Iookclh Mt tom lite on the outward ipcaranccl but the Lord lbo lumber lookcth on the hcurl Saniqcl 167 Put Office In 170 Look at what God is looking all if we are mummy right at this point it wont mother at all what people say think or see Parliament Hill By STEWART luclJIitl ttuwu llurciin Thomson News Scry icc onsidcring the fact that lrimc Ministcr lrudcuu had year or so to plan his clcclnin announccmcnt thought his actual pcr formancc was well lll astonishing Usually ho is such it pragmatic and pruc lical politician But on this occasion hc not on ly bypassed larliamcnt but hc nninugcd to convert press confcrcncc llltillll into his own personal political studio and thcn unload onc of those lofty visionary lcclurcs thul ilt tually had some rcportcis snickcrnig It was strangl way to launch an clcciion campaign Thc primc minisicr would gct down in tlic trcnchcs lhc following day along with thc olhcr political lcudcrs but for that onc cvcn ing hc sccmcd strangely to bc hovcring abovc all thc pruclicul purlunncnlury and political probicms that normally prcoccupy primc minislcrs You had the fccling than the clcclion cull rcsuilcd from an outburst of nor tionalislic inspiration ruihci than from con slitutionnl ncccssily What lccudc scc uhcud lor us all lic dcclnrcd He didnt talk likc govcrinncnt lcadcr who has ulrcudy liccn in pomr ll 1f Caveat empfor Ii LEONARD Nlililll lhc ncwspuiwrs huvc bccn rcccntly lillcd Wllll lhc illcgcd scxploils oi Muigdrcl lrudczni Many columnists huvc cIInIlcinnid iiir znid huvc tukcn lo moruIIing illmlll bcr ycl to bc rclcnscii lcll All book icrsonul iy think ils it good thing for tunudu Not bccuusc it has prcsunnibly cunscd so much cinbnrrussminl to thc irimc Ministci but bccnusc ll has put unudzi on lhc mup lJnlil Minganct cumc iiong unndu known abroad for Its Muplc Icil Eskimos and hcddznincsc in that ordci lllill Is not llll mosl world sliiillcring signilicuncin by inyoncs stretch oi lhc nnugniulion EIIITING SlAt II thin you think of the llllillllll ol spncc llml Wc lakc up in thc world and thc liicl thul our ncxl door ncighbour lhc llmtcd Slims ol Amcriciin hardly know wc mist ll could givc risc to our succumbing to bngc ltl fcriorily compch Mind you thc llnltcd Slutcs ol Amirim II iiol lhc licsl ofcxuinplcs lo nsc ol ignoruncc ot our nnuduin illuns rcccnl llnilcd Stiller govcrnrmnt survcy indiculcs llml EI pcr ccnl of Amcriczin High School Sillllllh urc nndcr thc imprcssion that thc inlc olihi Mcn vuu lrcsidcnt of Egypt 40 pcr cciil think llml Israel is an Arab tuition nnd lttl cciil csliniutc that lhc llnilcd Slutm popiilulion II larger than that ol cilhIrllnnu or the Sovth Union in addition lhc surch goes on to say that SCOOPS LOOK AT tllE summations AND SlZZLING was IIiCllllll llllllll Slogan for 75 Canadian capers makes headlines ml livv pci ccnl oi the nuiions high school tcuchcrs how bad iny cpourc to any mtcr ililllllllill sludics ind lltc lllllkllll onncil on lidnciilion suys only lillll pcr ccni ol nndcr i4llilliil llt cnrollcd Ill courscs dculmg llll lllltllldllltlldl Illilll ol lorclgn cnllurcs itiin Ibonl hull nl lhosc sccknig doctoral dcgiccs llllll dcmonslrutc raiding knou lcdgc ol ioicign lungungc llnt bclorc £Illtllt oi lllllilll origin becomes indignant lcl inc quickly soy lllill lhc luck ol knon lcdgc of things imddiim urc Utlilllllt not just Indigcnous lo lhc lmlcd Stunsol incricu lSllttlll Nl NU Tim is to so lllllli Murgnrct in onc lonI snoop so in spunk ith hcr soon to bc rclcus cd autobiography culillul llcyond licusnn gc Jlllltlll on Illipmldlni ll nmcr hiul lnlurc Ncuspulwrs ill ovir lhc mu id have lukcn Morganrs story to lltilll lllltlllilllltllllll known rcprcscnlutivis ot tlic prcss clumour ullcr licr lor un Illlllll in thc hopes to muybc shc vill rcvcul just onc mori Jincy lll lnl thul tiny cun publish llul its not Just Murgincl whosc rciipnig lln rcwuril tor ilil iIl this scnsulionulism iimuli liuunlu inn ll long lusl Ilcinonslrulml to cvcryoni find its pcoplc nc llth and kicking and lliill lhcy urc tlilll cupublc of prixlncing IllilllilllllI lltt cun llll Ilulc tlic world ARE mos THE WEST years hc sounded like thc Picrrc Ellioll Trudcuu of 1968 who was just discovering his now itlln GLURHISivllllC scc an Atlantic rcgion whcrc thc 200 nnlc fishing limit and Wise management of ncw oil fshorc rcsourccs arc iwginnmg to crcaitc in grand future to match thc glories of thc muritimcpusl scc anbcc coming out of its rcfcrcn dum to continue building llllllt unudu ll own sccurc and distinct sociciy sec at strong nturio grnwzng stronger sharing with the whole country and llll New unzidiuns from abroad the frints of thc nci gcncration of industrial technology and vibrant urbun lifcsly lc scc lhc lralrics transforming agriculturc and nnncrul wcullh into ihc lusting sccurily of munufucturcd and pm ccsscd exports British toiumbm that is un mlcrnutimiul crossroads and orld tradi ccn irc grcul anuduin West uhosc cconom whosc arts and cullurc nhnsc growing pupllldlliill and fininiciul power givi ll Ihc clonl lllltlllptltHlllilll intunudu Sonic lilllllllllllllilllillls ycrc milicd ihii thc primc munsicr didnt follow normal traditions and unnnuncc dissolution in NW lonimons lnstcud he let his deputy lriiy ouncll ircsidcni Allan lucikichcn brcuk thc ncus to Mis while hc cm to the prcss confcrcncc lltclllc hcrc he could mpccl piinsnc ltltllitll coycrugc lint thc ground rulcs crc firmly cslublishml by thc primc minisicrs stuft thcrc would bc no qncs tions from rcportcrs Sllltllt ltllF xii thcrc pcrliiips Tt of us lltllll ihc prnuc ministch Julc tdiust ihc tum diun ling bchind ihc podium uhiic nlnsm lrudcun uhcrc to store tor thc ltlltll cumch didnt cycn hcnc ilic use or the normal sound equipment only fhc tclcv sion microphoncs maltcrul And staring ovcr our hciids the Jllltll which occasionally pmnnl mcr his slcu studio Iudlcncc thc prnnc niimstci cor tnan to gush lhc glorics oi Linudu lkc inconc who docsnl how to worry ifvc uncmploymcnl inflation and othcr lssitliKK ccononnc ills ilc promised economic policies thui wiid mukc lhc lillllts Itccudc ol ltcyclopincii itccudc of llcvclopnicnl cm lllkldlt us from our scnsc of frusirulul pools lccmic of lcclopmcnl can liclp llllllt us uncn from cast to wcst ucross this kind llll ncu bonds no lcss strong and sccuic thuu ihc sinl railroad tracks which hound illlililldll togcthcr ccnlury ago For fcw moments thought was lislcn ing to lrudcuus annual Ncw cirs incssugc to anudiuns or pcrhups it was lhc Land is Strong spccch from thc 1972 campaign in any cvcnl it sccmcd likc an odd way to launch knockcmdowndiugrcmroul clcc lion fight ll9£ $953 NO L05 MGELES beyond the amount pan for such adelllenlfnl The world today By JOHN HARHRUN Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Canadian journalists politicians and the business community should be more discreet in their public analysis and statements regarding the socallcd flight of companies from Quebec Many of them make the phenomenon sound like Canadian Iuba as though the Com munists had won over the province and private industry was doomed After all only 40 companies many of them quite small and few more moving their hcad offices only have left Quebec with total employcc estimate of less than Montreals total head office employee personnel is listed at 55000 Many of these work for solidly Quebecowned and operated firms in consumer goods banking steel transport trust companies and drug girms And they certainly arc not lcaving Ihc latcsl to make an announcement about movement this time of 20 senior executives is the $21 billion lenstar Limited Canadian owned multinational in real estate con struction and chemicals lhc reason it givcs for lhcir move to San Francisco to takc place during 19791980 is that thcy arc nccdcd in thc lnitcd States to munagc some of icnstars new in vcsimcnts REASON Nlll GIVEN lndecd onc of the main reasons for panic reporting and doomsday comment by other businessmcn Is that fcw of thc firms leaving cxccpt Sun Lifc the biggest firm involved has udinittcd thc dccision has anything to do with Qucbccs scparatist government or lIrcnchonly lunguugc bill for business and factory Exprcssions such as reallocation of rcsourccs changc in corporate structure diminished Qucbcc niznkcl arc rampant Sun Lifcs sudden announccmcnl on the othcr hand was so badly handch and had such potentially disastrous rcpcfcussion at thc tunc that lzicqiics larizcau the quite righlly vcngclul Qucbcc llll£ill Minister thrcutcncd major rcprisuls against the firm ilc was thul angry bccausc Sun Life had not lmihcrcd so hc told its to discuss the possi bility of ihcir mon illll him bcforc making theirunnounccincin And us With othcr firms the Sun llf move is not complctc 1llltllill but represents ncu sirucluic lor senior shift in Toronto and unit from lllc ncgiin climutc of unilin guul situation The fact is that it such firms as Allis hiilmcrsy Norihcan lclccom Standard Brands md lndoniild lobiicco ish to make major mmcs out of Lgucbcc oihcr firms like unudmn industrics lllllll Banqu Ca lldtlltll itioiiil and Aluminum Company of tunodu urcstuyingiindexp idnig ltlll inch opcruics rs in French speaking Qucbcc PM in sc speaking llruxil and Spanish spcuk gciittrta is in the midst of Siw xpdf510n program Most of lcit pcuplc Iwi otficc l1ilt spunk i911 lorcoc tlc xiii no permits li cl ficcs of Luicrit mainly in KJlnlilidfl murkc 716 itdti Qlltlfi hp pnxiti pcucr roz sic bc Uibcr ilitt il IllCc gratin rcmiirks lvw and than interpreting the news MP Enoch Powell is back again buf Vi IL IxI 3d xl il iLt 3d lllt gm niy cic ccto end of tho ycii as incini ll mnld conic if liboi can uni Il may long cnough to chosc its on ciix The lincup against Labor smears to be onscrvulivcs Lilli llllll Scottish Na tionalists ii and thrcc llstci lnmmsts for total opposil ion of iim in tlicilli scat House Labor can count on film party votes plus two from Scottish Labor and one lflslcr Unionist llncc Vclsli Nationalists arc also supporting li nnc Minislcr lunns zillaghan loliimiln in lll Illlllllll olici til lilll com pcnmliin ipiul uorkcls sullcllng from lllllp iiiquay lln gm lili pociilnint Ill2 ulcu ll llii no oohJ nnnntcswuchcs lu tItiiotlilIIl II lvli Mls irc cxpcclcd lo iiltllt in it llu pmul in thc hands lnucll tini vi lwlluici Unionists lbm lI oi ilcoigc Willlilcl llli ialmnn Ibonl lnwcli hile ill llllll counlrics Ili illiltlll light wing inimnl oi inclnu illltl bolli lcll mom hr it till ibvn lcmlclx Mm ll Igtllk ago lcd llcuth sucked lnui ll IIom llu conscl illth shadow lmnI in hc is Ilvlcncc spokcsnnm llwtlit dei dial locl spcccii in which hr tiled it 600000 blacks and Asians lobe coiniwisilnl ind scnl buck lo their nnlm clopfil lionwlnnds lttiJHilillltSS Hui Lit limb ruin HR llmb

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