68 personals MURRAY HALL NOW OPEN For weddings parties dances banquets meetings etc 15 minutes of Barrie Hwy 26 7289902 evenings TThSMy15 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Malefemale clientele Free consultation Lydia Hren chuk Electrolysisclinic 737 2671 WIDOWER e2 wishes to meet lady com panion 56 to 64 Enioys travelling danc ing and outdoor activities Telephone l4I6 895 6379alter530p LUWASA New soiless system for grow ing plants Available through home par ty plan For more information phone Pat at 737 2385 or 726 0718 UPRIGHT VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration todoyl ELECTROLUX 7283392 ThTF 70Iost and found MISSING One year old black male BOUVIER DE FLANDRES dog that looks like bear Large reward Telephone 435 5966 71 Iielp wanted To consolidate and prepare the will monthly reporting possibilities and systems GEORGIAN COLLEGE invites applications for the position of SUPERVISOR METHODS AND BUDGET CONTROL to develop system of budget control Specific responsibilities include the documentation of existing accounting procedures control of chart of accounts staff the preparation of the Ontario College In 71hbnited HAIRSTYLIST If you are good Hairdresser have good clientele and have minimum of four years experience and would like to have all the mandatory benefits of your own business but none of the expense and worry or running your own business THEN RENT CHAIR IS FOR YOU Instead of giving the employer half your earnings you only pay the set amount of $150 per week for your own rent chair Any amount can be earned thats up to you Think about it IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please call JAMES MORAY HAIR DESIGN 7267655 A3 FULL OR PART TIME couples or in dividuals for business of your own Wholesale retail 726 9574 WANTED IMMEDIATELY person to look alter elderly gentleman in own home References required Telephone 728 7838 FLORAL DESIGNER full time posi tion Must be experienced For appoint mentcall Georgian towers 728 4331 College operational budget and complement and investigation of cost saving formation System financial submission the multiyear plan and other financial reports as required Applicants should possess an accounting degree or equivalent and have had several years experience in key financial positions with institutional organization or maior corporations Please send resume and salary expectations by April 7th to Director of Personnel Georgian College 401 Duckworth Street Burie Ontario 14M 3X9 The College encourages men and women The Personnel central Ontario requires management in fine organizational structure Analyse various organization and changes positions employment April 21 to ORGANIZATION SPECIALIST Division organization with several locations in southern and tuning Thepositionrequiresaprofessionalto Codify existing personnel and related policies and develop additional policies and practices Develop and update iob description and performance appraisal forms for variety of This is contract position with duration of 18 months definite with the possibility of permanent Location is within 60 mile radius of Toronto and the successful candidate will be offered fee of between $18000 and $20000 per year Please send resume and supporting information by Box 1100 The Examiner applications from both prestigious professional to assist top the companys of the suitable operations recommend DISTRICT PURCHASING OFFICER Cleii General $21644 $24964 PER WEEK Required by the Ministry of Natural Resources Huronia District to provide purchasing expertise and guidance for the Huronia District To develop coordinate and maintain comprehenswe purchasing and supply function QUALIFICATIONS Successful completion of four years of secondary school course of study six years clerical experience with about years directly related to purchasing operations sound knowledge of purchasing principles and techniques Submit detailed resumes or applications to the District Manager Huronia District Ministry of Natural Resources Midhurst Ontario LOL 1X0 by April 1979 M29 Ministry of Hon James AC Auld Natural ntario Minister Dr Reynolds RGSOUFCGS Deputy Minister We require an experienced flat AVON WANT TO EARN EXTRA WHEY IUT NEED T0 HOME WHEN YOUR KIDS ARE HOME oc Representative and do both Flexible hours let you sell during the hours that suit you best For details call 7289652 or write PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont L4M 4T7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surrounding townships WThTF TOP NOTCtt salesperson required 10 tive new home subdivision anr Egsales Top commission for right per son Chance for advancement Call Gerty737 I211 Virgo Realty Ltd CLASS MECHANIC ioin our expanding service staff For appointment and in formation call Bob Warden at HITCH HOUSE AMC JEEP 7261 rate automotive mechanic to M29 SS EARN BIG MONEY OVERSEASIII You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the some 0r similar type of lab by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of job skilled tradesman or an unskilled laborer regardless of your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large self addressed stamped envelope to FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Box 720 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MSC 1J8 A24 RELIABLE PERSON to look after two girls for student working three shifts from April to August provide own transportation Call after 30 pm 737 3613 7IIielp wanted GRAPHIC ARTS Camera operator experienced in typesetting layout film developing and black and white artwork required by local printing company Full time posi tion Telephone 726 9242 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE SALESPERSON Needed for maior fur niture outlet in downtown Barrie Salary plus commission 39 hours per week Send details of qualifications to Box 284 The Examiner ALL INQUIRIES HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE M29 SALESPERSON Due to further expansion we require energetic and aggressive commissioned salespeople to work in our home division This iob in volves the sales of manufactured homes both modular and mobile leasing office trailers and industrial buildings For appointment please call DIANE PRESTED at THE HITCH HOUSE 7289700 TF REGISTERED NURSE OR RNA required by Nursing Home for Care to Profoundly Mentally Handicapped Children and Adolescents Own tran sportation necessary For interview appointment telephone 436146I am pm M29 ARE YOU DISABLED SUCH AS ARTHRITIS EPILEPSY POLIOETC We have full and parttime positions available Pleasant telephone work hourly rate plus bonus No experience necessary 7374778 WANTED MAY Isl Mature couple to look after unit apartment bunqu in Barrie Telephone 737 0956 BATCHER REQUIRED for asphalt plant must belamiliar With allphasvsof plantmaintenarice Apply Allan Cook Ltd Highway 90 Barrie DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Earn $800 to $1200 monthly spare time training prowded Telephone 705 416 9509 WORM PICKERS no porienLv necessary We are auvpiing full time applicants and students for weekend lUIIS now In preparation for toll IITTIC summer employment Apply in person to 135 firndale Rd Barrie bet ween and This is night work on EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLISI salary plus commissmn Apply House Of Bellini finylield Mall or rail 716 4621 or 726 8711 Itll 6p in THF CHE TNUT INN in ookstown ri uUtlfS person t0100k front II In daily Pay commensurate With ex perience Please telephone for appoint ment 458 9751 DOMESTIC Mating Inhabit individual FRQUITOU immediately tor nrneral housework and cleaning some heavy dutyl in DTtVdTl FLSlflln EVDTFHIHI preferred Hours and wages firXible East BJTTII own rar NOWFIIIITT resume rrCIUIred Reply in Box 794 The Ex atniner Harrie including name phnne numtwr SALES AND SERVICE ropresuntativr required by Prudential Insurance Corn party at America Excellent training pro gram Full company hfnClllS inrludinq paid DOHSIOTI plan Salary negotiable 728 77848 00a tonoon EXPERII NCFD CLFANE RS wanton Full IIIYIf on Gun and eve irtg part tune loamrs Toronto lI16 lot 94 Traffic Analyst Local rapidly qrowmq hi Provinri ram pnny requires t1rtipnrnry nssmtnnre to analyze prlsont intlr plant traltic costs Thl tot wzll he torriporary and nulcl present strong hallnnrir for any retired rprrIincrrt trilli nianaQIr Pliae reply in ontldviicr to Box I34 Barrie BRICK LAYE RS wanted SH 50 per hour Callcollrrt5196515562 ntttlt 6s 6l59 flrtYS SAL fSPIPJflv Pf QIJIRE to rover Ontario COIITITIISSIOII or salary to ht ntltrillrlllfl fwan OltlTIlfIt resume to Personnel Hrix 82l0f1irrii OPPORTUNITY frrtnnnent part tirtir poSitiun in the ily of BEIVIIT to assrst newspaper reprrsin tative With irrrer routes Qualitica tions Transportation and ambition For further partir ulnrs phone 726 8001 PERSON REQUIRED afternoons tor houso ctrailing rind some cooking telephone 728 6331 PERSON TO rupply Ilinrh to student Within walkian llylflllff tri Codrinulon School TLltphillIt 72ft l787alter 4p 72 sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part time tutl time Sideline Calendars ad spec rallies printed lamls tapes ball pens office supplies rtc Our 27th year New alfllOUUlaVitlldIHl Alco Box 377 Ottawa tradzcliools wanted ex and FUTURE TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Canadian law now requires you to pass both written and road tests We train and certify you for employment I4I625I2175 A4 76em ployment wanted DRUMMER SfLkIIIQ work years ex perience years on the road Rock and mu preferred some qudar and vocals Call Rick Bobbettr 716 42 evenings SWISS resident age 37 married with one child ten years with present employer in hardware sales Wishes similar position in Canada Fluent in EJIUIISTI French German ltaliiin Portuguese and Spanish Hobby sailing Apply nox A4 The Examiner Barrie EXPERIENCED reliable lady available to clean your home Telephone 728 0967 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF 78 tenders 78 tenders SALE OF LAND AND OR BUILDING BY PUBLIC TENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked TENDER FOR LAND ANDOR BUILDING PURCHASE will be received by the undersigned until pm on Tuesday April 3rd 1979 for the purchase of the following property located within the community of Bell Ewart in the Township of lnnisfil Lot 689 Plan 96 Concession Tender forms specifications and information pertaining thereto may be obtained from the undersigned at the Municipal Offices Stroud Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted GEORGE NOVAKOVICH BA AMCT Acting Clerk Stroud Ontario LOL 2M0 Telephone 7054363710 M2229 TOWNSHIP OF McKELLAR TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 430 pm Friday April 1979 for the purchase of 5TON DIESEL TRUCK complete with snowplow and sander Specifications may be obtained from the clerk Tenders must be on forms supplied by the Township Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted ROBERTA HURD Clerk Township of McKellor PO Box 69 McKELLAR Ont POG ICO M5I62229 80 poliIc notices WHAT lZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY not Answer Your Barrie Examiner Carrier on collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 80polilc notices of in vï¬o THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE IN THE MATTER OF Bylaw Number 7949 of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close Part of Edgehill Drive laid out by Bylaw Number 209 of the Township of Vespra registered as Instrument Number 82756 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this Notice at least once week for four successive weeks in The Examiner at its regular meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of seven oclock in the afternoon on the 23rd day of April 1979 consider and if deemed expedient pass Bylaw Number 7949 to close and stop up and sell and convey Part of Edgehill Drive laid out by Bylaw Number 209 of the Township of Vespra registered as Instrument Number 82756 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe more particularly described as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe formerly in the Township of Vespra and being com posed of Port of the West Half of Lot 23 in the 6th Concession of the said Township more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at the point where the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions and is intersected by the nortth limit of Hubbard Road as established by Bylaw 209 of the Township of Vespra registered as Instrument Number 82756 THENCE North 72 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds East along the said northerly limit of Hubbard Road 46620 feet to point THENCE South 16 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds East 532 feet to an iron bar in the North limit of Hubbard Road as established by Diamond OLS September 17th 1956 THENCE South 71 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds West 46411 feet along the said last mentioned limit to its intersection with the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions and THENCE North St degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds West 828 feet to the Point of Commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preiudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 30th day of March 1979 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE BY ITS SOLICITORS BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario ANY PERSON interested may see Plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the office of the City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours circle faithful friend or kin The Examiner will publish ooouvocu L0 VED ONES With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate family In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice for Easter time the Classified Department of 77Iogol NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JOSEPH MARTIN BURKE Trucker deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of JOSEPH MARTIN BURKE late of the Township of lnnisfil in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario who died on January 10th 1979 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before April 19th 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 23rd day of March 1979 Leo Dykstro Barrie Stanfield Executors by their solicitors WESSENTERMCCREARY 90wen Street Box 544 Barrie Ontario M29A5l2 examiner patterns Arrow Shaping Arrow seaming lront and back the soltness channeled by tie in front llllO slender llow We cant think of anything more flattering to your figure Printed Pattern 4594 Misses Sizes 10 12 Id 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 lakes yards DOIIICII labric $150 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling OnL residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The heather 109 Crackford Ontario MIR su CHANGE The big fashion changes are in our NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops skirts pants vests Iackels plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75C for catalog I30SwealersSizes 3856S150 lZSQuicli Easy Transfers $150 lZBPatchworli Quilts Sl50 127Alglians Dollies 8150 AN EASTER TRIBUTE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL 14th To ensure that your message appears at this time telephone 7282414 or write BEFORE WEDNESDAY April 1th ï¬v cc va 1vvo vï¬vï¬vï¬vvvvv Uv vOOvv wéï¬lggngUNCEEN SPECIAL NOTICES rots Death Notices Engage ent Cards of Thanks 8550 minimum 40 words additional words IOconts per word Blrths $550 in Memoriam no verso $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events $322 per column inch 8tIIHIIe DESHEVY Bruce and Sue lnee Wilton are happy to announce the safe arrival at their son Shawn Raymond on Tuesday March 27th 1979 at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Proud grand parents are Mrs Rita Wilton of Barrie and Mrs Irene Destievy of arm on tario NAFTEL Logan and Carol nee Howard are happy to announce the birth of their son on Sunday March 25 I979 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie First grandchild Ior Freddie and 88 coming events BENEFIT HARD TIMES DANCE BARRIE ARMOURY SAT MARCH 81st I979 830 PM AM Ralph Howard and Kay and Les Nattel Pm In Tickets $10 per couple Mondays Child istair of lace TuesdaysChildisfuIlofgrace 260 Wednesdays Child is lull of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving ï¬gtxgday Child works hard for its Wrï¬ comm And child that is born on the 86 um MAY Also DE PURCHASED bath Day Midday Variety Laurence flitting Slinaae Rescue Harrie Haven The Municbal Georgian Jen Variety ls fair and wiseand good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital intormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 778 2414 M30 REBEKAH AND DDDFELLOWS 83engagements SANFORDJACOBSEN Mr and Mrs Bruce Sanford at Barrie are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter Shirley Ann to Chris David Jacobson at Barrie Wed dmg to take place April 7th 1979 at Col Iier Street United Church 84marriages WRIGHTFERGUSON The wedding took place on Marrh 28 I979 between 800 pm l00F HALL reams LANE Est pauls by BINGO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF Mae Ferguson and William Wright ot Stroud at Hillcrist United Church Halton Hills by Rev John Griltin 85deaths BEAUBIEN Florence At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday March 26 1979 Florence Beaubien beloved Wife of Laurent Beaubien in her 76th year Dear mother at Edward Edgar Laurence Andre Emile and John grandmother of grandchildren and sean great grandchildren SisIcr oi CthllL RIIIUEIIL oI Montreal Friends may call at stiicklry Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Wednesday Funeral mass at St Marys Churc Barrie on Friday March 306i II Intwrmlrnt St Marys Cemetery In lllU ot tlowers memorial donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be ap prfL rated ARMSTRONG Georgi Leslie Sudden ly as the result oi an industrial accident on Tuesrlay March 27 1979 in his 47th year LOSIII Armstrong beloved hus hand of Orma Benham Armstrong Dear father of Stephen and Wife Deb bl ll Branttoid Kevm at London Mrs Jan IWendyr Gratiek Randy and Wife Kim Jo Ann Lori Royce Shawn Eric and JIITII7 all at Branttord Loving or andtathvr ot Lisa Dwayne and Derek Oldest son at Mr George Armstrong of New Brunswrik and Mrs Alta MacLeon of Hamilton Brother of Gordon of New Brunswmk Mrs Doug iArleml Milton and Mrs Roy lMaryl Mi Manon both at liianttord and Dennis nt Nova Biotin Step brother of Rene and Mrs Ronlo Tracyt Whittirr both it Niw Bruiiswm Mr Armstrong was ttllnlllff ot the lirantlord Cunners Club Visitation it the MLCILIster Funeral Hriini Ltd 30 Brant Ave Brantford 1mm Thursday afternoon lllIITril SITVICI in the chale on Friday it 50 in Interment in Mount Hope ninetiiry Branttord Pastor Alan Rirtrman at North Park Free Methodist hurrti illiriating Memorial donations III the Canadian DIOIHIIC Association tr atvtully appreciated flkOWN Annie At York County Hospital Newmarknt on Wednesday Marrh 28 1979 Annie Brown of Beeton Wlft ot the late Fred Brown Dear mother If Gladys Mrs Gilroyi Earl wilnint IBIIII Fdna Mrs Vernon Marion Mrs Magloughlenl Lorene ers Hollinusheadl Bernire ers Rawni and Donelda ers FftJttl liedw eastd by daughter Edith and son flat Sister 0t MlLlKll Riley May lMis lildyl Sarah Mrs letdr fridlreaad hy Josephine ers Howarrtl Alex indClarenri Grand niothrr 012R grandr hildreii and 25 great llelIlllIrll Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown Funeral ser yici on Saturday afternoon at pm In terninent Zion eniitory Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated 87in memoriams CHRISIIL Roy lnlovmginwnory of titit father and papa who passed away March 29th 1978 Gone is the lace we loved so dlilr Silent is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for Sight or speech flut not too tar tor thought to reach WI to remember him who once was hert And who though absent is lust as dear Sadly missed by John Linda and himily 88 coming events GOOSE SHOOT SATURDAY APRIL 10 AM WILSON lies south of land Head West at Hifliway 27 M29A5 ovi thousands of dollars wed motel bIIIe In over 3m bdowbye Quality Inns midnight FREE lizivcl Card JOHN mint IC 14 ib Iï¬q ll IXII HERES HOW IT WORKS Miami Travel Directa hand nightri etoy Mrs Pratt 431667 Mr and Mrs Ed Gibbons have returned home after week in Markham with their two granddaughters Their parents Mr and Mrs Don Gib the examiner Thunduy Mar 29 1979 19 members and visitors They are teaching another class on an evening in the near future for those who could not attend in the day time committee was set up to decide on what entertainment our branch would produce for the District Annual to be held on May 19 at West Oro Baptist Churchat845am Mrs Marjorie Bell gave report of the district directors meeting letter was read from our adopted child and we will send him cash birthday gift As of April the book KithNKin will be sold from the township office at cost of $1250 Twentynine members and visitors answered the rollcall place where had happy holiday and souvenir to show Some of the places were Australia Hawaii England Florida and almost every province in Canada Mrs Margaret Pirrie con vener of cultural activities commented on the motto new and better world should start with all of us Mrs Pirrie introduced Mrs Newson of Crown Hill Womens Institute who took us on wonderful tour of Israel Jor dan and Egypt She made her pictures come alive with good narration of the things there are to do and see on such tour Although think many of us wondered if we could have kept pace with her group She said If travel doesnt make you better person then you might as well stay home Mrs Laura Coates thanked Mrs Newson and presented her wilhagift Mrs Beatrice Caldwell and Mrs Sylvia Ward served refreshments Next meeting will be the an nual and all reports must be ready It will be held at the home of Mrs Myrtle Mason at pm on April 18 Roll call will be an article from the current home and country or federated news Mrs Betty Annettes YOUR HOTEL BILLS have Tend Cad can save you hundrode every year on your hotel cltlae coasttocooet you aim deco from participating Hllton lane Remodel Holiday bins Shoreline last Woetarne and Travalodgoe You pay he hne regular rate your Ilret nlglit and you get the Intcrixitiomil lt0er Your parsonalxod mmbuehlp cord aid the In meeentmr memberehlp ry There wIIl be no charge for your and Mrs Audrey Chute will be bons were on skiing trip in hostesses Quebec Mathew Sheridan son of Mr and Mrs Peter Sheridan is home from RVH Barrie Nice to hear Mr and Mrs Ian Taylor of Kingston Jamaica have son Joel Andrew first grandchild for Mr and Mrs Scolly Taylor former St Pauls residents Mrs Joan Kell was pleasant ly surprised by visits from Paul Garrett London also visitors from Calgary Mr and Mrs Douglas Fralick have returned from monthlong vacation in Florida where they visited friends and relatives Sorry to hear Mrs Ilo Drake is patient in RVII Barrie THE SMARTEST THINGS WEAR P9NT SHOW Soft by Mrs Campbell Contact Lenses 4873201 Guthrie Womens Institute From held their March meeting at the home of Mrs Marion Campbell Florence Campbell presi dent opened the meeting with thought on spring All members repeated the Opening de and Marti Stewart Collect Mrs Dorothy Campbell secretary read the previous meetings minutes The liezisurers report was given by Mrs Reta Caldwell Summary day for Spot Light on Bread will be held at the Blue Flame room on April at 930 um Those attending prac ticed their song as part of the iiioriiingprogiaiii belle Slop The Spotlight on Bread gtthicol course taught by Mrs Marion zoo 5i 7374 Campbell and Mrs arol Liv 09 ingston was attended by 18 SI 890° We can arrange an eye appointment for you and check to see if youre suited for contact lenses Fol Money Back Guarantee MEILUN DT DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours 9am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society WALL Heavy business travelers or vacationers can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year ORDER TODAY and start saving next week Or Hyam PO Box 458 Midland Ont UR 4L3 Name Addrau Prov PoetalCodo 0W tl MoeterCharge IankAmoricord Croclt Card Master Charge look up mwgoddoutthlemaymhodltoriatebym IMMWMUI and others MdMMhm OrderAryoun today Tendoductbteferluebioee Yivolere LL