Equipment Sales Form Industrial Sales Parts and Ser vice Proprieror Ron McCauley momu FARM EQUIPMENT Badger BeottyDeutz Fox Dion Soies ic My I3 atA No Phelpston Elinvule 3221770 Safe Operating Conduct Wins Medal for Sound Farm Economics REGS smvrcs cmns no Its the only way to operate your farm safely Know your machinery and equipment Observe the rules for operating them at all times Keep machinery in good repair Teach and enforce these safety rules safe farm operates for profit Keep your profits safe BAYFIELD ROSS STREETS BARBIE ONTARIO LAM 3A8 TELEPHONE 728851 Electronic Tuneups WEAVHELD 5mm FURNITURE 35 3351ng 88 Dunlap 80 ï¬eld whirl 27 Phonzag7°1411 Barrie 726778