IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Iet and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages forms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 010 consolidate debts low monthly payments Olfome improvements any worthy reason 010 pay all existing or maturing mongage COIISIIUCIIOII funds free advice try us 0We have ready cash to purchase mortgages 129 DUNLOP ST EAST IARRIE ONT 7260901 24 Hour Phone Service 347 RAY ST TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MORTGAGE MONIES available first andseconds We also have private funds available at lower rates for prime pro perties Call Jerry Rose at All 737 4277 and I6epte to rent 16a pa rtm ents for rent THREE BRIGHT clean unfurnished rooms private bath suit one person No children or pets 0n bus route close to Bayfield Mall Alter6 pm 728 6649 CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST IOALL UTILITIES INCLUDED SPACIOUS and BE 0800 LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE TENNIS COURT SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street Barrie 7269580 Also see CEDARWOOD COURT I25 WELLINGTON ST 7264991 WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West Spacious 123 bedroom suites Clean well kept building close to shopping buses Monthly rental in cludes heat light wafer parking Stove and Fridge To view please call 7263827 or 7267153 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF MODERN lUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease adult building No References 7289682 HOLGATE Apt 102 Quiet pets 90 TThSTF THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie One and two bedrooms Available with many features IBernick Drive 7370027 TF FURNISHED onc and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays BACHELOR APARTMENT on close to downtown fridge stove utilities and parking included Telephone 726 2910 ONE AND TWO Bedrooms $I65 01 $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 Mississauga Ct Apts Two bedroom apartment available Col ored appliances sauna close to shopp inn and bus Telephone 726 3577 ONE AND TWO Bedroom on bus route Stove fridge laundry facilities First and last months rent No pets Call after 4p 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM in security building Balcony overlooks bay 5265 includes heat hydro parking storage Near shopping bus beach Child wcIromr Call 726 1913attor6 00 NEWLY DECORTED aparlrrir1 availabln Tailphurwro 3257 ONE AND 770 bedroom apartments aya idOl downtown Punt ranging S140 to I65 elephant 726 3257 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments $237 to $261 monthly includes fridge stove tilat new laundry room parking so stop loratioi No pots 718 5816 eve nings ONE BEDROOM apartment fldgl stow laundry facilities $223 plus hydro Adults only no children or pets Apply 55 Blake Stur31 Apartment 201 two bedroom nLa downtown TWO BEDROOM apartment in modern adult sit plex Stove refrigerator and parking ITICIUULU no pets Close to malls $195 monthly Telephone 728 5389 ONE BEDROOM apartment available Heat hydro fridge stove parking in cludcd 0n bus TOUII $705 monthly Ploastrcall 726 1756 afILr6 00p BACHELOR APARTMENT available immediately FUTnlSIIEU all UIIIIIIIS paid in Angus area $90 monthly Talcphone 424 5573 or 4240879 alter ONE BEDROOM apartment single per son only opposite Georgian Mall first and last everything included ref eroncesfridgi4and stove $180 monthly 7371414726 4940 TWO BEDROOM apartment partially furnished Downtown location 5175 per month heat and hydro included Call Mr Nardelli 726 7200 ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately $220 monthly includes utilities heat and parking Call Karl at 728 2452 after and all day Salur day ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent close to downtown $195 monthly in ctudes heat water parking refrigerator stove Telephon0737 3l06 BACHELOR APARTMENT Available immediately in Shanty Bay Large panelled bedsilting room full bathroom and kitchen Enclosed porch stove fridge and utilities included Call 7265653 BEDROOM 5215 Large 101 fridge and Steve bedroom fridge and stove $175 bedroom $225 bedroom $225 Rick Hamilton 7288698 rep John Cole Ltd Realtor 737 2101 TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately $215 monthly Call alter 726 9235 BEDROOM $260 hydro not included not pets lease repaired 726 7676 after UiVlURNISHEL UNE BEDROOM and furnished bachelor apartments available immediately close totacforics and bus stops no pets please For more information please telephone 728 6520 DUPLEX BEDROOM ground floor Central location Refrigerator stove $225 monthly plus utilities Available May ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT refrigerator stove utilities included $190 monthly Available May 15 References 7260713 SUBLET two bedroom apartment in April first middle or last OUiet adult burtding top floor overlooking bay and lly $270 month free Telephone 726 7446 COSY FULLY FURNISHED bachelor apartment Burton Ave availabch April lst $185 monthly First and last months rent References 728 8336 after 30p TWO BEDROOM apartment St Vincent and Queen Sts fenced yard laundry facilities parking available April 151 $290 amonth Telephone 737 0626 TWO TWO BEDROOM and one Bachelor apartment Available April 151 Call after 7371893 TWO BEDROOM Apartment to sublet at Barrie Anni Gardens West end close to shopping plaza Available April Telephone 728 5964 LARGE BASEMENT apartment for rent All utilities included $195 monthly For more information call 726 5299 after 5p ONE BEDROOM piece bath partly furnished rec room With fireplace and bar fridge and stove laundry facilities and dishwasher to share Cundles Rd 737 2143 SUBLET ONE BEDROOM availablri April lst Appliances heat hydro incluct ed Recently remodelled broadlooni throughout Located near Bus Depot Lease expires Mid July Phone Dave on Sports Desk 726 6537 Thursday to Sun day or 726 6691 ONE BEDROOM Apartment for rent unfurnished Fridge stove and hot water Available immediately Reliable adults only References required Telephone business hours 726 6774 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment heat and hydro laundry facilities park ing central Telephone 728 0755 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment May to October High Point Apart merits wall to wall broadloom may be purchased t$2501 Telephone 726 0327 TWO BEDROOM apartment C1050 to buses includes stove fridge parking and heat $240 monthly Tielephonii 728 3674 after TWO BEDROOM and bedroom in Village of Ivy miles from Base Borden miles from Barrie Swimming pool appliances and furniture if redoir ed Availableimmediateiy Calld24 6673 APARTMENT FOR rent available June Adults only No pets All utilities paid Telephone 726 1026 l7houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS Little Bayvletv Drive COUNTRY llVlNG In BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Some with ravine settings Tennls Court Adiacent Molson Park Rents from S300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF TOWNHOUSE for rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes for rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 2351 BIG BAY POINT bedroom winterized home 150 to Lake access 10 miles south of Barrie large living room fieldstone fireplace on large treed lot Monday Thursday 416 4851663 after pm NEW THREE BEDROOM house completely broadloomed for rent Sunken livingroom with partially finish ed basement Also garage Telephone 7263257 PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neighborhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 CUNDLESIAYPIELD Attractive bedroom home nearly newt Fully broadloomed Near plazas and bus route Available immediately Call 7204931 eu pm weekdeye only SEVERAL BACHELOR apartments close to downtown Rent ranging $100 to $12 Telephone 726 3257 OLDER FOUR BEDROOM two storey brick house Living room newly broadloomed Rent $300 Telephone 726 3257 TOWNHOUSE Three bedroom no ap pliances $275 monthly plus utilities Available May Ist First and last man ths rent 726 3077 BEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676 after5pm THREE BEDROOM house for rent Close to downtown and bus $260 mon lhly utilities extra Interested parties call 726 3492 BRAND NEW three bedroom homes for rent Immediate occupancy Call 737 0500 Del Realty TWO THREE BEDROOMtownhouses for rent near easf end plaza Available May $260 monthly First and last man ths rent Napets Telephone 728 6980 NEW LOWELL Brand newabedroom house for rent in new sub division Adults only no pets$275 monthly Available immediately Telephone 424 6363 after pm TWO BEDROOM houe for rent large living room spacious kitchen stove and refrigerator Edgehill Drive area Avail ble April Telephone 728 2290 FOUR BEDROOM townhouse for rent broadloom throughout fridge stove and cable near bus stop school and shopp ing centre occupancy May lst $320 monthly Telephone 1416 457 4829 or 416 453 4711 SPACIOUS BEDROOM Townhome fenced yard partially finished base ment carpet throughout $360 per month Available April 301h Letitia Heights area Telephone 7282224 anytime IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TWO TWO BEDROOM house on Baylield and Glenwood Large lots fridge stove hydro nol included S245 and $270 month Available April lst 728 9818 FOUR BEDROOM two storey sunken family room In Eastwew arca $380 monthly Phone 726 5093 FOUR BEDROOM farmhouse large family kitchen large living room etc Two bathrooms two car garage lots of space iust outsrde Barrie available anytime Responsible parties Call 416 857 I236 THREE BEDROOM two storey Living room dining room separate family room kitchen Downtown location Clean well kept home Hamilton Realty 7371000 SPACIOUS TWO STORE three bedroom semi on large lot broadloom baths seven miles south of Barrie May lst s275nionthiy 424 6909 I9houses wanted to rent SENIOR COUPLE would like to rent small house Willi clry basement in or around Barrie in ient rangeot $250 5215 Please give address to Box A3 The ii aminer Barrie 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM for rent central loaction cable parking share kitchen and living room Telephone 737 4886 LOVELY CLEAN home Largo bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen Changed wetkly Kitchen facilities Free parking Central Gentleman preferred 728 0598 Comfortable Single Rooms Central reasonable linen SUDDIILO cooking facilities Contact Pug More ReSidence Supervisor Royal Victoria Hospital Residence 728 7613 CLEAN FURNISHED room Ior rent Central location Free parking ab Iainers only Apply 77 Mary STTffl ROOM FOR rent centrally located kit Chen and parking prrvrleqes Working gentleman preferred TLITDIIDIII 728 7142 CLEAN BRIGHT modern rooms for rent Downtown location Parking available Hamilton Rcalty7371000 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD wanted for han dicappod arthritic lady $250 month of fered Please WIIIC Dorothy Law Box 698 Penetang Ontario 23offices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 51T MaplriSt AleIabltafIIITTII 72817431ill 7p 728 6899 after 7p in MODERN OFFICE spriri for ItiTL small or lflTQl SUIYI tIYIlTIITIIdII or cupancy short or long term 7261400 Angelofl OFFICE SPACE to rent Ba yficId Street downtown various Siltsutili1iis and parking included Call 726 2772 days or 737 2349evcnings 2000 SQ FT GROUND flour OffiCi space carplcd partitioned air conditioned Angiilriff 726 3400 12 FAIRVIEW RD Convenient location close to highways 400 and 27 3421 so It or will diVidi to sort Long or short term leasts arranu ed Immediate Occupany Fox 4161 444 6636 Idaysl 416i 889 8515 irvinings and weekendsi STORE FOR RENT 1200 i1UflTfllll parking facilities for ITIOTI information call 728 1823aftcr II 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial spaci and warehousr Telephone 726 3400 Anqoloff WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM LIC 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included $475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinkIcrod transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 f1 18ft clear part of large ex pandingindustrialmall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warcfiousuing Heat and hydro inrludrd $600 monthly On Baylield Sincit Talcphoni Oro Mobile YJ5 7008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units Innisfil St iJacobs Terrari Short or long term 737 1606 424 1020 SPACE TO RENT OR LEASE 2400 square feet will alter to SUII tenant or as is $350 monthly Apply I30 Vcsprii Street Barrie 25garages ATTENTION TRIJCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrll area Call Oro Mobile YJ5 7008 32ca rs for sale I978 Hf VL MAL lilll V6 DOWIr SILLTITIU DDWTT brilkis aulotllntit transmission air conditioning roar UIIOQQOF clock $4995 Cortifnirf TCIIIITITII 737 29711fltir 30 111 I975 MONTEGO MX two door excellent condition only 44000 miles power steering power brakes radio brand new radialliros Certified Privatc Call 726 7959 I978 DATSUN F10 front wheel drive low mileage maroon With black IIIILTIOI standard in excellent condition Telephone 737 0384 1964 CHEVY II standard best of fer I971 PLYMOUTH four door automatic best offer Telephone 322 2961 I974 AUSTIN MARINA four dr sedan four cyl automatic radials radio ox collent condition only 35000 miles cor tified also 1971 Toyota Corolla two dr cyl four specd good running condition Telephone 436 I376 after 6p 1977 GOLDEN EAGLE Jeep CJ7 22000 highway miles excellent condition Telephone 436 1554 after pm 1974 DATSUN B210 $450 or best offer Selling as is Telephone 4249298 after Don 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA I600 50000 miles condition Great gas mileage Certified Telephone 835 3442 1976 TORINO TWO door special trim package 351 motor 56000 miles one owner will certify Best offer 726 9791 days or 424 6580 evenings 1977 VW RABBIT two door standard AMFM radio tach tinted Windshield front and rear spoiler 26543 miles cer tilled Like new condition $4395 Call after 00737 0026 63 vertisers listed are exp 72824 14 FRALICK ALUMINUM RR No Stroud 4361030 Kaiser Aluminum Siding Soffit Fascia Windows and Doors Call now for free estimate 4361830 TThSTF KAISER ALUMINUM Siding Soffif Fascia Windows Doors Eavestroughing Free Estimates Workmanship Guaranteed 4361585 17ThSAIO ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Soloe and Service Free Home Demonstra Hans 18 Allian lvd Unit 19 7283392 BOOKKEEPING BARRIE DOOKREEPING 55 Danlop St West 7263022 Bookkeeplng and payroll Reosonoble prices Owned and operated by Block Franchise Owner cum INSTALLATION MILLER DROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Servicee Work guaranteed Free estimates 9°£Z3773 ALUET CHIMNEY SWEEPS no MESS no FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS AARAN CHIMNEY SWEEPS 4539684 TThSAI4 CHIMNEYS cleaned bUIITIVIIp0TQdT eaver troughing Inelallod roofing and Ilaehing Prom 7265912 BondM Construction 08 CONSTRUCTION H032 raisingplpun SIDEWALKS ETC 3055433323 PICI Mm nonmcrm CARPENIRY Specializing in in ONES DW 09 7203019 no work mom Khfluv bum framing of all typca We stock many It yvn IA AND REPAIR wont ragapqnuiing Ilnllh work 7269000 P897711 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED wlth renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling 95 90 PW 77 77 mrce REPAIR fancy moulds artistic cell TWO CARPENTERS fully experienced on all Inge decorative walle apply on plallnr or CLEANINGCngnagcialm Th TF interior or exterior additione or alteration drywall KOBRA Free estimollrr ï¬nchnebathroome 7262451 7264612 32 cln for 32 cantor sale 33 can vrartted to Iwy 40ert1cleetor eale LYCIOI 1974 AUDI 100 LS automatic CPL265 mag wheels Lic KYY580 Beside Holiday Inn 1975 CAMARU 48000 miles speed powrr striring brakes AMFM s1rrc0 cassolti dork BF Goodrich radial 60s Serious offers only 737 4537 after 1975 DODGE DART SWINGT automatic silver with black fIIIlTlOI in good condition $2500 or best offer Telephone 726 l471bolwuen10a tit and 1976 GRAN TORINO 33000 TYIIILS automatic powrr SITCIITIL power brakes radio radial tires Vlfy clean in oxcelftnt condition $3400 Crlllttd Telephone 737 3507 after 7p 1974 Mr lyiimuurs door V8 automatic full power Certified Full price $1600 Phone 424 9820 1972 FORT MUSTANG 302 V8 Automatic PB Radio New paint and vinyl top Certified Phone 424 9820 1974 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX auto Power windows air condition ing cruise control AM FM radio car must he soon Certified Phone 424 9820 AUTO INSURANCE and home in surancrr Competitive rates all John Nelson Insurance 728 95719 pm 1973 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Brougham automatic power slurring power brakes Excellent interior and body condition will ccrtify $1100 or closesloffrr 726 556 I975 CHARGER SE air crmse AMFM Well maintained Price $3500 Telephone 726 2801 after 00p 1972 FORD CUSTOM Deluxe automatic powersteering and brakes Very good condition $950 Telephone 436 I657 I973 GRAN PRIX air conditioning power Windows steering and brakes 40000 miles excellent condition Asking $2800 Make an offer Call 737 0148 after6 1969 PONTIAC six cylinder $425 easily certified Must be seen Telephone 436 5278 I978 CHEVELLE MALIBU V6 power steering power brakes automatic transmission air conditioning rear defogger clock Certified Telehane 737 2971 after 730 pm 1971 VOLVO 1428 for sale dependable transportation solid certified Telephone 728 2839 after pm 1975 TOYOTA SR5 radio strumention undercoated new paint block heater excellent condltlon throughout $1900 Telephone Stroud 436 2332 alter pm I975 CORVE TTE silver 350 automatic Excellent condition $7000 Telephone 737 1272 full In autobaus 60 Pdrvlew Rd 7370100 1977 DODGE MONACO dr ht console Super six engine automatic wire wheels P5 P8 radio fake deck silver with red vinyl roof Lic KYV502 I977 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORT WAGON woodgrain side panel AM FM radio roof rack radial tires V8 auto P5 P8 17000 miles Lic 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE dr auto PS PB AMFM radio met blue velour int 39000 miles Like new Lic LRE482 1975 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 28000 miles wheel dr radial tires 1974 SUPER BEETLE speed gas heater radio Lic NATE297 All CARS CARRY 1000 MILE OR MONTH 100 WARRANTY ON ENGINE TRANSMISSION REAR END AUTO HAUS BARBIE LTD DRBSES FIT It made by JOle AQUINO Specializing In pantsuite gowne and altera tion 42 Euggnla SI Phone 7266411 MARCH SPECIAL PHOTOCOPIES 13 EACH WHITE OTHER SIDE EXTRA COLOR STOCK EXTRA SHORTRUN OFFSET COPY PRINTING 27 IIAYI ST BANNIE ONT Illa 7260955 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet meta work Martin Verlfroten New Lowel DUPLICATING SERVICES 4341956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 TF EIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats enowmobilu anything flborglou Free estimates low winter rates Workmunehip guaranteed 4245002 VIC WATSON FIIUPIOCIS and masonry For free estimateephone 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and deligned Specializing in natural efona and antique brick usingi bollfiree Workmanehip guaranteed Peter Honstra 7372871 ElREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 EFREE DELIVERY 4872113 ERAL CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovatione additione dry well all malonry need For quality work call Jack 7203276 orrlahn HOME IMPROVEMENTS vinyl roof bucket seats with dr 19000 miles maroon Lic M29 7370100 1976 TD ANDAU tour door sedan V8 automatic air CTUISI full power 40000 miles asking $4500 WIII consider tradi lnl1lfll TLIIDIIDOI 737 3151 74 MUSTANG ll HDTP 2300 CC ryl auto Tr1lllI flawless brown metallic finish vrnyl roof Ulltlcr coated Only 27415niiIis lItWllTLS LI ARR998 $2995 Bank terms available Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 7211 2220 1977 VOLARE stationwagon Sllpfr six cylinder power steering piiwrr brakes automatic radio electric difrust roof rack Willcurlify 7266527 1977 DODGE Street van 360 autulinitic power steering power brakes radio tinted glass seven fins H70xl5 high back chairs bed frame roof vent Will Certify 726 6527 1971 VOLVO STATION WAGON good Wilh black interior many miles lell radial tires needs some work asking S600firrn asis Telephone37 7128 I977 PINTO XCTIILTII condition low mileage automatic new snow tires Best offer Call 737 0929 after pm 1978 MONIA HATCHBACK all black spoilers custom paint stereo radial tires remainder of warranty Telephone 424 1082 1976 OLDS DEL TA 88 Royalty door hardtop 52000 miles Will certify New tires exhaust brakes paint iust done power brakes slurring windows 455 barrel 88 automatic AMFM stereo track player RW dufugger cruisr con trol tinted Windshield $5000 Telephone 705 436 4013 1973 BUICK La Sabre four door hardtop fully powered clean licensed $1700 certified After6 call 436 2396 I966 VALIANT slant six excellent runn ing condition and body Asking $950 or best offer Telephone 737 0174 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 728 8111 WANTED Clean usad cars Barrie Hon da AutoSales I7 Gowan St 726 6488 59mm SPECIAL TRACY wants cars Full size cars $30 picked up Full size $40 brought In Bonus for extra large cars 726 8487 strike VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free Immediate pick up any 1119436 2900 COLE anos Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings GEMRAL REPAIRS malnfenance atllce garages basement cleaned rubbinh mend cash for ueod appliances Gard 4365414 mï¬ SPRING CLEANUP 0Windows storms removed cleaned °Home yard cleanup ORubbish removal small moving iobs OExterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 ACTON IOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and buelneu refurne amide pm 7265218 moon TAX from or home Prompt pickup and delivery Raalonable Telephone SMITH 4364820 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowln Iod ding leedlng etc Vic TrIernAItre 720 909 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick black and stone work hlmney re ir Fireplaces 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Clanicol and Popular Ma lPotvin Guitar Studio 72614997 RDION guitar piano organ begin nor and advanced Two monthe trial lnefru mant loaned for home practice Canadian Academy ofMuek 1218c1yfleld7281799 GUITAR LESSONS crimicai popular and rod For further Information all Gory 7293098 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Eu igstiiimi JOyIarI 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 rr DON srssunc PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging cuetom work Saliefnctignguurfantnod 72668m PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free eatimatee Jack Richardson 7262012c Lissa PAINTING Paper hon ing Experienced roo utimalee JA RICHARDSON 72683 SCRAP CARS WANTED S30 full size pickidup $40 fullsile broughtn Bonus for extra heavy 728 3606 7261553 JUNK CARS WANTED HIQIISI priltos pmd Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 34trucks and trailers DODGE 1975 one ton duals 12 fool in sulatnd box Thermo King reefer 20 foot insulated box With Thcrmo King 01 TOILDIIOTIL 737 3047 1977 CHEV ton 26000 mill5 350 four barrel four speed floor mounted manual transmission years Toll on Ziibart warrant Vinyl rlip top With supports for box New plates SUIIBDII as camper crllent condition Telephone 728 9726 or 726 8597 1966 FORD SIX cylinder automatic 20 passenger bus Dual rear tires Ideal for renovating to camper $1000 or best of IN For information phoni 728 7433 or 726 0745 1974 FORD TON yl OUTDIIII With insulated cap New 11an and exhaust system $2200 Telephone 776 1154 1967 FORD ton pick up needs ripairs UTL7ltflId $300 Call after in 487 5540 1971 GMC Dflthly Van New paint Well finished interior insulated skylights propane furnace Make good camper or mobile OIIICP Asking $1500 726 257I 1976 FORD 350 four speed stdn darn power steering power brakes heavy duty suspension dual wheels ft platform With racks Very clean Telephone 726 9998 1968 DODGE MODEL 700 tandem 361 gas engine I6 fool steel flat plat form Ideal for farm use Cab and chassis $1800 Platform $500 complete package $2195 Bertram Bros Ltd 429 Blake St 726 0254 I975 CHEV ton custom deluxe 210m biiqc 33000 miles one owner Telephone 728 5638 SPRING TRUCK SALE Chev half ton LIC 076859 76 Ford Win duw Van LIC kNv 415 76 Ford F250 Camper special with Car LIC E43879 75 Ford F150 Explorer With Cap Ll E42880 74 CIIIV El Camno LIC J35487 These A1 units are CDTIIIILd and guaranteed Bank forms available Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 728 2220 1972 CHEV WINDOW van new motor needs body work $550 as is Telephone 726 0117aftcr pill 1978 ACCORD WE LL looked after Only 35695 Call 726 6250 afttr 30 1976 DODGE Ion pickup 318 automatic power steering powtr brakes radio Runs well will cirtify 7266527 TRUCK CAP White with black IIIIII III sulated panelled and wired $450 Telephone 728 5758 after 1969 FORD SURE VAN E100 has been renovated into camper lots of cup boards fully windowed good IIrnktS and fires mechanically good body fair Ask lng $700 or best offer Uncirtilied 458 9281 37motorcycles 1973 SUZUKI 500 low mileage Ex cellont condition New tires chain Comes with carrier and box $700 Telephone 737 4537 afler6p 1975 CANAMI75 MX2 excellent condl lion Still on first tank of gas used four or five hours Tele hone after 456 3994 1975 CB 360HONDA 6000 miles ex cellent condition asking $750 Call after 6pm 737 2506 I977 100 CC YAMAHA ENDURO Mint condition Mileage 480 street legal Ideal for town and trails Tele hon 728 8373 afler600 pm 650 CC YAMAHA excellent condition 5001Irm Telephone anytime 726 9628 I975 GT80 YAMAHA Enduro In good condition Asking $250 Telephone 7281414after7pm 1975 YAMAHA DT 250 Very good condl tlon Low mileage $650 certified Telephone 737 4934 Need help Just look over the ads below The ad erfs in their field and will assure you of thefinest iob possible 51 PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING 10 Hot Aepltalt RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL IIPTIOIT Oeeallng Oparlrlng lots tennle courts ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK patio floor etc EXCAVATING pond pool ummt rough rtiihliod ROOFING TREE SERVICE 24 hour service 7261451 521 TAKE ADVANTAGE of our low eprlng roof Ing rlcee Raeldentlal commercial 5264 53 collect Free estimates Guarantee SIDW BLOWING KARL FOHSTL SNOWBLOWING Driveways parking loll IldWOlk0lC Rooeonoble rum Phone PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three truckl for prompt dependable eervlce at competitive rates Call Paul 7373064 MBH SNOWPLOWING Reldential and mil commercial Reasonable rates Feet 621119I19rvL£° lord 7364599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reoeonable roles Radio diepafchod 24 hour service Telophone 7372m REIOtEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblow In Reasonable rates Contracte seasonal or clean3P STUCCO type INTERIOR EXTERIOR ORDER NOW for spring and summer completion FREE ESTIMATES RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY 7264392 TThSJul4 TV AND RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color blodi and white TV Itereoe etc All make andmodolt 4246181 minim WELL DRILLING Residential Farm Cottage FREE ESTIMATES SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GX 100 493 they last WT and get free 12 RCA xuoo for Orly 400 wkly etartlng June 79 One Hour delivery mzv KELLY Next door to Meatrnan HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371102 TF SWIMMING POOLS 10 RENT Will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice of styles meeting all fem inu regulations on one two or three year rlinlal basis with option to gter Try DOIOTI you buy Call toll free 800 268 5970 SONY STEREO Setalienal AMFM reciovor cuxtom tumtoble $343 Get fro epoakere Under S5 Wkly afartlng June791RA1Y KELLYS now next door to Meatmun One hour delivery Highway 90 Porn dale 7371 182 IF BARRIE lcNI and Awning Company provides onlpletc repair serVIce on tarps traitors tents and awnings Be ready for spring act now avoid the delay Tilephoni 726 6437 Barrie Tent and Awning Company 34 Bayfield St downtown PINE URNI TURF custom made solid wood furniture reasonable rates Coffee tables IITIIIILJTOOIII tanisulc 737 1039 SWIMMING POOL MANUF AC TURF has new 1978 Pools regular price $2190 now at our all season special of $1355 Pools come with walk around dork patio fencing pump motor and flllf ItllVLfV arranged to your conve TIITIKl or best selection and informa 11011 call toll free 800 2611 5970 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cl JIM 7072402 TF BICYCLES TRICYCLES All lvpls and srzirs Reconditioned repainted Repairs made parts wanted 726 0850 PENION MOTOR bike 125 cc $200 Yamaha Trombone almost new $175 Lacrosse slick$5 Phone 726 6365 ROOM DIVIDER with planter box With rollers 20ft long by5ft hi 11 Ba shore Hotel FRIDGE lt2 STOVE Spoclal buying allows lower pricing EXAMPLE $660 Compare then visit 00001 TV APPLIANCES 00 DUNLOP 7204297 TThSA3 both for 18 the oxamlner Thuraday Mar 29 1979 40rtlolee tereefe TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now 0049 Order tonlta get free 12 portable Under 07 wkly alerting June79 KRAZV KELLYS new next to Meatman nghway 9O Pearl Sal7371102 TF PIANO BABY GRAND 31750428111416 281 im APARTMENT SIZE white electric Kelvlnalor stove $30 baby lounge rocker $6 Denlm look folding car bed $8 yellow borg bunting beg like new $5 Hankscraff bottle sterilier $6 lolly lumper snuggler baby carrier $3 Cell 7280559 FRIDGE AND STOVE Danby still under warranty apartment size 737 1139 39 TWIN BEDwith box spring and mat tress drawer dresser 15 12 and 10 gold shag carpet end table and gold sofa chair Like new 726 6180 after pm BEDROOM SUITE for sale double bed complete two night tables large dresser with triple mirror In good can dilion $500 or best offer Phone 424 0990 ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid efale only $598 Under S6 Wkly Starting June79 Order fonlte throughout White two months old $300 for pair Telephone get free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now naxf door to Meafmon Highway 90 Ferndole 7371102 TF YAMAHA TENOR saxophone Pen guitar and amp Prima flute Telephone 726 0688 for more information USED REFRIGERATORS from $4999 used electric stoves from $2999 New and Used Furniture and Appliance Store 202 Dunlop Street West in the former Unclaimed Freight Warehouse 737 4774 Closed Mondays JUST ARRIVED 23 sets 54 box spr ing mattresses Sale price $9995 per set While they last delivery extra New and Used Furniture and Appliance Store 202 Dunlap Street iust west of the Barrie arena 737 4774 Closed Mon days THREE FULL ROOMS of furniture seven piece living room suite consists of chesterlietd straight chair swivel rocker ottoman two end tables one cot lee table Five piece kitchen suite seven piece bedroom suite consists of double dresser mirror bookcase headboard loofboard four drawer chest and 54 box spring and mattress all for only $81999 with free delivery or no money down terms arranged no payments un til May New and Used Furniture and Appliance Store 202 Dunlop Street West iust west of the Barrie areana 737 4774 Closed Mondays STOVE FOR SALE Moffaft 30 range Narvest Gold Like new $200 Telephone 726 5035 DELUXE INGROUND swimming pool opportunity One only 16 32 all ac cessories included Regular $6750 Com pleter installed for $5100 good access 10 yard Clements Pools 728 9644 60 WATT SPEAKERS $275 each 100 watt speakers $500 each receiver OX 8000 $550 Kenwood turntable $175 PE turntable $50 auadraphonic head phones $200 accessories $100 Call Jim 424 0511 after5 00pm USED RESTAURANT equipment ice cream and slush barbecue grills fryers etc Telephone 737 4880 or 728 8381 ALL WINDOWS plus aluminum corn binations in storey and half home Also two aluminum doors To see these phone 728 3665 13 CUBIC FOOT refrigerator Harvest Gold one year old Immaculate condi tion $250 firm Telephone424 0185 TWO LARGE ANTIQUE Chesterfield chairs Need reupholstering frame good $25 for pair Telephone 7267085 atter6 NAME BRAND Mattresses at discount prices Odd sizes made to order Barrie Mattress 15 Dunlop East Downtown Barrie BIG PRE SPRING clean up sale In doors Several families Electric stoves freezer dishwasher beds chairs some antiques bikes toys odds ends 377 Huronia Blvd Industrial Complex Unit Houcks Process parking in rear Saturday March 3151 15 pm not earlier please BICYCLE LADIESJspeed Excellent condition Asking $30Cail 7263273after 3p CHILDS 21 VIOLIN for sale 550 tent 12 10 Telephone 726 8023 STEREO REALISTIC cassette recorder and player AMFM receiver two 75 watt speakers three months old $1200 value asking $850 Telephone 424 9298 after GIBSON FOUR burner stove electric 24 in good condition $100 Telephone 728 4089 KENMORE WRINGER WASHER year old asking $100 Excellent condi tion Telephone 4241298after KITCHEN SUITE Has knotty pine ar borite oval table upholstered swivel chairs Excellent condition Telephone 737 1536 after6p GARAGE SALE China glass many baby items miscellaneous articles March 3151 and April Isl 10 to pm 35 ToronfoSI 1978 SEARS PORTABLE television black and white top line model asking $150 firm AI condition Four months old Telephone 737 2128 BICYCLE BOYS CCM five speed 24 wheel with new tires excellent condi lion Telephone 728 7390 TELEFUNKEN Senator console stereo AMFM FM stereotwo short wave bands turntable storage space for records tapes etc in cabinet also com partment for reel to reel Like new Mens hockey equnpment 5110 36 ex cellentcondition Telephone 726 5672 CLOSING OUT Now used and antique furniture Price accordingly Ed Balfe Furniture 12 Bayfield St CB RADIO MOBILE Citizen 40 chan nets with antenna two months of use $75 Telephone before2p 7372427 SIDE PIPES Thorley 80 complete With solid pipe hookups to attach to headers Previously on Ford pick up yrs $40 good condition 726 0768 after 30 FRIDGE 13 cu ft frost free years old Dishwasher cycle year old Best of for Telephone Edward 728 6081 DRUMS Pearl 14 piece set plus cym bats all hardware included Profes sionally quality $1500 firm Telephone 737 3221 GUITAR SYNTHESIZE guitar includ ed $375 Telephono7261050 FRIDGEFREEZER 12 cubic foot upright all firdge and mat ching 12 cubic foot upright all freezer Used side by side or separate Ono pair only in white at $699 Call or visit SIM COE CO 0P 2591nnisfil 7266531 Foam insulated fully werranfeed special price Example 18 cubic chest $295 Accounts available Trades ac cepfed Free delivery Call or visit SIM COE CO OP 2591nnisfilstreof 726 6531 DISHWASHER Moffat portable in while fully warran ty one only $299 Call or visit SIMCOE CO OP 259 Innisfll 726 6531 DESK AND CHlNA cabinet combina lion selection of clocks oil lamps dressers odd tables pine cupboards pictures frames washstands small dishes etc Interested people only Apply 29RossSlroet 41boats and motors GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5fh 6th of Oro CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Morcrulser Dealer 4071122 RES 1160032 Ju2 126 SPRINGBOK ALUMINUM cartop boat with 75 hp Mercury outboard and equipment Both In excellent condition $1000 firm Telephone 726 moum 00 pm 20 MATILDA fibreglass sloop Four berth hed see swing sfave AM FM radio lights three sails Includina action mercury outboard Asking $5300 436 2930 AAA 41hotunl teeters 22 FT CHRIS mahogany plywood 10 completely equipped sleeps four good condition $3750 TRAILER AVAIL ABLE EXTRA Telephone 7288170 it HP MERCUEV motor saoo Tendon trailer $200 To carry your free boat 18 ftLCVarver Telephone 7283958 1972 TWO CYLINDER water cooled hp Yamaha outboard motor In ex cellenf conditlori Reasonable priced Call 424 9301 after 5pm 42jarticles wanted WILL BUY house contents or any useful Items or will 9493315312 729131 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre1950items7288214 CANADIAN SILVER cams before 1967 American before 1964 No collection foo large or smell Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 WANTEDfooter irEiiTr 365E708 13 capacity Telephone 424 9810 REQUIRE BVARVBTETECWeIghts 251127 56 lb and 1001b Reasonable Call after5200 pm 726756407 HOUSE TRAILER wanted1960ToT965 12 or 14 Telephone 72881757 WANTED COMIC aooxs In goodcoii dilion Top prices paid Call any time 728 574557 LOGS WA TREVDITnPiWe spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building with Logs Ltd 7261966 even ings728 5800 44dogs and pets POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and de liVery 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria I43Ardagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 LABRADOR PUPs block ath yellow registered SIIOIS de wormed IEBGY 10 go Telephone 435 4777 Alliston DAFFON KENNELS Specializingwih Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 mmg WIEMARAMER REGISTE ED years old Good hunting abilities All shots received Good temperament Reasn for selling moved to city lneeds country home Phone Norm 7283123after600 BOUVIER DE FLANDERS male 13 months registered good watch dog $100 or best offer Telephone 737 4762 7MÂ¥ BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 414l Red and tan DOBERMAN PINSCHER ears and tail cropped Four month old female $145 Has all shots Telephone 737 4407 47 Itonie Improvements TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS vision of 300062 Ontario Inc Specializing in custom made replacement windows patio doors storm doors and windows polio door knockouts and decks Alcon Aluminum Siding Soffil Fascia and Eavestroughing BONDED AND MEMBERS OE THEI COMPLETE GUARANTEE Elinatate Selennene Commissions ERIE ESTIMATES Cal celect ALLISTON 7054357974 BARRIE 7281202 Th M29 54service and repair TELEVISION RE PAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius of Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 720 9457 56camping equipment SUNKAMPER HARDTOP trailer ex cellent condition sleeps stove sink ice box lull awning propane tank and spare 11re$17500r BestolterTSeTUpfdr viewing at Redwood Court 73771053 USED HARDTOP trailers and truck campers in good condition Call Sebas Iain at 728 9700 57livestock for sale WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705 326 9243 Simcoe Recycling EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 16 hands high has been shown successfully at CHSA approved shows good mover bold iumper 7261581 SELL OR SWAP for sound livestock Canadian stamp collection all mint plus reference books value $1100 plus also Minolta 35 mm camera with 200mm telephoto lens 728 6786 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 436 1811 60feedseedgrain APPROXIMATELY 200 tons high maisture corn for sale Stored in harvester Stroud area Telephone 4363597 0000 HAY AND WHEAT straw for sale No rain Telephone Lelroy 456 2635 64tarm machinery FARM MACHINERY for sale Allis Chalmers WD 45 standard complete With snow blower and heal houser Good condition Telephone 728 1377 evenings ALLIEDAUTOMATIC stooker 111001 cultivator series 1200 Both like new Telephone 728 1097 65tarm machinery wanted WANTED crawler tractors gas small Case or Oliver Cockshutt 0C4 Will pay cash Reply to Box 292 Examiner Barrie 66 lnarket baeket MEAT HOW TO GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH three week course to help you get the most from your food dollar explanations with meat charts supplied plus demonstration of cutting up side of beef starts April Call Georgian College 728 1951 for details 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and San Con cession Ora 728 8489 or 726 1907 No Sunday sales APPLES BUSHELS Georgian Bay Ex Ira fancy Macs $699 Spy $799 Your containers CANCILLA FRUIT MAR KET l7 Clapperton St Barrie POTATOES CHOICE quality also some seconds will deliver Telephone 728 7677 or 728 9378 POTATOES FOR SALE No 1591369075 lb bags Charles Ellsmere telephone 728 4956 68personals BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 30 pm and Thursday6 30 930 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 you drink thats your business If you wantlo gunthatsours Callanytlme AUTOS TO BE DRIVEN to Florida 085 allowance also cars to Western Canada and sometimes East Toronto Drive Away Service 5385 Yonge $1 Wit lawdale Ont 416 226 4616 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Ferm726 0192 BETTY Card reading and psychic counselling etc Phone 737 3074 for ap poinlment TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecere 726 7922 anytime it is POSSIBLE Reduce and matritaln the welght you went Call Foodehollcs Marilyn or Glenn 726 6805 MONECA psychic and card reedlngv counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone tzeeegérrr