Blal wow Aepsamu aaugwaxa sq Vz BEETON The way most farmers know it c0ws and grain do not mix very well that is when the cows break out into an almost ready to harvest field of grain But brothers Evan and Charles Wilcox of Beeton who between them operate total of 575 acres find that dairy cows and seed class grain growing work very nicely together Fortyfive milking cows in Cluding cows named Mavis Lass Lynnette Suzanne Heather Bessy Aim and An nette are kept in the home farm dairy barn where Evan lives and the dry cows and heifers are kept on harles farm up on the hill Good feeding and good fences are the secret of keeping cows and grain fields apart PAY ATTENTION We really pay attention to the feeding and comfort of our herd right through from calves to heifers to cows says Evan You cannot get more out of your cow herd than you put Into them and you cannot rough the young animals up to producing age and then suddenly expect them to start giving good milk production or for that matter to last as many years in good production ne 1967 bom cow is giving ninety pounds day lie pointed out good exam ple of the results of good herd management in one of the oldest cows in the herd Beaver dale It Mavis born in 1962 and who is springing up with promise of eightyfive or so pounds of daily milk producr tion UWS STABLE The cows are stabled in the ham wnh extra long platforms heavily bedded with bright clean straw for comfortable laying There is no walled manger in front and therefore no corners for feed to get trap ped iii and go bad The flat frontless manger feeding slab between the two facetoface rows of cows can easily be swept clean every day Moreover the feed cart with ensilage and their grain COIlCUlIlfilli rillltlll itII IX run Available in green and khaki Sizes 3044 waist right down the centre for fast and easy feeding Long platforms reduce Ute possibility of the cows slipping off into the gutter and injuring their udders and lots of width between cows prevents them from stepping on each other and overcrowding Thermostatically operated electric fans keep the air in the barn fresh and dry all through the winter Even notes that by keeping the temperature of the barn down little more fresh air is drawn in to keep the barn humidity down and that in dry atmosphere cows feel more comfortable and also warmer solid bank of windows along the south side of the barn gives the dairy barn bright and airy appearance BARN CLEANED The barn is cleaned out by an automatic stable gutter cleaner the flighted chain of which is 430 feet long Grain corn is grown to fill 35 foot high by 20 foot glassline blue Harvestore gastight silo with high moisture shelled wholegrain corn The Wilcox Brothers have set it up so that the automatically self unloading silo unloads into an auger which takes the grain directly into an electric roller which breaks the grain up for easy digestibility without en tirer destroying its roughage effect This runs directly into the feed cart This grain is suplemented with highprotein soy bean meal The very heavy producers also receive calf ra tion when they first come in fresh to get them off to good start NIIIFPISIIDS conrete silo t5 feet high by 18 feet wide holds all the en silage required to keep the milking herd right through the winter Particular attention is paid to the hay cropat Heavcrdale says Evan We find that we get our best milk production from vellconditioncd well cured alfalta hay fed along with ensilage and the grain ra tion Alfalfa is very high in pro PANTS olive In BRASS Dunlap St Alla Brass Mens Boys Wear Collingwood GWG NEVR PRESS WORK CLOTHING 20 arr I4V2I9 and colors to match your pants tein and cuts down tremendous ly on the amount of supplemen tary protein needed When we seed down hay fields we plant 95 per cent alfalfa and five per cent timothy The only reason we plant any timothy tgrasst at all is to fill in should the alfalfa die out in wet spot mixture of salt and minerals supply the cows with all the essential minerals in cluding calcium phosphorous and iodine For the first several weeks the little calves are kept in in dividual eightfoot square pens to keep them more or less isolated from each other for health reasons and to prevent the stress of overcrowding which in itself can result in stressrelated diseases £001 MOlSERS The eats all good mousers keeping the ham especially the grain storage area free from nibbling rodents were taking their afternoon break by having nap in the straw at the end of the stable where the sun was pouring in from the window Big Orange is the favorite cat around Bea verdale Farm Although the Wilcox brothers grow some oats their main grain crop is thousands of bushels of first generation foun dation barley grown to be sold as seed stock The favorite and best general producer in this area is llerta barley they find Ihey pay great attention to getting good clean and PH prepared sivdbtsl ready for early spring planting by inten sive fall fallowing of the land The bulk of the fertilizer fer tilizer reasonably high Ill nitrogen is applied broadcast with their own trailing fer tilizei spreader which spreads to foot band at pass and which saves them haying to waste time in the spring waiting to borrow one from ferr tilicr companies Just enough fertilicr applied Willi the seed drill to get the grain off to tast start before the roots reach out far enough to reach the broadcast fertilizer good herbicide is sprayed over the You 11 See More at Brass Group Store SHIRTS regular or toll sizes GLENN 7265353 crop to prevent weed growth ONVERTED TOP The top of the barn has been converted into an elevator seed cleaning and grain storage area The thousand bushel self unloading hoppershaped bins are constructed of facetoface twobyfour lumber for strength ln addition they are lined with plywood meaning that when the bins are unload ed they empty out clean down to the last grain After they are swept out there is no chance that anything remains to con taminate another variety of barley that might next be stored in the bin in question Without the pipeline milking system which takes the milk directly from the milker units placed on the cows adders mor ning and night as they stand in the stable and pumps it through stainless steel and glass pipes it would be difficult for them to find the time to plant and harvest the grain while still paying full attention to the milking operation As it is the pipeline system cuts milking time in half and the system is ever programmed to clean itself including the niilker units first with cold water rince then with soapcleaner wash then WllIt Sillllllltl all automatically while the men go off to breakfast or supper lhe Wilcox Brothers CUSTOM WHITE WASHING DAIRY BARNS ETC have Reasonable prices PHONE l4I 659403l proved that you can keep cows and grain together if you can keep them apart in the field and together in your mind INSECTS NOT GOURMETS Swarming grasshoppers will eat paint chew clothing cur tains and leather and will bite people severely enough to draw blood CHILDREN ARE HELPED UNICEF the United Nations Childrens Fund now is helping almost 960 million children in 104 countries MUXL ll IIL Hydiostaiu Bolens Tractors XL in Performance HMXL l4 lip Hydrostatir GttXL no tieai Holiday time is just around the corner You will find fantastic buys in 5th wheelers and Shamrock mot department for even BETTER SERVICE days week propane filling station yes YOU ARE IMPORTANT So why not own your Holiday its an investment that lasts lasts H16XLIinp Recreation Centre ltd ZIIIIuSovttionHwal PHONE 6876261 parts more and new service Hydrostatic GRAVENHURST