Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1979, p. 16

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THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING II NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND 61 gngstAulsOT 3603 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 ID HATTYTOWN TALES 655 It WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO GOOD TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MAKE ME LAUGH NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE $198 BEAUTY CONTEST ID MAGIC SHADOWS vuiciioiii Nick Part IV BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 HARRIS AND COMPANY WhenMikeHarriachildrenandlriendalesrnthat he isgorng to bealone on Saturday night they begin to arrange variety ofwild and wacky rhim 60 mins 33 BARNEV MILLER After painful caseofbileandrunWojofacestheprospecloi rabies unless he can Overcome his fear of rise 33 THE CHISHOLMS The Chi sholms paints panorama of the proud and independent people who settled Americas West hardpressed but sellreliant Virginia larming family the Chisholms lose their small patch of land in legal dispute and decide to head for California Stars Robert Preston Ro semary Harris Pt of fourpart series MORK AND MINDY Unfamiliar with eerthlings little white lies Mork hearing loving tributes being paid toe deceased landlord who westhe meanest man intowndecidealojump rt him back to life MR HORN DavidCarradinestsrsasthe frontier figure Tom Horn whose colourful Wild West career encompassed the capture of the legendary Apache warrior Geronimo in the leOaandarough andreedyturnolthscentury life as Wyoming bounty hunter Part lot art series 60 mins THE MANNIKAN Drematizedversion ol short story by Robert Bloch young singer goes back to her childhood home where she is wn into satanic rituals MOVIE DRAMA V2 Damn the Defiant 193330 KING OF KENSINGTON Cyrano De Kenaington Larry unwittingly es aumes the role of Cyrano when Tinas sx huabsndarrivesinKensingtDndelerminedtoget to remarry him ANGIE Ill JUST Do IT YOURSELF 900 QUINCY Don Ameche guest stars saan aging magician whose comeback is marred when his protege dies while attempting water illusion trick 80 mine LOU GRANT CANADIAN EXPRESS BARNEYMlLLERAllerapainlulcase ofbiteandrunWoiolacestheprospectolrabies unless he can overcome his lear of needles LIVE IT UP THE GREAT DEBATE Daniel Cap ponendNatHentollResolvedTheCensorship of Violence Is Not Denial of Artistic edom WINTARIO 930 CARTER COUNTRY SOAP The glittering wedding of Danny Dallas and Elaine Lelkowitz is Climexed by startling announcement from the brides mob rfather OUR CULTURAL FABRIC 1000 MRS COLUMBO DALLAS SueEllenisdeterminedto get back at JR for committing her to sanitar ium end when he shows her picture of Clilt Berries with new girlfriend its more than she 60 mins BARNABY JONES frightened nurse dead witness and payoralse Iosn IherkadduptoabafflingmurderpuzzleiorJ but his biggest problem comes from the police mine ABC NEWS CLOSEUP In MORK AND MINDY Unfamiliar mil earthlingslittle whileliesMork hearinglovmg tributes being paid to deceased landlord who wasthe meanestman in town demdeatoiump fit him back tolile LE MONDE EN GUERRE NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MRS COLUMBO 100 In NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE Bl0GRAPHlCALDRAMA Beloved Infidel rose 11 15 REAL STORY 1120 NEws 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHTSHOWHostzJohnny Carson Guests Roy Clark Shaun Cassidy 90 31 CBS LATE MOVIE MASH Whlls BJ may be new at the 40771h hes last learner MCCLOUD Park Avenue Plretes are Dennis Weaver Cannon MOVIE DRAMA Va 30 STREET TALK 145 HOT POPS special showcasingCan edian performers currently in the top 40charta Additional guests include Bachman Turner Overdrive Rod Stewart Village People endthe Bee Gees 150 MOVIE DRAMA The Glass Menagerie 1950 1200 mMOVlEDRAMAPII Murder The Mardl Gras tors MOVIE Reflections in Golden Eye 1967 Elizabeth Taylor Marlon Brando Hunters ol the Wild 1974 Stuart Pringie 1210 Ii MOVIE DRAMA Storm In Summer 1910 1215 LIFE AT STAKE in series is aroundadramatizedreconstructionofdramatic reellile Situations making use of transcripts endnewsraellootage Tonight Thekidnapping caseofDr TiedaHerremeInSOuthernlreiandby Eddie Gallagher and Marion Coyle Debut 80 nuns 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Bob Meyers Washington Post reporter 60mins 130 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 145 MOVIE ADVENTURE Bengal Tiger 200 In MEDICAL CENTER 300 In MARCUS WELBY MD 400 In BEWITCHED historically speaking today in history March 29 1979 The Spanish Civil War ended 40 years ago today in 1939 with victory for Francisco Francos rightwing rebels Hit ler and Mussolini had aided Franco and used the war as dress rehearsal for their armies and weapons The leftwing loy alists drew arms from the So Viet Union and support from the international brigade The bri gade included many expatriots and idealists such as US writer Ernest Hemingway and Canadian doctor Norman Beth une and unit the Mackenzie Papineau batallion made up of several hundred Canadian vol unteers 1161 The bloodiest battlc of the English Wars of the Roses was won by the Yorkists at Towtown Yorkshire barries story March 29 1971 George De Rappard national president of the Canadian Jaycees urged area Jaycecs to become involved in their local communities Canadas story King Charles Returned Canada To France Britain would have King Charles hadnt owned Canada as early as 1632 if rke brothers captured Quebec and tookChamplaln to London from where he was allowed to Laye on March 29 1632 It was King Charles who sold out Parliament would not vote him any money but France owed him 600000 crowns deal it might be said figuratively that he lost his head but that happened literally in 1649 by order of Oliver Cromwell Cromwell once referred to the treaty of Saint Germain enLaye as million acre real Iain returned to Canada as governor in 1632 and estate transaction carried on an active campaign Of development until his death at Quebec on Christmas Day 1635 One of his last achievements was the building of fort at Three OTHER EVENTS ON MARCH 29 1766 Britain and France agreed on conversion of French money in Canada Rivers 1778 Captain Cook landed 1843 Sir Charles Metcalfe do 1848 Niagara Falls ran Erie 1867 Queen Victoria royal assent at Nootka Sound 80 ecame Governor of Cana dry because of ice jam on Lake gave British North America Act 1906 Winnipeg street railway employees staged riot bell evVart by Georgina Mitchell 4583232 The Bell Ewart Community Centre Euchre was held March 20 with eight tables at play Ladie high score went to Chris Walkem with 84 points and se cond to Effie Ewing with 71 points Georgina Mitchell with six points received the most lone hands For the men high score of 76 and the most lone hands went to Flo Mulholland playing as man Second went to Dave Davidson with 72 The two money draws on the 5050 were won by Al Chaplin and yours truly and three Win taro tickets went to Ina McKnight Georgina Mitchell and Flo Mulholland Euchre games are held every Tuesday The Bell Ewart Senior Citizens held their regular meeting March 20 when 17 members were prscnt Presi dent Bill Hadley opened the meeting with Canada We were pleased to see Walter and Eleanor Cook and Ray and Vi Sparling with us letter was read from Slin coe County Recreation about cribbage tournament which will be held April at Bradford Seniors Club There was also letter from the Womens ln stitute in Iottenham thanking those of the club who attended the last function The upcoming function promises to be bigger and better when more prizes will be given out It will be held at pm April Sorry to hear Freddie Waters is in the hospital He is not 1632 Canada and Acadia were restorcd to France by the Treaty of St Gcrmaincnlavc ixrsi The British North America Act was given royal asscnt 1941 Mcat was rationed in thc US 1973 Thc last US troops lcft Saigon as thc final group of PoWs hcadcd homc Mr Dc Rappard was speak ing to about 130 laycces and their wives at dinner meeting at tho iloliday inn in Barrie The Jaycecs wcrc from units in Orillia Barrio Aurora and Midland Flos Township Council told the three commissioners at the old Flos Township municipal telephone systcm to repay the $9500 in fees they paid themselves in 1970 for helping to sell the syslcm to Bell Canada In letter from the townships solicitor council told thc commissionch they had no authorization from cithcr council or thr systems 1200 subscribers to withhold any of the money Bell Canada paid 6500000 for thc system two ycars previous to that time Aid Macmillan chair man of the city development committcc said that it was his hopc that rcviscd plans for the citys proposcd srcond icc sur face to be built on Parks and Recreation Commission land adjaccnt to Eastvicw Sccon dary School on Grove Street would bc approved by his com mission Mcmbcrs and guests of thc Bayvicw Chapter or the rdcr of thc Eastern Star markcd the 47th birthday of thc chapter at regular mccting in the DES rooms on Mon Strccl Miss Heml aidwcll Worthy Matron and Clayton Wilson Worthy Patron welcomed the guests Barrio Kinsmcn Novice stop pcd an Ottawa sweep of thc Lit tlc Nlli championship at Pctcrborough Thcy dcfcatcd Ottawa 31 to take the novicc division titlc member but indeed friend to the wholc community between Bell Ewart and Lefroy an area where he walks daily three or four times in all weather rafflc was won by Dave Davidson types of Muriel Hart 4872030 Mrs Leslic Jermcy received plaques from Prime Minister Trudeau Opposition Leader Joe Clark Premier William Davis and Governor General Ed Schrcycr when she celebrated her 90th birthday recently Members of the Hawkestoiip United Church Women met March The doctor says Age secondary with prostate By PAUL RUBLE MI Dear Dr Ruble My father is 86and has been having rostate gland trouble This has can go ing on for couple of years am told he is too old to have this repaired by surgery What do you have to say Mrs RI Who told you he is too old if it was the doctor he may have reasons other than his age for saying so When prostate sur gery is needed it is usually per formed with age being secon dary consideration More im portant than your fathers age is his general health Will his heart and general blood cir culation permit it Will it permit him to weather the effects of the anesthetic required The alternative to surgery can be unacceptable chiefly serious urinary complications Compared with this the min imal risks of surgery might be worth it suggest you have your fa ther seen by an urologist to find out first of all if he needs sur gery Such surgery has been done in men in the 905 Dear Dr Ruble Explain please the difference between plain gout and pseudo gout JI Both are capable of producing severe joint pain and swellings Both stem from the same cause the inability of the system to handle certain sub stances it usually handles with out trouble In thc common form of gout the culprit is uric acid and with pseudogoul its calcium Both result in forma tion of de sits usually in joints lnci entally the word gout is from the Latin gutta which means drop The an cients believed the deposits were formed from droplets of the matter falling intojoints Dear Dr Ruble About 12 years ago had myelogram done for my back No surgery was done When had xrays recently it was found that some of the dye material from the myelogram was still in my back near the bottom disc have had headaches and back achcs uitc often of late would Ii to know if this is the cause and what other damage this dye can do Mrs EllI myelogram is special ray study that provides clear outline of the object to be Viewed in this case your spine The doctor injects qu uid into the spinal canal The dye in the material shows up especially well on xrays and will give good picture of for examplc protrusion pressing against spinal ncrvc After the examination as much dyc as possible is re movcd but trace may remain and show tip on future xrays doubt this is causing your pains unlcss largo cnough amount was left bchind to causc ncrvc irritation newer substancc is living uscd in somc ccntrcs for lower spinc studios This dissolvcs in thc spinal fluid and is latcr taken away by tho kidncys so nonc rcniains bcliind but it is uscd for Iowri spinc studios only our Ilr ituhlIz Ivc bccn unablc to find bananas in my caloric count chart Wouldnt you know Iovc bananas Ill banana of ivrragc sizc has about ltltlcalorlcs llcur llr ltuhlc Arc thrrc hospitals or clinics slxrcjalizing in ticalmcnt of arthritis IP local medical socicty can hclp locatr ilicuinatologisi who is drwlorslxcialist in this field Oswald Jacoby and Alan SOntag Avoiding an Obvious trap NORTH 87 A6 329 Vulnerable Neither Dealer West West North Pass Pass 20 Pass Pass East Pass Pass South Dbl Pass Opening lead East opened the bidding light as most players do in third position Although NorthSouth could have made five clubs easily losing only two aces they not unreasonably arrived at the major suit game that superficially depends on trump breaking no worse than 42 After East won the open ing spade lead with the ace dropping Souths king he had to decide whether to continue spades and force ruff or switch to diamonds He played spade which was the correct defense and declarer had to ruff If declarer now had routinely drawn trump an accurate defense would de feat the contract Deciarer would have to leave the high trump outstanding in the East hand and try to run the club suit If East ruffed the fourth round of clubs and played spade South would have to ruff with his last trump East would then get on play with the ace of diamonds and cash two spade tricks Declarer could see this trap The key play was made at trick three when declarer led the king of diamonds from his hand and from then on there was no defense Whenever East choses to win the ace of diamonds South is in complete control if East leads third round of spades it can be ruffed in dummy The defense will get only their two aces and trump trick dally crossword ACROSS 51 Atomic Ariswcr to Priwioiis Ptlllit particle Beyond Limbo 52 Ben Beatles moVie 55 Pastry Center 12 Vanity box 59 Prior to 13 If not 60 Docde 14 Plaza cheer 61 American i5 Activate Indian 17 Ones Fr 62 Lamprey 18 College cheer 63 Ages 19 Err 64 Volume 20 Daddies measure 22 Rugged rock 23 Definite DOWN article Hither Inheritor 27 Cruel act SICIiian 32 Suppress volcano 34 Kerosene Verdant 35 Canal system Lighted In northern Exodus Michigan Eagerness for 36 Cushion action 37 Golf expert Landing boat 39 Polishing Eyehole stone Ring 41 Grow thin IO Arm bone 44 Air prefix 11 Mrs Truman 45 Secret agent 16 Same prefix 46 Compete 21 Nuclear 48 Planet agency abbr 56 Type of terrier 22 Bandleader Weems 23 Three prefix 42 Time zone alibi 43 Brings forth 24 Red pIgmcnt 47 Those in 25 Biblical land office 26 Actress 48 Smallsword Hayworth 49 River In 28 Horn sound Yorkshire 29 Phrase of un 50 Spool derstanding 51 La wds Doucc 30 Barometric 52 Charter unit 53 Of liQUId 31 Child toy waste 33 Orchid 54 Fume 38 Actiriia 57 Boat paddle 40 Actress West 58 informed Progress will come this coming year by setting definite goals and sticking to them Dont be tempted to today its this kind of attitude that creates loss Be careful TAURUS Springing lastminute changes Winthrop ShBrtRibs IM GETTING OLDER Born Loser AstroGra on people today will not only disrupt their plans but also give you headache you didnt bargain for GEMINI May 21June 20 Try not to look for an excuse to put off something you promsed to do for another today even though you probably could come up with lulu CANCER June 21July 22 Be careful you dont inadvertently cYour cBirthday March 30 1979 make change for changes sake hurt someones feelings today ARIES March 21Aprli 19 because youd rather be with You re bit too apathetic con someone else it wont be earning your possessions worth it in the long run LEO July 23Aug 22 if others arent producing as you think they should today it USI may be your fault Make certain to give clear instructions and to carelessness and April 20May 20 WINTTI EDP LEND ME DIME LENTYOLI DIMEWILLYA7 LAST WEEKgt COFFéE Ari0 MawNor fOK AND HAVENT ACCOVtDLiSlJED VERV MUCH RUMOR HA9 lT YOUV MKVEEBLEFESTEIZ YOUR owmrztamo ID OURBUILDlUto FUNDERI00 TOW 1061010 iT NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 SIONED SOME FARv1 KID WHOCAN THROW THEBALL MILES AN HOUR define your goals VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Going against what your com mon sense tells you is right is always mistake Dont be enticed today into doing some thing youd rather not LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 In activities where teamwork is required to reach the goal patience will be needed You could sufrer loss If you get edgy and push prematurely SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You might be forced to put the priorities of others above your own today if you cant change things dont add to your frusta tion Cooperate with smile SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If you have specific job to Bernice Bede Osol do youd better organize the steps or youre likely to create lot of unnecessary work for yourself CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Social plans could be changed at the last minute today Take things in stride Dont demand friends conform to rigid pro gram Go along with the group AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 It you feel like your back Is up against the wall today take second look Chances are the way youre going about things is all wrong PISCES Feb 20March 20 Un less you plan an itinerary today youre likely to do lOt of needless running around Map out route Dont head Off on wild goose chase in SUZANNE SOMEREW WHIRLWIND TOUR OF DlfiNEYlAND 5UT5IRE IM YEAH AWAITING THE BUT How ABOUT irI BREAK POUéHNUT IN HALF CENT CHANCE YALL GIT SUEE VOL HAVE VOU RE THE BIGGEST F001 1N rHE KINGDOM THE HE ALL Your Wedding Invitations nnouncemems Headquarters We provide loanout service $0M EHOVV THAT BRACES DOESNT HELP VET SAYS NEEDS no II so 50a at lNnLlO Tamas OFMY COMIRIBUTIOLIS

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