John Evans of Georgian Colleges continuing education division left safety consultant middle and Ted Whitworth farm Robert Fisher president of the Simcoe County Farm Safety Association spoke Wednesday to Simcoe County Farm Association members who completed five week course on farm safety Examiner Photo Marketing crop main problem Getting their crops to market is still one of the greatest pro blems facing farmers whether it is steers to the nearest railhead milk to the ci ty or vegetables to the cannery One of the most recurrent themes at recent farmer meetings in the West has been the problem of getting grain through the mountains to the West Coast The railways have borne the brunt of criticism since they first started shipping grain and that does not make railway of ficials happy Were sick and tired of pool officials who keep taking pot shots at us said Canadian Na tionals Bill Dewan Were not going to take it sitting down any longer We take strong exception to what they say But like it or not the railways will continue to raise the producers ire for long time to come because there is no ready answer to the problem of getting grain to the sea There is only long list of areas Kubola 7100 KIIBIIIII 85 years of customer satisfaction Makes the inbetween jobs easy packed with these big tractor features 3cylinder watercooled diesel pro videspower to spare 4wheel drive assures stability 3point hitch takes full line of implements Front and rear elticiency Live hydraulic lift speeds up work Many other models and Implements available Come In today tor demonstration that might be improved if the time and money were there and the options open At the centre of the problem are rowsnest Pass freight rates Set in 1897 the rates were designed to guarantee grain producers cheap and efficient way of getting their grain to port GIVEN SUBSIDIES Under the Trowsnest Pass Agreement named for the mountain pass between Lethbridge Alta and Kootenay BC used by the first rail builders Canadian Pacific Railways was given construction subsidies and huge tracts of land in return for ship ping western grain to the Lakehead and the Pacific at governmentset rates The railways were guaranteed one shipping rate and the farmers another under the rate structure The govern ment promised to make up the difference through system of subsidies paid to the railways PTOs give greater CAL MADILL KUIOYA SALES some va ll am or amine Al si FAUlS new Farm salcty must start with farmers said Ted Whitworth farm safety consultant from luclph Whitworth was speaking Wednesday to members of the Simcoe ounty Farm Assixia tioii who had recently com pleted fivc weck course at icorgian ollcge on farm sach ty We owe farm safety to FRI 473 Sandy 9E Birch Hollow Royalty ExExtra 2l2tested daus rated Milk Plus it Fat Plus 20 233 classified daus Type rating plus ourselves our wives and to our children ht said Whilworth said farmers will have to live with an increasing iiscol chemicals llc cautioned farmers when using anhydrous amonia in par ticular The amonia used as fertilizer for corn can causc blindness ias masks goggles and rubber gloves arc the best pro Progeny weaning weights l0 lbs above average on Ag Canada l7 lbs above average on Alberta Herolord test NlTED breeders inc IRS GUELPII ONTARIO Alliston Call Centre Call anytime tape recorded In 705 l80046l 75l0 Course ends students told safety begins with former tcction against chemical ac cidents he said The most tragic accidents said Whitworth are those where children are involved He told members that all hydraulic equipment should be lowered to ground when not in tisc He also warned farmers against repairing or adjusting moving machinery 1858 tested daus Milk Tweedhill Dynamic Emulous Preliminary weaning index Ag Canada calves in herds weaning weights 12 lbs above average In 416 l80046l 7553 No matter how carefully you look at bull you have no way of knowing his genetic makeup until the calves arrive and grow out and produce That is why most central Ontario farmers use United Breeders sires bulls whose progeny have already proved they are genetically superior Roybrook Starlite ExExtra plus l7 Fat plus 21 plus 097 2599 classified daus Type rating plus Talk personally before 930 am 754356368 Robert Fisher president of the Simcoe ounty Farm Safe ty Association said the most cffectiye and practical method of teaching larm safety is by posting safety posters in coops blacksmith shops and other places frequented by farmers lohn Evans ot the colleges continumg education division presented certificates to those who had completed the course